Open Beta test: SoG for NVidia, Lunatics v0.45 - Beta6 (RC again)

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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1817793 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 10:31:49 UTC
Last modified: 17 Sep 2016, 10:34:27 UTC

for those who can't allow two-weeks drop in main project stats:
there is quite good compromise with keeping RAC on main and still doing good for beta testing:
Attach to beta, complete only few (desirable - different ARs, especially desirable VLAR and non-VLAR) tasks, let say 10 or 20 or even 5 [even 1 completed task will be good help in case you have some quite unusual setup].
Then suspend beta (and abort remaining tasks if needed).
Most important - look how PC behaves while it processes those few tasks. Your observations and meaningful report in case of issues will help much more than unattended run for thousands of tasks w/o any report, even if total number of beta tasks will be kept quite small.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1817795 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 10:51:42 UTC - in response to Message 1817793.  

Better to download as many tasks as you're willing to contribute from Beta, and then set 'No new tasks'. That has the useful side-effect of reporting completed tasks to the Beta server immediately, which cuts down on the number of pending tasks there.

If you're prepared to stick with Beta for the longer term, you can use tools like Resource Share to control the impact on your main project work.
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Message 1817864 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 19:19:18 UTC - in response to Message 1817808.  
Last modified: 17 Sep 2016, 19:43:42 UTC

SIV only partly installed. It looks like Windows Vista does not recognize its method of driver signatures, and refuses to install its drivers.

SIV itself don't need installation, only unpak .zip and run one of the .exe
But it "installs" driver on first run of new version.
(Right-Click on [Help] -> [Remove SIV] to see what/where it changes)

"Version 5.00 released on 14-May-2015
Migrated from the SHA-1 to SHA-2 code signing. This has no real impact on most systems, but to use SIV V5 on W7 you need KB3033929 installed and on Vista x64 to disable Driver Signature Verification.
You can try Version 4.53

(I'm still on SIV 4.30 as my Hardware/OS are old and because there was/is a bug with -TRAY switch in a few of the next versions I tried some 2 years ago

The -TRAY switch was implemented by the author of SIV (Ray Hinchliffe) by my request (~4 years ago):
-TRAY : Start SIV minimized in the Icon Tray and make Close, [ OK ], <Esc>, etc.. minimize (instead of exit).

I start SIV by this shortcut:
H:\Programs.Vis\Tools\Info\Siv\SIV32X.exe -Tray -INDENT -GPUCTL

It still produces a flood of information, which makes it hard to find the relevant parts.

The info you need is in the middle of the main window where it say "PSU"
Click the "blob" next/left to it to open [Sensors] or [H/W Status] (depending on SIV version)
Right-Click the "blob" to change its color

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1817915 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 23:26:58 UTC - in response to Message 1817793.  

for those who can't allow two-weeks drop in main project stats:
there is quite good compromise with keeping RAC on main and still doing good for beta testing:
Attach to beta, complete only few (desirable - different ARs, especially desirable VLAR and non-VLAR) tasks, let say 10 or 20 or even 5 [even 1 completed task will be good help in case you have some quite unusual setup].
Then suspend beta (and abort remaining tasks if needed).
Most important - look how PC behaves while it processes those few tasks. Your observations and meaningful report in case of issues will help much more than unattended run for thousands of tasks w/o any report, even if total number of beta tasks will be kept quite small.

. . Hi Raistmer,

. . I started on Beta on Friday and intend to go through to next weekend, what sort of reports do you need? Should I keep a Beta diary/log? :)

. . From the BOINC stats that I have seen, I am one of the very, very few contributors running a GT730 :)

. . If you need this machine on Beta for longer I will grit my teeth and hang in there :)

. . I am hanging out for Lunatics 0.45 Beta(5) so I can run r3528 in main on my Pentium D-930 which has two GTX970s, and I think that is also an unusual configuration. Not too many ppl silly enough to run two high end GPUs in such an old/slow rig.


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1817921 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 23:36:22 UTC - in response to Message 1817795.  

Better to download as many tasks as you're willing to contribute from Beta, and then set 'No new tasks'. That has the useful side-effect of reporting completed tasks to the Beta server immediately, which cuts down on the number of pending tasks there.

If you're prepared to stick with Beta for the longer term, you can use tools like Resource Share to control the impact on your main project work.

. . Hi Richard,

. . I don't think my little donkey has enough resources to try sharing them. I just took Jimbocous' suggestion and left main tasks running on the CPU while Beta is using the GPU. It is almost but not quite as severe as stopping main completely on that rig. I hope it is giving some useful information.

. . But how is Beta(5) coming along? :)

. . Sorry if I am nagging but I want to try it on the Pent-D930 without porting it to Beta Test project. What might be interesting would be if I could run Beta(5) on one GPU and BetaTest on the other GPU. Two identical cards in the same environment :) One crunching "real world" WUs while the other crunches the test WUs.


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1817923 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 23:42:08 UTC - in response to Message 1817808.  

SIV only partly installed. It looks like Windows Vista does not recognize its method of driver signatures, and refuses to install its drivers.

It still produces a flood of information, which makes it hard to find the relevant parts.

On my other computer, the 440 is now producing many valids and no inconclusives, but few of what it runs are SoG.

. . I am noticing that Beta-Test sends out a very mixed bag of goodies. HAR Arecibo work mixed with a liberal number of Arecibo VLAR WUs and Guppies, for CUDA42, CUDA50 and SoG r3528/V8.19. One thing I have yet to see as a reference point is any normal AR Arecibo tasks.


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1817927 - Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 23:47:33 UTC - in response to Message 1817864.  

I start SIV by this shortcut:
H:\Programs.Vis\Tools\Info\Siv\SIV32X.exe -Tray -INDENT -GPUCTL

The info you need is in the middle of the main window where it say "PSU"
Click the "blob" next/left to it to open [Sensors] or [H/W Status] (depending on SIV version)
Right-Click the "blob" to change its color

. . I take it SIV is a system resources monitoring tool. Does it take much system resource to run? I want to try it on a rig with a vey modest Pentium D-930 cpu.


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Message 1817946 - Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 0:47:50 UTC - in response to Message 1817927.  
Last modified: 18 Sep 2016, 0:48:14 UTC

I start SIV by this shortcut:
H:\Programs.Vis\Tools\Info\Siv\SIV32X.exe -Tray -INDENT -GPUCTL

The info you need is in the middle of the main window where it say "PSU"
Click the "blob" next/left to it to open [Sensors] or [H/W Status] (depending on SIV version)
Right-Click the "blob" to change its color

. . I take it SIV is a system resources monitoring tool. Does it take much system resource to run? I want to try it on a rig with a vey modest Pentium D-930 cpu.



For me, rather low on resources, both CPU time and memory. However, that's with at least one, and probably all, of its drivers not installed successfully.
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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1817968 - Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 3:54:56 UTC

For those of you that are having problems running SIV, try the following after downloading from the web site.

1) Create a folder (SIV) on the system drive in either depending on your OS (x32 or x64):
a) C:\Program Files
b) C:\Program Files (x86)

2) Unzip all of the files into the new folder.

3) Depending on your OS, right click on either and send to desktop. This will create a shortcut.

All you have to do now is click on the short cut to run the program. PM me if you want more.

I don't buy computers, I build them!!
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Message 1818096 - Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 0:49:49 UTC - in response to Message 1817864.  

SIV only partly installed. It looks like Windows Vista does not recognize its method of driver signatures, and refuses to install its drivers.

SIV itself don't need installation, only unpak .zip and run one of the .exe
But it "installs" driver on first run of new version.
(Right-Click on [Help] -> [Remove SIV] to see what/where it changes)

"Version 5.00 released on 14-May-2015
Migrated from the SHA-1 to SHA-2 code signing. This has no real impact on most systems, but to use SIV V5 on W7 you need KB3033929 installed and on Vista x64 to disable Driver Signature Verification.
You can try Version 4.53

(I'm still on SIV 4.30 as my Hardware/OS are old and because there was/is a bug with -TRAY switch in a few of the next versions I tried some 2 years ago

The -TRAY switch was implemented by the author of SIV (Ray Hinchliffe) by my request (~4 years ago):
-TRAY : Start SIV minimized in the Icon Tray and make Close, [ OK ], <Esc>, etc.. minimize (instead of exit).

I start SIV by this shortcut:
H:\Programs.Vis\Tools\Info\Siv\SIV32X.exe -Tray -INDENT -GPUCTL

It still produces a flood of information, which makes it hard to find the relevant parts.

The info you need is in the middle of the main window where it say "PSU"
Click the "blob" next/left to it to open [Sensors] or [H/W Status] (depending on SIV version)
Right-Click the "blob" to change its color

The main window of SIV64X V5.12, when installed under 64-bit Windows Vista but with the driver installations failed, doesn't show anything labelled PSU. None of the buttons it did show lead to a window showing anything labelled Sensors or H/W Status.

I decided to try 4.53 instead. It installed with no error messages about the drivers. Still nothing on the main menu labelled PSU, but both the Status button and the SPD button now lead to Windows showing something labelled H/W Status.

Is this the right H/W Status page? If so, what do I look for on that page? I captured a picture of that page, but don't see any way to attach it to this message.
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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1818146 - Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 4:55:25 UTC - in response to Message 1818096.  

You may be running a very old motherboard that has sensor hardware that somehow escaped Ray's incorporation into SIV's monitoring. The one thing great about Ray is that he is very quick to make changes as necessary to support the very newest hardware, ( or in your case, the very old hardware ). All he needs from you is to send him the SIV SAVE LOCAL dump files in an email. He makes it very easy from the Main SIV window and the [OK ] button on he leftmost bottom of the window. Select the [Save Local] in the window and after the process completes, select the [Mail SIV] option. Look in the directory where you installed SIV and select the SIV_(System Name).dmi and SIV_(System Name).txt files to attach to the email you are sending Ray. He responds best to emails formatted as numbered bullet points of exactly what you are attempting to do, how SIV reacted, and what you would like to accomplish with SIV. He is very responsive and usually responds within a day. The dump files tell him everything about your system hardware and as long as the hardware sensor manufacturer has published technical specs on the chipset your motherboard uses to monitor system voltages, then you should be able to get a new beta version from him that displays the system voltages. That is what we are most interested in since your symptoms point to some inadequacy in the power supply voltages to the GTX 560's.
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Message 1818153 - Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 5:23:48 UTC - in response to Message 1818146.  

You may be running a very old motherboard that has sensor hardware that somehow escaped Ray's incorporation into SIV's monitoring. The one thing great about Ray is that he is very quick to make changes as necessary to support the very newest hardware, ( or in your case, the very old hardware ). All he needs from you is to send him the SIV SAVE LOCAL dump files in an email. He makes it very easy from the Main SIV window and the [OK ] button on he leftmost bottom of the window. Select the [Save Local] in the window and after the process completes, select the [Mail SIV] option. Look in the directory where you installed SIV and select the SIV_(System Name).dmi and SIV_(System Name).txt files to attach to the email you are sending Ray. He responds best to emails formatted as numbered bullet points of exactly what you are attempting to do, how SIV reacted, and what you would like to accomplish with SIV. He is very responsive and usually responds within a day. The dump files tell him everything about your system hardware and as long as the hardware sensor manufacturer has published technical specs on the chipset your motherboard uses to monitor system voltages, then you should be able to get a new beta version from him that displays the system voltages. That is what we are most interested in since your symptoms point to some inadequacy in the power supply voltages to the GTX 560's.

HP built the computer in 2009; it still has the original motherboard, so that looks possible.

I sent the files to Ray.
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Message 1818192 - Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 11:26:42 UTC - in response to Message 1818153.  

You may be running a very old motherboard that has sensor hardware that somehow escaped Ray's incorporation into SIV's monitoring. The one thing great about Ray is that he is very quick to make changes as necessary to support the very newest hardware, ( or in your case, the very old hardware ). All he needs from you is to send him the SIV SAVE LOCAL dump files in an email. He makes it very easy from the Main SIV window and the [OK ] button on he leftmost bottom of the window. Select the [Save Local] in the window and after the process completes, select the [Mail SIV] option. Look in the directory where you installed SIV and select the SIV_(System Name).dmi and SIV_(System Name).txt files to attach to the email you are sending Ray. He responds best to emails formatted as numbered bullet points of exactly what you are attempting to do, how SIV reacted, and what you would like to accomplish with SIV. He is very responsive and usually responds within a day. The dump files tell him everything about your system hardware and as long as the hardware sensor manufacturer has published technical specs on the chipset your motherboard uses to monitor system voltages, then you should be able to get a new beta version from him that displays the system voltages. That is what we are most interested in since your symptoms point to some inadequacy in the power supply voltages to the GTX 560's.

HP built the computer in 2009; it still has the original motherboard, so that looks possible.

I sent the files to Ray.

Answer from Ray: This motherboard does not report the +5 and +12 voltages, so it is useless to display them.
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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1818239 - Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 16:51:51 UTC - in response to Message 1818192.  

That's a shame that you didn't have the easy solution. From here, the only way to find the true voltages under load is to open the computer and hopefully find a Molex terminated power plug not being used and probe it with a multimeter.
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Message 1818319 - Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 0:28:59 UTC - in response to Message 1818239.  

That's a shame that you didn't have the easy solution. From here, the only way to find the true voltages under load is to open the computer and hopefully find a Molex terminated power plug not being used and probe it with a multimeter.

There's a suitable power plug or two. I just ordered a multimeter.
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1818326 - Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 0:59:56 UTC - in response to Message 1818319.  

There's a suitable power plug or two. I just ordered a multimeter.

Will be very interesting to see how the 5/12v moves when BOINC is and is not running... can't say I've tested that, either ...
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Message 1818352 - Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 3:52:09 UTC - in response to Message 1818326.  

There's a suitable power plug or two. I just ordered a multimeter.

Will be very interesting to see how the 5/12v moves when BOINC is and is not running... can't say I've tested that, either ...

Note that this means I have nothing else to compare my readings to.
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1818359 - Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 4:03:50 UTC - in response to Message 1818352.  

There's a suitable power plug or two. I just ordered a multimeter.

Will be very interesting to see how the 5/12v moves when BOINC is and is not running... can't say I've tested that, either ...

Note that this means I have nothing else to compare my readings to.

So next time I have the skins off, I'll do the measurement on my 8000 and one of the Z400s. Also, could do the same on the Gigabyte box, if it helps ... Goodness knows I have the skins off stuff often enough.
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1818364 - Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 4:20:36 UTC - in response to Message 1818352.  

Note that this means I have nothing else to compare my readings to.

From Intel's ATX power specs ver. 2.1:

4.1.4  Voltage  Tolerances  
Tolerance for the motherboard power rails should comply with the values listed in Table 6. 
Table 6.  Voltage Tolerances 
Voltage Rail  Tolerance 
+5VDC           ± 5 % 
-5VDC (if used) ± 10 % 
+12VDC          ± 5 % 
-12VDC          ± 10 % 
+3.3VDC         ± 4 % 
+5VSB           ± 5 % 

Hope this helps ...
ID: 1818364 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1818368 - Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 4:32:53 UTC - in response to Message 1818326.  

There's a suitable power plug or two. I just ordered a multimeter.

Will be very interesting to see how the 5/12v moves when BOINC is and is not running... can't say I've tested that, either ...

. . You have roused my curiosity, I may have to take the cover off my own rig to see :) Not that I am having any issues ... :)


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