OpenCL NV MultiBeam v8 SoG edition for Windows

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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793111 - Posted: 3 Jun 2016, 12:38:13 UTC - in response to Message 1793062.  

2) Do additional commands have to be on the same line or can they be listed sequentially on following lines?

yes they all have to be on the same line with a space between them, not listed sequentially.

3) Can you point me to the doc file (*.txt) that explains all this?

. . Thanks again


That part I can't, but one of the others can. I only know that little part after TONS of help from Mike, Jason, Raistmer, William, Ageless, Richard and many others. Hopefully one of them can point you in the right direction.

. . Thanks again, you have been most helpful. Strange thing though since I added that command I haven't received a single CPU WU. I might remove it and see if that changes.
ID: 1793111 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793112 - Posted: 3 Jun 2016, 12:39:01 UTC - in response to Message 1793080.  

Can you point me to the doc file (*.txt) that explains all this?

Check for a file called ReadMe_MultiBeam_OpenCL.txt.

. . Will do right now
ID: 1793112 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793120 - Posted: 3 Jun 2016, 13:50:41 UTC - in response to Message 1787914.  

The -use_sleep helps alot with CPU usage, adds about 1-2 minute total run time.

It's along with my expectations. VLAR task has less number of very short kernel calls. Actually, some kernel calss are too long to the point of driver restarts/lags on some configs. So, GPU can stay busy w/o CPU intervention long enough to allow "good sleep" for CPU :D
Recall that Sleep(N) works on ms scale (under Windows) while some of GPU kernels less than 1us and most of them less than ms. That makes -use_sleep quite clumsy in case of normal ARs and require tasks swithing to keep GPU at good busy level. And that;s why sleep calls implemented only around most longer kernel calls (leaving small ones unaffected). So if share of small calls increase -use_sleep becomes ineffective.

. . I have implemented the -use_sleep command and the CPU load has dropped far enough to permit returning to 3 CPU tasks instead of just two. Downside: SoG runtimes are up from 12-13 mins to around 20 mins. GPU usage is more sporadic in nature now which would account for the increase in runtime. Some messages have indicated using a parameter with -use_sleep implying it determines the length of sleep interval in mS. The doc file does not show it supporting any parameters. Is the use of a parameter supported or not? And if it is does the value relate to sleep interval in mS?
ID: 1793120 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793122 - Posted: 3 Jun 2016, 13:54:50 UTC - in response to Message 1793111.  

2) Do additional commands have to be on the same line or can they be listed sequentially on following lines?

yes they all have to be on the same line with a space between them, not listed sequentially.

3) Can you point me to the doc file (*.txt) that explains all this?

. . Thanks again


That part I can't, but one of the others can. I only know that little part after TONS of help from Mike, Jason, Raistmer, William, Ageless, Richard and many others. Hopefully one of them can point you in the right direction.

. . Thanks again, you have been most helpful. Strange thing though since I added that command I haven't received a single CPU WU. I might remove it and see if that changes.

. . Problem solved, turns out that when I suspended the Guppi WUs in my cache, so I could test with like type of WUs over different settings, BOINC saw that as a halt to requests for new work. Timing is everything and mine sucks as usual, I discovered this as I was about to go out, so I was not able to investigate and resolve it until I got home, but sorted nicely now.
ID: 1793122 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793139 - Posted: 3 Jun 2016, 15:13:57 UTC - in response to Message 1793120.  

The -use_sleep helps alot with CPU usage, adds about 1-2 minute total run time.

It's along with my expectations. VLAR task has less number of very short kernel calls. Actually, some kernel calss are too long to the point of driver restarts/lags on some configs. So, GPU can stay busy w/o CPU intervention long enough to allow "good sleep" for CPU :D
Recall that Sleep(N) works on ms scale (under Windows) while some of GPU kernels less than 1us and most of them less than ms. That makes -use_sleep quite clumsy in case of normal ARs and require tasks swithing to keep GPU at good busy level. And that;s why sleep calls implemented only around most longer kernel calls (leaving small ones unaffected). So if share of small calls increase -use_sleep becomes ineffective.

. . I have implemented the -use_sleep command and the CPU load has dropped far enough to permit returning to 3 CPU tasks instead of just two. Downside: SoG runtimes are up from 12-13 mins to around 20 mins. GPU usage is more sporadic in nature now which would account for the increase in runtime. Some messages have indicated using a parameter with -use_sleep implying it determines the length of sleep interval in mS. The doc file does not show it supporting any parameters. Is the use of a parameter supported or not? And if it is does the value relate to sleep interval in mS?

. . P.S. Note to self, when you have found the topic you wanted in a text document keep scrolling, there may be more and useful information further down.

. . Turns out there is a -use_sleep_ex 'N' command but it does not explain the value or function of 'N'. I set it to 1 as one message suggested but cannot say there is any appreciable difference.
ID: 1793139 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793238 - Posted: 4 Jun 2016, 1:52:44 UTC - in response to Message 1779394.  

It's the GBT data that is requiring such large amount of CPU usage.

On normal MB, the SoG uses very little CPU time.

Actually, it's faster than cuda on nonvlar MB.

But it's main purpose is those VLARs.

So to crunch Guppi on GPU or not to crunch Guppi on GPU that is the question, lol....

. . Actually on my setup SoG runs slightly faster than CUDA50 on nonVLARs but still steals a CPU taking 100% of that CPU's time. But it takes only 30 mins for a Guppi compared to over 50 mins with CUDA50. This is with the sleep option OFF.

. . With sleep ON everything changes. CPU loads return to normal and I can again run 3 CPU WUs, BUT runtimes for nonVLARs blow out to 20 mins, significantly longer than CUDA50. Guppis much longer again. This is because GPU utilisation becomes sporadic and averages only about 30%.

. . To compensate I started running threesies (3 WUs at a time) on GPU. With nonVLARs this worked as anticipated and raised GPU utilisation to a good level, nonVLARs running in about 36 mins (12 per WU). BUT again Guppis are the fly in the ointment and Guppi runtimes blew out to 3Hrs 15-20mins. I am currently experimenting with -use_sleep_ex and the parameter, I have managed to increase the GPU laod cycle marginally but run times remain exagerated.
ID: 1793238 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1793606 - Posted: 5 Jun 2016, 5:15:45 UTC - in response to Message 1793243.  

I'd tried to run 4 or 5 cpu wu's with 3 gpu wu's, big mistake, now I have 3 cpu and 3 gpu wu's being crunched and I have 3 gpu wu's waiting to run, cpu i7 3820, gpu gtx 580, driver is 353.06 on Windows 7 Pro sp1 x64. I'm using the open beta, I thought somebody would like to know.

. . Normally I would say 1 cpu core was enough to service a GPU even running multiple tasks, but with SoG it seem to be more like 1 CPU per WU running (if you turn ON sleep that changes) and one for general admin/overflow would leave 4 free to crunch with. I wouldn't suggest running multiple GPU WUs with sleep OFF. But the proof of the pudding they say is in the eating.

. . I am running 3 CPU cores crunching and three GPU tasks under SoG (GTX950) but with sleep turned ON. The one non-crunching CPU core is coping well with that arrangement.
ID: 1793606 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1793736 - Posted: 5 Jun 2016, 19:45:13 UTC

I need a command line for my gtx560m, it works fine when I don't use the -use_sleep option and running 2 WUs at a time, when I do use the -use_sleep option, it will only run 1 WU.

The command line I need is one the don't stress the laptop to much since I also use it for other things than SETI. Also, I don't run any CPU tasks.
ID: 1793736 · Report as offensive
Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1793750 - Posted: 5 Jun 2016, 20:36:26 UTC - in response to Message 1793736.  

I need a command line for my gtx560m, it works fine when I don't use the -use_sleep option and running 2 WUs at a time, when I do use the -use_sleep option, it will only run 1 WU.

The command line I need is one the don't stress the laptop to much since I also use it for other things than SETI. Also, I don't run any CPU tasks.

-sbs 256 -spike_fft_thresh 2048 -tune 1 64 1 4

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ID: 1793750 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1793946 - Posted: 6 Jun 2016, 12:11:48 UTC - in response to Message 1793750.  

I need a command line for my gtx560m, it works fine when I don't use the -use_sleep option and running 2 WUs at a time, when I do use the -use_sleep option, it will only run 1 WU.

The command line I need is one the don't stress the laptop to much since I also use it for other things than SETI. Also, I don't run any CPU tasks.

-sbs 256 -spike_fft_thresh 2048 -tune 1 64 1 4

This is what I've tried, but when I added -use_sleep, which I need, it will only run 1 WU instead of the 2 it should.
ID: 1793946 · Report as offensive
Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1793952 - Posted: 6 Jun 2016, 12:26:19 UTC - in response to Message 1793946.  
Last modified: 6 Jun 2016, 12:27:58 UTC

I need a command line for my gtx560m, it works fine when I don't use the -use_sleep option and running 2 WUs at a time, when I do use the -use_sleep option, it will only run 1 WU.

The command line I need is one the don't stress the laptop to much since I also use it for other things than SETI. Also, I don't run any CPU tasks.

-sbs 256 -spike_fft_thresh 2048 -tune 1 64 1 4

This is what I've tried, but when I added -use_sleep, which I need, it will only run 1 WU instead of the 2 it should.

So add this to the comand line

-total_GPU_instances_num 2.

post a link to finnished task with those params so i can check.

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ID: 1793952 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1794061 - Posted: 6 Jun 2016, 19:25:58 UTC

It's not working, 1 WU runs fine but the other, while it runs, there's no progress at all. It's been running for 30 mins with 0% in progress and time remaining isn't moving.
ID: 1794061 · Report as offensive
Profile Raistmer
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Message 1794062 - Posted: 6 Jun 2016, 19:28:32 UTC - in response to Message 1794061.  

It's not working, 1 WU runs fine but the other, while it runs, there's no progress at all. It's been running for 30 mins with 0% in progress and time remaining isn't moving.

There is known issue with -use_sleep on SoG app (see support thread).
Here is possible fix:
ID: 1794062 · Report as offensive
JohnDK Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1794106 - Posted: 6 Jun 2016, 22:42:47 UTC - in response to Message 1793952.  

post a link to finnished task with those params so i can check.

Here's the 1 WU run with the SoG app

And here 3 WUs run with the app that Raistmer just posted, which seems to run fine
ID: 1794106 · Report as offensive
Profile Raistmer
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Message 1794216 - Posted: 7 Jun 2016, 9:44:05 UTC - in response to Message 1794106.  

And here 3 WUs run with the app that Raistmer just posted, which seems to run fine

It's quick fix attempt so something different could be broken. So watch closely for inconclusives rate for this build.
ID: 1794216 · Report as offensive
Harri Liljeroos

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Message 1794361 - Posted: 8 Jun 2016, 7:34:17 UTC
Last modified: 8 Jun 2016, 7:35:46 UTC

I have a host with two NV GPUs, d0= GTX970 and d1= GTX650Ti. The stderr output shows the following:

Number of period iterations for PulseFind set to:100
Maximum single buffer size set to:256MB
Sleep() argument set to: 2; use_sleep enabled
Priority of worker thread raised successfully
Priority of process adjusted successfully, high priority class used
OpenCL platform detected: Intel(R) Corporation
OpenCL platform detected: NVIDIA Corporation
[color=red]BOINC assigns device 0[/color]
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used

     CPUID:         Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 

     Cache: L1=64K L2=256K

OpenCL-kernels filename : 
ar=0.423898  NumCfft=196705  NumGauss=1114679782  NumPulse=226372973048  NumTriplet=452748356604
Currently allocated 357 MB for GPU buffers
In v_BaseLineSmooth: NumDataPoints=1048576, BoxCarLength=8192, NumPointsInChunk=32768

Windows optimized setiathome_v8 application
Based on Intel, Core 2-optimized v8-nographics V5.13 by Alex Kan
SSE3xj Win32 Build 3430 , Ported by : Raistmer, JDWhale

SETI8 update by Raistmer

OpenCL version by Raistmer, r3430

Number of OpenCL platforms:				 2

 OpenCL Platform Name:					 Intel(R) OpenCL
Number of devices:				 1
  Max compute units:				 16
  Max work group size:				 512
  Max clock frequency:				 350Mhz
  Max memory allocation:			 190840832
  Cache type:					 Read/Write
  Cache line size:				 64
  Cache size:					 2097152
  Global memory size:				 763363328
  Constant buffer size:				 65536
  Max number of constant args:			 8
  Local memory type:				 Scratchpad
  Local memory size:				 65536
  Queue properties:				 
    Out-of-Order:				 No
  Name:						 Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
  Vendor:					 Intel(R) Corporation
  Driver version:
  Version:					 OpenCL 1.2 
  Extensions:					 cl_khr_icd cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_intel_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer 

 OpenCL Platform Name:					 NVIDIA CUDA
Number of devices:				 2
  Max compute units:				 13
  Max work group size:				 1024
  Max clock frequency:				 1253Mhz
  Max memory allocation:			 1073741824
  Cache type:					 Read/Write
  Cache line size:				 128
  Cache size:					 212992
  Global memory size:				 4294967296
  Constant buffer size:				 65536
  Max number of constant args:			 9
  Local memory type:				 Scratchpad
  Local memory size:				 49152
  Queue properties:				 
    Out-of-Order:				 Yes
  Name:						 GeForce GTX 970
  Vendor:					 NVIDIA Corporation
  Driver version:				 361.91
  Version:					 OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
  Extensions:					 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d9_sharing cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts
  Max compute units:				 4
  Max work group size:				 1024
  Max clock frequency:				 928Mhz
  Max memory allocation:			 268435456
  Cache type:					 Read/Write
  Cache line size:				 128
  Cache size:					 65536
  Global memory size:				 1073741824
  Constant buffer size:				 65536
  Max number of constant args:			 9
  Local memory type:				 Scratchpad
  Local memory size:				 49152
  Queue properties:				 
    Out-of-Order:				 Yes
  Name:						 GeForce GTX 650 Ti
  Vendor:					 NVIDIA Corporation
  Driver version:				 361.91
  Version:					 OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
  Extensions:					 cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d9_sharing cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts

Work Unit Info:
Credit multiplier is :  2.85
WU true angle range is :  0.423898
Used GPU device parameters are:
	Number of compute units: 4
	Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
	[color=red]Total device global memory: 1024MB[/color]
	max WG size: 1024
	local mem type: Real
	FERMI path used: yes
	LotOfMem path: yes
	LowPerformanceGPU path: no
Spike: peak=24.21453, time=33.55, d_freq=1420445367.72, chirp=-8.2481, fft_len=128k
Spike: peak=24.62073, time=33.55, d_freq=1420445367.72, chirp=-8.2527, fft_len=128k
Spike: peak=24.28191, time=43.62, d_freq=1420446142.43, chirp=-22.286, fft_len=64k
Spike: peak=24.99428, time=43.62, d_freq=1420446142.42, chirp=-22.289, fft_len=64k
Spike: peak=24.54694, time=43.62, d_freq=1420446142.41, chirp=-22.293, fft_len=64k
Pulse: peak=2.569161, time=101, period=0.6728, d_freq=1420449811.82, score=1.023, chirp=-23.578, fft_len=256 
Triplet: peak=9.798454, time=46.64, period=0.4719, d_freq=1420447396.73, chirp=-38.251, fft_len=512 
Triplet: peak=10.44948, time=46.64, period=0.4719, d_freq=1420447398.26, chirp=-38.628, fft_len=512 
Pulse: peak=1.646489, time=63.31, period=0.3199, d_freq=1420452020.71, score=1.001, chirp=-76.252, fft_len=32 
Pulse: peak=9.856218, time=63.31, period=4.148, d_freq=1420451296.07, score=1.013, chirp=-85.281, fft_len=128 
Pulse: peak=10.87323, time=63.31, period=4.148, d_freq=1420451283.61, score=1.117, chirp=-90.297, fft_len=128 
Pulse: peak=11.17374, time=63.31, period=4.148, d_freq=1420451296.35, score=1.148, chirp=-91.301, fft_len=128 
Pulse: peak=10.0039, time=63.31, period=4.148, d_freq=1420451309.15, score=1.028, chirp=-92.304, fft_len=128 

Best spike: peak=24.99428, time=43.62, d_freq=1420446142.42, chirp=-22.289, fft_len=64k
Best autocorr: peak=16.21737, time=20.13, delay=0.5461, d_freq=1420449022.03, chirp=-9.7713, fft_len=128k
Best gaussian: peak=3.597618, mean=0.5139577, ChiSq=1.088942, time=84.72, d_freq=1420445953.86,
	score=-0.3936186, null_hyp=2.063037, chirp=7.9949, fft_len=16k
Best pulse: peak=11.17374, time=63.31, period=4.148, d_freq=1420451296.35, score=1.148, chirp=-91.301, fft_len=128 
Best triplet: peak=10.44948, time=46.64, period=0.4719, d_freq=1420447398.26, chirp=-38.628, fft_len=512 

Flopcounter: 7199838776822.398400

Spike count:    5
Autocorr count: 0
Pulse count:    6
Triplet count:  2
Gaussian count: 0
Wallclock time elapsed since last restart: 1630.1 seconds

class Gaussian_transfer_not_needed:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0
class Gaussian_transfer_needed:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0

class Gaussian_skip1_no_peak:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0
class Gaussian_skip2_bad_group_peak:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0
class Gaussian_skip3_too_weak_peak:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0
class Gaussian_skip4_too_big_ChiSq:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0
class Gaussian_skip6_low_power:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0

class Gaussian_new_best:		total=75,	N=75,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1
class Gaussian_report:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0
class Gaussian_miss:		total=0,	N=0,	<>=0,	min=0	max=0

class PC_triplet_find_hit:		total=25237,	N=25237,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1
class PC_triplet_find_miss:		total=250,	N=250,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1

class PC_pulse_find_hit:		total=12728,	N=12728,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1
class PC_pulse_find_miss:		total=15,	N=15,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1
class PC_pulse_find_early_miss:		total=13,	N=13,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1
class PC_pulse_find_2CPU:		total=1,	N=1,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1

class PoT_transfer_not_needed:		total=25227,	N=25227,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1
class PoT_transfer_needed:		total=261,	N=261,	<>=1,	min=1	max=1

GPU device sync requested...  ...GPU device synched
08:55:20 (7728): called boinc_finish(0)


At the top the first red line suggest that d0 (GTX970) was selected but the end section (Used GPU parameters) the red line refers to GTX650Ti with 1GByte memory. So is the first line a mistake or what? I am not at that host currently so can't check from it. Browsing thru the returned WUs the line "BOINC assigns device 0" is on every stderr and none have "BOINC assigns device 1".

Edit: the color red doesn't show inside the [code] tags.
ID: 1794361 · Report as offensive
Profile Raistmer
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Message 1794471 - Posted: 8 Jun 2016, 14:59:26 UTC - in response to Message 1794361.  
Last modified: 8 Jun 2016, 15:02:00 UTC

If "1" never shown what about app's device capabilities listing? Does it show sometime other GPU selected?
ID: 1794471 · Report as offensive
Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1794479 - Posted: 8 Jun 2016, 15:51:00 UTC - in response to Message 1794216.  

. . Hi Raistmer,

. . I hope I am not boring you with my attempts to tweak things but SoG has been running wonderfully with these settings:-

. . -use_sleep_ex 3 -sbs 384 -period_iterations_num 4

. . But the distinct lag/stutter effect was annoying me so I tried this change:-

. . -use_sleep_ex 3 -sbs 384 -period_iterations_num 5

. . This seemed to achieve a modest improvement in the lag effect but also caused a noticeable blow out in run times appearing to add around 15% to CPU and nonVLAR GPU WUs but more with VLAR/Guppies. Seeming to be about 50% or more. Most noticeable on bc5 Guppies.

. . I am returning to the -period_iteration_num 4

ID: 1794479 · Report as offensive
Harri Liljeroos

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Message 1794507 - Posted: 8 Jun 2016, 18:00:27 UTC - in response to Message 1794471.  

If "1" never shown what about app's device capabilities listing? Does it show sometime other GPU selected?

Yes, sometimes it has used the device 0 and shown it correctly on both lines of stderr.

Unfortunately I had to revert back to the cuda applications, too many driver and computer crashes while running SoG. I may try again after tuning becomes easier. Maybe these cards (GTX970 and GTX650 Ti) are too different to run SoG smoothly on a same computer.
ID: 1794507 · Report as offensive
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Message 1794540 - Posted: 8 Jun 2016, 20:38:52 UTC - in response to Message 1794507.  
Last modified: 8 Jun 2016, 20:39:59 UTC

Maybe these cards (GTX970 and GTX650 Ti) are too different to run SoG smoothly on a same computer.

There is special treatment possible that was developed specially for the case of very different GPUs of same vendor in single host.
Look ReadMe for

For device-specific settings in multi-GPU systems it's possible to override some of command-line options via
application config file.

Name of this config file:
MultiBeam_<vendor>_config.xml where vendor can be ATi, NV or iGPU.
File structure:
ID: 1794540 · Report as offensive
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