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Message 1823042 - Posted: 9 Oct 2016, 20:18:54 UTC

The replica database will be offline until we can restore it from the primary database on tuesday (at the earlies). This will result in slowness of the web site and the scheduler. (Mastodon)

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Message 1823127 - Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 1:47:51 UTC

Thank you for taking time out on the weekend to let us know how the servers were doing.

Perhaps there could be a project for an intern to make an automated forum/BOINC notice system that would post a message along the lines of "___ has unexpectedly gone offline. Staff has been notified. Please be patient while the issue is resolved."
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Message 1823331 - Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 16:22:23 UTC - in response to Message 1823042.  

The replica database will be offline until we can restore it from the primary database on tuesday (at the earlies). This will result in slowness of the web site and the scheduler.

Thanks a lot for the info.
Already five days that the stats are frozen.
Some of us are preoccupied.
But now, we know !
Have a nice day
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Message 1823359 - Posted: 10 Oct 2016, 18:36:06 UTC - in response to Message 1823127.  

Thank you for taking time out on the weekend to let us know how the servers were doing.

Perhaps there could be a project for an intern to make an automated forum/BOINC notice system that would post a message along the lines of "___ has unexpectedly gone offline. Staff has been notified. Please be patient while the issue is resolved."

One of these has become unplugged...

...please be patient while the staff figure out which one it is :)

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Message 1823609 - Posted: 12 Oct 2016, 2:05:50 UTC - in response to Message 1823127.  

Perhaps there could be a project for an intern to make an automated forum/BOINC notice system that would post a message along the lines of "___ has unexpectedly gone offline. Staff has been notified. Please be patient while the issue is resolved."

The "problem" is the notification is (usually) an email, which the puts the next step onto the "intern"/staff to read the email - even on vacation, or when out sick.
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Message 1823886 - Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 3:22:40 UTC - in response to Message 1823609.  

Perhaps there could be a project for an intern to make an automated forum/BOINC notice system that would post a message along the lines of "___ has unexpectedly gone offline. Staff has been notified. Please be patient while the issue is resolved."

The "problem" is the notification is (usually) an email, which the puts the next step onto the "intern"/staff to read the email - even on vacation, or when out sick.

The reason I mentioned an automated message that posted to the forum or used the BOINC notification system. I think all news posts get routed to the notification system anyway.
Since there are always those that whine and throw a fit about "no one tells us what is going on or acknowledges the problem". While forgetting about all of the times the guys have stayed up late, taken time out of their weekends, or holidays to fix issues.
It seems like something that might improve PR a bit.
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Message 1824297 - Posted: 14 Oct 2016, 21:40:17 UTC - in response to Message 1823886.  

Perhaps there could be a project for an intern to make an automated forum/BOINC notice system that would post a message along the lines of "___ has unexpectedly gone offline. Staff has been notified. Please be patient while the issue is resolved."

The "problem" is the notification is (usually) an email, which the puts the next step onto the "intern"/staff to read the email - even on vacation, or when out sick.

The reason I mentioned an automated message that posted to the forum or used the BOINC notification system. I think all news posts get routed to the notification system anyway.
Since there are always those that whine and throw a fit about "no one tells us what is going on or acknowledges the problem". While forgetting about all of the times the guys have stayed up late, taken time out of their weekends, or holidays to fix issues.
It seems like something that might improve PR a bit.

Isn't it broken though? Last I heard everytime someone posts in a news thread boinc gets a new "notice"

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Message 1831457 - Posted: 19 Nov 2016, 19:24:08 UTC - in response to Message 1823042.  

The replica database will be offline until we can restore it from the primary database on tuesday (at the earlies). This will result in slowness of the web site and the scheduler.

It's been over a month since you wrote this....I'm hoping for one heck of a restoration!!
ID: 1831457 · Report as offensive

Message boards : News : Replica database offline...

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