Open Beta test: SoG for NVidia, Lunatics v0.45 - Beta6 (RC again)

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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1797801 - Posted: 21 Jun 2016, 22:54:06 UTC - in response to Message 1797776.  

OK, I checked and THIS TIME the CNET Download is clean (identical file to from the FTP download link)

You should have one of these files:

Look in "Additional information" for MD5 and File size.
Or just send your file for scan:

. . I will follow that up.
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Message 1806481 - Posted: 1 Aug 2016, 23:04:28 UTC

Can someone please provide a link for Lunatics v0.45 beta 3 other than the one on the first post ?
Dunno why, but it seems I can't download it : after 15 minutes it is stuck @ < 1 Mbyte and when it finish, but it is damaged ( probably self-aborted ).
Tried this on three different servers, no joy, and speedtest gives me a solid 7 MB/s.. :-(

Thank you

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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1806552 - Posted: 2 Aug 2016, 5:05:41 UTC - in response to Message 1806481.  

Can someone please provide a link for Lunatics v0.45 beta 3 other than the one on the first post ?
Dunno why, but it seems I can't download it : after 15 minutes it is stuck @ < 1 Mbyte and when it finish, but it is damaged ( probably self-aborted ).
Tried this on three different servers, no joy, and speedtest gives me a solid 7 MB/s.. :-(

Thank you


. . I think the earliest version has been removed, (or so I thought anyway). The Newest version of the Beta is version 3 so look for a link to 0.45 Beta(3)

. . I cannot remember how far back that posting would be.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1806553 - Posted: 2 Aug 2016, 5:16:08 UTC

The link in Richard's first post is to his OneDrive folder for the current version of the 0.45 installer, (Beta3 just now) and is works. There are two files there, one for the 32-bit installer and one for the 64-bit installer.
The 64-bit version is 20.945kb long, is a "proper" executable file, so runs as it is (or at least starts without fault). All I can suggest it that something got in the way of your download and damaged it, two things come to mind, either an over-frisky AV program or a temporary glitch with your isp.
Bob Smith
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Message 1806592 - Posted: 2 Aug 2016, 9:03:10 UTC - in response to Message 1806553.  
Last modified: 2 Aug 2016, 9:04:13 UTC

The link in Richard's first post is to his OneDrive folder for the current version of the 0.45 installer, (Beta3 just now) and is works. There are two files there, one for the 32-bit installer and one for the 64-bit installer.
The 64-bit version is 20.945kb long, is a "proper" executable file, so runs as it is (or at least starts without fault). All I can suggest it that something got in the way of your download and damaged it, two things come to mind, either an over-frisky AV program or a temporary glitch with your isp.

Hi Rob, the three hosts @home had no antivirus installed, so I thought that some ISP glitch was preventing the download, as you suggested.
However, this morning I have tried that with my pc @work, which is connected to a proxy server in the U.K. ( totally different ISP ) and got the same result... : three self-aborted download @2, 7 and 9.5 Mb ( Installer integrity check )

So, again..please someone can provide an alternative link ?

Thank you in advance..

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Message 1806611 - Posted: 2 Aug 2016, 11:26:06 UTC

Someone must have read my posts...I was able to download v0.45 40 minutes ago, and the first results seems promising.

Thank you
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1809276 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 11:39:16 UTC - in response to Message 1795967.  

As the title says. Beta test only, try at your own risk.

I think we should dig out the old "Advanced Users only" tag for this one - I'm not sure whether it will fly or not.

This installer has been updated for NVidia only so far - DO NOT USE IT if you are currently running stock applications for ATI/AMD or intel GPUs.

This is basically the v0.44 installer (64-bit only, to start with), with the following changes....

Beta2 now available, in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Pick the right one, or test out my new dialogs...

Now includes new r3430 ATI and intel_gpu versions, with extra app_version entries to correspond with the new stock applications deployed on 19 May.

ReadMes not yet updated: we polish those up last, to take account of feedback received from testers.

Now updated again with Beta3 (both 64-bit and 32-bit).

Only change is to incorporate r3472 of the SoG application - see release notes in the SETI@home v8.12 Windows GPU applications support thread (and please post comments on the SoG application there, not here).

I have to drive across to the other side of the country tomorrow morning, so I'll leave Beta2 in place until people report successful downloads and installations. Please check carefully that you download the version you wanted to test. (I'm getting error messages myself when I try to download just now)

Download url is:!979&authkey=!AK7t-36P9nAec2Y&ithint=folder%2cexe

And a further update to Beta4, to include r3500 where available - that's the SoG app for NVidia cards, and the ATi app for discrete GPUs (ATi_APU not updated this time).

For NVidia SoG, please note that Raistmer has changed the name of the command-line tuning file from mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV.txt to


I think he expects the optimal values to change too, so please refer to the support thread for details, don't simply blind-copy the numbers from the old file to the new file. This installer will also place an updated ReadMe_MultiBeam_OpenCL.txt file in your docs folder, which may help.

Apologies to anyone who tried to install ATi (non-HD5) r3430 to a 64-bit machine last time - that's what Betas are for. I think I've fixed the typo this time...

As before, I'll leave the Beta3 files on OneDrive for a day or two just in case - check which file you want to download. If all goes well, I'll deprecate the old version in due course.

Download url remains:!979&authkey=!AK7t-36P9nAec2Y&ithint=folder%2cexe
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1809350 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 14:59:44 UTC
Last modified: 15 Aug 2016, 15:19:03 UTC

I've just received some updated documentation, so I'm going to remove Beta4 temporarily (shouldn't be more than 10 minutes) and replace it.

OK, updated. I've named the replacement documentation file


to avoid clashes with the generic MB OpenCL file delivered with other versions of the applications - we'll tidy that up before the final release.

The major changes seem to be in these suggested templates for various classes of NV cards, at the foot of the document (but in respect of the first 'known issues' comment, note that we are recommending a minimum driver version of 347.09 for SoG):

============= NV specific info ================
Known issues:

- With NV drivers past 267.xx GPU usage can be low if CPU fully used with another loads. App performance can 
  be increased by using -cpu_lock switch in this case, and CPU time savings are possible with -use_sleep switch.

Suggested command line switches:

Entry Level cards NV x20 x30 x40
 -sbs 128 -spike_fft_thresh 2048 -tune 1 2 1 16 (*requires testing)

If you experience screen lags or driver restarts use
 -sbs 128 -period_iterations_num 250 -no_defaults_scaling

Mid range cards x50 x60
 -sbs 192 -spike_fft_thresh 2048 -tune 1 64 1 4 (*requires testing)

Super clocked  x50TI / x60TI
 -sbs 256 -spike_fft_thresh 2048 -tune 1 64 1 4 -oclfft_tune_gr 256 -oclfft_tune_lr 16 -oclfft_tune_wg 256 -oclfft_tune_ls 512 -oclfft_tune_bn 32 -oclfft_tune_cw 32 (*requires testing)
High end cards x8x x80TI Titan / Titan Z
 -sbs 384 -spike_fft_thresh 4096 -tune 1 64 1 4 -oclfft_tune_gr 256 -oclfft_tune_lr 16 -oclfft_tune_wg 256 -oclfft_tune_ls 512 -oclfft_tune_bn 64 -oclfft_tune_cw 64 (*requires testing)

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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1809373 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 16:03:25 UTC
Last modified: 15 Aug 2016, 16:06:37 UTC

I strongly suggest to update for all using AMD GPU`s.

Some bug fixes has been made as well as some nice improvements.

You can also download beta 4 from my website now.

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Message 1809376 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 16:18:05 UTC - in response to Message 1809276.  

And a further update to Beta4, to include r3500 where available - that's the SoG app for NVidia cards, and the ATi app for discrete GPUs (ATi_APU not updated this time).

For NVidia SoG, please note that Raistmer has changed the name of the command-line tuning file from mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV.txt to


That's strange. Mine is named "mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV.txt" and still it works.
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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1809382 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 16:35:45 UTC - in response to Message 1809376.  
Last modified: 15 Aug 2016, 16:36:34 UTC

And a further update to Beta4, to include r3500 where available - that's the SoG app for NVidia cards, and the ATi app for discrete GPUs (ATi_APU not updated this time).

For NVidia SoG, please note that Raistmer has changed the name of the command-line tuning file from mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV.txt to


That's strange. Mine is named "mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV.txt" and still it works.

This is for stand alone package only for the moment.
My version has the SOG extension but in the hurry it seems Richard didn`t notice or simply hasn`t implement it for now.
Its still beta.

The WoW event is starting so he wanted to get it ready.

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1809384 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 16:47:14 UTC - in response to Message 1809382.  

That's odd. I did notice, and thought I'd replaced the file itself and changed the AIstub (that's why I mentioned it). I'll check and repair later if needed.
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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1809387 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 16:50:42 UTC - in response to Message 1809384.  
Last modified: 15 Aug 2016, 16:51:17 UTC

That's odd. I did notice, and thought I'd replaced the file itself and changed the AIstub (that's why I mentioned it). I'll check and repair later if needed.

Yes, its in the folder.
Installed it to testfiles folder.
Both the Aistub and the comandline text file has the SOG extension.

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Message 1809391 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 16:58:17 UTC

Anyway, I think it was the right decision to release the installer with r3500. Raistmer did a good job on this one, it's fast, stable and puts (much) less stress on the CPU compared to the previous version (r3472 IIRC).
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Message 1809402 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 17:26:36 UTC
Last modified: 15 Aug 2016, 17:34:07 UTC

Why is there not any Readme.txt file in this package ? I think that´s bad for crunchers they don´t know that they have to configure their txt-files to get best performance.

They all have to wend to the Lunatics Page to get the ReadMe´s. Even when they know.


Are they there ? It might be a "Programs Menü Option" to install them as a icon in menues ?
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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1809408 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 17:36:52 UTC - in response to Message 1809402.  

Why is there not any Readme.txt file in this package ? I think that´s bad for crunchers they don´t know that they have to configure their txt-files to get best performance.

They all have to wend to the Lunatics Page to get the ReadMe´s. Even when they know.


Are they there ? It might be a "Programs Menü Option" to install them as a icon in menues ?

On my test install yes.

Thats why i made some changes in the last minute.

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1809412 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 17:44:30 UTC - in response to Message 1809402.  

Why is there not any Readme.txt file in this package ?

Because it's still a Beta. Full public releases get an announcement in this sticky thread, and an associated discussion thread pre-populated with a full copy of the ReadMe file.

But we won't move on to that stage until we know the final wrinkles have been ironed out of the application.

(Could somebody translate that final idiom into colloquial German, please?)
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1809415 - Posted: 15 Aug 2016, 18:00:35 UTC

First impressions (no figures)
With no special tuning, just whatever the installer put in place:
Mouse and keyboard are less "soggy", slightly lower CPU usage, and maybe a little bit quicker.
Bob Smith
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Message 1809947 - Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 17:59:10 UTC - in response to Message 1809402.  

They all have to wend to the Lunatics Page to get the ReadMe´s. Even when they know.


Are they there ?

You look at the old docs

Try to find ReadMe_MultiBeam_OpenCL_NV_SoG.txt in:

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Message 1809958 - Posted: 17 Aug 2016, 18:31:14 UTC - in response to Message 1809276.  

And a further update to Beta4, to include r3500 where available - that's the SoG app for NVidia cards, and the ATi app for discrete GPUs (ATi_APU not updated this time).

I have a few questions.

I tested Lunatics_Win32_v0.45_Beta4-for-SoG_setup.exe with TestMode=1

I run it two times extracting files to:
TestFiles - Lunatics_Win32_v0.45_Beta4-for-SoG_setup - ATi_HD5_r3500
TestFiles - Lunatics_Win32_v0.45_Beta4-for-SoG_setup - NV_SoG_r3500

   1) In the case of ATi_HD5_r3500 there are 2 older files extracted but not used (not in MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5.aistub):

I wonder why they are still in the installer and why they are extracted?

   2) In both ATi_HD5_r3500 and NV_SoG_r3500 cases the same file is extracted: - 197 438 bytes, date 29.07.2016

But looking in Lunatics_Win32_v0.45_Beta4-for-SoG_setup.exe by 7-Zip I see two files - the second is: - 199 678 bytes, date 31.07.2016

I extracted the file by 7-Zip and there are some differences/additions to the newer file (I don't know if they are "ready to use" or are some tests).

Is the file dated 31.07.2016 used for any selection in the installer?

   3) In MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5.aistub I see this:

Is <api_version>7.5.0 compatible with BOINC 6.10.58

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Message boards : Number crunching : Open Beta test: SoG for NVidia, Lunatics v0.45 - Beta6 (RC again)

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