Raccoon Update XXIII - All Are Welcome In The Critter Cafe

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Profile Angela Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1756788 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 5:30:15 UTC

Hello Friends, and welcome to the latest installment of the Critter Cafe.

If you are new to us, this is a place where Critter People come together to talk about whatever is on their critter-lovin minds.

All are welcome here. Nothing has ever been "off topic" in the Critter Cafe, but I do ask that people be mindful of forum rules and conventions.

It is my greatest wish that all who post here try to be kind, not only to critters, but to all members of our own species as well.

To start us out in our new thread, here is a picture of Spawnie.

Those of you who have visited us know him as our "outside cat", but as of today he is our newest "inside cat".

Spawnie is a stray who just wandered into our backyard one day and stayed, presumably because the eats were good. After he showed no signs of moving on, Eric and I took him to the vet for a check-up and we were told, among other things, that he tests positive for the kitty cat equivalent of HIV, which is FIV.

For years Eric and I were hesitant to make Spawnie an indoor cat. Even though Eva and Stinky Lou have been vaccinated against FIV, we were still unsure of how reliable the vaccine was. Besides, Spawnie never seemed particularly unhappy outside.

Well, the years have worn on and Spawnie is getting older. This winter we are expecting El Nino weather (which we need desperately here in California), but Spawnie simply hates rain.

So, a couple of weeks ago Eric and I made plans to bite the bullet.

A week ago we gave Spawnie a worm treatment... just in case. Today he went to the groomer for a very thorough bath and flea treatment (... or "spa day" as Spawnie prefers to call it.) All three kitties are getting their flea treatments tonight and, unless I discover that Spawnie is a sprayer, Eric and I have finally accepted the fact that now we once again have three indoor cats.

Eva and Stinky Lou are adjusting well.

Spawnie has already found our bed and enjoyed taking a nap there.

I think this is going to work out well for all involved.
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Message 1756792 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 5:59:03 UTC

I think you made Spawnies day Angela, I think also that He wanted your help and has accepted it.
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Profile Angela Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1756797 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 6:50:20 UTC

Ulibelle is Spawnie's godmother, and I'm quite sure she will approve.
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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1756799 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 7:00:58 UTC

My dog is so old and has to go the vet tomorrow and is 16 in a dew weeks. They might want to put him down and how do you put down something you love so much?
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1756818 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 8:43:10 UTC

Grant - with great emotional difficulty. If the only issue with your dog is its age, then WHY????? But if it is in great pain still difficult. At the end of the day it is your decision, not theirs.
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Message 1756849 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 12:29:35 UTC - in response to Message 1756799.  
Last modified: 16 Jan 2016, 12:33:15 UTC

My dog is so old and has to go the vet tomorrow and is 16 in a dew weeks. They might want to put him down and how do you put down something you love so much?

It's very hard for some people Grant I know, but I'm 1 of those who know that I'm still likely to out live another dog.

I look at it this way, if the animal is not enjoying the quality of life that it should be then it's better to humanly shorten it instead of making them suffer.

Those that just let an animal suffer in their old age because they love them so much that they let them suffer in agony so badly until they drop dead should be locked away IMHO.

I'm now on my 5th dog, but she does have a 50/50 chance of surviving me (she'll be my last anyway), though probably not by much.

I know that it's hard Grant, but do you really want them to suffer any longer than necessary?

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1756852 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 12:47:25 UTC

Bless you, Angela and Eric, for befriending Spawnie and understanding his special needs as a wayward kitty.

As most of you understand, it's all about 'quality of life' when it comes to our elderly companion animals. Or those who are struggling with disease, as is the case with my Tigger kitty.

If I detect that Tigger is suffering in any way and there is no hope of a way back to health, I shall have to make that choice to send her on her way to the Rainbow Bridge to await my arrival at some point in the future.
So far, she is still a happy kitty battling a hard to fight disease.

As much as I hang on to the hope that I, the Lord, and kitty medicine can make her well again, if that becomes impossible I shall not make her linger on this earth just to sooth MY pain. Not even for one day.

It is a very hard choice to make, but one that we must face for our dear companion animals as their caretakers.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1756872 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 15:11:42 UTC

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1756905 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 17:51:23 UTC - in response to Message 1756852.  

Bless you, Angela and Eric, for befriending Spawnie and understanding his special needs as a wayward kitty.

As most of you understand, it's all about 'quality of life' when it comes to our elderly companion animals. Or those who are struggling with disease, as is the case with my Tigger kitty.

If I detect that Tigger is suffering in any way and there is no hope of a way back to health, I shall have to make that choice to send her on her way to the Rainbow Bridge to await my arrival at some point in the future.
So far, she is still a happy kitty battling a hard to fight disease.

As much as I hang on to the hope that I, the Lord, and kitty medicine can make her well again, if that becomes impossible I shall not make her linger on this earth just to sooth MY pain. Not even for one day.

It is a very hard choice to make, but one that we must face for our dear companion animals as their caretakers.

I am sorry about poor Tigger, but you were blessed to have her with you so long. I have lost kitties before their time and some have lived long long lives. Each kitty I have had has a place in my heart.

Right now your sadness is in deep contrast to my joy at having my Sauron back and it makes me so grateful to have more time with her.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1756906 - Posted: 16 Jan 2016, 17:58:14 UTC - in response to Message 1756905.  

Bless you, Angela and Eric, for befriending Spawnie and understanding his special needs as a wayward kitty.

As most of you understand, it's all about 'quality of life' when it comes to our elderly companion animals. Or those who are struggling with disease, as is the case with my Tigger kitty.

If I detect that Tigger is suffering in any way and there is no hope of a way back to health, I shall have to make that choice to send her on her way to the Rainbow Bridge to await my arrival at some point in the future.
So far, she is still a happy kitty battling a hard to fight disease.

As much as I hang on to the hope that I, the Lord, and kitty medicine can make her well again, if that becomes impossible I shall not make her linger on this earth just to sooth MY pain. Not even for one day.

It is a very hard choice to make, but one that we must face for our dear companion animals as their caretakers.

I am sorry about poor Tigger, but you were blessed to have her with you so long. I have lost kitties before their time and some have lived long long lives. Each kitty I have had has a place in my heart.

Right now your sadness is in deep contrast to my joy at having my Sauron back and it makes me so grateful to have more time with her.

Well, she's not gone yet. So every day I have with her is a blessing.
And I am still hoping beyond all hopes that her meds can save her.
Thank you for the kind thoughts, and I am still very happy for you having recovered dear Sauron.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1756994 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 1:14:16 UTC - in response to Message 1756799.  

My dog is so old and has to go the vet tomorrow and is 16 in a dew weeks. They might want to put him down and how do you put down something you love so much?

That's never an easy choice. The general rule is, how is his quality of

Is he sick? I don't think a vet would put an animal down simply because
of age. At least, I hope not. If he is sick, well, that's another issue
you'll have to deal with. But basically, it comes down to the sort of
life he's able to live. It's difficult to describe, but most pet owners
know the signs when they see them.

Whatever happens, you and your dog are in my thoughts.
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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1756995 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 1:33:22 UTC - in response to Message 1756994.  
Last modified: 17 Jan 2016, 1:37:20 UTC

My dog is so old and has to go the vet tomorrow and is 16 in a dew weeks. They might want to put him down and how do you put down something you love so much?

That's never an easy choice. The general rule is, how is his quality of

Is he sick? I don't think a vet would put an animal down simply because
of age. At least, I hope not. If he is sick, well, that's another issue
you'll have to deal with. But basically, it comes down to the sort of
life he's able to live. It's difficult to describe, but most pet owners
know the signs when they see them.

Whatever happens, you and your dog are in my thoughts.

Well he has his problems as to expected at his age, he is down sleeping 20 out of 24 hours a day. doesn't hardly eat, goes through more water than a fire truck. No he doesn't have sugar, and can't hold it to the dump site.

One thing is what your eating is a darn good idea. LOL (all his life)

The Vet said his is in poor shape but isn't hurting, dumping lots of Vit "B" will help for a while but don't expect too much more.
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Admiral Gloval

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Message 1757007 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 2:40:10 UTC - in response to Message 1756995.  

My dog is so old and has to go the vet tomorrow and is 16 in a dew weeks. They might want to put him down and how do you put down something you love so much?

That's never an easy choice. The general rule is, how is his quality of

Is he sick? I don't think a vet would put an animal down simply because
of age. At least, I hope not. If he is sick, well, that's another issue
you'll have to deal with. But basically, it comes down to the sort of
life he's able to live. It's difficult to describe, but most pet owners
know the signs when they see them.

Whatever happens, you and your dog are in my thoughts.

Well he has his problems as to expected at his age, he is down sleeping 20 out of 24 hours a day. doesn't hardly eat, goes through more water than a fire truck. No he doesn't have sugar, and can't hold it to the dump site.

One thing is what your eating is a darn good idea. LOL (all his life)

The Vet said his is in poor shape but isn't hurting, dumping lots of Vit "B" will help for a while but don't expect too much more.

Sounds like my chihuahua Grant. She has lost enough weight that she does not have enough lead in her butt to hold it down. She leans in to eat or drink and her back legs start to leave the floor. Just got her to eat a 3.5oz Cesar dinner. Pot Roast with Spring Vegetables dinner. I put it next to her in her bed so she did not have to get up to eat it. I hope this will work for her and get some weight on her bones. Now I just have to watch her better so she will make it outside to water the grass.

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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1757052 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 9:17:13 UTC

Well I think the time is near, I also found out tonight he has a growth on his left side and tonight he can hardly walk to his water dish. :( Well I'll see in the morning.
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Admiral Gloval

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Message 1757062 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 10:39:27 UTC

Just do what you think is best.

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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1757064 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 11:02:00 UTC - in response to Message 1757062.  
Last modified: 17 Jan 2016, 11:32:58 UTC

Just do what you think is best.

You got that totally right Admiral. He has been totally loyal and a darn good friend.

I was thinking tonight when Dogger About 2 yrs old I threw out a chemstick in the back yard (green) on the 4th of July and about a minute later here comes the chemstick bobbibg back out of the dark. LOL Do you think I could get it back? LOL I finally did but it was a chore.
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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1757065 - Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 11:07:33 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jan 2016, 11:08:50 UTC

Thanks everyone for the kind notes, it has been most helpful really!

Just how I handle it in the AM is another.
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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1757425 - Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 5:33:18 UTC

I'm sorry to say down time is just a day or so away, the vet called and said she didn't know he was so old and out of it.

What pissed me off was the pills to give him, is like a grain of salt on your hand and it said give him a 1/4 of a pill twice a day? the only way I could do that is with a small nail clipper?
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Message 1757446 - Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 7:34:19 UTC

Hello Grant. It sounds to me, to show him how much you love him, by letting him cross the Rainbow bridge.
I had to do that three times last year.
I am crying right now, just thinking how hard letting go will be for you.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1757448 - Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 8:18:20 UTC - in response to Message 1757425.  
Last modified: 19 Jan 2016, 8:20:38 UTC

I'm sorry to say down time is just a day or so away, the vet called and said she didn't know he was so old and out of it.

What pissed me off was the pills to give him, is like a grain of salt on your hand and it said give him a 1/4 of a pill twice a day? the only way I could do that is with a small nail clipper?

Many meds are not formulated for out animal friends...........
Therefore I am to give Tigger .25ml/day of her meds. Something usually metered out to humans. Seems like just a little bit, but I trust it is the appropiate amount.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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