Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile River Song

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Message 1861456 - Posted: 14 Apr 2017, 15:57:56 UTC


M$ strikes again! "May the force be with you, Obiwan", in trying to FIX it.

This feature is VERY useful IF you get it set-up and running, BUT BUT it has one VERY BAD point. I will explain below, near the end.


First, you can access this option by clicking 'This PC/System' and 'Security/Save backup copies of your files with File History.' This brings up a 'Keep a history of your files' screen. If you want, click 'Turn on' to start it with a large USB stick plugged in.

Another option, or entry point, is to click, in the lower left, 'Windows/Settiings/Update & security/Backup.' Look for 'Automatically backup my files,' Click the 'Options' button and click 'Back up now,' if you wish.

I apologize if the 2 paragraphs above are out of order. I've been struggling with this new Win 10 update since I first got it a few days ago, and my memory may be foggy. :( Plz fergive? If not, deal with it! :)

Now, this IS a GOOD feature, but it comes with one SERIOUS, IMHO problem.


When you access the backup USB stick to see your backed up files, you will see a 'FileHistory' file. You will then have to 'drill down' thru about 7 layers to actually FIND your data. This is annoying.

BUT BUT, here is the VERY BAD part !!

When you drill down, and finally see your data files, you will find that MOST, if not ALL, of your file names have been corrupted, IMHO.

In what way, you ask?

Say you have a file in a folder named "Rent.txt" and it is a simple Notepad text file. You will find that this file has been renamed. The new name for "Rent.txt" MAY be either "Rent (2017_04_14 14_22_14 UTC).txt" OR maybe "Rent (2017_03_22_ 23_35_49 UTC) (2017_04_14 14_22_14 UTC).txt"

In the above I used dates I saw; yours, of course, will be different.

YOIKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have seen BOTH variations. At first, and trying to think logically, I assumed that a NEW file would have the 'short' date, (today, the creation date), and an OLD file would have a LONG date, (the file creation date and the current date)? But, in looking at hundreds of my files, this does NOT seem to be the case. I see OLD files, from last month with a SHORT date and NOT the expected LONG date. There seems to be no logical rhyme or reason for the dating added to file names? It seems arbitrary. :(

BUT, BUT, here is the HORRIBLE up-shot of this 'file re-naming.' If you go to recover a lost file, or folder, guess what? YOU get the file or folder WITH all these 'UTC' dates ADDED! It is awful.

Now, there are roughly THREE things you can choose from on your recovered file or folder, you can manually edit each file and remove the 'UTC date,' use a code snippit to do it, or search the web for a fix. There are many links.


I'm including the BELOW for your info. I will send you a copy, with instructions, to your e-mail. It was written by a good friend, Claudiafiora Campese, a GOOD python programmer, BUT only if she ALLOWS me, OK? I need to get her permission first. However, it is a .py file. I am unsure if such a file can be sent via e-mail by my Mozilla Thunderbird e-mail client w/o it being corrupted? I know in years past I could send a .exe file BUT I had to change the 3-letter file extention to something the mailer 'liked.' :) However, I can ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY for its use. I would suggest you test it on a folder copy, NOT the original 'back-up' one. See how it works, and if your fears are resolved?

I do HAVE a 'code snippit,' the one mentioned above, that repairs most file names, BUT it is written using python code, and you need to have the free python app. I use 'python-2.7.2.amd64' app on my Win 10 Home 64-bit PC. ANY 2.0+ version EXCEPT 3.0, or above, should work if you can't find this exact one. You may find that a few files have not had the UTC removed; this is because the prog won't touch a file it is unsure of and leaves you to decide what to do with it. In my use of this code, it seems to either fix ALL or 90% of the re-named files. Extreme care must be used when running this prog; you really only want to use it for fixing desktop files or folders, and NEVER inside ANY system folder!

Enjoy your NEW Win 10! Hahaha. Thank you M$, huh?

River Song (aka Linda Latte)
River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
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Message 1862287 - Posted: 19 Apr 2017, 3:17:21 UTC

Friend of mine linked me to this one today.

User-made patch lets owners of next-gen CPUs install updates on windows 7 and 8.1 wrote:
GitHub user Zeffy has created a patch that removes a limitation that Microsoft imposed on users of 7th generation processors, a limit that prevents users from receiving Windows updates if they still use Windows 7 and 8.1.

This limitation was delivered through Windows Update KB4012218 (March 2017 Patch Tuesday) and has made many owners of Intel Kaby Lake and AMD Bristol Ridge CPUs very angry last week, as they weren't able to install any Windows updates.
His scripts worked as intended by patching Windows DLL files, skipping the CPU version check, and delivering updates to Windows 7 and 8.1 computers running 7th generation CPUs.
By running a simple diff operation on these files, he was able to discover two new functions "IsCPUSupported(void)" and "IsDeviceServiceable(void)" inside the March 2017 version of wuaueng.dll, delivered through KB4012218.

Zeffy's scripts patch this DLL file and make the two functions output "1", which translates to "supported CPU." This, in turn, starts the update procedure, delivering new security updates to users Microsoft wanted to block.

I still suspect getting updates from my WSUS setup will work without needing workarounds--my WSUS database doesn't have new update clients, nor any of the stuff to avoid from the GWX debacle, nor a lot of the "convenience rollups" since I don't inherently trust most of what's in those anyway. YMMV.
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Message 1866954 - Posted: 12 May 2017, 17:54:51 UTC
Last modified: 12 May 2017, 17:55:13 UTC

Batten down the hatches, Ransomware infections reported worldwide.
A massive ransomware campaign appears to have infected a number of organisations around the world.

Computers in thousands of locations have apparently been locked by a program that demands $300 (£230) in Bitcoin.

There have been reports of infections in as many as 74 countries, including the UK, US, China, Russia, Spain, Italy and Taiwan.

Update your Windows people. Get at least MS17-010.
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Message 1867085 - Posted: 13 May 2017, 8:33:03 UTC

Windows XP to receive a security update after last night's WannaCry attack:

We also know that some of our customers are running versions of Windows that no longer receive mainstream support. That means those customers will not have received the above mentioned Security Update released in March. Given the potential impact to customers and their businesses, we made the decision to make the Security Update for platforms in custom support only, Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003, broadly available for download (see links below).

Download security updates for:
Windows Server 2003 SP2 x64, Windows Server 2003 SP2 x86, Windows XP SP2 x64, Windows XP SP3 x86, Windows XP Embedded SP3 x86, Windows 8 x86, Windows 8 x64
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Message 1867093 - Posted: 13 May 2017, 10:01:10 UTC - in response to Message 1867085.  

Windows XP to receive a security update after last night's WannaCry attack:

Shut the barn door LONG after the horse has bolted , like this will do much to help the NHS who have been royaly screwed by this .
And with the NHS it ain't as " simple " as update the o/s for several reasons that are easity found on the net if you spend a bit of time looking
Life is what you make of it :-)

When i'm good i'm very good , but when i'm bad i'm shi#eloads better ;-) In't I " buttercups " p.m.s.l at authoritie !!;-)
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Profile River Song

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Message 1867525 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 22:44:37 UTC


Thanks to the very latest Win 10 update the day before the malware hit, AND the Malwarebytes Premium up-date the same day !!

Stay here on Earth. It's the only planet with DARK CHOCOLATE !!
River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1870223 - Posted: 31 May 2017, 0:31:07 UTC - in response to Message 1861345.  

Creator's Edition of W10 Warning
I just wanted to remind you that MS installs their bare NVidia drivers...........You must download and install NVidia drivers from their site to continue to crunch on your NVidia card(s).

Saw that also, early. Late.y, not so much.

I just installed the Creator Edition and the OpenCL support was not there on two computers that were not running the Insiders version.

Ditto. Thanks to the email update bug didn't get this thread telling me, either. Oh well ...
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Message 1872874 - Posted: 14 Jun 2017, 10:52:16 UTC

Microsoft updates Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003 which fix three remaining vulnerabilities built by the National Security Agency, which the company previously said it would not fix.. Available via here or Windows Update.

Or read the ZDNet article.
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Profile River Song

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Message 1872908 - Posted: 14 Jun 2017, 13:17:53 UTC


See my post below in another Message Board and read on UP above it for the whole story...

Message 1871861 - Posted: 9 Jun 2017, 2:42:55 UTC - in response to Message 1871808.


Months back I posted here about the BOINC Screen Saver not working after the up-date to the "latest and greatest" M$ offering was forced down my throat by them, w/o my wanting it.

The post referenced above, in Message 1871861, details all the goings on with BOINC if you're interested.

I'm posting this info here as I think most here are in the "upper echelon" in regard the "inner workings" of Win 10 & seem to care more about it than some in a few other groups. :)

My second reason for posting this info here, in this group of high-level SETI supporters, is because I was dismayed to learn, back when, that few use the BOINC Screen Saver? I have found, over the years, that visitors to my home marvel when they see BOINC on my screen, and ask what it is and how to get it? They especially like what I call the "noise box," the image seemingly showing an actual scan for "E.T." signals. Of course I know, and YOU know, it is a phony, but it looks nice. :) I wish more in this "senior level" group would use it for the same reason I do, and that is to promote SETI. :) Please forgive. No offense intended if you don't. Just this girl's 2 cents worth. :)

Stay here on Earth. It's the only planet with DARK CHOCOLATE !!

River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
"Happy I-Phone girl on the GO GO GO"
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Message 1873166 - Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 16:28:10 UTC

I had the same problem and have determined in the case of my machine I need to reboot the system(minimum 'Restart', preferred 'Cold Start'), daily. This machine is also the primary 'viewer' for my external security cameras so it requires a daily reboot of that system at the same time, after which the Boinc Screensaver worked.

Also check if you have M$ updates waiting for download or install(which usually requires a restart), this was also the case on my machine.

As each machine is unique in environment and configuration this may or may not work for you.

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile River Song

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Message 1873168 - Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 16:40:07 UTC - in response to Message 1873166.  

I had the same problem and have determined in the case of my machine I need to reboot the system(minimum 'Restart', preferred 'Cold Start'), daily. This machine is also the primary 'viewer' for my external security cameras so it requires a daily reboot of that system at the same time, after which the Boinc Screensaver worked.

Also check if you have M$ updates waiting for download or install(which usually requires a restart), this was also the case on my machine.

As each machine is unique in environment and configuration this may or may not work for you.

THANK YOU for your post!

I've tried a re-boot several times and all update are current. There is nothing waiting to be installed. :(

If I go thru the screen saver startup procedure, and hit 'Preview' sometimes the "noise box" pops up, and other times all I get is "screensaver loading." if I DO get the "noise box" on 'Preview' the screensaver will usually work, but only for a short time. :(

River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
"Happy I-Phone girl on the GO GO GO"
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Message 1873217 - Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 22:21:51 UTC

Quick note re: my experience with "Creators" update. It downgraded my NVidia drivers during the upgrade, and of course the M$ versions still do not contain OpenCL, taking those crunchers out of service. What are they smoking in Redmond these days?
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 1873256 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 4:01:01 UTC - in response to Message 1873217.  

Quick note re: my experience with "Creators" update. It downgraded my NVidia drivers during the upgrade, and of course the M$ versions still do not contain OpenCL, taking those crunchers out of service. What are they smoking in Redmond these days?

Now that you have the Creators update it should be possible to stop those video driver updates from occurring in future upgrades.
Darwin NT
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Message 1873269 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 6:48:36 UTC - in response to Message 1873256.  

Quick note re: my experience with "Creators" update. It downgraded my NVidia drivers during the upgrade, and of course the M$ versions still do not contain OpenCL, taking those crunchers out of service. What are they smoking in Redmond these days?

Now that you have the Creators update it should be possible to stop those video driver updates from occurring in future upgrades.

I was looking for that, but so far if so I can't see where ...
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 1873272 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 7:05:44 UTC - in response to Message 1873269.  
Last modified: 16 Jun 2017, 7:09:55 UTC

Now that you have the Creators update it should be possible to stop those video driver updates from occurring in future upgrades.

I was looking for that, but so far if so I can't see where ...

Settings, Update and Security, bottom right under Update Settings, click on Advanced Options, de-select "Include driver updates when I update Windows"
On that page you can also choose to delay general updates for a selected period of time .You can't stop them, but you can delay them till everyone else has had them for a while and found any issues there.

Since you've got Win10 Pro, you can also use the Group Policy Editor to completely block video driver updates (it even stops manually updating the video driver).

EDIT- I just noticed you're still using the CUDA application on your video cards. Any particular reason?
Darwin NT
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Message 1873275 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 7:57:24 UTC - in response to Message 1873272.  

Now that you have the Creators update it should be possible to stop those video driver updates from occurring in future upgrades.

I was looking for that, but so far if so I can't see where ...

Settings, Update and Security, bottom right under Update Settings, click on Advanced Options, de-select "Include driver updates when I update Windows"
Nope, that's where I thought it should be, but no such option is offered on my Advanced Options page on any of the three boxes I checked. Screen cap available on request :)

On that page you can also choose to delay general updates for a selected period of time .You can't stop them, but you can delay them till everyone else has had them for a while and found any issues there.
Yep, saw that, kinda. No way to select a delay period, just a radio button that delays for a fixed 35 days if On.

Since you've got Win10 Pro, you can also use the Group Policy Editor to completely block video driver updates (it even stops manually updating the video driver).
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Message 1873276 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 8:02:28 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jun 2017, 8:04:00 UTC

I just had to install Windows 1706, the Creators Update, on my HP PC. I immediately downloaded and installed the latest nVidia driver, 382.53, for my GTX 1050 Ti, but a bunch of SETI Beta tasks could not find a GPU, which both GPU/Z and Thunderbird see. Then I aborted them and started SETI@home GPU tasks, They run using CUDA 50, not OpenCL, which I am using on my main Linux box running Einstein@home GPU tasks on its GTX 750 Ti. SETI@home screensavers do not work on the Windows PC, Einstein@home do. So this is my first experience with Creators Update.
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1873280 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 8:21:44 UTC - in response to Message 1873276.  

I just had to install Windows 1706, the Creators Update, on my HP PC. I immediately downloaded and installed the latest nVidia driver, 382.53, for my GTX 1050 Ti, but a bunch of SETI Beta tasks could not find a GPU, which both GPU/Z and Thunderbird see. Then I aborted them and started SETI@home GPU tasks, They run using CUDA 50, not OpenCL, which I am using on my main Linux box running Einstein@home GPU tasks on its GTX 750 Ti. SETI@home screensavers do not work on the Windows PC, Einstein@home do. So this is my first experience with Creators Update.

I'm wondering if you did a full reboot after installing the 382.33 driver? Might look at the BOINC Manager log and see if it sees the Open CL at boot up?
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 1873281 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 8:29:45 UTC - in response to Message 1873275.  

Nope, that's where I thought it should be, but no such option is offered on my Advanced Options page on any of the three boxes I checked. Screen cap available on request :)

So i'd say you're yet to get the Creators update.
I've got Updates deferred, and a wireless connection set to metered and I haven't picked it up yet.
Since you've got Win10 Pro, you can also use the Group Policy Editor to completely block video driver updates (it even stops manually updating the video driver).

Yeah, it's... fiddly to sort it out. But once it's done, no more video driver update issues (although it'll be interesting to see if the Creators update overrides it).
Darwin NT
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 1873282 - Posted: 16 Jun 2017, 8:31:30 UTC - in response to Message 1873276.  
Last modified: 16 Jun 2017, 8:32:54 UTC

a bunch of SETI Beta tasks could not find a GPU, which both GPU/Z and Thunderbird see.

Exit and restart BOINC usually sorts that out.

SETI@home screensavers do not work on the Windows PC

There were quite a few mentions about that when the update first came out.
Darwin NT
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