Open Beta test: SoG for NVidia, Lunatics v0.45 - Beta6 (RC again)

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Message 1793495 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 21:34:10 UTC - in response to Message 1793494.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 21:38:13 UTC

Saw activity before the weekend on Boinc Dev, and discussions on the other thread here as well. So I believe wheels are in motion

What activity/discussions are you referring to, please? I didn't think I'd made any changes to the CPU path for this test installer, except removing the MB_v7 support.

At the time of the post, I was probably incorrectly associating his 'unknown error; / CreateProcess() failed with the other one, where there was activity on the mentioned weirdness. My apologies if an unrelated issue.

[Edit:] Oddly, looking at the AMD Athlon 64 X2 spec, it says it supports SSE3, so this one would need more digging.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1793496 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 21:45:57 UTC - in response to Message 1793484.  

My AMD 4200 does not like this installer for CPU tasks :(

I have tried SSE2 SSE3 but all are Computation Errors. And it was fine before.


From Jason
Ugh, that one again. Tweeted Eric & Marius a link to the other thread, just because they happened to be on my twitter feeds.

Is there any news on this front? My AMD is CPU dead now.

Saw activity before the weekend on Boinc Dev, and discussions on the other thread here as well. So I believe wheels are in motion

Which makes the original question/problem all the more mysterious. The errored tasks are there for all to see, and I found Task 4939380044, which confirms it was working before.

Can we leave this until the morning, and dig into it then, please? My head is spinning after assembling six new ATI aistubs with up to 34 different different platform/version/plan_class combinations in each.

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Message 1793498 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 21:50:13 UTC - in response to Message 1793496.  

My AMD 4200 does not like this installer for CPU tasks :(

I have tried SSE2 SSE3 but all are Computation Errors. And it was fine before.


From Jason
Ugh, that one again. Tweeted Eric & Marius a link to the other thread, just because they happened to be on my twitter feeds.

Is there any news on this front? My AMD is CPU dead now.

Saw activity before the weekend on Boinc Dev, and discussions on the other thread here as well. So I believe wheels are in motion

Which makes the original question/problem all the more mysterious. The errored tasks are there for all to see, and I found Task 4939380044, which confirms it was working before.

Can we leave this until the morning, and dig into it then, please? My head is spinning after assembling six new ATI aistubs with up to 34 different different platform/version/plan_class combinations in each.


Yep, as per edit, the chip supposedly supports SSE3, and sleeping on it sounds like a good idea.
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1793510 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:32:52 UTC
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 22:34:02 UTC

Managed to kill all CPU tasks after updating _GPU_app via new installer %)

couldn't start app: CreateProcess() failed - (unknown error)

4294967111 (0xffffff47) Unknown exit code
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Message 1793514 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:49:16 UTC - in response to Message 1793510.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 22:51:26 UTC

And now I suppose I know what this "CreateProcess() failed" means.
x86 OS and x64-only provided installer.
So, if you see such error on CPU app download x86 build from my cloud and manually revert back to proper binary:
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Profile jason_gee
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Message 1793515 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:50:42 UTC - in response to Message 1793510.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 22:51:51 UTC

Well at least seems to be reproducible. permissions or damage of some sort I guess [Perhaps fftw library ?]. Time for that sleep
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1793516 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:53:03 UTC - in response to Message 1791791.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 22:56:39 UTC

As the title says. Beta test only, try at your own risk.

I think we should dig out the old "Advanced Users only" tag for this one - I'm not sure whether it will fly or not.

This installer has been updated for NVidia only so far - DO NOT USE IT if you are currently running stock applications for ATI/AMD or intel GPUs.

This is basically the v0.44 installer (64-bit only, to start with), with the following changes....

RTFM. Sorry about that. Edit - yes, Brent Norman is running a 32-bit copy of Windows XP on that host. There's a Beta2, in both 32-bit and 64-bit formats, coming tomorrow if I can cram an atiapu selection button into the UI. That's always the toughest part.
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Message 1793517 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:53:31 UTC - in response to Message 1793516.  

As the title says. Beta test only, try at your own risk.

I think we should dig out the old "Advanced Users only" tag for this one - I'm not sure whether it will fly or not.

This installer has been updated for NVidia only so far - DO NOT USE IT if you are currently running stock applications for ATI/AMD or intel GPUs.

This is basically the v0.44 installer (64-bit only, to start with), with the following changes....

RTFM. Sorry about that.

That'd do it :D
"Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions.
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1793518 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:54:20 UTC - in response to Message 1793516.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 22:54:58 UTC

yep, make that bolded in first post too.
At least Brent's case is closed.
He has 32-bit XP host.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1793522 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 22:59:57 UTC

Anybody got an incompatibility wizard I can use to detect a 32-bit operating system from a 32-bit application (the installer itself), to say "Hi. I'm a 64-bit application really"?
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793524 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:02:03 UTC - in response to Message 1793270.  

Don't use the sleep command with SoG/Lunatics 0.45, at present it causes wu's to slow down and report estimated completion times in the thousands of days, then the status will say 'Waiting to run', while other wu's get worked on, I've had nothing but trouble with this, it doesn't matter if the wu is a guppi or not, I've aborted at least 5 wu's that would just sit there and do nothing.

. . May I ask how much memory you have?

. . I am running 0.45 Beta with -use_sleep turned on on this rig. I have not experienced any such problems but it does cause the GPU utilisation to become sporadic and drop quite low. My average was about 30%. For non Guppi tasks this was overcome by running multiple instances which behaved nicely and well mannered. With three WUs running the GPU is now achieving almost 100% usage and runtimes are only about 75% greater (20 mins running singly, 36 running triples).

. . Sadly Guppis are as cantankerous as ever, they take about 50 to 52 mins with sleep on, but instead of working concurrently as triples they seem to want to run as singles playing tag with the GPU and work load did not budge, staying at about 30%, and runtimes went from 52 mins to 3 hours and 20 mins. Killed my hopes and expectations that they would take about 1 hour 30 mins or less. It seems there is no way to run Guppis on an Nvidia card without wasting large amounts of resources.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793525 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:07:17 UTC - in response to Message 1793288.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2016, 23:07:44 UTC

Then I think I'd rather not do Guppi wu's on My gpu, I'd rather abort any that I find on My 580 gpu. I think I might go back to Lunatics 0.44.

. . Here, here!

. . Guppis are fine as CPU tasks but on Nvidia cards they are total brats.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793529 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:11:12 UTC - in response to Message 1793291.  

I'd rather abort any that I find on My 580 gpu.

Better not to crunch at all than to abort.

. . So what is it about aborting WUs that gets so many people upset. Does it release the Kraken or something?

. . Better to abort a WU than to have it stuff up a machine and prevent it from working on other tasks.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793534 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:25:53 UTC - in response to Message 1793319.  

I'd rather abort any that I find on My 580 gpu.

Better not to crunch at all than to abort.

Well I aborted all the cuda guppi's/vlar's, it's done...

So sue Me.

The only effect of the Guppies on my systems is they take forever to finish & don't pay much credit.

So it would be better just to block all those that abort from using the project. They have the option of not using the GPU in their settings.

Just in case you didn't get around to reading the initial post in this thread, i'll repost the first couple of lines.

"As the title says. Beta test only, try at your own risk.

I think we should dig out the old Advanced Users only tag for this one"

. . Sorry Grant,

. . Unlike yourself that is exactly what frustrates and annoys many other contributors. They do take forever to complete and so prevent the host machine from doing more productive tasks.

. . As you fully know disabling GPU processing on a host completely would remove a valuable resource from the project, and there is NO option to allow GPU crunching on other tasks while excluding Guppis.

. . While you are correct about the caveat on the Lunatics Beta release the problem with Guppis is not a Lunatics issue in any way, the installer works fine, it is an issue probably more suited to the SoG thread.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793535 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:30:02 UTC - in response to Message 1793320.  

The only effect of the Guppies on my systems is they take forever to finish & don't pay much credit.

So it would be better just to block all those that abort from using the project. They have the option of not using the GPU in their settings.

Fine then more people will leave, vlars it was agreed would not be on the gpu again We were told, promised really, sounds like that was an empty(hollow) promise...

. . I don't think people need to leave. But it would be nice if we could find a Guppi tamer to get these critters to behave and play well with Nvidia cards.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793536 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:39:09 UTC - in response to Message 1793324.  

I don't suffer from lag here, I have an i7 3820 and the coolest 580(temperature wise) gpu, a PNY LC 580.

I'm not a programmer, I'm a hardware guy, but it would be nice if running vlars could be optimized.

I'm also going to apologize for what I said when I was having hardware problems, I have severe anxiety problems, the pc hardware I could replace and I've done so, it just required time and money, the severe anxiety problems I can do nothing about.

. . Exactly, it just requires time and money, resources that contributors donate to the project and which should be respected.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1793538 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:40:25 UTC - in response to Message 1793522.  

Anybody got an incompatibility wizard I can use to detect a 32-bit operating system from a 32-bit application (the installer itself), to say "Hi. I'm a 64-bit application really"?

Something simpler than
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793542 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:46:35 UTC - in response to Message 1793325.  

Fine then more people will leave, vlars it was agreed would not be on the gpu again We were told, promised really, sounds like that was an empty(hollow) promise...

That was MB data & that is still the case. There are still no MB VLARs going to GPUs.

. . It seems strange to me that such a commitment is being honoured when Guppis which are at the very least as demanding as MB VLARs are being distributed as GPU tasks. Anyone else see a pradox there?
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793544 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:51:20 UTC - in response to Message 1793327.  

I don't suffer from lag here, I have an i7 3820 and the coolest 580(temperature wise) gpu, a PNY LC 580.

I'm not a programmer, I'm a hardware guy, but it would be nice if running vlars could be optimized.

If you run the stock application then it will (eventually) select the application that gives the best throughput.

If you choose to run something that is only at the Beta stage of release- not yet close to general release- then it's up to you to select the application & then tweak it to give the best results. The information you provide back will allow those developing the applications to make the release version better. Unfortunately the documentation on what each variable is & does & what's best & not best doesn't really exist- this is still a Beta release remember.
But there are people around that can help.

. . Sadly that is true of most of the documentation available.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793547 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 23:57:36 UTC - in response to Message 1793328.  
Last modified: 5 Jun 2016, 0:10:28 UTC

I run Lunatics 0.44...

I tried 0.45, opencl and Me aren't compatible, since most of opencl seems to be cpu work, I opencl you'd think would work on the gpu like cuda does.

. . While I share your allergy to Guppis, unless you are running a very, very old graphics card it should support OpenCL language. I am probably not the first to respond to this but most Nvidia cards less than 5 years old support OpenCL 1.2, and the Intel integrated GPUs support OpenCL 2.0 (at least my HD530 does).
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Message boards : Number crunching : Open Beta test: SoG for NVidia, Lunatics v0.45 - Beta6 (RC again)

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