Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Message 1764536 - Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 3:55:34 UTC - in response to Message 1764521.  

The installer said...'Just how ... well do you want this, you are obsessive." He drove 3, and I had to do the others.

Making your own private screen room, eh?
I could retire on the proceeds from that much copper .... if only you didn't have guard kitties :)
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Message 1764541 - Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 4:27:07 UTC

The installer said...'Just how ... well do you want this, you are obsessive." He drove 3, and I had to do the others.

There's nothing obsessive about that at all. In the event of a lightning strike... the more ground rods, the better--considering it's a copper roof and all. Safety first.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1764731 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 0:30:47 UTC

How to fix win 10 stuff up

If like me you have removed the win 10 icon hidden it and thought your where ok then think again .

As of January 23 the win 10 update option is now a recommended update and it will upgrade your computer weather you have the win 10 icon or not .

If you try to remove it will just reinstall .

If you start up in safe mode and then remove it and hiding it you will find your machine has big problems .

You may find

1. Your computer is locked into safe mode
2 All restore points have been deleted
3 Things like shadow copy and program to do with restore or system protection have been set to manual
4 programs like post-it notes documents may also be deleted .

Now at this point a lot of newbees will get cranky and try to reinstall win7 .

You do not need to reinstall windows 7

First thing to do if you are in safe mode is to open the registry and edit a certain register key


This is the register key you have to edit

you can change the DWORD to 00000000 and yes this will let you out of safe mode as you will find the DWORD is set to 000000002 or as above 1

I would not do this as it doesn't help if you restat at any time it the future in safe mode the DWORD will change back to 00000002 and you will be stuck back in safe mode

So it's better to delete the option folder and the DWORD as a clean win 7 has no value set in the option folder , There is no DWORD value at all so deleting it will stop Microsoft from doing something like this again .

2. Change windows update and uncheck the recommended update check box ans set it to never check for update and check manually yourself from now on

3. open up the services and change shadow copy and a few other services back to Automatic

here is a link that will explain witch programs to restart and set back to automatic

4. make shore you have User Account Control Setting set to high

Now if restore is not fixed after you have done all of the above and restarted your machine you may need to dare I say this go back to windows update and get a few updates , so long as you have done the above you should only get the updates that will fix your system and system restore so all works again

However make a backup of your system and make shore it is on a external drive also make a copy of your registry and place that on a external drive .

This is not a bug with the windows 10 updater it is a DELIBERATE hack by Microsoft to force you to upgrade .

It has come to my attention as to the reason for this and I can tell you all that Microsoft has been bought buy the U.S defence department.

Do not believe what you are being told that it's a bug with windows 10 update icon . It is a new attack by the U.S government to get around your consitution and spy on you all as they can't do that since Snowden .

You have now been warned .

NO NO NO NO NO NO to win 10
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1764752 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 2:18:01 UTC

Just to add when I say that Microsoft has been bought by the U.S Defence I don't mean they own it but I mean paid off , bribed , threatened and are now working actively with them to spy on us all.

So don't believe what you read in papers or magazines or on face book , twitter or even at Microsoft web site it's all a con.
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Message 1764836 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 10:19:01 UTC

From ComputerWorld: There’s something fishy about those Windows 10 market-share numbers

The real question to ask, though, is why this figure is so important to Microsoft
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Message 1764916 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 17:52:54 UTC - in response to Message 1764836.  

From ComputerWorld: There’s something fishy about those Windows 10 market-share numbers

The real question to ask, though, is why this figure is so important to Microsoft

That's simple. Market share is a major consideration in deciding whether to buy stock, so the better the market share, the higher the stock value.
Sitting on my butt while others boldly go,
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Message 1764950 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 19:13:57 UTC - in response to Message 1764752.  

Just to add when I say that Microsoft has been bought by the U.S Defence I don't mean they own it but I mean paid off , bribed , threatened and are now working actively with them to spy on us all.

So don't believe what you read in papers or magazines or on face book , twitter or even at Microsoft web site it's all a con.

From ZDNet.

Sleep tight America.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1764956 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 19:22:39 UTC - in response to Message 1764950.  

From ZDNet.

Sleep tight America.

And that article is almost 3 years old.
I suspect the level of government surveillance has not been ramped down since then.......
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1765035 - Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 23:52:03 UTC

Win 10 sends 5500 bits of data out of any computer once you upgrade .

If you do what some web site say to reduce the spying don't think you are safe you are not .

On the first update Microsoft will activate any service or app that you have disabled and start spying on you again.

As one article says 5500 bits of data before changing things and after changing things 24 hours later it is still sending the same amount of data out .

So turning stuff off and then thinking you are safe is a lie you can not protect your privacy if you use win 10 no matter what you do .

Microsoft is playing everyone for fools so don't be a fool and let win 10 on your machine or you may find at some time in the future you will be in trouble with the law as nobody is ever doing the right thing on the net .

Just looking at a picture of a person under 18 can and will be used by them to have you charged as a paedophile even if you accidentally came across said picture and it does not have to be a nude picture .The picture can be sent to you and that will also be used to hang you

The above situation is just one of the ways win 10 will be able to be used to screw you if you cause any trouble for your government and will be the first thing they will look at your computer for

So stop being a naive idiot and understand win 10 is a attack on freedom all over the world
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1765040 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 0:13:55 UTC - in response to Message 1765035.  

Win 10 sends 5500 bits of data out of any computer once you upgrade .

If you do what some web site say to reduce the spying don't think you are safe you are not .

On the first update Microsoft will activate any service or app that you have disabled and start spying on you again.

As one article says 5500 bits of data before changing things and after changing things 24 hours later it is still sending the same amount of data out .

So turning stuff off and then thinking you are safe is a lie you can not protect your privacy if you use win 10 no matter what you do .

Microsoft is playing everyone for fools so don't be a fool and let win 10 on your machine or you may find at some time in the future you will be in trouble with the law as nobody is ever doing the right thing on the net .

Just looking at a picture of a person under 18 can and will be used by them to have you charged as a paedophile even if you accidentally came across said picture and it does not have to be a nude picture .The picture can be sent to you and that will also be used to hang you

The above situation is just one of the ways win 10 will be able to be used to screw you if you cause any trouble for your government and will be the first thing they will look at your computer for

So stop being a naive idiot and understand win 10 is a attack on freedom all over the world

Well if you really believe that and I have no doubt you do, then you are not safe either, remember I am on Windows 10 and I have just read and answered your post, so "they" will be able to see what you said.

I rather like Windows 10 and have now installed it on all my working machines.

Personally if you think any government including yours needs Windows 10 to spy on you then you are sadly mistaken. They already are able to hack any computer or phone they wish. Your government was able to use any data they wished form the NSA and apparently did. GCHQ have just been allowed to hack phones and computers when they need to.

So please don't delude yourself that you are safe from prying eyes you are not.

Now, are there any other machines I can install Win 10 on.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1765046 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 0:43:21 UTC - in response to Message 1765040.  

Maybe in the U.K they can but not here .they can only store your Meta data here anything else needs a warrant .

I would use win 10 if they chose to change the policy of OPT out to OPT in and changed there policy off not forcing people to upgrade change the end user right so you still have control of your machine and lastly get rid of that crappy Tiles theme or write a program that check to see if you have a touch screen and if you don't then it loads the normal GUi for a desktop and if you do have one then load the tiles then I might look again at it but until that I will not .

But what can we expect from a person that lives in a country that is even more socialist than our country is .

How's it go "yes Sir " pompus people are idiots and a pompus person is someone that uses politeness to insult everyone are you a pompus polite person and a robot that says "yes Sir , No Sir 3 bags full Sir"
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1765053 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 1:30:36 UTC - in response to Message 1765040.  

Well if you really believe that and I have no doubt you do, then you are not safe either, remember I am on Windows 10 and I have just read and answered your post, so "they" will be able to see what you said.

I rather like Windows 10 and have now installed it on all my working machines.

Personally if you think any government including yours needs Windows 10 to spy on you then you are sadly mistaken. They already are able to hack any computer or phone they wish. Your government was able to use any data they wished form the NSA and apparently did. GCHQ have just been allowed to hack phones and computers when they need to.

So please don't delude yourself that you are safe from prying eyes you are not.

Now, are there any other machines I can install Win 10 on

From someone that lives in a nanny state that has internet filters just like the Commy's in China have .

From a person that can not access Torrent sites but we in Ozzie can

We in ozz rejected internet filters a long time ago so before said pompus person speaks he should do his home work and find out what the laws are in a country before making stupid comments as I said pompus people are idiots
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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1765081 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 3:45:45 UTC

I just started my tablet(which the upgrade service previously said was not eligible for the Win10 upgrade due to graphics hardware)and it immediately started into the 'updating your system' routine even though I have update turned off. I went into update history, sorted by date, which indicated nothing had been installed since 1/19/16.

Not believing the P.O.S. I ran the uninstall batch file and found that KB3058618 had been installed without the Outer Limits lead in went....."you are no longer in control of your television, we control the horizontal, we control the vertical......"


"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1765085 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 4:09:56 UTC - in response to Message 1765081.  

I just started my tablet(which the upgrade service previously said was not eligible for the Win10 upgrade due to graphics hardware)and it immediately started into the 'updating your system' routine even though I have update turned off. I went into update history, sorted by date, which indicated nothing had been installed since 1/19/16.

Not believing the P.O.S. I ran the uninstall batch file and found that KB3058618 had been installed without the Outer Limits lead in went....."you are no longer in control of your television, we control the horizontal, we control the vertical......"


A good example of what I am talking about

You have no control Welcome to "1986" Big brother is watching you !!!!!!!

So much for the Constitution's of the world ...
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1765087 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 4:20:44 UTC
Last modified: 15 Feb 2016, 4:27:24 UTC

Whatever works ...
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Message 1765089 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 4:28:12 UTC

Here's my opinion on all this spying stuff (and I've said this once before in the thread.. maybe twice): when the governments of the world decide they can trust 10... then us peasants can trust it.

But seeing as most enterprises and businesses (and governments) finally moved on from XP within the past 2-3 years or so, it's probably going to be at least 5 more years before they decide to let go of 7.

And as was mentioned recently in one of the posted articles, the problem with turning some of the "telemetry" almost-completely off (which can only be done in Enterprise), is that it is combined with the same service that handles Updates, Defender, and Malicious Software Removal Tool. That's why it is "very strongly recommended" to not turn all the datalogging off, is because in order to turn it off, you have to turn most of the system's defenses off, which leaves you very vulnerable.

You just have to decide which evil you'd rather deal with: exploits and actual malicious activities from.. predominantly southeast Asia, or MS storing everything in "the cloud" to keep tabs on your every move, with everything attached to your machine's unique marketing ID number? Personally... I'll take my chances with the former--I ran 7 years on 2K and XP without AV software and used IE in all of that time and was fine, because I was careful about where I went and what I opened.

Of course, specifically what data is gathered and where it is stored and what is done with it is--for the most part--educated speculation even at this point, because MS's only answer to all the journalists' questions over the past 8 months has been "we have no comment at this time." So.. without positive or negative confirmation backed by supporting facts... it's all speculation, even still.

But there are a few things that are known, such as searching for a local file on the local machine does a Bing search (presumably to search through the filesystem indexes that are stored in the cloud), when basically every version of Windows before 10 would.. you know.. just search the filesystem indexes that are located on the HDDs that are actually installed. There's a time and a place to be revolutionary and reinvent the wheel, but in this particular case... this wasn't the time nor the place for it.

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1765090 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 4:33:15 UTC - in response to Message 1765087.  

10 Years ago that was Funny but give it another 20 years and it won't

People are already having chips implanted in them so give it a few more years and you'll have "1986" + Star Treks the "Borg"

Resistance is Futile we will control you so come be part of the Collective it's nothing to worry about it's the Future

I seem to remember someone echoing words like that not that long ago
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Profile Jimbocous Project Donor
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Message 1765092 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 4:38:00 UTC - in response to Message 1765089.  

Here's my opinion on all this spying stuff (and I've said this once before in the thread.. maybe twice): when the governments of the world decide they can trust 10... then us peasants can trust it.

Reasonable approach, and one I subscribe to. Makes the whole thing moot, for all those business and government IT shops buying new PCs and refreshes are going to be getting W10. With end-of-sale here or coming for 7/8/8.1, no IT manager is going to hang himself out to dry by getting anything but 10.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1765094 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 4:48:41 UTC - in response to Message 1765092.  

Here's my opinion on all this spying stuff (and I've said this once before in the thread.. maybe twice): when the governments of the world decide they can trust 10... then us peasants can trust it.

Reasonable approach, and one I subscribe to. Makes the whole thing moot, for all those business and government IT shops buying new PCs and refreshes are going to be getting W10. With end-of-sale here or coming for 7/8/8.1, no IT manager is going to hang himself out to dry by getting anything but 10.

Or they just won't bother with Microsoft and go Linux or other op's . The average consumer can't afford to go out and by a new computer or pad or phone just because the operating system changes

I believe Microsoft are doing a lot of Damage to there reputation because of what they are doing and are under estimating how this is going to go.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1765099 - Posted: 15 Feb 2016, 5:02:09 UTC - in response to Message 1765089.  

But there are a few things that are known, such as searching for a local file on the local machine does a Bing search (presumably to search through the filesystem indexes that are stored in the cloud), when basically every version of Windows before 10 would.. you know.. just search the filesystem indexes that are located on the HDDs that are actually installed.
Well, is your cloud drive "local"?
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