Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1783106 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 5:38:15 UTC - in response to Message 1783077.

Every now and then I will get a robocall, but since I have my number registered with I just report the number when I do get one.

You do know that there are some call centers that purchase the do not call list as a list of numbers to call. Mostly the ones that are offshore and thus don't have to obey the list.

Of course they do. It's they same thing teens did in the 90's with the apps that blocked the "naughty sites". Where they would d/l the software to get a list of sites to go to.
The legitimate call centers are normally not the problem anyway, but the last call I revived was from one. Last year there was some kind of vote going on regarding something with electric utility providers. However I didn't have a clue about the issue as my mobile number is from a state where I have not lived in over 10 years. Mobile lines, unlike land lines, are not permitted to have political robocalls.
When I still had a land line I would answer calls that had no Caller ID info like a business. "Thank you for calling XYZ corp. How may I direct your call?" The phone system had different voicemail boxes. So I had my sister record a greeting directing callers to "Press 1 for dept A, 2 for dept B" and so on. It resulted in some rather amusing messages, My favorite was someone calling about a job because their cousin worked there.
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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1783150 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 9:52:29 UTC - in response to Message 1783085.  
Last modified: 28 Apr 2016, 9:57:35 UTC

If you have telephone service that will support this (I use Vonage, which does. Sadly, my Sprint does not), NoMoRoBo is awesome. On average, I get 4-5 robocalls a week. Since I activated this, not a single one has gotten through, and the attempts have been reduced. Pretty decent, and free for residential users.
In case you're curious as to how it works, your current phone service must support simultaneous ring, i.e. the ability for you to define a second number to ring when someone calls you. When a call comes in, they compare the calling number to a database of robodialers they maintain. If there's a match, they answer the call, you never hear a second ring. If not, they drop out and you can answer or not as you choose. Pretty slick.
I love the Jolly Roger concept, but see two flaws. 1) It requires manual intervention to send a call to them, and 2) you are running up minutes of usage, if your service is metered. Still, I will have to add that to the bag of tricks for dealing with these swine!

I, too, am on Vonage. Been with them since 2005; and got my parents on Vonage in 2008. Signed up for NoMoRobo last year. Some persistent robocallers have gotten through; they get blocked by NoMoRobo on their first attempt, get the NoMoRobo Blocked Call Message, then somehow they call back from their same number and get through. See, NoMoRobo actually has a "runaround" for schools and doctors' offices and such where they enter some code or something so they can perform their "Call Blast" and their services are then NOT blocked... Well the robocallers have tuned into this and are now using this "Call Blast" permission code. I've had this happen twice in the last week. I have reported the calls back to NoMoRobo for them to deal with.

Otherwise, NoMoRobo works as advertised. I'm quite pleased with it. When I set up my account with them, I added my parents' home line and dad's home business line to it. Now, all three lines are protected. In the NoMoRobo Account, each line is named; so, NoMoRobo is aware that dad's Home Business line is active with them. Thing with that is, the Home Business line is on a Vonage Residential Device, and serviced by Vonage Residential Services; they had NOT yet implemented their Enterprise Business Division... Now they have such an animal, but dad's business is small and inconsequential... So, I don't think NoMoRobo cares that this "business line" is registered with them.

Anyway, overall, the family is quite pleased with how Vonage and NoMoRobo work together. :-)

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Message 1783174 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 13:00:09 UTC

I have used a T-Lock Phone blocker for several years, it works as advertised with a capacity of 1000 numbers. The shortcoming of such devices and services is due to VOIP and the ability of telemarketers/scammers to spoof any caller ID they choose. I have had several calls over the last year spoofing my own name and phone number.........very infuriating.

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1783260 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 16:35:56 UTC

Also, last year, Vonage implemented Caller ID Blocking services of their own. (Originally only 25 numbers could be permanently blocked; now, 50.) You login to your Vonage Account, click on the Received Calls Tab to expand the recent incoming calls; then, above in Features, click Edit on the Call Block Feature. Now click Add (More) to add a number to be permanently blocked from calling you, then Save the list.

I make use of this; because NoMoRobo will allow robocallers one ring on your phone. So, if persistent robocallers call in every hour, or every day, (like I had going on for months, now), you can add these numbers to Vonage Caller ID Block and NEVER hear the phone ring from them again!!! :-)

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Message 1783269 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 17:05:36 UTC - in response to Message 1783260.  

Why not just DUMP all your 'landline' phones and use a smart phone? My I-Phone has a 'Block Caller' feature and an app called 'NumberCop' that lets me identify bogus callers, lookup numbers, report a number, and other things. So much cheaper, I think it costs $1.98? It's less hassle than trying to keep a home phone telemarketer free? Just a thought? :)

Another nice thing is MY phone doesn't ring in the middle of the night with someone trying to sell me beach front property in the Everglades. :)

Stay here on Earth. It's the only planet with DARK CHOCOLATE !!
River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1783272 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 17:28:56 UTC - in response to Message 1783269.  
Last modified: 28 Apr 2016, 17:51:02 UTC

Why not just DUMP all your 'landline' phones and use a smart phone? My I-Phone has a 'Block Caller' feature and an app called 'NumberCop' that lets me identify bogus callers, lookup numbers, report a number, and other things. So much cheaper, I think it costs $1.98? It's less hassle than trying to keep a home phone telemarketer free? Just a thought? :)

Another nice thing is MY phone doesn't ring in the middle of the night with someone trying to sell me beach front property in the Everglades. :)

Stay here on Earth. It's the only planet with DARK CHOCOLATE !!

Because I have friends around the world that I talk to, (included in my Vonage plan at $400/year), that I can call and talk to as LONG as I want... No roaming charges, no long distance fees, no international rates per minute... (Oh, and the $400/year includes all taxes and government fees.)

Vonage also has a feature called Vonage Extensions. (Primarily to attach a Cell Phone number to the calling features of your main line Vonage Account.) With VE, you call a US Vonage Access Number, (mostly numbers on the East Coast), enter your established 4-digit pin, then enter the International Number you wish to call, and you now are using your home Vonage Account on your Cell Phone... Two VE Numbers can be added for free to any Residential Vonage Customer on Vonage World Plan! If you have Nationwide Coverage on your Cell Phone; or, Unlimited Calling Plan - Nationwide, then even the Vonage Access Number is a free call to you on the Cell Phone... :-)

I am currently "sharing" my two free Vonage Extensions with my best friend in San Jose. His home phone is VE 1, and his wife's Cell Phone is VE 2. They make frequent calls to India and Belgium. For this access; he is paying me $50/year towards my Total Vonage Bill as a thank you for this service! I have saved him TONS of $$$ on International rates, and Calling Card Plans! :-)


[EDIT:] Oh, and Vonage has FREE 411 Service on each Vonage World Account. :-)
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Profile River Song

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Message 1783275 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 17:50:16 UTC - in response to Message 1783272.  

Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh, said the blind carpenter as she picked up her hammer and saw !!!
River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
"Happy I-Phone girl on the GO GO GO"
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Message 1783295 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 19:51:07 UTC - in response to Message 1783269.  

Why not just DUMP all your 'landline' phones and use a smart phone?

In my case, I've had the home number for >30 years, and would not want to miss contact with folks who only know that. Likewise, have had the cell number for >20 years and again many folks know only that. Finally, no matter who you're with, the cell coverage tends to be marginal where I live. Sounds weird for a techie, but I really don't want much more than an old "brick" for a cell phone, don't need more than to take or make a call. As a result, the cell is more vulnerable to these folks than the Vonage ...
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Profile River Song

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Message 1783300 - Posted: 28 Apr 2016, 20:18:02 UTC
Last modified: 28 Apr 2016, 20:18:36 UTC

"Number Crunching Oddity" Any clue?

I really LOVE the SETI@Home Screen Saver. and it runs whenever I'm not at my keyboard 24/7/365. It is a lovely screen display and visitors to my home always are fascinated by it and ask about it. Hopefully, a few 'join our club' and help as we all do when our PC's are 'idle.'

I think, but do not know for certain, that we all process 8 different files concurrently, or at least I do? Do others do more or less? The data files were recorded by a variety of radio telescope sites like Arecibo, Green Bank, etc.

I'm used to what is presented on the display after several months of seeing it daily. Today I see an ODD display. Can anyone explain what I'm seeing?

Here is what I see:

Baseline Smoothing
Doppler drift rate 0.0000 Hz/sec
Resolution 1,#10 Hz
Green Bank 4-4-16

The 'box,' usually filled with random 'noise,' is empty. I only see an outline of a box with the usual technical parameters shown.

What is the above telling me? Maybe it's a BLANK data file? Hmmmm.

Stay here on Earth. It's the only planet with DARK CHOCOLATE !!

River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
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Message 1783613 - Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 0:18:16 UTC - in response to Message 1783260.  

Also, last year, Vonage implemented Caller ID Blocking services of their own. (Originally only 25 numbers could be permanently blocked; now, 50.) You login to your Vonage Account, click on the Received Calls Tab to expand the recent incoming calls; then, above in Features, click Edit on the Call Block Feature. Now click Add (More) to add a number to be permanently blocked from calling you, then Save the list.

I make use of this; because NoMoRobo will allow robocallers one ring on your phone. So, if persistent robocallers call in every hour, or every day, (like I had going on for months, now), you can add these numbers to Vonage Caller ID Block and NEVER hear the phone ring from them again!!! :-)


I have been using a product called “Digitone Call Blocker Plus” for the last year or so and although it is a little pricey ($100) , I have been very happy with it. It has first ring suppression so no ring on blocked numbers, blocks up to 140 numbers, and does wild cards. I no longer receive calls from area codes 202, 800, 844, 855, 866 , 877, and 888. It also can be set block those pesky “Out of Area” calls with no numbers. The only down side is that it has so many features and ways you can use it, you really have to be a techie type to get the best out of it.

I used to use a product called “Caller ID Manger” which worked in a similar way and also had first ring suppression, but lightning on the phone line finally zapped it after several years of use and by then they had stopped making it. I went through several more years of telephone agony looking for another product with first ring suppression until this one came along.

I have no connection with either product other than using them.
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Message 1783616 - Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 0:26:32 UTC
Last modified: 30 Apr 2016, 0:41:34 UTC

One more reason to bash M$

“Microsoft stops Google being used for Cortana searches”
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1783721 - Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 12:57:34 UTC - in response to Message 1783616.  

One more reason to bash M$

“Microsoft stops Google being used for Cortana searches”

Greetings DSH,

Nothing is sacred anymore... where Micro$oft is concerned. They do not want end users to have choice. They want to dictate how end users live in the digital age. That is why I CHOSE to stay with Win7 and turned off Windows Updates. I like to choose what I do digitally and what I use to do it. :)

Google search: 90% Bing search: 3%

That article shows just another reason NOT to switch to Winblows 10. :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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Kevin Olley

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Message 1783767 - Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 15:03:54 UTC - in response to Message 1783721.  

Nothing is sacred anymore... where Micro$oft is concerned. They do not want end users to have choice. They want to dictate how end users live in the digital age. That is why I CHOSE to stay with Win7 and turned off Windows Updates. I like to choose what I do digitally and what I use to do it. :)

Google search: 90% Bing search: 3%

That article shows just another reason NOT to switch to Winblows 10. :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)

I listened to a radio program the othe night The force of Google.

Microsoft is not the only one that could do with being cut down to size.

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1783819 - Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 20:21:41 UTC - in response to Message 1783721.  
Last modified: 30 Apr 2016, 20:37:59 UTC

Nothing is sacred anymore... where Micro$oft is concerned.
Not true.
The fiduciary duty to the shareholders is sacred. The best way to serve that is to be a monopoly and monetize every possible thing, and make all things rented and not owned.
<ed>I suppose I should add that using your power to prevent your customer from finding out there is competition is also part of the duty to the shareholder.
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Profile River Song

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Message 1783822 - Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 20:40:58 UTC - in response to Message 1783721.  

Nothing is sacred anymore... where Micro$oft is concerned. They do not want end users to have choice. They want to dictate how end users live in the digital age. That is why I CHOSE to stay with Win7 and turned off Windows Updates. I like to choose what I do digitally and what I use to do it. :)

I did the same.. :)

Stay here on Earth. It's the only planet with DARK CHOCOLATE !!

River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
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Message 1784994 - Posted: 5 May 2016, 16:55:47 UTC

And the saga continues...

Posted today
KB3150513 is another Windows 10 update patch
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Message 1785034 - Posted: 5 May 2016, 20:53:08 UTC

It's been long enough, and there's three new ones to add.

"updates to avoid", version 8:

(Red for 8.1, Blue for 7, Green for either/both):

KB 2952664 - Labeled a compatibility upgrade for upgrading Windows 7, its purpose is to "make improvements to the current operating system in order to ease the upgrade experience to the latest version of Windows".
KB 2957026 - This update makes feature changes and improvements to the Windows 8.1 Upgrade notification in Windows 8 or Windows RT. After you install this update, the upgrade will be more discoverable and faster.
KB 2976978 - A compatibility update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 which "performs diagnostics on the Windows system [..] to determine whether compatibility issues may be encountered when the latest Windows operating system is installed.
KB 2977759 - This update performs diagnostics on the Windows systems that participate in the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program. These diagnostics help determine whether compatibility issues may be encountered when the latest Windows operating system is installed. This update will help Microsoft and its partners ensure compatibility for customers who want to install the latest Windows operating system.
KB 2990214 - Does the same as KB 3044374 but on Windows 7.
KB 3021917 - Does the same as KB 2976978 but on Windows 7.
KB 3022345 - Update to enable the Diagnostics Tracking Service in Windows (Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1)
KB 3035583 - This update installs the "Get Windows 10" notification on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1
KB 3044374 - This update for Windows 8.1 enables systems to upgrade from the current operating system to a later version of Windows.
KB 3050265 - This update makes improvements to the Update client to increase scanning speed, and to improve the upgrade to later versions of Windows. Also provides the registry keys to disable upgrading to 10.
KB 3050267 - Same as KB3050265 but for Windows 8.1.
KB 3058168 - This update allows 8.1 Key Management Service (KMS) hosts to upgrade to 10.
KB 3065987 - This article describes an update that contains some improvements to Windows Update Client in Windows 7.
KB 3065988 - Same as KB3065987, but for Windows 8.1.
KB 3068708 - This update introduces the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to existing devices.
KB 3075249 - This update adds telemetry points to the User Account Control (UAC) feature to collect information on elevations that come from low integrity levels.
KB 3075851 - This article describes an update that contains some improvements to Windows Update Client in Windows 7 and also resolves an issue in which certain Windows Update operations fail when you install (KB3065987) on Windows 7 Embedded editions.
KB 3075853 - Same as KB3075851, but for Windows 8.1.
KB 3079821 - Same as KB3058168, but for Windows 7.
KB 3081954 - This update ensures users can continue using Work Folders when upgrading from Windows 7 to 10. Also adds telemetry points to Work Folders for Asimov telemetry pipeline.
KB 3080149 - This package updates the Diagnostics and Telemetry tracking service to existing devices.
KB 3083324 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 - August 2015.
KB 3083325 - Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 - August 2015.
KB 3083710 - New Update Client for Windows 7. No further details about it. (It is suspected this new client downloads other updates in this list in the background without any consent or notice of doing so.)
KB 3083711 - New Update Client for Windows 8.1. No further details about it. (It is suspected this new client downloads other updates in this list in the background without any consent or notice of doing so.)
KB 3102810 - Improvements to the New Update Client provided by KB3083710
KB 3102812 - Improvements to the New Update Client provided by KB3083711
KB 3112343 - Improves the Update Client when upgrading from 7 to 10 and provides MS with feedback on how smooth the process was.
KB 3112336 - Improves the Update Client when upgrading from 8.1 to 10 and provides MS with feedback on how smooth the process was.
KB 3123862 - This update adds capabilities to some computers that lets users easily learn about Windows 10 or start an upgrade to Windows 10. (read: "nags you with propaganda until you give-in")
KB 3135445 - New Update Client for Windows 7 - February 2016.
KB 3135449 - New Update Client for Windows 8.1 - February 2016.
KB 3138612 - New Update Client for Windows 7 - March 2016.
KB 3138615 - New Update Client for Windows 8.1 - March 2016.
KB 3139929 - Update for IE9. It does fix some issues, but stealthily installs 3146449, which is an IE 11 update that gives win7/8.1 an upgrade path to 10. This update has been dubbed "when a security update is not a security update"
KB 3146449 - Updates IE 11's capabilities to upgrade 7/8.1 to 10. This one is not stand-alone, it is embedded within 3139929.
KB 3150513 - "May 2016 Compatibility Update" - improves the nagging mechanism to coerce you into getting 10 whether you want it or not.

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Message 1785036 - Posted: 5 May 2016, 20:57:17 UTC

I figured it was time for an updated list, since there hasn't been a refresh to that list in a while. Only the three green updates at the end were added, and the second one of those isn't even stand-alone.

It's been a bit of a calm/dry spell, which is not at all a bad thing. But for those who are naturally cautious and skeptical, this does feel a bit like "the calm before the storm."

Also surprising, given that there was a pretty steady run of new update clients for 7 and 8.1 every single month for 7 or 8 months there.. there has not been one for April or May. I think that is what concerns me the most in this semi-dry spell. If there were no updates that were specifically marked as new update clients... were they maybe stealthily included in security updates or just simply called something entirely unrelated? Or is the March update client so perfect that it does not need any more improvements?
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Message 1785037 - Posted: 5 May 2016, 21:01:55 UTC

Thanks, as always, C_O.

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Message 1785096 - Posted: 6 May 2016, 2:29:23 UTC

I just received this email more good news from the money grubbing slimeballs at M$
Another reason to build your own 'cloud storage' I'm moving everything to my NAS.

Changes to OneDrive
We want to let you know about some upcoming changes to OneDrive. On August 10, 2016, the amount of storage that comes with OneDrive will change from 15 GB to 5 GB. We are also discontinuing the 15 GB camera roll bonus. You can learn more at our FAQ.
There is no action you need to take, because your OneDrive account is currently below the new storage limits. Even though you aren't currently affected, we want to keep you updated on all important changes to OneDrive. If you'd like to check your account, you can visit the Storage page.
We realize these are big changes to a service you rely on. We want to apologize for any inconvenience they may cause you. We made a difficult decision, but it's one that will let us sustainably operate OneDrive into the future.
Thank you for using OneDrive.
– The OneDrive Team

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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