I've Built a Couple OSX CUDA Apps...

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Message 1777029 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 2:51:05 UTC - in response to Message 1777021.  

Considering the Only reason you are running the CUDA Apps is because the 10.11.4 update broke your Hackingtosh to the point it didn't work with the OpenCL App that use to work normally, I'd say your best bet to get any of the Apps to work correctly is to go back to what use to work with the OpenCL App. There is a reason the OpenCL App that was working normally went belly up. It would be nice if the CUDA Apps worked with what broke the OpenCL App, but it doesn't appear that's going to happen.

That's the problem with Hackingtoshes, you're One update away from a broken system. The way it use to work was they would release an OS image that worked halfway decent and said this works, but I wouldn't try updating it. If I was to ever build a Hack I would find a system that worked and stay with it. There isn't any advantage to trying to keep a Hack up to date, the chances of an update breaking it is extremely high.
ID: 1777029 · Report as offensive
Chris Adamek
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Message 1777130 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 12:08:00 UTC - in response to Message 1777029.  

Yeah but if he's going to stick with this version of OS X he should stick with the cuda apps. His number of valid results has more than doubled and his inconclusives have dropped by a third. Going back to a previous version of the OS may be quite a headache as well unless he has a time machine backup prior to the update...
ID: 1777130 · Report as offensive
Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1777159 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 14:02:34 UTC - in response to Message 1777130.  
Last modified: 8 Apr 2016, 14:08:18 UTC

Yeah but if he's going to stick with this version of OS X he should stick with the cuda apps. His number of valid results has more than doubled and his inconclusives have dropped by a third. Going back to a previous version of the OS may be quite a headache as well unless he has a time machine backup prior to the update...

Going back to 10.11.3 will be quite a headache; however, knowing what I know now, I just won't Upgrade to 10.11.5 - whenever that comes about. As to this OS, CUDA 65 seems to be the best option I have at hand.

I will keep monitoring Inconclusive levels. MOST of what's left there are still from OpenCL processing. Only two Units in the Inconclusives are CUDA 65, and four Units in Inconclusives are from CUDA 42. So 16 are from OpenCL... I'd say this is FANTASTIC improvement...

If I hadn't already installed other 3rd Party Software that require Keys to Activate; I'd be more keen to go back to 10.11.3. Yeah, I probably could just reinstall these Apps and Keys; but I don't want to.

It's sad that the ONLY problem I'm having with 10.11.4 is with crunching. Everything else is as stable as it was on 10.11.3 for me. Even playing StarCraft II is working perfectly. (I don't play that while crunching for fear it will interfere with BOINC and SETI.)

[EDIT:] Oh, and crunch times have been cut in half over my OpenCL times. OpenCL typically took over 50 Min to crunch two WUs at a time. CUDA 42 took 25 Min to crunch two WUs at a time. CUDA 65 is around 19 Min crunching two WUs at a time. Under CUDA 65, my GTX-750 TI SC is keeping up with CUDA 50 on my GTX-760 on Exeter.

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Message 1777191 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 16:08:43 UTC - in response to Message 1777159.  

Going back to 10.11.3 will be quite a headache...

Hmmm, you should take the advice they offer seriously;
Pre Update Notes:
- This update may break some of your El Capitan functions, like audio and the nVidia Web drivers. So, being an Early Adopter maybe fraught with problems. Make sure you backup first...
Backup your current installation using Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper...

If you would have followed that advice all you would have to do is change the startup disk and boot to the old system. With Macintoshes you can install as many copies of the OS as you wish. Even when we were just hacking Mac video ROMs to work with PC video cards WE knew Apple could break our cards with the next update. Therefore We always had a backup partition/drive Before we applied any Updates. With the Entire OS being a Hack that advice is even more important. You should really setup a backup system as soon as possible.

Yea, I'd stay with what works best and for most Macs with nVidia cards that's CUDA. However, trying to insinuate they is something wrong with an App that works perfectly Fine on Real Macs just because it doesn't work on your broken Hackingtosh is rather annoying. You've tried three different Apps since you applied that Update and ALL THREE have issues with your Hackingtosh when ALL THREE work fine on Real Macs. Granted, the Apple LapTops have issues with the OpenCL App but the Desktop Macs I've seen work fine with it, it's just a little slower on the longer tasks, and it DID work fine on Your desktop before the Update.

I'd suggest placing another HDD in your Hackingtosh as soon as possible and keeping a backup system on it. Usually all that's necessary is a simple extra HDD partition, for a Hackintosh I'd suggest a different drive. Backups are important for most people, in your case it's critical.
ID: 1777191 · Report as offensive
Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1777218 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 18:08:22 UTC - in response to Message 1777191.  
Last modified: 8 Apr 2016, 18:17:48 UTC

Going back to 10.11.3 will be quite a headache...

Hmmm, you should take the advice they offer seriously;
Pre Update Notes:
- This update may break some of your El Capitan functions, like audio and the nVidia Web drivers. So, being an Early Adopter maybe fraught with problems. Make sure you backup first...
Backup your current installation using Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper...

If you would have followed that advice all you would have to do is change the startup disk and boot to the old system. With Macintoshes you can install as many copies of the OS as you wish. Even when we were just hacking Mac video ROMs to work with PC video cards WE knew Apple could break our cards with the next update. Therefore We always had a backup partition/drive Before we applied any Updates. With the Entire OS being a Hack that advice is even more important. You should really setup a backup system as soon as possible.

Yea, I'd stay with what works best and for most Macs with nVidia cards that's CUDA. However, trying to insinuate they is something wrong with an App that works perfectly Fine on Real Macs just because it doesn't work on your broken Hackingtosh is rather annoying. You've tried three different Apps since you applied that Update and ALL THREE have issues with your Hackingtosh when ALL THREE work fine on Real Macs. Granted, the Apple LapTops have issues with the OpenCL App but the Desktop Macs I've seen work fine with it, it's just a little slower on the longer tasks, and it DID work fine on Your desktop before the Update.

I'd suggest placing another HDD in your Hackingtosh as soon as possible and keeping a backup system on it. Usually all that's necessary is a simple extra HDD partition, for a Hackintosh I'd suggest a different drive. Backups are important for most people, in your case it's critical.

Using Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper requires I have another Drive to back up to... I don't. So I can't.

If you have a spare 1 TB Drive lying around that you're not using, I'd gladly partake of such a generous offer. On my budget, I spent what I had in getting the 1 TB Drive that the OS is on currently.

I do have a Laptop 1 TB Drive currently in use by Time Machine; but, as told to me by the Hackintosh Community, Time Machine with El Capitan, (even on REAL MACs), is BROKEN!!! So, I can't use Time Machine to restore to 10.11.3 like has been suggested. I do use Time Machine to back up files and folders from the 1 TB OS X El Capitan Drive. So, I do have access to my files and folders and personal data should the OS Drive die.

Again, I find no real flaws with CUDA 65, I think it's working pretty damned well. It has the fewest Invalids, and the fewest Inconclusives. So, I will continue with CUDA 65. I've given this App nothing but praise; but, here again, I'm being attacked for something I cannot control which is how the OS functions with Alternate NVIDIA Drivers...

Personally, I think the overall experience I've had with OS X El Capitan on my Hackintosh has been pretty successful. I'm proud of what I have accomplished, and as stated before, am glad to have been a participant in the Hackintosh Community. It's been VERY worthwhile.

Now knowing what I know about El Capitan and the NVIDIA Driver situation, again, I WILL NOT Upgrade to 10.11.5 when it comes out. I will stick with what I have.

[EDIT:] What you also are unaware of; is that CC Cloner and SuperDuper DO NOT copy the EFI Boot Partitions when they clone the Drive... This makes the Cloned Drive UNBOOTABLE. It is QUITE DIFFICULT to then make the EFI Boot Partition for the Cloned Drive after the fact. It is more simple to just wipe the Original OS Drive and install clean. (Again with my Time Machine keeping my personal data, I could do this... But, I don't want to...)

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Message 1777241 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 19:18:30 UTC - in response to Message 1777218.  
Last modified: 8 Apr 2016, 19:40:34 UTC

I WILL NOT Upgrade to 10.11.5 when it comes out.

There's Always the chance the next update will fix what the last update broke. There's also the chance the machine will refuse to boot after the next update, as a few of the people there have experienced. I looked at the Update thread, 500 responses in 50 pages, quite a few. You never know how the update will work until you try it, and trying it without a backup system is a recipe for disaster. Hard drives aren't that expense anymore, you should make one a priority. I just use partitions, Apple Disk Utility Restore, and have never bothered with Time Machine. It's very simple to Restore a system to another partition, and after a week or so just run the Restore again to keep the backup updated.

That's with a real Mac, playing around with a Hackintosh without a backup is just asking for trouble. I have a 1tb drive, and it has Three OSes on it with a large Data partition. The 2tb drive also has Three OSes on it and a larger Data partition. I also have a SSD with Two OSes on it, El Capitan and Yosemite. The only one I backup is El Capitan, and I do have two copies of that one. I've been using 125gb partitions for the systems, seems to be enough space for an OS and doesn't take long to Clone. I'd never think of installing an OS on a 1tb partition, it makes Cloning a pain, much easier to clone a 125gb partition. I've been using that method for around 13 years now, ever since the PMG4 days, seems to work for me, but, the partition size has grown quite a bit since then.

[EDIT:] What you also are unaware of; is that CC Cloner and SuperDuper DO NOT copy the EFI Boot Partitions when they clone the Drive... This makes the Cloned Drive UNBOOTABLE. It is QUITE DIFFICULT to then make the EFI Boot Partition for the Cloned Drive after the fact. It is more simple to just wipe the Original OS Drive and install clean. (Again with my Time Machine keeping my personal data, I could do this... But, I don't want to...)

That's why I mentioned a Second drive. If you can't get a Backup to work the way the Site suggests, I suggest you ask the people who made this post why they are suggesting something that You can seem to get to work; Be sure to back up any important data, and if possible clone your hard drive before applying the update.

After reading a good part of those 50 pages I've decided against a Hack. If I need another Mac I'll just spend a few hundred dollars on an Old Mac Pro. Life's too short for those types of problems.
ID: 1777241 · Report as offensive
Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1777288 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 21:49:09 UTC - in response to Message 1777241.  

I WILL NOT Upgrade to 10.11.5 when it comes out.

There's Always the chance the next update will fix what the last update broke. There's also the chance the machine will refuse to boot after the next update, as a few of the people there have experienced. I looked at the Update thread, 500 responses in 50 pages, quite a few. You never know how the update will work until you try it, and trying it without a backup system is a recipe for disaster. Hard drives aren't that expense anymore, you should make one a priority. I just use partitions, Apple Disk Utility Restore, and have never bothered with Time Machine. It's very simple to Restore a system to another partition, and after a week or so just run the Restore again to keep the backup updated.

That's with a real Mac, playing around with a Hackintosh without a backup is just asking for trouble. I have a 1tb drive, and it has Three OSes on it with a large Data partition. The 2tb drive also has Three OSes on it and a larger Data partition. I also have a SSD with Two OSes on it, El Capitan and Yosemite. The only one I backup is El Capitan, and I do have two copies of that one. I've been using 125gb partitions for the systems, seems to be enough space for an OS and doesn't take long to Clone. I'd never think of installing an OS on a 1tb partition, it makes Cloning a pain, much easier to clone a 125gb partition. I've been using that method for around 13 years now, ever since the PMG4 days, seems to work for me, but, the partition size has grown quite a bit since then.

[EDIT:] What you also are unaware of; is that CC Cloner and SuperDuper DO NOT copy the EFI Boot Partitions when they clone the Drive... This makes the Cloned Drive UNBOOTABLE. It is QUITE DIFFICULT to then make the EFI Boot Partition for the Cloned Drive after the fact. It is more simple to just wipe the Original OS Drive and install clean. (Again with my Time Machine keeping my personal data, I could do this... But, I don't want to...)

That's why I mentioned a Second drive. If you can't get a Backup to work the way the Site suggests, I suggest you ask the people who made this post why they are suggesting something that You can seem to get to work; Be sure to back up any important data, and if possible clone your hard drive before applying the update.

After reading a good part of those 50 pages I've decided against a Hack. If I need another Mac I'll just spend a few hundred dollars on an Old Mac Pro. Life's too short for those types of problems.

Well, I'm glad you have a spare several hundred dollars to spend on an ol MAC Pro. I don't; that's why I chose this route. Also, I'm glad you have $80 Plus Tax per 1 TB Drive to spend on backup drives, again I don't.

I'm on Disability; SSDI in fact, I'm about as poor as Vic. Half of what I get from SSDI goes to Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Part D for Prescription Coverage, Dental, and Vision Coverages. The remaining balance of my SSDI goes to Prescription Co-Pays, Doctors Office Visit Co-Pays, and that leaves me VERY little discretionary funds. I do what I can, and it was ALL I could do just to get the 1 TB Drive to put MAC OS X on.

So, again, if you have a spare 1 TB Drive available that's NOT in use, I'd gladly partake of that to make a Backup Drive of MAC OS X El Capitan. Right now, the ONLY spare 1 TB Drive I have on hand is for Imaging my Win 7 Pro to before Upgrading that to Win 10 Pro.

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Message 1777308 - Posted: 8 Apr 2016, 22:37:52 UTC - in response to Message 1777288.  

Well, I'm glad you have a spare several hundred dollars to spend on an ol MAC Pro. I don't; that's why I chose this route. Also, I'm glad you have $80 Plus Tax per 1 TB Drive to spend on backup drives, again I don't...

Sorry, nothing to spare here. I just spent all the spare on the 4th NV card. It was a tough choice too. It was either try to fix the mower myself or spend the spare on the shop. I managed to fix the mower, so I used the money on another card. That's going to be it for a while, no 2nd Mac either, just Linux.

I'd suggest not trying any more updates until you get a backup system, eventually one will result in just a black screen. You might consider going back to the system that worked, even though it might be painful now. If you're going to stay with one system it should be the one that works.

Now to see if I can finish putting the Husqvarna back together.
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Message 1777639 - Posted: 9 Apr 2016, 23:10:47 UTC

Nice, FedEx delivers on Saturday!

So...We don't need no steeking Names right?
If Yosemite whats to call my new card a "NVIDIA Graphics Device" that's just fine I suppose, as long as it works.
But that means BOINC calls it the same; Coprocessors: [3] NVIDIA Graphics Device (2047MB) driver: 4600.58 OpenCL: 1.2
SETI too;
Sat Apr 9 16:10:47 2016 | | Starting BOINC client version 7.6.22 for x86_64-apple-darwin
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 0: Graphics Device (driver version 7.5.26, CUDA version 7.5, compute capability 5.2, 2048MB, 1785MB available, 2022 GFLOPS peak)
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 750 Ti (driver version 7.5.26, CUDA version 7.5, compute capability 5.0, 2048MB, 1879MB available, 1388 GFLOPS peak)
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 2: GeForce GTX 750 Ti (driver version 7.5.26, CUDA version 7.5, compute capability 5.0, 2048MB, 1880MB available, 1421 GFLOPS peak)
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 0: Graphics Device (driver version 10.5.2 346.02.03f06, device version OpenCL 1.2, 2048MB, 1785MB available, 2022 GFLOPS peak)
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 1: GeForce GTX 750 Ti (driver version 10.5.2 346.02.03f06, device version OpenCL 1.2, 2048MB, 1879MB available, 1388 GFLOPS peak)
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 2: GeForce GTX 750 Ti (driver version 10.5.2 346.02.03f06, device version OpenCL 1.2, 2048MB, 1880MB available, 1421 GFLOPS peak)
Sat Apr 9 16:10:48 2016 | | OS: Mac OS X 10.10.5 (Darwin 14.5.0)

But it Does work...
Seems to be a little better than the 750Ti.
We'll see how it goes.
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 1777663 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 0:30:00 UTC - in response to Message 1777639.  

If Yosemite whats to call my new card a "NVIDIA Graphics Device" that's just fine I suppose, as long as it works.

(driver version 10.5.2 346.02.03f06

A more recent driver might be able to identify the hardware correctly.
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ID: 1777663 · Report as offensive
Chris Adamek
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Message 1777668 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 1:06:01 UTC - in response to Message 1777639.  

What kind of card is it?

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Message 1777669 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 1:19:49 UTC - in response to Message 1777663.  

Unfortunately that's as high as nVidia goes in OSX, the driver is the latest one available and will only work with this version of OSX. nVidia develops a video driver for each version of OSX, this one was just released for the last Yosemite update on 3/22 the same day the latest El Capitan update was released;
Yosemite: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/100768/en-us
El Capitan: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/100824/en-us

Best I can tell the OS is not even bothering to ask the Driver for the card info.
Apparently everything else is just going by what the OS says and is also not asking the driver.
I'm pretty sure it works in El Capitan, but, I'm not all that fond of EC, or the people who decided it would be best if they basically locked down the entire usr folder in El Capitan...there are names for companies that do such things.

I moved the spare 750Ti over to Linux and put it to work with the Linux CUDA 42 App. It's doing quite well over there, http://setiweb.ssl.berkeley.edu/beta/workunit.php?wuid=8483180
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Message 1777672 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 1:33:59 UTC - in response to Message 1777668.  

What kind of card is it?


This one; EVGA GeForce GTX 950 DirectX 12 02G-P4-1956-KR
It's back up to $149 now, the other day it was the cheapest 950 at $129, so, I pounced on it. Seems it was only on sale for a couple of days. I'm thinking they put the wrong card on sale.
ID: 1777672 · Report as offensive
Chris Adamek
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Message 1777673 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 1:39:41 UTC - in response to Message 1777672.  

Does it require power or does it run off the bus like the 750ti's? Not a bad price but I love the fact the 750ti's don't require extra power.

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Message 1777679 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 2:00:39 UTC - in response to Message 1777673.  
Last modified: 10 Apr 2016, 2:07:24 UTC


It's rated at 90 watts. It's a little longer than the 750Ti.
ID: 1777679 · Report as offensive
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Message 1777683 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 2:07:39 UTC - in response to Message 1777673.  

Does it require power or does it run off the bus like the 750ti's? Not a bad price but I love the fact the 750ti's don't require extra power.


Nvidia rate them at 90W (stock) so yes they do have a 6pin connector, though I heard a rumor that 1 company was talking about a down clocked version that's rated at 70-75W without the need for extra power (but I suspect that would bring it back to GTX 750 Ti performance).

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Message 1777684 - Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 2:07:40 UTC - in response to Message 1777679.  

The are special editions around that only require 75W, so no need for external power, but they appear to be rather thin on the ground.
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ID: 1777684 · Report as offensive
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Message 1781156 - Posted: 22 Apr 2016, 1:16:03 UTC

Greetings All

After a major crash course in building a Hackintosh from one of my home PC's (LGA775 ASUS P5Q Pro board, C2D Quad 9400 and GTX 670), I managed to get to the desktop.
Installed the latest drivers but oh no I decided to upgrade up to El Capitan as well.
Ran some stock apps from both SETI Beta and SETI. Encountered a run of validation inconclusives.
Came back to this thread again and got the optimised app, did all the changes necessary.
Waited awhile, snagged a couple of workunits, bang computation error, oops forgot the permissions, reloaded BOINC and then managed to snag a couple more units and this time all was good. Went to bed
Crunched 44 units before turning it off. They went straight into awaiting validation, some now have gone to valid. Well thats a good start for the time being.

Computer ID 7980163

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Message 1787120 - Posted: 12 May 2016, 22:25:30 UTC
Last modified: 12 May 2016, 22:29:16 UTC

After working on it for a few days I've finally been able to compile the CUDA App in Mavericks and Yosemite. Seems the trick is to use nothing lower than -mmacosx-version-min=10.9 and install boinc-master After the CUDA ToolKit. The problem is the resulting Apps have a tendency to Crash After the Science App is finished. Somewhere between 30 to 50 percent will crash after finishing the task unless you use the -poll command and then the percentage is much lower. Some of the Crashes over the last day are here, http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/results.php?hostid=6796479&state=6

The advantages to compiling with the CUDA Toolkit 7.5 over Toolkit 6.5 is on a GTX 750Ti the GUPPIs finish in around 17 to 19 minutes verses 23 minutes with the Toolkit 6.5 compiled in Mountain Lion. The Crash After Finish happens with Apps compiled in Yosemite and Mavericks with both Toolkit 7.0 and 7.5. The Apps complied with 7.0 are even slower than the ones compiled with 6.5 so that one is of little use. Any ideas Why the Apps are Crashing After the Correct results have been printed to the stderr.txt?

Work Unit Info:
WU true angle range is :  0.007080
Sigma 503
Sigma > GaussTOffsetStop: 503 > -439
Thread call stack limit is: 1k
cudaAcc_free() called...
cudaAcc_free() running...
cudaAcc_free() PulseFind freed...
cudaAcc_free() Gaussfit freed...
cudaAcc_free() AutoCorrelation freed...
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,cudaAcc_free() DONE.
Flopcounter: 32725565554446.433594

Spike count:    0
Autocorr count: 0
Pulse count:    2
Triplet count:  1
Gaussian count: 0
SIGBUS: bus error

Crashed executable name: setiathome_x41p_zi_x86_64-apple-darwin_cuda75
Machine type Intel 80486 (64-bit executable)
System version: Macintosh OS 10.10.5 build 14F1713
Thu May 12 07:58:51 2016

atos cannot load symbols for the file setiathome_x41p_zi_x86_64-apple-darwin_cuda75 for architecture x86_64.
0   setiathome_x41p_zi_x86_64-apple-darwin_cuda75 0x000000010abe12eb  
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
1   setiathome_x41p_zi_x86_64-apple-darwin_cuda75 0x000000010abd2376  
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff9381bf1a  
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader

The Apps seem to produce Very Few Inconclusive results, if it weren't for these Crashes we might have a Winner.
ID: 1787120 · Report as offensive
Profile jason_gee
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Message 1787130 - Posted: 12 May 2016, 22:52:23 UTC - in response to Message 1787120.  
Last modified: 12 May 2016, 22:54:27 UTC

Yes think my next step for Mac is to update boinc-master and rebuild the libs for older OS-version. The pipe write crash you're seeing seems to be indicating a shutdown threading issue I haven't seen. One issue you have seems to be happening before it reaches boinc_finish(). There are threading and semantic difficulties we found after boinc_finish (in standard boincapi), but your issue appears to be before that.

One thing you can do, is from that successful Cuda shutdown onwards, to before boinc_finish() call, do something like:

int pos = 0;

and each alternate line of code:
fprintf(stderr,"OK to position %d\n",pos); pos++;

Which should let you confirm whether some specific line of code you have triggers the failure, or if reaches random points is due to some external factor ( client or other thread)

[Pretty similar to stepping through line by line with a debugger, and watching for a consistent point of failure)
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