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Message 1713415 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 14:24:09 UTC - in response to Message 1713403.  

You need to loosen that Linux belt on your geeky chair. You just cannot resist posting your Linux porn where it is not wanted.

Didn't you say that the Internet is mainly Linux based? Amazing that!
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Message 1713417 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 14:24:40 UTC

I may be vile and pernicious
but you can't look away
I make you think i'm delicious
with the stuff that i say
I'm the best you can get
have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozin' out
from your Internet!
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Message 1713551 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 19:34:22 UTC

What is this?
The US telecom giant AT&T's cooperation with the NSA to spy on US citizens has proved more extensive than previously thought, reports the New York Times with reference to new documents from the NSA.

That US telecom operators have disclosed information about citizens have been known, but the exchange with AT&T by the NSA is regarded as "unique and extraordinary fruitful", according to the documents. A document praises the telecom giant's "extreme willingness to cooperate."

Between 2003 and 2013 gave AT&T NSA access to billions of emails and helped when Internet traffic at the UN headquarters in the United States monitored. AT&T has declined to comment on the findings.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1713561 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 19:56:54 UTC - in response to Message 1713551.  

What is this?
The US telecom giant AT&T's cooperation with the NSA to spy on US citizens has proved more extensive than previously thought, reports the New York Times with reference to new documents from the NSA.

That US telecom operators have disclosed information about citizens have been known, but the exchange with AT&T by the NSA is regarded as "unique and extraordinary fruitful", according to the documents. A document praises the telecom giant's "extreme willingness to cooperate."

Between 2003 and 2013 gave AT&T NSA access to billions of emails and helped when Internet traffic at the UN headquarters in the United States monitored. AT&T has declined to comment on the findings.

Widely known for a long long time. Known before Snowden!
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Message 1713570 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 20:18:56 UTC - in response to Message 1713561.  
Last modified: 15 Aug 2015, 20:20:26 UTC

What is this?
The US telecom giant AT&T's cooperation with the NSA to spy on US citizens has proved more extensive than previously thought, reports the New York Times with reference to new documents from the NSA.

That US telecom operators have disclosed information about citizens have been known, but the exchange with AT&T by the NSA is regarded as "unique and extraordinary fruitful", according to the documents. A document praises the telecom giant's "extreme willingness to cooperate."

Between 2003 and 2013 gave AT&T NSA access to billions of emails and helped when Internet traffic at the UN headquarters in the United States monitored. AT&T has declined to comment on the findings.

Widely known for a long long time. Known before Snowden!

It's not widely known here.
Since the NSA, british GCHQ and swedish FRA are working together it means that both british and swedish citizens are monitored as well :(
ID: 1713570 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1713592 - Posted: 15 Aug 2015, 21:01:43 UTC - in response to Message 1713570.  

What is this?
The US telecom giant AT&T's cooperation with the NSA to spy on US citizens has proved more extensive than previously thought, reports the New York Times with reference to new documents from the NSA.

That US telecom operators have disclosed information about citizens have been known, but the exchange with AT&T by the NSA is regarded as "unique and extraordinary fruitful", according to the documents. A document praises the telecom giant's "extreme willingness to cooperate."

Between 2003 and 2013 gave AT&T NSA access to billions of emails and helped when Internet traffic at the UN headquarters in the United States monitored. AT&T has declined to comment on the findings.

Widely known for a long long time. Known before Snowden!

It's not widely known here.
Since the NSA, british GCHQ and swedish FRA are working together it means that both british and swedish citizens are monitored as well :(

The intent was to capture ALL traffic on the internet. They got over 90%. That would include VOIP.

Safe bet is to assume 100% of anything you do with a computer is being read by someone else. It's 1984!
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Message 1713871 - Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 11:47:10 UTC - in response to Message 1713570.  

Knew that.
Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
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Message 1713878 - Posted: 16 Aug 2015, 12:29:10 UTC

Beginning more than a decade ago, one of the largest security companies in the world, Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab, tried to damage rivals in the marketplace by tricking their antivirus software programs into classifying benign files as malicious, according to two former employees.
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Message 1714282 - Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 6:28:42 UTC - in response to Message 1713183.  
Last modified: 17 Aug 2015, 6:29:00 UTC

I put this up as a warning .

Recently I have bought 2 items from Cooler Master

1 was a PSU I installed it and 6 hrs after I turn'ed it on the dam thing gave up the ghost and died .

Ok say I you will get the odd Lemon for a manufacturer no matter good good there reputation is as in life stuff happens and mistakes are made

However I have also bought a Liquid Cooling System from them a Sidion 120 v and I even looked at some reviews before I bought it

However 2 months after it has been installed the pump has stopped working .

once is acceptible but to buy 2 separate units from the same company and they both crap them self's after minimal use tells me they do not have good quality controls or are just a cheap crappy company .

I will be contacting them over this stuff up and depending on what they say and do I will either forgive or hit all the social networks and bad mouth that company till the end of time .

Social media is very good at causing big problems for company's that don't do the right thing by there customers .

So for now I would advise people not to buy there equipment no matter how cheap it is .

I will let you all know what happens over the next week or so and see just how honest this company is ..

I can accept that some failure can be made...but then I want to have some good service 4 getting a replacement!

if the good service is not available or they don't want to exchange their malfunctioning equipment...then I phone few newspaper guys & put it on social media - like u it does so much damage to manufacturer, that it have to thing again about not giving a good service (or making bad products)...
I don't have problem 4 giving a guy a bad review on eBAY, when he sells me a some no-name brand instead of Kingston KVR listed in add... ;)

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia, EU
ID: 1714282 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1714621 - Posted: 17 Aug 2015, 18:49:24 UTC

Two factor give away?!
It also allows the movements of a mobile phone user to be tracked on applications such as Google Maps, and 60 Minutes claimed that it throws the security of SMS verification used by banking apps, for example, into doubt.

"Verification by SMS message is useless against a determined hacker with access to the SS7 portal because they can intercept and use the SMS code before it gets to the bank customer," the report said.

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Message 1716903 - Posted: 22 Aug 2015, 13:12:50 UTC
Last modified: 22 Aug 2015, 13:47:38 UTC

Just got a call from "Windows Department" about my computer.
The man spoke with a heavy indian accent.
I asked him if he was phoning from Calcutta.
No answer and he hung up:)

I thought those Calcutta guys had stopped...
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Message 1717260 - Posted: 23 Aug 2015, 10:16:46 UTC - in response to Message 1716903.  

I'm surprised that you 'profiled' someone as being from India. Shock. Horror. Reality. Your caller could just as easily have been from Nigeria, given the way that the 'net works! I also think you'll find that most 'Cyber Crime', originates in Russia, with lots from China.....those two countries have much in common. Much of what they have in common is that, governments seem to 'fall over themselves' to welcome them to buy anything in their country of choice. Normally, we'd call it 'money laundering' but for governments it is called 'foreign investment.
Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
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Message 1717263 - Posted: 23 Aug 2015, 10:39:23 UTC - in response to Message 1717260.  
Last modified: 23 Aug 2015, 11:00:46 UTC

I'm surprised that you 'profiled' someone as being from India. Shock. Horror. Reality. Your caller could just as easily have been from Nigeria, given the way that the 'net works! I also think you'll find that most 'Cyber Crime', originates in Russia, with lots from China.....those two countries have much in common. Much of what they have in common is that, governments seem to 'fall over themselves' to welcome them to buy anything in their country of choice. Normally, we'd call it 'money laundering' but for governments it is called 'foreign investment.

The scam whereby people in Indian call centres ring up and insist that they are calling from "Microsoft Windows Support" and that they have been alerted - by Microsoft, or your ISP - that "your computer is running slowly because of viruses" - is still going on.
And they ARE from Calcutta!

Will Microsoft ever call me?

There are some cases where Microsoft will work with your Internet service provider and call you to fix a malware-infected computer—such as during the recent cleanup effort begun in our botnet takedown actions. These calls will be made by someone with whom you can verify you already are a customer. You will never receive a legitimate call from Microsoft or our partners to charge you for computer fixes.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1717603 - Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 3:01:37 UTC

Jan I do the same thing if I here a Phillpeno or Indian accent. "ok your calling on behave of Microsoft mm can I ask seeing as you have a Indian accent you calling from India " "click " call ends

Other wise you never get rid of them and they don't take no for a answer unless you pee them off and do it a few times then they stop calling all together.

I don't blame him Iona and I don't think he was profiling a person but it is quite obvious who they are as soon as you here there voice .
ID: 1717603 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1717617 - Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 4:10:04 UTC - in response to Message 1717603.  

Jan I do the same thing if I here a Phillpeno or Indian accent. "ok your calling on behave of Microsoft mm can I ask seeing as you have a Indian accent you calling from India " "click " call ends

Other wise you never get rid of them and they don't take no for a answer unless you pee them off and do it a few times then they stop calling all together.

I don't blame him Iona and I don't think he was profiling a person but it is quite obvious who they are as soon as you here there voice .

Some are, some aren't so obvious. I know of a software company where everyone derides their tech support as being in Mumbai but it isn't. They have a call center in Tuscon AZ, USA. They do hire a lot of American Indians to work in it, special tax break, and they do have accents. They also have a call center in the Philippines, but again they are called Indian from Mumbai. When I've actually reached a call center in Mumbai, they sound almost British to this ear, lots of coaching in "proper" King's English.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1717632 - Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 5:42:48 UTC - in response to Message 1686255.  

Remember Microsoft started by stealing CP/M.

This is not true. Bill Gates of Microsoft was approached by IBM for an Operating System, and Bill actually suggested IBM go to Gary Kildall to license CP/M, which many believed would be the defacto standard for 16bit microcomputers. Gary didn't want to sign IBM's non-disclosure agreement so the talks failed.

IBM returned to Microsoft for an operating system for their "upcoming new" microcomputer. Microsoft then purchased 86-DOS off of Seattle Computer Products. 86-DOS, previously known as QDOS or Quick and Dirty Operating System, was a quick implementation of the 8bit CP/M for x86 microprocessors, because the 16bit implementation of CP/M was originally delayed.

After buying 86-DOS, Microsoft sold their copies as MS-DOS while IBM sold their copies as PC DOS. But it was because 86-DOS was a third-party implementation of CP/M, 86-DOS, and by proxy MS-DOS, borrowed many of the features and concepts found in CP/M.

But Microsoft never stole CP/M.

So they stole 86-DOS, who stole CP/M. Still CP/M stolen arrives in Microsoft product.

From what i herd Bill gates payed like $50,000 for that dos system then walk across the road and sold it to IBM for 1 million .
OR you could say he ripped off 86-dos which is stealing in my book .
So why would Microsoft change now after all it wasn't to many years ago there was the antitrust suit .
Leapards never change there spots so i don't expect Microsoft to ever change either

I call it good smart business. If someone buys a product from you at X$ and then walks across the street and sells it for !,000X$ he is not obligated to share his profit with the previous owner unless there was a signed agreement stipulating such.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1717649 - Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 7:42:09 UTC - in response to Message 1717617.  
Last modified: 24 Aug 2015, 7:46:04 UTC

Jan I do the same thing if I here a Phillpeno or Indian accent. "ok your calling on behave of Microsoft mm can I ask seeing as you have a Indian accent you calling from India " "click " call ends

Other wise you never get rid of them and they don't take no for a answer unless you pee them off and do it a few times then they stop calling all together.

I don't blame him Iona and I don't think he was profiling a person but it is quite obvious who they are as soon as you here there voice .

Some are, some aren't so obvious. I know of a software company where everyone derides their tech support as being in Mumbai but it isn't. They have a call center in Tuscon AZ, USA. They do hire a lot of American Indians to work in it, special tax break, and they do have accents. They also have a call center in the Philippines, but again they are called Indian from Mumbai. When I've actually reached a call center in Mumbai, they sound almost British to this ear, lots of coaching in "proper" King's English.

We speak Swedish in our country.
Microsoft Support as well.
Yes they can have an accent but they DO speak swedish to swedish customers.

@Glenn In the phillipins they speak talago:)
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Message 1721336 - Posted: 2 Sep 2015, 16:06:31 UTC

• Foreign companies Chart visitors at Swedish hospitals and public Web sites. As you read on, for example sexual orientation reported it to an advertising company in the USA.
• DN can now show which companies that know the most about how we surf the web.
• The review is based on a unique survey of all .com sites, over 1.3 million websites.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1721342 - Posted: 2 Sep 2015, 16:14:12 UTC - in response to Message 1717632.  

I call it good smart business. If someone buys a product from you at X$ and then walks across the street and sells it for !,000X$ he is not obligated to share his profit with the previous owner unless there was a signed agreement stipulating such.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1721350 - Posted: 2 Sep 2015, 16:32:28 UTC - in response to Message 1717649.  

@Glenn In the philipins they speak talago:)

Janne to me they sound 1/2 American and the other Asian when they speek English

They never call in the own language ...."say what ,who the "F" is this ,"Blah blah blah " click , no point talking if I can't understand them
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