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Profile petri33
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Message 1859700 - Posted: 5 Apr 2017, 22:05:54 UTC

My app seems to do quite well on latest HW (1080/Ti and relatives aka Pascal). However, there is a possibility of encountering a big number of errors on earlier NVIDIA platforms.
I have donated my 780's and 980's away so I can not test with those any more.

I'd like to go Solar and some of you would like to go Linux. I think more user experience is needed on both.

I do believe that self production of energy has its benefits. A 10kw peak power system that can be connected to the local grid (230V AC) costs about 10k€. A 5kW system is 5k€. Smaller systems cost more than 1€/W. The electricity price with taxes is about 0.15€/kWh and the electric company would pay me back 0.03€/kWh if I produced more than I use.

To overcome Heisenbergs:
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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1859711 - Posted: 5 Apr 2017, 23:27:26 UTC - in response to Message 1859700.  

The electricity price with taxes is about 0.15€/kWh and the electric company would pay me back 0.03€/kWh if I produced more than I use.


Yes, it doesn't pencil out if you build in more capacity for exporting to the grid. The power utilities only pay you wholesale rate, in my case $0.04/kWh. So, that is why you should design your system to just offset your demand for net zero usage. I haven't received any compensation from the power utility for excess generation at the end of my settle up period yet. Have had a to pay about $200 or so for each year after almost 4 years. My power rates are a lot higher than yours though. $0.31/kWh in the winter season and $0.45/kWh in the summer season. Which is coming up already at the end of this month. Sigh.
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Profile Ghan-buri-Ghan Mike

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Message 1859740 - Posted: 6 Apr 2017, 4:49:21 UTC

I'm on a rural electrical cooperative in Virginia. My rates (taxes included) were about $ 0.17/kWH for December and $ 0.14 last July. I keep my rigs (11 at the moment) in my small office building (~ 180 SF) metered separately from my home.
I use solar just to keep some back up batteries fully charged and a run couple of DC mini televisions that I use as spot checking monitors. During the inevitable summer thunderstorm induced outages, that main battery and inverter seems to migrate to the house to run my wife's TV. GPUs heat the office all winter, so its a $ offset for me half the year. Otherwise I'd be running the in-wall electric heater.

At $ 0.45 kWH I don't blame you for going off the grid. I'm just curious about your system design life. If you straight line depreciate it over its life-cycle, do your utility cost savings truly offset your acquisition cost?

I can't do it $ 0.15 kWH.


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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1859757 - Posted: 6 Apr 2017, 6:34:19 UTC - in response to Message 1859740.  

At $ 0.45 kWH I don't blame you for going off the grid. I'm just curious about your system design life. If you straight line depreciate it over its life-cycle, do your utility cost savings truly offset your acquisition cost?

I can't do it $ 0.15 kWH.



I'm not off the grid, but still grid tied. The computers provide the heating for the house during the winter mostly with some gas furnace augmentation on the coldest nights and mornings. But rarely needed in moderate Northern California. Yes, the ROI for the first system installed in 2013 had a payoff by 2019 initially. That is extended to about 2021 now with changes in solar generation accounts because of additional monthly surcharges levied against solar accounts. The power company had to figure out how to make some profit off us. The second additional capacity has a similar ROI payoff of about 6 years. But that is with the surcharges accounted for and the earlier payout is mainly due the lower cost of equipment compared to 2013. Both systems have an operational life of 30 years. I paid cash for both systems so no interest and after the ROI payoff, every year after that is putting money in the bank.
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Message 1859876 - Posted: 6 Apr 2017, 20:07:28 UTC

I will be happy to get to 20 Million, looks like about another 2 months and I will be there! I forget this even runs most days - I check in on it every couple weeks or so just to 'peek' other than that it just does what it does in the background.
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Profile UniMatrixZ

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Message 1859995 - Posted: 7 Apr 2017, 8:17:27 UTC
Last modified: 7 Apr 2017, 8:18:40 UTC

Wohoo 15M :-)
And my hundred post :-)

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Profile Ghan-buri-Ghan Mike

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Message 1860178 - Posted: 7 Apr 2017, 20:34:36 UTC

Just hit 5 million...
Bought an RF modulator on eBay for $ 1.25 . Plan is to use a circa 1995 5" cathode ray tube mini TV as a monitor. 12 volt DC system with an analog rheostat style tuner. Wish me luck. Will feed it from a GT 9400...
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1860339 - Posted: 8 Apr 2017, 14:53:13 UTC - in response to Message 1860178.  

Just hit 5 million...
Bought an RF modulator on eBay for $ 1.25 . Plan is to use a circa 1995 5" cathode ray tube mini TV as a monitor. 12 volt DC system with an analog rheostat style tuner. Wish me luck. Will feed it from a GT 9400...

Freaking cool, man.
Hope the experiment works out.
I do luv old technology.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1860624 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 20:50:26 UTC - in response to Message 1859711.  

The electricity price with taxes is about 0.15€/kWh and the electric company would pay me back 0.03€/kWh if I produced more than I use.


Yes, it doesn't pencil out if you build in more capacity for exporting to the grid. The power utilities only pay you wholesale rate, in my case $0.04/kWh. So, that is why you should design your system to just offset your demand for net zero usage. I haven't received any compensation from the power utility for excess generation at the end of my settle up period yet. Have had a to pay about $200 or so for each year after almost 4 years. My power rates are a lot higher than yours though. $0.31/kWh in the winter season and $0.45/kWh in the summer season. Which is coming up already at the end of this month. Sigh.
I guess I am lucky, as when I signed up, my contractual agreement stated that I get retail rates, so I sell it to them for what I buy it from them for. I've seen some states (I believe mostly in the southwest) in the last year or 2 really hose people who installed systems by cutting back the rate from what they had agreed to pay them when they installed their systems. I guess I could understand if they wanted to cut back on it for new customers (which I think is killing the solar install business if I remember hearing correctly), but for them to go back on peoples agreements, on which they counted on for a reasonable ROI, and basically pulling the rug out from under them, well, if they tried doing that up here, I'd be leading the charge with torches, pitchforks, tar and feathers. Because that is BS. I figure my break even is about 7-9 years at current rates/useage. I wonder if anyone has sued the state or utility for renigging on the agreement? I would have to think so, as we here in the US are a fairly sue happy bunch in general.

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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1860635 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 22:44:50 UTC - in response to Message 1858066.  

. . I should probably consider going solar too. One thing we get a lot of here is sunshine :)



You really should. I use as my solar monitoring website. Based in Australia. Most comprehensive utility to see exactly what you produce and consume. Absolutely light years ahead of the simple websites that the panel manufacturers or installers offer up as far as the depth of information available. Take a look at the regional graph to see what I mean about Australia being a hot-bed of solar production.

. . Aaahhh! It makes me proud.

. . Use that sunlight guys :)


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1860636 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 22:46:26 UTC - in response to Message 1858677.  

10 Million Cobblestones for SETI@home.

. . Well done :)


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1860637 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 22:47:19 UTC - in response to Message 1859493.  

Just passed the 1 million mark!

. . Way to jump right in there ...


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1860638 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 22:48:41 UTC - in response to Message 1859497.  

Thank you, I'm happy to be crunching again after a brief 10+ year respite! Now, the challenge is optimization.... but that's the fun part, right?!

. . You got that right :)

. . Go crunchers!


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1860640 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 23:08:23 UTC - in response to Message 1859510.  
Last modified: 9 Apr 2017, 23:16:04 UTC

Interesting. I installed a 6.5kw system in 2013, and last fall added another 4.5kw, and I still have a (albeit significantly smaller) electric bill. Of course, it's not nearly as sunny way up north here in MN as it is down in the land of OZ, what with that pesky white stuff in the winter to contend with as well, but overall, it now almost has me at net 0, give or take, depending on the weather.

March 2017 Total: 1.48 MWh

Seeing all this talk about Petri's special sauce, I am tempted to convert one or 2 of my rigs to Linux, but it and I have a long, contemptous relationship, and aren't on speaking terms right now. I've been so spoiled with Windoze, what with updates, both OS and drivers, just working, without any tomfoolery and wrestling to get them downloaded and installed like I had with Lunix, that I find it hard to expend the energy right now trying to give it another go. Maybe one of these days, because the results are so dang impressive! Pretty much one machine putting out 3/4 as much as 4 of mine combined, and I don't even want to _think_ of the energy comsumption differential between my systems and his. :-O

. . Yep it's nice to know when something is working right, and those numbers make the solar thing a definitely good move.

. . As for your relationship with Linux, I cannot argue. It confounds me as well.

. . But if you are curious enough to stick your toe in the water you could try the method that is working for me.

. . Get yourself a nice quick Flashdrive (16 or 32 GB will suffice) and install Linux to boot from and run on that. I was unsure about making the move but when I found out that this method was possible I had to give it a try. You do not need to trash your existing setup in any way, just boot from the USB and you have a Linux crunching box. Power off, remove the USB stick, boot up again and you are right back where you started with everything intact.

. . But if the machine is only for crunching, once you have run Special Sauce and seen what your rig can do you may have trouble going back :)

. . My Core2 Duo rig:
Originally - Just crunching on 2 CPU cores RAC 2.2K
Upgrade1 GT730 - RAC up to 5.3K
Upgrade2 GTX1050ti - RAC up to 13K
Change to CUDA80 - RAC at 21.5K and still rising.

. . If it can get over 20K out of a single low power/low profile GTX1050ti just think of what your rigs could do :)


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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1860650 - Posted: 9 Apr 2017, 23:47:09 UTC - in response to Message 1860640.  

Yes, that is so very tempting, flying on the Concord instead of a triple 7... Especially my 2 crunching rigs that I am running in a little competition between, my 1070 dual GPU and my 1060 dual GPU. They are pretty much identical, but when I posted my questions on why the 1060 was beating the 1070, it came down to them both needing the latest and greatest clients, and some serious tweeking. So, this might give me a chance to do just that. Of course, there is which distro to pick, and getting those gawd awful video drivers, and other drivers, installed... *shudder* Ugg. My head hurts a little already.

Well, You've inspired me to give it another go, I guess I'll stop polluting this thread with off topic convo, and get some ideas/suggestions from the Linux masters of which to use, what comes closest to Windoze in terms of "ease of use", upgradeability, and the least amount of command line tinkering and futzing. I can't believe you talked me into this... :-p

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Message 1864155 - Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 3:32:21 UTC

It's humbling to see the contributions everyone has made, with certain users completing hundreds of millions of work units and more. I'm still very proud of each one of my 1.8+ million units, especially since they were all earned using only spare background cycles I was able to eke out while the screensaver was active. Someday I will build a dedicated system to run Boinc and Seti@Home... but until then I will continue making my contribution a little at a time, utilizing a strategy of breadth rather than depth of systems.

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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1864214 - Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 7:58:00 UTC - in response to Message 1864155.  

... I'm still very proud of each one of my 1.8+ million units, especially since they were all earned using only spare background cycles I was able to eke out while the screensaver was active...

As you should be!
You're the guy this was all invented for, not us non-Green freaks and geeks that turn our basements into server farms to feed our hyper-competitive natures, and think a $200 addition to the power bill each month is an accomplishment.
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1864250 - Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 13:03:15 UTC

Quite frankly this thread should be named as "The Kittyman's achievements thread" as there's been a long standing series of SETI/BOINC Milestones threads that should be used as it's been going for years longer than the Kittyman's need for attention. ;-)

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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1864265 - Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 13:40:15 UTC - in response to Message 1864250.  

Quite frankly this thread should be named as "The Kittyman's achievements thread" as there's been a long standing series of SETI/BOINC Milestones threads that should be used as it's been going for years longer than the Kittyman's need for attention. ;-)


+ 1 Wiggo think it's probably another " play " to get peoples attention and don't care if he red x's this post at all , everyone's allowed a opinion and that's mine !
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Message 1864267 - Posted: 28 Apr 2017, 13:45:07 UTC - in response to Message 1864265.  

+ 1 Wiggo think it's probably another " play " to get peoples attention and don't care if he red x's this post at all , everyone's allowed a opinion and that's mine !

That's likely why he's been whinging about no one donating him anymore hardware these days. ;-)

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