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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1820275 - Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 20:29:47 UTC - in response to Message 1815197.  

I did not understand a word!

Me thinks she doesn't like creditnew.

. . Bingo!


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1820278 - Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 20:36:32 UTC - in response to Message 1815318.  

BTW, SoG & sah WUs still DON'T WORK on low end graphic cards, like GT 520!

using STOCK apps...& no, don't want to change that!
using GPU with BOINC should be enough, without installing extras (Lunatics)!


. . OK, having read this later post I formally withdraw my suggestion to try Lunatics. {but it still might surprise you if you did}


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1820283 - Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 20:45:43 UTC - in response to Message 1815347.  

well, v8.12 doesn't work on "low budget GPUs" still!
it starts loading & the it goes to 0,001% (or similar percentage) & stick there...until the Deadline comes!

every few days I have to clean the BOINC from SoG & sah WUs from that system...
maybe I should delete the apps instead? :/

. . Hi Klik,

. . What version of BOINC are you running?

. . That sort of behaviour indicates a problem that is not just the way SaH or SoG apps work (normally).

. . I would suggest again that you do try Lunatics so that you know which app is doing the crunching and which version. Also it allows you to decide not to use SaH or SoG by selecting one of CUDA32, Cuda42 or CUDA50 and that will be the app that does all your GPU crunching. That way you never have to worry about SoG or SaH hanging on your GPU again.


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1820287 - Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 20:56:13 UTC - in response to Message 1815360.  

well, v8.12 doesn't work on "low budget GPUs" still!
it starts loading & the it goes to 0,001% (or similar percentage) & stick there...until the Deadline comes!

every few days I have to clean the BOINC from SoG & sah WUs from that system...
maybe I should delete the apps instead? :/

I'm receiving the same feedback here, highend or later version Nvidia GPU's do fairly well with SoG/OpenCL apps, but a lot of users with older mid to lower range Nvidia GPU's usually just get lock ups, the app just stops working or it just errors out and that is just making a lot of users just want to give it up here (I won't get into all those useless Mac's out there producing nothing but crap). :-(

I'm sorry, but there was no where near enough testing carried on older mid to lower end Nvidia GPU's with these OpenCL based Nvidia apps IMHO (by an extremely long way) in beta before being being dumped on the poor, unenlightened and unsuspecting general users amongst us.

You must remember that there are very few of us advanced users out there (only1% of us here can be regarded as advanced users) and any apps released here must suit the general user (99% of us) that doesn't know where to go for help and just not those who know how to find out how to tune these apps so that they may work properly.

I also still believe that Arecibo GPU apps should be treated as a separated entity from GBT GPU apps so that users could chose the best app to suit those "common users'" computers.


. . Hi Wiggo,

. . I will jump to Raistmers defence here. He has asked many, many times for users with low end gear to take part in the Beta testing. Unfortunately such users are generally not the ppl who read the forums and respond to such requests. Some kind users have even donated some older cards to the cause so that he could do bench testing with them. But there are always going to be some
scenarios not covered in the testing phase.

. . As for the part in bold ... absolutely!


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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1820291 - Posted: 28 Sep 2016, 21:20:24 UTC - in response to Message 1815697.  

Again, normal user will not want to bother with installing Lunatics!

Neither do I want to install another program on computer, only to update it again soon!
BOINC is enough to be used for GPU crunching SETi@home...anybody saying that's not enough, need to recheck its compass on "user friendly app for end user"! ;)

Will add GT520 to the mix, when I get home! ;)

. . OK if I can try to allay your concerns about having another programme on your computer. Lunatics is not a separate programme that is required to run Seti. It is an app to enhance your existing BOINC client by setting it to work at its best. It will set it to use one particular app to crunch on your GPU instead of any that the schedulers may send you running stock. That way you can choose to run tasks only with CUDA50 if that is what you want. Or only with SoG if you like it. Think of it as a configuration tool. Once installed you will not have to think about it again unless you want to upgrade an app. And if you try SoG and still don't like it then simply re-run the Lunatics setup and select one of the CUDA options. Either way, after you run it your GPU will only have to run the app that works best on it.

. . I also would recommend that if you are crunching on your CPU/s as well as GPU you should take advantage of SSE or AVX capability too.

. . I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

. . As to the normal user not being bothered using it, that is true, but the "normal" user doesn't come here and read these threads. Since you are here, you are already ahead of the curve. Why not go that extra step and be one of the 1%? ":)


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Message 1820453 - Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 8:30:05 UTC - in response to Message 1820270.  

BTW, SoG & sah WUs still DON'T WORK on low end graphic cards, like GT 520!

You really should return those back to drawing board & BETAs...

. . Hi Klik,

. . While I cannot speak of the performance of the GT520 I can say that SoG r3500 gets results that are the equal of CUDA50 on my GT730. So maybe you need to consider Lunatics and try out the r3500 release. Hopefully soon r3528 will be available and it has some slight improvements again.

. . Go on, give it a try :)

. . You might be surprised when your numbers improve. :)



YOU & everyone else don't get it - do you?!

If you interest some kid or someone from medical science or someone from financial science about SETi@home - do you really think that he'll get it that you need on top of BOINC install & setup Lunatics also?!
& that you need to update Lunatics frequently, so they perform according to specs?

That's why I don't care about Lunatics install! When you run several computers & manage also computers & laptops for your family...do you think you'd also like to install & setup Lunatics app on every single of them?

Maybe some of you don't have a Life...but I do, so it's inconvenience for me to install EXTRA program, just for the participation in that one single project!

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Message 1820455 - Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 8:42:26 UTC - in response to Message 1820453.  

Maybe some of you don't have a Life...but I do, so it's inconvenience for me to install EXTRA program, just for the participation in that one single project!

Don't recall where anyone said you HAD to do it, either ...
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Message 1820463 - Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 9:28:39 UTC - in response to Message 1820455.  

Maybe some of you don't have a Life...but I do, so it's inconvenience for me to install EXTRA program, just for the participation in that one single project!

Don't recall where anyone said you HAD to do it, either ...

That's not a way to do "ANY KIND OF RESEARCH"...maybe you should check some international standards ISO standards! As you need to make users confident with the science they are doing!
You're answer is an attitude: "got my head in the clouds"...& that's not an answer at all!

Just wasted 3h on SoG two units from Arecibo on 600GF card, which were stuck on 0,001%!
So yes, I still think we don't need SoG or sah WU for use on older data...CUDA is just as fast, but more importantly IT'S RELIABLE!

SETi@home got less & less committed to do work for here...maybe I should take my 1+TF GPUs on some other science project? One that works without problems, such as these SoG & sah jobs?!

Admit it doesn't work & take it to BETA again...why keep those in active research?
& would you still keep it, if SETi@home is paying for the bills of cloud computer?

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Message 1820472 - Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 9:55:54 UTC - in response to Message 1820463.  

Just wasted 3h on SoG two units from Arecibo on 600GF card, which were stuck on 0,001%!
So yes, I still think we don't need SoG or sah WU for use on older data...CUDA is just as fast, but more importantly IT'S RELIABLE!

Except that it works, my 863GF card works just fine, if not faster using SoG than CUDA. This is where not enough test devices were done over at Beta, and if it was to go back to beta what do you think would happen?(The answer is it will stay the same, since people who run SETI are not going to flock over to beta to do testing)
More importantly we are getting hammered with work from breakthrough listen right now we are processing work recorded at(MJD) 57451 which translates to 4th of March 2016, current available data on breakthrough listen data archive is 57628.2334(MJD) which translates to 28th of August 2016, we are ~5 months behind on processing.
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Message 1820560 - Posted: 29 Sep 2016, 15:56:50 UTC - in response to Message 1820463.  

Admit it doesn't work & take it to BETA again...

Do you know what are you talking about?
Did you check what is on BETA ?

The new versions of applications are almost all the time tested on BETA
You run here r3430 - that is Revision3430
On BETA now is tested r3528 - this is many months of work (programming/testing) and nobody pays for this work

Raistmer (*the* programmer) say: "I think we finished with massive testing of 8.19.
Hope Eric will have some time for release after returning from conference."

(8.19 == r3528)

* "almost all the time":
"SETI@home v8 beta": First Post: 27 Nov 2015 by Eric Korpela - Last 28 Sep 2016 by Raistmer:

And what is "600GF card"??

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Message 1820765 - Posted: 30 Sep 2016, 6:02:18 UTC - in response to Message 1820472.  

Just wasted 3h on SoG two units from Arecibo on 600GF card, which were stuck on 0,001%!
So yes, I still think we don't need SoG or sah WU for use on older data...CUDA is just as fast, but more importantly IT'S RELIABLE!

Except that it works, my 863GF card works just fine, if not faster using SoG than CUDA. This is where not enough test devices were done over at Beta, and if it was to go back to beta what do you think would happen? (The answer is it will stay the same, since people who run SETI are not going to flock over to beta to do testing)
More importantly we are getting hammered with work from breakthrough listen right now we are processing work recorded at(MJD) 57451 which translates to 4th of March 2016, current available data on breakthrough listen data archive is 57628.2334(MJD) which translates to 28th of August 2016, we are ~5 months behind on processing.

Just agreed with me that it's not working...so if sthg doesn't work on other project I also run (WCG, see signature), what is done that it's stopped & goes back to BETA...

Yes, there are some other project to run...& yes, we can still use CUDA & AP, which works great on nVidia cards!
But after the problems with using whole core has been addressed (which was also criticized by me, 'cause that's not a way to do job), now we see a problems with "SoG jobs from Arecibo"...

But still, someone has to address these:
Not to mention that SoG mostly get aborted on Quadro2000 card?
Of all the cards I have... :/

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia, EU
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Message 1820766 - Posted: 30 Sep 2016, 6:06:45 UTC - in response to Message 1820560.  

Admit it doesn't work & take it to BETA again...

Do you know what are you talking about?
Did you check what is on BETA ?

The new versions of applications are almost all the time tested on BETA
You run here r3430 - that is Revision3430
On BETA now is tested r3528 - this is many months of work (programming/testing) and nobody pays for this work

Raistmer (*the* programmer) say: "I think we finished with massive testing of 8.19.
Hope Eric will have some time for release after returning from conference."

(8.19 == r3528)

* "almost all the time":
"SETI@home v8 beta": First Post: 27 Nov 2015 by Eric Korpela - Last 28 Sep 2016 by Raistmer:

And what is "600GF card"??

Look, we have CUDA & AP, which WORK...I'm here to give feed-back: SoG jobs from Arecibo don't work well!

maybe R3528 will get some improvement?!
hopefully it will...as I signed up some of the cards for BETA, 'cause Raistmer told me they don't have some low end card like GT520 or Quadro1700 on their disposal...

600GF card is a Quadro2000, on this computer here:

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia, EU
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Message 1821258 - Posted: 2 Oct 2016, 8:04:49 UTC - in response to Message 1820766.  

600GF card is a Quadro2000

I still don't get what 600GF means, Quadro 2000 is GF106GL "Core" per this table:

You have some -v N switch which "deletes" too much info from stderr:

Do you need that "Verbose" switch?

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1821261 - Posted: 2 Oct 2016, 8:12:56 UTC - in response to Message 1821258.  

600GF card is a Quadro2000

I still don't get what 600GF means, Quadro 2000 is GF106GL "Core"

I'd read it as a rounded approximation '600 GigaFlops', although Wiki has it as 480GF here.
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Message 1821264 - Posted: 2 Oct 2016, 8:54:35 UTC

The Quadro 2000 is just a GTS 450 with some extra micro code added, just not quiet as powerful as the GTS 450 due to that extra code.

In actual fact KLiK all your GPU's are low to low-medium class at best.

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Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1821266 - Posted: 2 Oct 2016, 9:15:22 UTC - in response to Message 1821264.  
Last modified: 2 Oct 2016, 9:32:17 UTC

The Quadro 2000 is just a GTS 450 with some extra micro code added, just not quiet as powerful as the GTS 450 due to that extra code.

In actual fact KLiK all your GPU's are low to low-medium class at best.


Quadro gpu's came in all 3 of my Dell Pression's i have running seti , took those Quadro's out of them and installed 750 ti's instead .

From asking questions , googling i came to the conculsion quadro are ok cards but ment for the "buisness / cad" applications , they can run seti ok but they are more "suited " for buisness .
Differnt cards are suieted for different things / applications . still use one of the quadro's if i get a problem , easy swap that over with another card to see if the card's the problem or somthing else is playing up .
But for crunching on 1 wu at a time and time it takes is around the same as the cpu takes to complete a task .

"stock" or "lunatics" apps don't make that much difference on quatro's still only 1 and run times around the same as cpu . With "lunatics " installed the card does work "quicker" that's all , try to run multiple wu's and mega "bog down" in my (limited) experiance with the cards
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1821387 - Posted: 2 Oct 2016, 23:16:33 UTC - in response to Message 1820266.  


my average credit is increasing.


Mine too, but it's mostly because I've brought a couple new machines online...


. . Hi Al,

. . As Tim Brook-Taylor? (Home Improvements) says ...

MORE POWER! hurgh hurgh hurgh!



LOL Eggsactly!!

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Message 1821452 - Posted: 3 Oct 2016, 6:04:51 UTC - in response to Message 1821258.  

600GF card is a Quadro2000

I still don't get what 600GF means, Quadro 2000 is GF106GL "Core" per this table:

You have some -v N switch which "deletes" too much info from stderr:

Do you need that "Verbose" switch?

that is a WU for a intel HD2500 GPU on CPU...I'm using that also! ;)

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Message 1821454 - Posted: 3 Oct 2016, 6:06:03 UTC - in response to Message 1821264.  

The Quadro 2000 is just a GTS 450 with some extra micro code added, just not quiet as powerful as the GTS 450 due to that extra code.

In actual fact KLiK all your GPU's are low to low-medium class at best.


I know...all my cards are without extra power source...'cause I don't need to add bills, when electricity is expensive these days...& going to get more expensive! ;)

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia, EU
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Message 1821596 - Posted: 4 Oct 2016, 2:25:54 UTC - in response to Message 1821452.  

You have some -v N switch which "deletes" too much info from stderr:

Do you need that "Verbose" switch?

that is a WU for a intel HD2500 GPU on CPU...I'm using that also! ;)

Why do you think it is for iGPU ?
It is marked for NVIDIA:
SETI@home v8 v8.12 (opencl_nvidia_sah)

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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