Another example of USA Gun Laws (or lack of...)?

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Message 1778537 - Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 0:09:12 UTC - in response to Message 1778349.  
Last modified: 13 Apr 2016, 0:09:52 UTC

... "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
"They can have my guns when they can pry them from my cold dead fingers." ...

Not read your article but there are various articles that state that the guns held by the victims did nothing to help them against the criminals.

Hence you may as well remove the presently readily available dangerous 'toys' until your culture and education has a chance to catch up so that people feel no need to misuse whatever 'dangerous toys'.

Where would you prefer to live at present? Syria?...

And was the old American "Star Trek" TV series an example of what was hoped for with the portrayal of the warm enlightened cooperative and productive Federation way of life vs the reality of the continuing Klingon way of life?...

Only in the USA?

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1778548 - Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 0:58:04 UTC - in response to Message 1778537.  

And was the old American "Star Trek" TV series an example of what was hoped for with the portrayal of the warm enlightened cooperative and productive Federation way of life vs the reality of the continuing Klingon way of life?...
Where the Federation was the UN under the control of the USA and the Klingons were a European style collective.

You should read the article. Very well cited BTW.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1778620 - Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 5:45:45 UTC - in response to Message 1778580.  


Blame the tech for that one

We do know what the future holds, for those who believe 'the people' must be controlled:

clyde the rich don't even think like that haven't you been watching the Panama Papers !!

"Science will solve all those problems " , Robots ...Dome bubble City's for Co2 problem , genetics will stop ageing and disease ...

Haven't you seen Elysium the movie ! That's our current Future do you want it is the question ???
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Message 1778776 - Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 18:08:51 UTC

I'm locking this thread and any other ones that are getting ridiculous with personal back and forth insults. Reopening in an hour or so.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
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Message 1778784 - Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 19:06:11 UTC

This thread has been re-opened.

Hot topics require some personal control and moderation. I know it's easy and tempting to post things off the cuff, but please try to accept differences of opinion rationally and discuss without dragging each other in the mud.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1778836 - Posted: 13 Apr 2016, 23:06:45 UTC - in response to Message 1778751.  


Blame the tech for that one

We do know what the future holds, for those who believe 'the people' must be controlled:

clyde the rich don't even think like that haven't you been watching the Panama Papers !!

"Science will solve all those problems " , Robots ...Dome bubble City's for Co2 problem , genetics will stop ageing and disease ...

Haven't you seen Elysium the movie ! That's our current Future do you want it is the question ???

This IS the silliest question Darth has ever asked.

Darth... You're sinking faster and faster.

Why silly I don't know if you have seen that movie .

Clyde Hollywood is very clever at putting subliminal messeges in movies I think perhaps you need to watch it again you misses the under lieing meanings

the lawless of the time , the pollution , the poverty but up in the sky is Utopia

How do you get to that situation , well first you need some sort of caios and crime is one of the best , but how can the crimes get on top off the police mmmmmm

wouldn't be the availability of weapons in the public domain would it .

Nice to have money you can bribe a lot of people
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Message 1785304 - Posted: 6 May 2016, 21:48:46 UTC

I saw this last week on the TV, but just came across a link to it.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1785723 - Posted: 8 May 2016, 2:15:09 UTC - in response to Message 1785304.  

I saw this last week on the TV, but just came across a

How sad for the woman and the kid .

What a guilt trip the kid is going to go through when he's old enough to understand what happened . I hope for his sack they lie about how she died .

Guns don't kill people and the avalabilty of guns is not the problem , yeh right ..!! you keep telling yourself that America
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1786006 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 2:09:10 UTC - in response to Message 1785841.  

Although some (NRA), say that. Most don't.

I'd like to belive that but I think even if it's true most N.R.A are sane the ones that are just red neck cruel A/H control the organisation and are making the whole organization look like there only looking after the gun makers and not actually keeping to there mantra of making shore a government does not totally ban all weapons witch is a pity they don't seem to have a voice .

I'll believe the N.R.A are serious when they stop objecting to any and all types of gun control and come up with sensible policy's that will help with harm reduction of weapons and still allow them even Assault rifles .
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1786033 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 5:05:37 UTC - in response to Message 1786006.  

I'll believe the N.R.A are serious when they stop objecting to any and all types of gun control and come up with sensible policy's that will help with harm reduction of weapons and still allow them even Assault rifles .
Although a measure to expand background checks on gun sales failed in the Senate last year, Americans who live in a household where they or someone else is an NRA member overwhelmingly favored the idea of making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to such checks. About three-quarters (74%) backed these expanded checks compared with 26% who opposed them. But far fewer people in NRA households supported proposed bans on assault-style weapons or high-capacity ammunition clips.

See Glenn, the NRA doesn't want crooks or crazies to have guns, but they see no reason sane law abiding persons should not have whatever they want, and don't forget the NRA has safety classes. Yes, it is that simple.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1786048 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 5:51:55 UTC - in response to Message 1786033.  

About three-quarters (74%) backed these expanded checks compared with 26% who opposed them. But far fewer people in NRA households supported proposed bans on assault-style weapons or high-capacity ammunition clips.

I can understand them being against Banning the Assault rifles that is part of why people think they have joined and fair enough BUT !!!

If your going to have them then expanded police checks on that Class of weapon has to be at the very least restricted .

There the weapon of choice for murders , crimes , drug lords and the crazy's

Although a measure to expand background checks on gun sales failed in the Senate last year

Then why did it fail !!!!

See Glenn, the NRA doesn't want crooks or crazies to have guns, but they see no reason sane law abiding persons should not have whatever they want

So your advocating that everyone should be able to buy a Nuke if they so wish ??

It's not intelligent to say you should be able to have what ever you want .

Not in the 21st century when you can blow up and kill 1000,000 people .

Why can't you buy C4 , a tank , missiles if you can have what ever you want , it's a contradiction !!
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Message 1786114 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 12:47:05 UTC

Assault guns are a must in any home.

Or why not enjoy life like this.
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Message 1786123 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 13:01:16 UTC

I think I need one of these as well.
M3 Carl Gustaf with the Falcon Brigade
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1786132 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 13:51:29 UTC - in response to Message 1786048.  

Although a measure to expand background checks on gun sales failed in the Senate last year

Then why did it fail !!!!

Anti-gun nuts made it fail because it wasn't a total ban.

See Glenn, the NRA doesn't want crooks or crazies to have guns, but they see no reason sane law abiding persons should not have whatever they want

So your advocating that everyone should be able to buy a Nuke if they so wish ??

In the USA private "persons" own nukes.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1786142 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 14:21:21 UTC - in response to Message 1786132.  

In the USA private "persons" own nukes.

I thought only your Military own the Nukes , ICBM's , Cruise Missiles what ever you wish to call them .

I F-ing hope not ..... if so your Mad completely Mad ...... Time to make our own and build them shelters , our side of the plant will clear up quicker than yours and have less damage , were doomed I tell ya
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Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 1786215 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 17:46:39 UTC - in response to Message 1786142.  

In the USA private "persons" own nukes.

I thought only your Military own the Nukes , ICBM's , Cruise Missiles what ever you wish to call them .

I F-ing hope not ..... if so your Mad completely Mad ...... Time to make our own and build them shelters , our side of the plant will clear up quicker than yours and have less damage , were doomed I tell ya

Its amazing what one will find for sale at military surplus stores around here...,-94.213499,3a,75.7y,342.89h,98.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRf5T6m2oD2PLHEnfSz9pRw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Also, a number of houses in the area have tanks in their front yards...


I don't know about nukes, but you have FAR more to worry about than just some military pop-guns in the hands of private citizens in the USA.

That said, the design of nukes (especially the fission a-bombs) is not that difficult. The hard part is obtaining the fissionable 'fuel' for them. But that ain't impossible, just difficult. But it is trivial to construct a radioactive 'dirty bomb'. There was a case a number of years ago where a boy scout attempted to build a nuclear reactor out of scavenged radioactive items.

Clean-up of the site of his experiments as handled as an EPA Superfund site. Mucho dinero.

If a 17 year old kid could amass enough radioactive material to give that a try, it is trivial for someone with evil intentions to do so, and get enough to build a dirty bomb.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1786233 - Posted: 9 May 2016, 18:54:29 UTC - in response to Message 1786142.  

In the USA private "persons" own nukes.

I thought only your Military own the Nukes , ICBM's , Cruise Missiles what ever you wish to call them .

I F-ing hope not ..... if so your Mad completely Mad ...... Time to make our own and build them shelters , our side of the plant will clear up quicker than yours and have less damage , were doomed I tell ya

Well, private "persons" build them. At some point after they are assembled and functional title usually passes to some government.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1786333 - Posted: 10 May 2016, 2:32:13 UTC - in response to Message 1786281.  
Last modified: 10 May 2016, 2:33:14 UTC

Although some (NRA), say that. Most don't.

I'd like to belive that but I think even if it's true most N.R.A are sane the ones that are just red neck cruel A/H control the organisation and are making the whole organization look like there only looking after the gun makers and not actually keeping to there mantra of making shore a government does not totally ban all weapons witch is a pity they don't seem to have a voice .

I'll believe the N.R.A are serious when they stop objecting to any and all types of gun control and come up with sensible policy's that will help with harm reduction of weapons and still allow them even Assault rifles .

Its not the NRA. It's the 100,000,000 Gun Owners. AKA: Voters

If I had a Magic Wand...

I don't.

You did have a magic wand the vote and your voice , mite I suggest you all rethink Don't ban that Class weapon just make shore sensible people own them , ergo: you have a legal reason and self protection in the middle of New York City is not a valid reason , in the country out of town fair enough not if you live in a city

Join a gun club
Have real training on how to use them and safety
Police checks , it's there freaking job and only one's that are spose to have access to criminal records
maybe Home Land Security , FBI ,CIA ,NSA , depends on the weapon

The kid building a Dirty or a real one is why I'm against our Uruanium leaving this country , no accountability of where it's gone

Yes it's easy to build a Nuke any Encyclopedia tells you what to do .

so control the fission material from source to end point and jail for any breach

And that includes Medical waste

wow I hope you don't have the ammo for that Tank MG or your nabors .
cool thing to own but only on a property , not practical but cool..:-)
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1786347 - Posted: 10 May 2016, 4:42:16 UTC - in response to Message 1786333.  

wow I hope you don't have the ammo for that Tank MG or your nabors .
cool thing to own but only on a property , not practical but cool..:-)

See what an American can have ...

You can't build a nuke on what an encyclopedia has, but you can kill yourself. However by the time you finish under division physics at a college you can calculate the required cross section to prevent a premature criticality accident. The hard part is preventing the thing from going off before you want it too.

Now the other kind is a bit more tricky as you need a good grounding in conventional explosives to get the trigger part right with all the shaped charges.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1786531 - Posted: 11 May 2016, 1:50:15 UTC - in response to Message 1786516.  

You did have a magic wand the vote and your voice , mite I suggest you all rethink Don't ban that Class weapon just make shore sensible people own them , ergo: you have a legal reason and self protection in the middle of New York City is not a valid reason , in the country out of town fair enough not if you live in a city

The 'Magic Wand' was to have ALL Guns disappear.

For both Good and Evil persons.

Since that cannot happen. And criminals will always have guns (they don't obey laws or regulations

Clyde our crims don't have shootouts with Assault rifles hell they normally can only get there hands on hand guns or old weapons so banning them will also stop the crims if your serious about Banning them but you need to start somewhere and that vote was the building blokes of the magic wand and yet you could not come to a census even about the start point .

To many small groups arguing amongst them self's and the main culprit is the NRA . They play 2 sides of the same coin .

side one says look at us we are doing things , safety classes in schools

side two (mind you guns should not even be tought at schools as it conditions the young to think it's ok to own them) but mind you can't social engineer can you !!. Only when it suits you or when you wish to be hypocrites is it ok .

side two look we are not objecting to police checks

side one (they then encourage police to take government to court for asking them to do said police checks and pay for the lawyers knowing that if the police can't do it , it won't be done )

playing two side of the same coin and you Americans fall for it all the time so you are either s...., or d..., or s..... seeing as I would be insulting you if I put the whole word so you can fill in the blanks yourself when all I am doing is pointing out how ridiculous the whole thing is and so I would say stop and think and then you won't seem to be s...., d..., s......

And what side of politics does this the most .....Republicans !!!! most republicans would be NRA members and the ones at the top definitely are .

Your all being conned by the gun manufactures and that is all the NRA stand for looking after them and not your personal safety or the country's and you have all fallen for it for so long that you are effectively Brain washed in to believing there arguments
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