Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1958459 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 1:12:44 UTC

All that I can say is that I have no sympathy for those who upgraded to Win10, in fact I've none for any who went past Win7. ;-)

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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1958462 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 1:30:15 UTC

Just installed, today, the Gigabyte GA-Z270-HD3 Drivers for Win 7 Pro x64 for the following:

Intel Chipset Driver
3+TB Unlock Driver

Confirmed I had already installed ".NET 4.5".

And last week, installed USB 3.x Driver Support.

New Prometheus is pretty much set for the next few years. ONLY Windows Defender is still getting Updates, Windows Update REFUSES to allow all other Updates anymore due to seeing the i7 7700K in the System. NO Win 10 here for me.

Dad's System, (Farragut), an i7 7700 on a GA-H270-HD3 IS on Win 10 Pro x64. He has to have this due to needing MS Office, Intuit QuickBooks Pro 2016, and some other assorted Software. Farragut crunches on the HD-630 Integrated card. (I think .5 or maybe one Full Thread is feeding the GPU. ALL the other Threads run the System.)

Dad's Laptop also has Win 10 Pro x64, but NO crunching happens on that System.

New Prometheus, (if I have my way), will be my LAST Windows System that crunches. I have my MacPro 5,1 as my Secondary System. (Was Daedalus, now is New Andromeda.) And, I hope to have a restored Hackintosh-Andromeda on a Gigabyte GA-H270-HD3 with i7 7700K and 32GB DDR4 RAM some time next year. When that happens the 5,1 gets renamed back to Daedalus. I'm hoping to go MAC for everything from now on... In fact, there's a good chance of me picking up another Cheese-Grater System in the next couple of months from a friend. He doesn't even know which Model it is... I'm hoping for another 5,1...

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Message 1958465 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 1:50:36 UTC

Just a head's up for those still running Windows10. Be very careful with the impending October 10 system update. It can delete all you Documents and Pictures in your personal User directory and there is no recovery with an unroll of the update. So back up everything to an offsite archive like OneDrive or separate media.

Windows 10 October Update May Wipe Files, Have Driver Issues
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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1958491 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 5:04:06 UTC

I had a problem with Edge on the new build when attempting to redirect a selected item to a new tab or even opening a new tab. Kept getting ' Unable to create process' error code: 0x0802725b. The problem was so severe that I backed out to the 1803 build. I'll hold off for awhile to let things settle down a bit.

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Message 1958492 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 5:08:35 UTC - in response to Message 1958491.  

I'll hold off for awhile to let things settle down a bit.

I'm set for Semi-Annual channel (used to be called Business from memory), and Feature updates are deferred for 130 days. They should have it sorted by then.
Quality updates are deferred for 30 days.
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Message 1958496 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 5:49:05 UTC - in response to Message 1958425.  

I have installed the Windows 1809 upgrade on my HP Desktop with AMD A10-6700. It is working fine. The GTX 1050 Ti which used to overheat on GPUGRID tasks now seems to be working nominally. I don't know if this is only a coincidence. I haven't changed anything. No overclocking.

Further to Jord's reply ...
Remember that after M$ sends updates, you may need to check that it hasn't replaced your NVidia drivers with the ones that lack OpenCL support.
To be safest, only use drivers you have downloaded direct from the NVidia site, and you may wish to tell Win10 not to let M$ update manufacturer drivers.
Regards, Jim

Micro$oft removed the setting to stop driver updates in build 15019. We can no longer stop Micro$oft from replacing our drivers. :(

They screwed me with one a few weeks ago and I found out when trying to run World of Warcraft. Had to clean reinstall NVIDIA, less the experience crap software.


Must depend on version. I'm on 17134 Pro, and just checked and reset it the other day.

Hi Jim,

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. I found the setting in group policy editor. AND!!! Some time ago I enabled it so that it will NOT download and install device drivers. AND!!! Yet I got a crappy POS video driver from Micro$oft a few weeks ago. What they removed was the setting in settings to disable that. So that is why they tell us we cannot do a class action suit against them. They can pull this crap and get away with it. :(

Have a great day! :)


From what I read on the HardOCP, someone had a downloaded upgrade erase their files from the user folder and even if they reverted to the previous version, all 220GB of the files are all gone.

Even from My brief history with Linux, No OS besides 10 would do that as an upgrade, as a clean install yes, but as an upgrade that is crazy.
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ID: 1958496 · Report as offensive
Profile tullio
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Message 1958504 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 7:16:33 UTC

I am a Linux user and running SuSE Linux on a desktop and a laptop.Once I agreed to an update from SuSE on the desktop and found myself with a development version, Tumbleweed, which would not run BOINC. I reloaded the standard version from a DVD and found that Tumbleweed had overwritten a USB cartridge which contained photos, texts, movies which I wanted to save in any OS upgrade. So don't blame only Windows.
ID: 1958504 · Report as offensive
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Message 1958508 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 7:29:23 UTC - in response to Message 1958504.  

I am a Linux user and running SuSE Linux on a desktop and a laptop.Once I agreed to an update from SuSE on the desktop and found myself with a development version, Tumbleweed, which would not run BOINC. I reloaded the standard version from a DVD and found that Tumbleweed had overwritten a USB cartridge which contained photos, texts, movies which I wanted to save in any OS upgrade. So don't blame only Windows.

Well it was a brief experience, so I had no knowledge that Linux has done that. My apologies.
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ID: 1958508 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1958525 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 10:29:42 UTC - in response to Message 1958459.  

All that I can say is that I have no sympathy for those who upgraded to Win10, in fact I've none for any who went past Win7. ;-)


And when 2020 comes around and you no longer get security updates from Micro$oft... Well, you'll just have to wing it, huh?

Change is inevitable. I went with Windows 10 because I am running 8th generation Intel and I didn't want the fraking hassle trying to get updates for Win 7. I'm running an M.2 SSD as my system drive. There was no such thing when Win 7 came about. Just to mention one hassle I didn't want to deal with.

Keep your negativity to yourself.

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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ID: 1958525 · Report as offensive
Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1958577 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 14:25:24 UTC

All that I can say is that I have no sympathy for those who upgraded to Win10, in fact I've none for any who went past Win7. ;-)

What a surprise that you would have no sympathy for anyone but yourself.........cheers....

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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1958647 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 21:08:49 UTC - in response to Message 1958525.  

All that I can say is that I have no sympathy for those who upgraded to Win10, in fact I've none for any who went past Win7. ;-)


And when 2020 comes around and you no longer get security updates from Micro$oft... Well, you'll just have to wing it, huh?

Change is inevitable. I went with Windows 10 because I am running 8th generation Intel and I didn't want the fraking hassle trying to get updates for Win 7. I'm running an M.2 SSD as my system drive. There was no such thing when Win 7 came about. Just to mention one hassle I didn't want to deal with.

Keep your negativity to yourself.

Have a great day! :)


No it isn`t.
I`m running a CPU which win 7 shouldn`t support.
But it does.
I also have a M2 drive and its supported by win7 and works just fine.
Sequential read 3.5 GB/s.
All your comments are just an excuse and 2020 is far away, i can make a decision when its time to.
There is always the option to switch to Linux which i have already installed on another partition.

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ID: 1958647 · Report as offensive
Profile Tom M
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Message 1958649 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 21:12:28 UTC

I really don't want to see this thread degenerate into Acrimony.

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ID: 1958649 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1958658 - Posted: 5 Oct 2018, 21:52:50 UTC - in response to Message 1958647.  

All that I can say is that I have no sympathy for those who upgraded to Win10, in fact I've none for any who went past Win7. ;-)


And when 2020 comes around and you no longer get security updates from Micro$oft... Well, you'll just have to wing it, huh?

Change is inevitable. I went with Windows 10 because I am running 8th generation Intel and I didn't want the fraking hassle trying to get updates for Win 7. I'm running an M.2 SSD as my system drive. There was no such thing when Win 7 came about. Just to mention one hassle I didn't want to deal with.

Keep your negativity to yourself.

Have a great day! :)


No it isn`t.
I`m running a CPU which win 7 shouldn`t support.
But it does.
I also have a M2 drive and its supported by win7 and works just fine.
Sequential read 3.5 GB/s.
All your comments are just an excuse and 2020 is far away, i can make a decision when its time to.
There is always the option to switch to Linux which i have already installed on another partition.

Hi Mike,

No, they are not "excuses", they are my reasons and choices. This is an example of why I went to Windows 10:
7th Generation Kaby Lake support only Windows 10 64-bit on Z270.

If you search for ASUS_EZ_Installer it will allow you to slipstream the support drivers for your motherboard into the Windows 7 ISO so you can get it loaded.

Just a quick google on this topic...

Granted it's from December last year on a Z270 MB and 7th Gen CPU. But, I would have had to deal with that on my Z370 and 8th Gen as well. I did not want to waste time trying to get Win 7 going on a CPU that is not supposed to support it.

Besides all that, regardless of the crap that Micro$oft does to our PCs with Windows 10 updates and such, the OS itself is so much better than Win 7. Here's something Win 7 cannot do: You have a website open in a browser and are researching something to do in Windows with a, say a settings window open on top of the browser. You have to click the browser to scroll and read more and then go back to the window. In Windows 10 you can scroll the webpage while the window is on top of the browser. I use that almost daily.

Anyway, let's just drop this. I'm tired of trying to explain myself to those that do not accept change.

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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ID: 1958658 · Report as offensive
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Message 1959253 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 13:09:35 UTC

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Profile tullio
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Message 1959254 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 13:12:48 UTC

The only problem I have is the Task Manager, a total flop.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1959263 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 14:19:27 UTC - in response to Message 1959253.  


I have since set my Windows 10 to not download and install any feature update for 4 months and security updates for 30 days. Hopefully Micro$oft will have the "problem" fixed by then. As the article states, Micro$oft needs to generate trust with users. I saw that someone lost 120GB of personal data after the update install. NOT a good way to generate trust.

This is why I use a separate hard drive for holding my personal data. I do NOT trust Micro$oft.

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
ID: 1959263 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1959264 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 14:23:56 UTC - in response to Message 1959254.  

The only problem I have is the Task Manager, a total flop.

What's wrong with Task Manager? My only issue is not knowing what the green leaf in the "Status" column means. ;)

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
ID: 1959264 · Report as offensive
Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1959268 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 14:57:51 UTC - in response to Message 1959264.  

The only problem I have is the Task Manager, a total flop.

What's wrong with Task Manager? My only issue is not knowing what the green leaf in the "Status" column means. ;)

Have a great day! :)


It means that the app or process is suspended. Double click the leaf and you'll see.

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ID: 1959268 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1959269 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 15:04:24 UTC - in response to Message 1959268.  
Last modified: 8 Oct 2018, 15:04:39 UTC

The only problem I have is the Task Manager, a total flop.

What's wrong with Task Manager? My only issue is not knowing what the green leaf in the "Status" column means. ;)

Have a great day! :)


It means that the app or process is suspended. Double click the leaf and you'll see.

Ah, ok. Thanks Cliff! :)

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1959272 - Posted: 8 Oct 2018, 15:34:20 UTC

As the article states, Micro$oft needs to generate trust with users. I saw that someone lost 120GB of personal data after the update install.

I am assuming that in this day and age when HDD's and even SSD's are fairy cheap that "someone" would have backed up at least the important files.

I mean it is not just a question of trusting Microsoft HDD's don't last forever.

I have all my important personal documents and pictures backed up to my NAS AND backed up to a USB HDD that is kept offline other than when I back up and kept in a different room than the computer.

I do agree that perhaps Microsoft does need a bit more testing :-(
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