Panic Mode On (98) Server Problems?

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Message 1696367 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 6:52:47 UTC

I think it means "very low angle range". Those tasks take considerably longer to crunch then other tasks. I don't really know why, but for some reason they are a PITA for GPUs, so, since some time, they are only sent to CPU hosts.
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Message 1696369 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 7:20:54 UTC - in response to Message 1696367.  

I think it means "very low angle range". Those tasks take considerably longer to crunch then other tasks. I don't really know why, but for some reason they are a PITA for GPUs, so, since some time, they are only sent to CPU hosts.

You are absolutely right. I have no idea where I got the word long from
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Message 1696372 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 7:32:12 UTC
Last modified: 28 Jun 2015, 8:03:37 UTC

Slightly off topic question. Yesterday I got about 41 tasks sent to my ATI 7970. I reset the project in the hope that I would be able to re-download them on my GTX 970 card this unfortunately didn't happen. Is there a way that I can abort in them? They are still assigned to my computer but they are not in my task list. I'm thinking worst case scenario detach from project and reattach. I don't mind if they sit there until they exceed their deadline which will be around 17 July. I just thought people will get their credit faster if I can free them
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Message 1696377 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 8:09:54 UTC - in response to Message 1696372.  

Slightly off topic question. Yesterday I got about 41 tasks sent to my ATI 7970. I reset the project in the hope that I would be able to re-download them on my GTX 970 card this unfortunately didn't happen. Is there a way that I can abort in them? They are still assigned to my computer but they are not in my task list. I'm thinking worst case scenario detach from project and reattach. I don't mind if they sit there until they exceed their deadline which will be around 17 July. I just thought people will get their credit faster if I can free them

There is nothing You can do, "Resend lost tasks" -option in servers is disabled at this moment.

You can only hope that that option is turned on in some point, but I doubt that it will happen, if I remember correctly it was giving big trouble to database.
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Message 1696379 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 8:14:43 UTC - in response to Message 1696377.  

Slightly off topic question. Yesterday I got about 41 tasks sent to my ATI 7970. I reset the project in the hope that I would be able to re-download them on my GTX 970 card this unfortunately didn't happen. Is there a way that I can abort in them? They are still assigned to my computer but they are not in my task list. I'm thinking worst case scenario detach from project and reattach. I don't mind if they sit there until they exceed their deadline which will be around 17 July. I just thought people will get their credit faster if I can free them

There is nothing You can do, "Resend lost tasks" -option in servers is disabled at this moment.

You can only hope that that option is turned on in some point, but I doubt that it will happen, if I remember correctly it was giving big trouble to database.

Thank you. I was aware it had been turned off but I thought it had been turned back on. This is obviously not the case. We can only hope it is turned on again soon.
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Message 1696396 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 9:49:58 UTC - in response to Message 1696377.  

... There is nothing You can do, "Resend lost tasks" -option in servers is disabled at this moment.

You can only hope that that option is turned on in some point, but I doubt that it will happen, if I remember correctly it was giving big trouble to database.

Are you absolutely sure...

26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Scheduler request completed: got 6 new tasks
26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Message from server: Resent lost task ap_06fe15aa_B6_P0_00290_20150624_31549.wu_2
26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Message from server: Resent lost task ap_04fe15ab_B3_P1_00340_20150624_03905.wu_2
26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Message from server: Resent lost task ap_06fe15aa_B6_P1_00241_20150624_15160.wu_0
26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Message from server: Resent lost task ap_07fe15aa_B2_P0_00263_20150624_28439.wu_1
26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Message from server: Resent lost task ap_06fe15aa_B6_P1_00242_20150624_15160.wu_0
26/06/2015 3:12:01 PM SETI@home Message from server: Resent lost task 02ja13ac.10244.109048.438086664205.12.232_0
26/06/2015 3:15:05 PM SETI@home Computation for task 30au12ac.25620.8802.438086664198.12.213_1 finished

... these are not the only ones I have had ...

ID: 1696396 · Report as offensive
Profile Zalster Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1696433 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 13:20:11 UTC - in response to Message 1696367.  

I think it means "very low angle range". Those tasks take considerably longer to crunch then other tasks. I don't really know why, but for some reason they are a PITA for GPUs, so, since some time, they are only sent to CPU hosts.

For now.

On beta they are testing some apps to let those run on the GPU.

Takes about 20 minutes or so for each one. (Better than the 1h 20 mins on my CPU)

I look forward to the day they are able to get them to work proficiently on the GPUs.
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Message 1696569 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 21:13:01 UTC - in response to Message 1696433.  

I think it means "very low angle range". Those tasks take considerably longer to crunch then other tasks. I don't really know why, but for some reason they are a PITA for GPUs, so, since some time, they are only sent to CPU hosts.

For now.

On beta they are testing some apps to let those run on the GPU.

Takes about 20 minutes or so for each one. (Better than the 1h 20 mins on my CPU)

I look forward to the day they are able to get them to work proficiently on the GPUs.

20 minutes sounds nice. My CPU runs 04:18:20 on VLAR. MB runs in the same range.

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Message 1696578 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 21:45:42 UTC
Last modified: 28 Jun 2015, 21:48:25 UTC

Just wondering if anyone else has seen any of this:

Got a whole herd of MB jobs that error out a few minutes later, as "timed out no response". Would seem as though these were sent only allowing the client only minutes to work 'em ...
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Profile Zalster Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1696580 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 21:52:36 UTC - in response to Message 1696578.  


I've had some of those before. About 100 the other day. Mine were related to a stall in the uploader sending them to my computer. (at least that is what I contribute it to as BM said, downloading was stalled) Wasn't having another problems as my computer was able to access other websites.

Not sure if it's related to TBar's thread about the abandonment of his APs.

Happy Crunching...

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Message 1696584 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 22:26:51 UTC - in response to Message 1696580.  

Yep, had that before as well (it's being going on for a while). I've mentioned it in the "Panic Mode" thread (as have others over time but not necessarily in that thread) however no one seemed interested in looking into why it happens. I know it's a waste of bandwidth (both yours and theirs) but no point in worrying about it as they won't do anything about it.

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Message 1696589 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 22:53:47 UTC - in response to Message 1696578.  

Just wondering if anyone else has seen any of this:

Got a whole herd of MB jobs that error out a few minutes later, as "timed out no response". Would seem as though these were sent only allowing the client only minutes to work 'em ...

That looks like the well known issue of ghost tasks getting canceled on the 2nd That looks like the result of a well known issue with ghost tasks when resend is enabled on the server side.
The short version of what happens:
-The client requests work for CPU & GPU.
-The server assigns work to the CPU & GPU, but the client doesn't get or acknowledge the tasks.
-The client requests work a few minutes later.
-The server tries to resend the ghost tasks, but decides that the requesting device is not correct for the previously assigned device type. Then marks the task(s) as timed out.

The most common form of that happens with VLAR tasks are assigned to the CPU & the second request is only for GPU work. However it can happen with any kind of task from what I have seen.

Did someone enable resends when they brought the servers back up on Saturday?
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Message 1696594 - Posted: 28 Jun 2015, 23:39:57 UTC - in response to Message 1696589.  

HAL9000, look above ... it appears as though they may have ...
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Message 1696616 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 1:45:44 UTC - in response to Message 1696594.  

HAL9000, look above ... it appears as though they may have ...

A bit strange this, had to redo one of my Parallella installations, reverted it to it's old host id's and seq_no plus one,
Seti Main sent new tasks, and didn't resend it's lost tasks, Seti Beta refused to resend the lost tasks and expired them, and issued new ones:

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Message 1696622 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 2:29:03 UTC - in response to Message 1696616.  

HAL9000, look above ... it appears as though they may have ...

A bit strange this, had to redo one of my Parallella installations, reverted it to it's old host id's and seq_no plus one,
Seti Main sent new tasks, and didn't resend it's lost tasks, Seti Beta refused to resend the lost tasks and expired them, and issued new ones:


It doesn't look like resend is enabled to me. As I have a machine that ended up fetching come MB GPU work just as I was shutting down BOINC to remove the MB GPU app. So it had about 40 tasks that are going to have to time out now. If resend was enabled those tasks would have been sent to the CPU by now.
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Message 1696677 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 6:25:44 UTC - in response to Message 1696622.  

... interesting isn't it ...
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Message 1696680 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 6:32:22 UTC - in response to Message 1696622.  

HAL9000, look above ... it appears as though they may have ...

A bit strange this, had to redo one of my Parallella installations, reverted it to it's old host id's and seq_no plus one,
Seti Main sent new tasks, and didn't resend it's lost tasks, Seti Beta refused to resend the lost tasks and expired them, and issued new ones:


It doesn't look like resend is enabled to me. As I have a machine that ended up fetching come MB GPU work just as I was shutting down BOINC to remove the MB GPU app. So it had about 40 tasks that are going to have to time out now. If resend was enabled those tasks would have been sent to the CPU by now.

I have to agree that it looks like it had not been enabled. I have tried several combinations and including receiving CPU work as I thought the tasks may have been VLAR tasks. This was not the case and they are still sitting waiting to start. Hopefully they will turn it on after Wednesdays maintenance
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Message 1696744 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 15:14:42 UTC

No, nothing to panic about, but not really needed for me to start a new thread about this either. And if something should go awry with my cache, it's a handful of tasks only anyway.

Tomorrow my Areocool Areo-1000 case comes in, then I'll move my motherboard and innards over to the new case, take the HyperEVO 212 off my i5-2500K, bolt the Cooler Master Seidon 120v v2 on, and will go run some minutes of Passmark BurnInTest on it.

I ran that program on my i3-530 (with the same water cooler, and the fan on the radiator now reversed so it takes air over the radiator into the case, instead of blowing it over the radiator out of the case. :)), and even after an hour temperatures hadn't come above 45C. I've never seen that i3 so cold under 100% continuous load. So fingers crossed my i5 is going to take a step back in heat-spreading as well. It's idling at the moment at 44C and when doing some (light) load it peaks at 67C.

With temperatures the rest of the week being above 30C (86F) and on Saturday/Sunday expecting to be in the direction of 40C (104F), good cooling is required. Especially in a flat that warms up like an oven. Though I doubt I'll do much Seti during the next week / heat wave as I lack water cooling on the GPU.

The case comes with 3x120mm fans, I still have one 120mm spare fan lying on the table (although Twiggles, one of my cats, managed to puke her lunch on it. Complete with hairball. So I hope it's still all right, anyone got experience in this matter? ;-)), and the 120mm fan from the HyperEVO can probably be of use in there somewhere as well. Fingers crossed I have enough fan connectors on the motherboard.
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Message 1696748 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 15:30:55 UTC - in response to Message 1696744.  

(although Twiggles, one of my cats, managed to puke her lunch on it. Complete with hairball. So I hope it's still all right, anyone got experience in this matter? ;-))

Sounds like you're about to find out what happens when the puke hits the fan. I hope not too much re-decorating is needed...
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Message 1696757 - Posted: 29 Jun 2015, 16:01:18 UTC - in response to Message 1696748.  

I'd planned to put it next to the radiator+fan at the top of the case, blowing down onto my GPU. I've cleaned everything off as much as I could, but can't be sure nothing seeped into the axle housing. Holly said to soak the fan in a tray of water, but I don't think that's a good idea. Although I'd be pretty sure then it's broken. ;-)
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Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (98) Server Problems?

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