Difficulty with seti@home GPU usage on ubuntu 16.04 LTS under BOINC 7.6.31 (x64)

Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Difficulty with seti@home GPU usage on ubuntu 16.04 LTS under BOINC 7.6.31 (x64)
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Profile Bill Roberts Project Donor

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Message 1813937 - Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 21:59:55 UTC

Two issues noted:

1. After reboot and starting BOINC Manager, the preferences (Activity) show all 3 options as "always", instead of "use preferences".

2. Even after setting all 3 options to "use preferences", the seti@home project runs tasks that use an extraordinary amount of GPU cycles, enough to noticeably show down response to the mouse, keyboard, running applications, display and Internet activity. If I select "suspend GPU" the problem stops instantly and remains OK until I allow GPU activity again.

The problem may be with BOINC instead of seti@home, but I'm not willing to connect another project to experiment. What's happening now is bad enough.

I've been a seti@home contributor on dozens of computers since 26 May 1999, so I'd also rather not see answers appropriate to new or inexpert users.
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Profile Jord
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Message 1813949 - Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 22:41:17 UTC - in response to Message 1813937.  

Whose BOINC? Berkeley's, or the one from Ubuntu?

1. It can take a little while for BOINC Manager to populate all settings correctly. So wait a minute, especially when large swats of data have to be read from a slow hard drive.

2. Just setting "use preferences" won't do magic if you didn't set any preferences to follow. So if you don't set (the default) "Suspend GPU computing when computer is in use", you can't expect BOINC to do anything other than give it full blast on that GPU. Same goes for other "suspend when..." and "use at most..." settings.
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Message 1821535 - Posted: 3 Oct 2016, 17:53:56 UTC

ID: 1821535 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Difficulty with seti@home GPU usage on ubuntu 16.04 LTS under BOINC 7.6.31 (x64)

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