U.S. Presidential issues questionnaire

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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1726563 - Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 19:22:48 UTC - in response to Message 1726555.  

Fascinating Debate last night.

Once you get past CNN trying to stir up a fight to stir up their falling ratings....Carly kicked A$$! Want a woman for President? Listen carefully to her words, no BS like 'The donald'(lower case for a lower mind). Marco was STRONG!

And Carson speaks softly and carries a 3000# intellectual 'velvet hammer'(you don't realize you've been hit til you pick yourself off the floor)!

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1726587 - Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 20:58:54 UTC - in response to Message 1723520.  

Check out the current thread entitled: Migration Period now? It's not a fantasy. It's happening right now. You can thank our current president for most of what’s happening right now across the middle east and north Africa. When Hillary gets into the white house, it’ll only get worse for Europe. Your welcome!

Actually, that's Bush's fault, along with decades of bad American foreign policy. Obama's reaction may have not been the best, but to blame it all on him? No, thats inaccurate and unfair.

And quite honestly, I think the Republicans would cause much more problems for Europe. They might be stupid enough to start another war and create more chaos and instability in the region. They might further provoke Russia to step up its involvement in Ukraine. Obama's reaction may have been comparatively weak, but that is mostly because we have arrived at a point where further US involvement will not help the situation, and he is at least smart enough to acknowledge that.

Plus, why is Brutus putting it all on the US.
Does he not believe the Middle East and North Africa bear some responsibility?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1726610 - Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 21:53:41 UTC - in response to Message 1726587.  

Check out the current thread entitled: Migration Period now? It's not a fantasy. It's happening right now. You can thank our current president for most of what’s happening right now across the middle east and north Africa. When Hillary gets into the white house, it’ll only get worse for Europe. Your welcome!

Actually, that's Bush's fault, along with decades of bad American foreign policy. Obama's reaction may have not been the best, but to blame it all on him? No, thats inaccurate and unfair.

And quite honestly, I think the Republicans would cause much more problems for Europe. They might be stupid enough to start another war and create more chaos and instability in the region. They might further provoke Russia to step up its involvement in Ukraine. Obama's reaction may have been comparatively weak, but that is mostly because we have arrived at a point where further US involvement will not help the situation, and he is at least smart enough to acknowledge that.

Plus, why is Brutus putting it all on the US.
Does he not believe the Middle East and North Africa bear some responsibility?

I believe the Islamitic State IS bear all responsibility to what happen there and now.
If there are Republicans or Democrats running the US it doesnt matter...
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1726634 - Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 22:43:31 UTC - in response to Message 1726610.  

Check out the current thread entitled: Migration Period now? It's not a fantasy. It's happening right now. You can thank our current president for most of what’s happening right now across the middle east and north Africa. When Hillary gets into the white house, it’ll only get worse for Europe. Your welcome!

Actually, that's Bush's fault, along with decades of bad American foreign policy. Obama's reaction may have not been the best, but to blame it all on him? No, thats inaccurate and unfair.

And quite honestly, I think the Republicans would cause much more problems for Europe. They might be stupid enough to start another war and create more chaos and instability in the region. They might further provoke Russia to step up its involvement in Ukraine. Obama's reaction may have been comparatively weak, but that is mostly because we have arrived at a point where further US involvement will not help the situation, and he is at least smart enough to acknowledge that.

Plus, why is Brutus putting it all on the US.
Does he not believe the Middle East and North Africa bear some responsibility?

I believe the Islamitic State IS bear all responsibility to what happen there and now.
If there are Republicans or Democrats running the US it doesnt matter...

But they'll argue the other side bears the complete responsibility for that group forming, as people that are "of a type that shall not be named" often do rather than putting things in perspective.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1726650 - Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 23:38:24 UTC - in response to Message 1726634.  

Check out the current thread entitled: Migration Period now? It's not a fantasy. It's happening right now. You can thank our current president for most of what’s happening right now across the middle east and north Africa. When Hillary gets into the white house, it’ll only get worse for Europe. Your welcome!

Actually, that's Bush's fault, along with decades of bad American foreign policy. Obama's reaction may have not been the best, but to blame it all on him? No, thats inaccurate and unfair.

And quite honestly, I think the Republicans would cause much more problems for Europe. They might be stupid enough to start another war and create more chaos and instability in the region. They might further provoke Russia to step up its involvement in Ukraine. Obama's reaction may have been comparatively weak, but that is mostly because we have arrived at a point where further US involvement will not help the situation, and he is at least smart enough to acknowledge that.

Plus, why is Brutus putting it all on the US.
Does he not believe the Middle East and North Africa bear some responsibility?

I believe the Islamitic State IS bear all responsibility to what happen there and now.
If there are Republicans or Democrats running the US it doesnt matter...

But they'll argue the other side bears the complete responsibility for that group forming, as people that are "of a type that shall not be named" often do rather than putting things in perspective.

A bit off topic but...
I have read that too.
But mostly are "they" Kremlin:)
Here is what Russian Sputnik tell us in our country.

I wonder how the new president of the US will handle the situation in Europe today...
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Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 1726715 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 2:53:30 UTC - in response to Message 1726650.  

I wonder how the new president of the US will handle the situation in Europe today...

Well, I know how I would handle it. Pull our military out, and ignore it (Europe). You are capable of handling yer own bidnizz. The occasional trade agreement between the US and Europe is about all that might be needed.

Treat most of the rest of the world the same way too. We kinda have to interact with Canada and Mexico, since we have a common land border with them. The rest of the world? Ppppppttttttt!

I would hope that whoever gets elected in the USA in 2016 would believe this way as well. But, almost certainly, ain't gonna happen.
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Profile celttooth

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Message 1726721 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 3:04:12 UTC - in response to Message 1726715.  

We kinda have to interact with Canada and Mexico

No, that's ok. We got it!


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Message 1726796 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 8:21:23 UTC - in response to Message 1726715.  

I wonder how the new president of the US will handle the situation in Europe today...

Well, I know how I would handle it. Pull our military out, and ignore it (Europe). You are capable of handling yer own bidnizz. The occasional trade agreement between the US and Europe is about all that might be needed.

Treat most of the rest of the world the same way too. We kinda have to interact with Canada and Mexico, since we have a common land border with them. The rest of the world? Ppppppttttttt!

I would hope that whoever gets elected in the USA in 2016 would believe this way as well. But, almost certainly, ain't gonna happen.

Who wants to be leader of a world power if their express aim is to stop being a world power?
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1726815 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 11:21:26 UTC - in response to Message 1726731.  

I wonder how the new president of the US will handle the situation in Europe today...

Well, I know how I would handle it. Pull our military out, and ignore it (Europe). You are capable of handling yer own bidnizz. The occasional trade agreement between the US and Europe is about all that might be needed.

Treat most of the rest of the world the same way too. We kinda have to interact with Canada and Mexico, since we have a common land border with them. The rest of the world? Ppppppttttttt!

I would hope that whoever gets elected in the USA in 2016 would believe this way as well. But, almost certainly, ain't gonna happen.

More than "kinda have to interact..."

Question for our European Friends:

Do you have the Military Capability, if (when) The USA withdraws, to protect your International Trade and Interests?

Understanding that International Law. Has no authority, excepting Brute Force. AKA International Military (Police).

Note: Believing anything has changed since the Sumerians. Is wishful thinking.

Maybe we have the Military Capability, but there so many countries in Europe. EU is a mess right now.
I wonder how it would be if the US had 50 presidents...
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1726822 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 12:21:15 UTC - in response to Message 1726796.  

I wonder how the new president of the US will handle the situation in Europe today...

Well, I know how I would handle it. Pull our military out, and ignore it (Europe). You are capable of handling yer own bidnizz. The occasional trade agreement between the US and Europe is about all that might be needed.

Treat most of the rest of the world the same way too. We kinda have to interact with Canada and Mexico, since we have a common land border with them. The rest of the world? Ppppppttttttt!

I would hope that whoever gets elected in the USA in 2016 would believe this way as well. But, almost certainly, ain't gonna happen.

Who wants to be leader of a world power if their express aim is to stop being a world power?

Kong 2016!
ID: 1726822 · Report as offensive
Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1726840 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 13:51:09 UTC
Last modified: 18 Sep 2015, 13:52:26 UTC

Who wants to be leader of a world power if their express aim is to stop being a world power?
Apparently, by the results of his policies, that would be Barrack Hussein Obama......and his minion the Queen of deceit, HRC(Her Royal Clintoness)

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1726845 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 14:20:44 UTC - in response to Message 1726840.  

Who wants to be leader of a world power if their express aim is to stop being a world power?
Apparently, by the results of his policies, that would be Barrack Hussein Obama......and his minion the Queen of deceit, HRC(Her Royal Clintoness)

Oh really? And why is that? He made a historic deal with Iran and Cuba and repaired the relationship with NATO that had soured under Bush. He ended two wars and took the lead in building a coalition against IS. Under the circumstances he had to work in, I'd say he has shown more than enough leadership.

The things where you accuse him off lacking leadership, mostly in regards to Putin and IS, are things he can't really do anything about. Accusing him of leadership is accusing him of not being able to raise the dead or turn the night sky white.
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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1726865 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 15:32:36 UTC

He made a historic deal with Iran and Cuba

Yes he did..........and coming soon to a city near you, courtesy of Iran and Obama and the oil greedy European co-signers of the 'Agreement' and delivered by ISIS..........

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
ID: 1726865 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1726872 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 16:00:49 UTC - in response to Message 1726865.  

He made a historic deal with Iran and Cuba

Yes he did..........and coming soon to a city near you, courtesy of Iran and Obama and the oil greedy European co-signers of the 'Agreement' and delivered by ISIS..........

No that is coming to you via Kim in the DPRK who desperately needs cash, and ISIL has been selling lots of oil and has piles of cash. Even China has woken up to the possibility. http://news.yahoo.com/china-respond-firmly-north-korea-nuke-test-133752226.html

Iran won't because there is far too much factional strife in the area and it would be too easy for a faction that hates their guts to get one if they put it on the open terrorist market.
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Profile Sarge
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Message 1726883 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 16:40:43 UTC - in response to Message 1726872.  

He made a historic deal with Iran and Cuba

Yes he did..........and coming soon to a city near you, courtesy of Iran and Obama and the oil greedy European co-signers of the 'Agreement' and delivered by ISIS..........

No that is coming to you via Kim in the DPRK who desperately needs cash, and ISIL has been selling lots of oil and has piles of cash. Even China has woken up to the possibility. http://news.yahoo.com/china-respond-firmly-north-korea-nuke-test-133752226.html

Iran won't because there is far too much factional strife in the area and it would be too easy for a faction that hates their guts to get one if they put it on the open terrorist market.

Plus ... if it were really as bad as he and so many others claim, they'd be doing a heck of a lot more than posting on message boards and making youtube videos with these "warnings". A lot more.
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Message 1726894 - Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 17:34:25 UTC - in response to Message 1726865.  

He made a historic deal with Iran and Cuba

Yes he did..........and coming soon to a city near you, courtesy of Iran and Obama and the oil greedy European co-signers of the 'Agreement' and delivered by ISIS..........

Riiiight. You do realize that Iran is an ally of the United States in the coalition against IS?

But sure, Iran wants to nuke people, because clearly people born in that part of the world are just born like that. They all have a deathwish and they all want nothing more than to die in a nuclear holocaust. What you are displaying here is full blown xenophobia.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1727049 - Posted: 19 Sep 2015, 18:50:28 UTC - in response to Message 1726998.  

Later, he said that "most" put-down Republican as their Party Affiliation.

No surprise at all. The ones I work with are very conservative fiscally, and to some extent also on social issues, the majority being raised Roman Catholic, however they do believe a woman should be in control of her own uterus. I don't know what rock the pundits and the ditto heads live under, but that explains the troglodyte status.
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Message 1731174 - Posted: 2 Oct 2015, 15:27:46 UTC
Last modified: 2 Oct 2015, 15:42:37 UTC

He is a billionaire who suddenly leads the battle for the Republican presidential nomination in the United States. But on this side of the Atlantic Donald Trump is waging another battle - against Sweden's largest state-owned companies. It's about 18 holes, 11 wind turbines and a ruined view. Now the feud are being settled in Britain's highest court.


Donald! Read a map and learn that Sweden has no President!

With Vova Putin and The Donald at the helm at the same time in the world, what could possibly go wrong?

When David and Moira Milne refused to sell their house to Donald Trump, he planted trees in front of the house to obscure it and their views.

Already in 2006 he bought the land and the associated stone mansion, built in the 1800s. Donald Trump tells the local newspaper Press & Journal that he loves Scotland, the country where his mother was born. The golf course is his way to bond with his roots. The mansion, he renamed the Menie House to MacLeod House, his mother's family name.

Donald Trump's family are somewhat obscure.
Donald Trump claims that he has scandinavian roots!
That's a lie!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1731276 - Posted: 2 Oct 2015, 22:03:42 UTC - in response to Message 1731174.  

Donald Trump's family are somewhat obscure.
No it isn't. It is whatever the cash can buy.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1731295 - Posted: 2 Oct 2015, 22:59:38 UTC - in response to Message 1731276.  

Donald Trump's family are somewhat obscure.
No it isn't. It is whatever the cash can buy.

Cash is King:)
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