Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Ulrich Metzner
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Message 1802423 - Posted: 13 Jul 2016, 21:10:15 UTC

O dear, patchday again and Windows 7 is turning its hopeless rounds! :(
This is after a reboot ~3 hours ago:

This is excellent crapware, which only M$ dares to spit on its customers...
Aloha, Uli

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Message 1802458 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 2:17:34 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jul 2016, 2:19:08 UTC

So, to get back closer to the thread title ... Just did the first Win7 Pro migration on a cruncher to Win 10 last night (Host ID 7811252, for anyone who's curious). Didn't go anywhere near as smoothly as I'd have liked, but eventually did succeed. If anyone's interested, I can give a fuller description of the process and issues I encountered.
So for the moment, I have two exactly identical boxes, one on 7 and one on 10. Will leave it that way for a bit, just to compare.
So far, so good...
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Message 1802474 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 6:31:21 UTC - in response to Message 1802423.  

O dear, patchday again and Windows 7 is turning its hopeless rounds! :(
This is after a reboot ~3 hours ago:

This is excellent crapware, which only M$ dares to spit on its customers...

Yeah, that's about right. That one update for the new Update Client for October 2015 fixes that "memory leak" (I think that's what they decided to call it) where it uses a ton of memory and a whole CPU core for upwards of a few hours.

The problem is, as I've stated in this thread once before... I don't trust that updated client to not go behind my back and install stuff I didn't authorize it to do, as some of the other versions of the client have been discovered to do.
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Message 1802488 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 11:07:54 UTC - in response to Message 1802474.  
Last modified: 14 Jul 2016, 11:09:14 UTC

The problem is, as I've stated in this thread once before... I don't trust that updated client to not go behind my back and install stuff I didn't authorize it to do, as some of the other versions of the client have been discovered to do.

At a whopping 2.5GBytes... Is that by any chance the compressed size to install the guts of Windows10?...

Rather odd to 'hide' that in a service process... Are not 'background services' supposed to be small and fast and unobtrusive, so as to be in the background and be unobtrusive and provide an efficient service?...

Or is this some new 'abuse' similar to how some executables are 'hidden' in the Windows registry and other places where executables simply should not be found!...?

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Message 1802492 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 11:52:38 UTC - in response to Message 1802488.  

At a whopping 2.5GBytes... Is that by any chance the compressed size to install the guts of Windows10?...

Frankly I myself 'don't give a rats', since their apparent dependence on numbers places them as victims as opposed to observers.
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Ulrich Metzner
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Message 1802516 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 13:41:33 UTC - in response to Message 1802488.  

At a whopping 2.5GBytes... Is that by any chance the compressed size to install the guts of Windows10?...

Actually no, since this system cannot update to Windows 10.

I saw a Win7 system updating in a VirtualBox with 3GB of associated RAM using the whole RAM in a saw tooth like manner, always bumping back from the 3GB limit back to ~2GB and rising again to the max. Basically the system was idle with only fetching updates running. One CPU was maxed out and also the memory. This process lasted for about 5 hours until finally finding some updates...

...of course the whole process repeated after the obligatory reboot, because i had hidden some unsolicited updates, mainly WinX-related. :/
Aloha, Uli

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Message 1802536 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 15:58:51 UTC - in response to Message 1802488.  

The problem is, as I've stated in this thread once before... I don't trust that updated client to not go behind my back and install stuff I didn't authorize it to do, as some of the other versions of the client have been discovered to do.

At a whopping 2.5GBytes... Is that by any chance the compressed size to install the guts of Windows10?...

Rather odd to 'hide' that in a service process... Are not 'background services' supposed to be small and fast and unobtrusive, so as to be in the background and be unobtrusive and provide an efficient service?...

Or is this some new 'abuse' similar to how some executables are 'hidden' in the Windows registry and other places where executables simply should not be found!...?

As much of a neat coincidence as it is.. if you've avoided everything in the list of updates to avoid, that's just a memory leak plain and simple. It does fix itself eventually. I recently got my WSUS install working again and got the new DB populated and all 33gb of updates downloaded to it, and when I told my main machine to check WSUS for updates, it took about 3 hours and peaked at 2.7 GB. After it was done checking, that svchost process dropped back down to ~25 MB.

My laptop just won't do updates anymore, unless I allow at least that October 2015 Update Client, because the laptop runs out of memory. As far as I can tell, the memory for that svchost process cannot be put into the pagefile. On a clean reboot with nothing else open, and telling it to check for updates, all 4gb of physical memory get used, and then it errors-out after about 30 minutes. So.. I turned updates off on it like.. six months ago.
Linux laptop:
record uptime: 1511d 20h 19m (ended due to the power brick giving-up)
ID: 1802536 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1802538 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 16:07:51 UTC - in response to Message 1802536.  

As much of a neat coincidence as it is.. if you've avoided everything in the list of updates to avoid, that's just a memory leak plain and simple.

Memory Leak = This will be released on XX/XX/XX! = No time to run dynamic tests to make sure there aren't leaks. It is just upper management doing programming/coding. Nothing sinister, just SOP all over the world.
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Message 1802564 - Posted: 14 Jul 2016, 17:38:53 UTC

Microsoft gives away lots of free eBooks.

“The Windows category for instance lists 14 ebooks covering Windows 10 ...”

It would seem that MS products are in a slump across the board.  They may be hoping to turn that around with these freebies.
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Ulrich Metzner
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Message 1804113 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 9:10:50 UTC

Attention Windows 8.1 Users!

The July 2016 Rollup:

includes the June Rollup
and the May Rollup

and this way very nice disguising the Update-Client-Update buried in the June Rollup!
Aloha, Uli

ID: 1804113 · Report as offensive
Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1804117 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 10:12:43 UTC - in response to Message 1802458.  
Last modified: 22 Jul 2016, 10:58:03 UTC

So, to get back closer to the thread title ... Just did the first Win7 Pro migration on a cruncher to Win 10 last night (Host ID 7811252, for anyone who's curious). Didn't go anywhere near as smoothly as I'd have liked, but eventually did succeed. If anyone's interested, I can give a fuller description of the process and issues I encountered.
So for the moment, I have two exactly identical boxes, one on 7 and one on 10. Will leave it that way for a bit, just to compare.
So far, so good...

We interrupt for the following message:

4 crunchers updated to Win 10 and running very nicely ... average upgrade times under an hour including making a backup Win 7 image just in case. Upgrade installs were performed from thumb drive created with instructions from web site, in order to eliminate multiple downloads.

We now return you to your previously scheduled paranoid maundering.

[ sorry, couldn't resist:) ]
ID: 1804117 · Report as offensive
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Message 1804119 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 10:29:14 UTC
Last modified: 22 Jul 2016, 10:32:49 UTC

Thinking of a compressed size of windows ...
In Windows 7 i was able to compress the "winsxs" folder in the Windows directory.
Saving some space.

I had to start from install dvd and enter the recovery-console and compress the dirctory
with following.

c:\windows\system32\compact /C /S /I /F /Q C:\windows\winsxs\*.*

I think it was also drive D: to use instead of C:

Anyone tried it before ? I did...

Do not know , if is possible on Windows 10.

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Ulrich Metzner
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Message 1804120 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 10:57:32 UTC - in response to Message 1804117.  

[ sorry, couldn't resist:) ]

No damage taken, sir, but i'm really not paranoid. X)

It is not the Win 10 system itself, that bothers me, it's the unsolicited sniffing on MY PC and MY privacy, which is simply unacceptable! All those "updates" to the old 7 and 8.1 systems only update their sniffing- and update-core to the same monopoly policy, the Win 10 core already has and i really don't like that on my system - that's all!

If anyone decides to cut off the internet for private people, it would only be pushing a single update and at least the Windoze community would be cut off in a snap - that's an absolute no go for me!
Aloha, Uli

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Message 1804123 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 12:01:32 UTC - in response to Message 1804120.  
Last modified: 22 Jul 2016, 12:02:40 UTC

[ sorry, couldn't resist:) ]

No damage taken, sir, but i'm really not paranoid. X)

It is not the Win 10 system itself, that bothers me, it's the unsolicited sniffing on MY PC and MY privacy, which is simply unacceptable! All those "updates" to the old 7 and 8.1 systems only update their sniffing- and update-core to the same monopoly policy, the Win 10 core already has and i really don't like that on my system - that's all!

If anyone decides to cut off the internet for private people, it would only be pushing a single update and at least the Windoze community would be cut off in a snap - that's an absolute no go for me!

I totally agree.

In addition....
Since i can not agree with the Licence agreement at all i will refuse to use such an "app".

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ID: 1804123 · Report as offensive
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Message 1804132 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 12:52:35 UTC - in response to Message 1804120.  

[ sorry, couldn't resist:) ]

No damage taken, sir, but i'm really not paranoid. X)

It is not the Win 10 system itself, that bothers me, it's the unsolicited sniffing on MY PC and MY privacy, which is simply unacceptable! All those "updates" to the old 7 and 8.1 systems only update their sniffing- and update-core to the same monopoly policy, the Win 10 core already has and i really don't like that on my system - that's all!

If anyone decides to cut off the internet for private people, it would only be pushing a single update and at least the Windoze community would be cut off in a snap - that's an absolute no go for me!

The same here, but I'm getting sick of going away lately as when I get back I've either got to rollback or fix a lot of Win10 installs.

But I also soon know when a Win10 PC is connected to my network as it sucks the crap out of my old DSL connection.

So it's still Win7 for me until 2020 ATM.

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1804145 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 13:37:19 UTC - in response to Message 1804132.  

[ sorry, couldn't resist:) ]

No damage taken, sir, but i'm really not paranoid. X)

It is not the Win 10 system itself, that bothers me, it's the unsolicited sniffing on MY PC and MY privacy, which is simply unacceptable! All those "updates" to the old 7 and 8.1 systems only update their sniffing- and update-core to the same monopoly policy, the Win 10 core already has and i really don't like that on my system - that's all!

If anyone decides to cut off the internet for private people, it would only be pushing a single update and at least the Windoze community would be cut off in a snap - that's an absolute no go for me!

The same here, but I'm getting sick of going away lately as when I get back I've either got to rollback or fix a lot of Win10 installs.

But I also soon know when a Win10 PC is connected to my network as it sucks the crap out of my old DSL connection.

So it's still Win7 for me until 2020 ATM.


Still 7 on my daily driver as well. Have had updater totally disabled since the 10 crap hit the fan. Not going to move until it stops running entirely.
And all the crunchers are still on damned OS ever.
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Message 1804181 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 15:11:12 UTC - in response to Message 1804132.  

... I'm getting sick of going away lately as when I get back I've either got to rollback or fix a lot of Win10 installs.

But I also soon know when a Win10 PC is connected to my network as it sucks the crap out of my old DSL connection.

So it's still Win7 for me until 2020 ATM.


To alleviate the problem you are experiencing, I would direct you to some of my previous posts in this thread.  For expediency, I recommend initially viewing the second message.

In addition to third party software, there are two registry edits (mentioned in some of the articles referenced in my posts) which can be performed.  I installed these, as well as, the highly recommended GWX Control Panel Monitor back in Feb and since then, every advance by Win10 to enter my system has been rebuffed without any other intervention by me.

I created text files of these reg edits to avoid entering the registry directly.  If you'd like them, PM me.

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Message 1804191 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 15:50:14 UTC - in response to Message 1804181.  

... I'm getting sick of going away lately as when I get back I've either got to rollback or fix a lot of Win10 installs.

But I also soon know when a Win10 PC is connected to my network as it sucks the crap out of my old DSL connection.

So it's still Win7 for me until 2020 ATM.


To alleviate the problem you are experiencing, I would direct you to some of my previous posts in this thread.  For expediency, I recommend initially viewing the second message.

In addition to third party software, there are two registry edits (mentioned in some of the articles referenced in my posts) which can be performed.  I installed these, as well as, the highly recommended GWX Control Panel Monitor back in Feb and since then, every advance by Win10 to enter my system has been rebuffed without any other intervention by me.

I created text files of these reg edits to avoid entering the registry directly.  If you'd like them, PM me.

I know very well how to keep my PC's Win10 free, but I also work on many other PC's around this area and I must also respect preferences of their users as well (even if it hurts my network when I have work on them here). ;-)

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1804208 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 16:20:18 UTC

Still waiting for the Euro class action lawsuit.
It is coming, sooner or later.

Die, 10, die.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1804268 - Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 21:43:48 UTC

I obviously don't get something. Why not use Linux?
(...or am I asking a Q that was answered many times before)
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