Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile Louis Loria II
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Message 1752334 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 2:14:16 UTC

Don't forget your tinfoil hats and faraday cages....
ID: 1752334 · Report as offensive
Profile HAL9000
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Message 1752360 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 5:57:24 UTC - in response to Message 1752334.  

Don't forget your tinfoil hats and faraday cages....

Those tinfoil hats would actually just act as an antenna for any mind control waves or implanted devices in someones head.

A proper Faraday cage on the other hand would be the ideal choice. By placing a computer in one it would be in no danger being forcibly updated to Windows 10.

As OS isn't something I see as idea for SaaS.
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ID: 1752360 · Report as offensive
Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1752365 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 6:34:16 UTC

How soon before Window$ becomes ransomware? ;)

It already is.........try getting help with an issue on Win 8.1 without buying the Tech assistance service. I had to do that last year because a 'bug' kept dropping my sync with the 'Store' on several apps. Cost me $149 to get access restored for apps that I had already purchased..........that was my 1st clue that the 'sky was falling'.

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
ID: 1752365 · Report as offensive

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Message 1752394 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 9:30:02 UTC

I am sorry to come to this thread late but I have some software that needs to be looked at with regard to the w10 garbage. I did not search if this has been posted:

GWX Control Panel
This is a free tool that can remove and disable the 'Get Windows 10' notification area icon on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Recent versions can also disable 'Upgrade to Windows 10' behavior in the Windows Update control panel and do much more. See the user guide at the Ultimate Outsider blog. You can still download GWX Control Panel as a standalone executable if you don't like installers. Please see the "GWX CONTROL PANEL RELEASE NOTES" section at the user guide for MD5 and SHA-1 checksums of all official releases.

Date: December 29, 2015
Platform: PC 32/64
* Download Installer *
* Download Stand-alone *

please search gwx control panel - it works great - no need to do manual edits on updates

hope this helps - proud to have just added a win xp pc back into the team

ID: 1752394 · Report as offensive

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Message 1752401 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 9:37:00 UTC

On a personal note - I maintain 12 pcs at work all are hp z400s (win 7 pro 64bit) - I have no desire to have to scramble to delete / disable updates that I would have no control over in w10. MS has screwed the pooch on this forced update - what a pr disaster I would think.

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Message 1752446 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 15:01:39 UTC - in response to Message 1752401.  

Oh, please. Blaming MS for world hunger and everything else is so lame. I have upgraded to W10 without issue on several pc's and this includes my personal seti desktop. W10 saved the latter in that the PC was getting pretty slow and almost unusable. Now I have another year I suspect before I have to upgrade the hardware to keep up with the technology demands. I'm sure the W10 upgrades are not perfect but the fact they were given to us essentially for free is a positive thing. No pooch screwing here. And with regard to this forum, I suspect that most people will see no issue with the upgrade. And those who do, should tell MS so they can improve their product rather than keep it to ourselves and stew. Just sayin'.
ID: 1752446 · Report as offensive
Profile Jord
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Message 1752456 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 15:28:40 UTC - in response to Message 1752446.  

And those who do, should tell MS so they can improve their product rather than keep it to ourselves and stew. Just sayin'.

I have told MS I do not want to upgrade, they improved their pushiness to try to get it onto my system anyway. They say it's a choice, but when push comes to shove, you have no choice. Where is the choice in:

Or in

Yes, more advanced users know that pressing the red-x will get you out of there, but all those that do not have no choice.

And then the BS about we do worry when people are running an operating system that’s 10 years old, they're not trying to force Windows 10 on Windows XP users. Neither Windows 7 (2009) nor Windows 8 (2012) is 10 years old. Either force the XP users to upgrade, or find some other reason to force your demographic to use your product because you want them to.

They want to run their OS as a service, fine with me, but as with every service, I want to have the choice whether I make use of it or not. Now they're not giving the choice.

Nice for you that your system runs quick again. That's not much of a wonder, you would've had the same experience had you clean installed Windows 7 or 8 again, as essentially that's what you just done with the Windows 10 upgrade: get rid of the underlying slow making crud. Wait a year with normal usage, normal installing of programs and apps, normal build-up of uninstalled libraries and garbage and then see how quick it still is.
ID: 1752456 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1752475 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 16:07:51 UTC - in response to Message 1752446.  

Oh, please. Blaming MS for world hunger and everything else is so lame. I have upgraded to W10 without issue on several pc's and this includes my personal seti desktop. W10 saved the latter in that the PC was getting pretty slow and almost unusable. Now I have another year I suspect before I have to upgrade the hardware to keep up with the technology demands. I'm sure the W10 upgrades are not perfect but the fact they were given to us essentially for free is a positive thing. No pooch screwing here. And with regard to this forum, I suspect that most people will see no issue with the upgrade. And those who do, should tell MS so they can improve their product rather than keep it to ourselves and stew. Just sayin'.

Who said anything about Micro$oft being responsible for world hunger?

Wait 'til you start having to pay monthly for you PCs to boot into Window$ 10. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

OMG what's the BFD? Window$ 10 being a "service" instead of software you buy, install and use. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay Micro$oft monthly to use MY PC.

Don't get me wrong, I tried Window$ 10 and I actually saw it doing many things better than my Win7 Pro 64bit. But... All the NSA and data stealing crap in it just does not cut it. It does NOT belong in an Operating System.

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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ID: 1752475 · Report as offensive
Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1752478 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 16:19:21 UTC

And those who do, should tell MS so they can improve their product rather than keep it to ourselves and stew. Just sayin'.
They have no interest in improving the product, just the revenue stream.......

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
ID: 1752478 · Report as offensive
Mark Stevenson Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1752482 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 16:43:52 UTC - in response to Message 1752478.  

[/quote]They have no interest in improving the product, just the revenue stream.......[/quote]

+1 exactly what I think and bollox to them :-)
ID: 1752482 · Report as offensive

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Message 1752511 - Posted: 30 Dec 2015, 18:39:17 UTC - in response to Message 1752277.  

Mention of hardware not working as well, or, at all, on older systems is a bit of a sick joke. At a stroke, with Vista, MS dropped support in the OS for the humble 'game port' - much to the annoyance of just about everyone who had an MS Sidewinder 'stick with a 'game port' connection - never mind those of us with expensive CH or similar spec 'sticks! For Heaven's sake, even their own hardware became paper-weights! This of course did much for user experience, in a very negative manner and may be why XP is rightfully, still held in high regard by many.
Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
ID: 1752511 · Report as offensive
Profile Louis Loria II
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Message 1752584 - Posted: 31 Dec 2015, 0:47:54 UTC - in response to Message 1752511.  

Mention of hardware not working as well, or, at all, on older systems is a bit of a sick joke. At a stroke, with Vista, MS dropped support in the OS for the humble 'game port' - much to the annoyance of just about everyone who had an MS Sidewinder 'stick with a 'game port' connection - never mind those of us with expensive CH or similar spec 'sticks! For Heaven's sake, even their own hardware became paper-weights! This of course did much for user experience, in a very negative manner and may be why XP is rightfully, still held in high regard by many.

I must admit, I miss my Sidewinder Precision Pro. I used to play MechWarrior 4 until the wee hours of the morning (I do miss Win XP). I am a keyboard/mouse convert now, playing Hawken occasionally.

I haven't installed a Joystick in Windoze 10, not that I've needed it, but are they available and functional?

Anyhow, just my two cents worth...(if that)
ID: 1752584 · Report as offensive
Profile Alienmoon

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Message 1752737 - Posted: 31 Dec 2015, 20:48:59 UTC
Last modified: 31 Dec 2015, 21:03:44 UTC

Evening all!

Just been reading a few posts on this topic, errm let me rephrase that, topics!

For them that are somewhat not sure about windows-10 or for them that know there subject.

Some say There is a big jump in Telemetry data being sent from Win-10 prior to early versions of windows.

So why not visit (for them that don't know about such tools)

O&O yes the famous O&O as in Defrag website

They do a great tool for them that may like to take a little, Errm Full control over there Rig, It's a great tool for them that know how to use it, and use it correctly.

There is also another tool called Win10 Privacy, that's got even more power under the hud, this is the one I use personally.
I can't find the link to that Sorry, though I still have a back-up of the installer.

There is also the Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10
I can't comment on this as I've never used this one.

These Tools have a lot of features, over updates, Telemetry, Privacy & Blocking of MS Servers etc.
As with all Downloads, You use at your own Risk, Messing around under the HUD of your O.S is not for the NOOBS!

Nor is it something to take on with no Experience in knowing what you are doing.

Anyway some people are still on the bench about the subject of exactly what windows-10 is actually sending & some swear down it's crossed the line,
which is the line I subscribe too personally.

I've shown full links so people that are a little parra can relax & go at least read.

No I don't think there's Aliens on the Moon, nor inside it, lol! despite my username, It's just a name! :)

ID: 1752737 · Report as offensive
Profile Raistmer
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Message 1752843 - Posted: 1 Jan 2016, 7:58:00 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jan 2016, 8:07:51 UTC

Sad, but Win10 x64 not only spy on you, it's just SLOWER than Vista x86 (!):

Vista x86:

WU : PG0009_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 687.071 secs
CPU 683.690 secs
MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 752.248 secs, speedup: -9.49% ratio: 0.91x
CPU 749.912 secs, speedup: -9.69% ratio: 0.91x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 132.475 secs, speedup: 80.72% ratio: 5.19x
CPU 28.158 secs, speedup: 95.88% ratio: 24.28x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 132.631 secs, speedup: 80.70% ratio: 5.18x
CPU 27.082 secs, speedup: 96.04% ratio: 25.25x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 498.186 secs, speedup: 27.49% ratio: 1.38x
CPU 495.896 secs, speedup: 27.47% ratio: 1.38x

WU : PG0395_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 808.595 secs
CPU 805.168 secs
MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 604.313 secs, speedup: 25.26% ratio: 1.34x
CPU 601.992 secs, speedup: 25.23% ratio: 1.34x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 77.953 secs, speedup: 90.36% ratio: 10.37x
CPU 24.945 secs, speedup: 96.90% ratio: 32.28x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 76.190 secs, speedup: 90.58% ratio: 10.61x
CPU 23.026 secs, speedup: 97.14% ratio: 34.97x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 483.553 secs, speedup: 40.20% ratio: 1.67x
CPU 481.263 secs, speedup: 40.23% ratio: 1.67x

WU : PG0444_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 738.052 secs
CPU 734.640 secs
MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 565.406 secs, speedup: 23.39% ratio: 1.31x
CPU 563.086 secs, speedup: 23.35% ratio: 1.30x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 73.772 secs, speedup: 90.00% ratio: 10.00x
CPU 25.257 secs, speedup: 96.56% ratio: 29.09x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 72.790 secs, speedup: 90.14% ratio: 10.14x
CPU 23.650 secs, speedup: 96.78% ratio: 31.06x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 452.400 secs, speedup: 38.70% ratio: 1.63x
CPU 450.094 secs, speedup: 38.73% ratio: 1.63x

WU : PG1327_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 499.871 secs
CPU 496.567 secs
MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 565.890 secs, speedup: -13.21% ratio: 0.88x
CPU 563.554 secs, speedup: -13.49% ratio: 0.88x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 73.960 secs, speedup: 85.20% ratio: 6.76x
CPU 20.655 secs, speedup: 95.84% ratio: 24.04x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 73.960 secs, speedup: 85.20% ratio: 6.76x
CPU 17.550 secs, speedup: 96.47% ratio: 28.29x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 426.551 secs, speedup: 14.67% ratio: 1.17x
CPU 424.260 secs, speedup: 14.56% ratio: 1.17x

WU : reference_work_unit_v8_r3215.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 3892.964 secs
CPU 3889.292 secs
MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 3156.395 secs, speedup: 18.92% ratio: 1.23x
CPU 3153.342 secs, speedup: 18.92% ratio: 1.23x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 331.438 secs, speedup: 91.49% ratio: 11.75x
CPU 60.622 secs, speedup: 98.44% ratio: 64.16x
[color=limegreen]MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 328.411 secs, speedup: 91.56% ratio: 11.85x
CPU 46.207 secs, speedup: 98.81% ratio: 84.17x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 2488.933 secs, speedup: 36.07% ratio: 1.56x
CPU 2485.985 secs, speedup: 36.08% ratio: 1.56x[/color]

And same host under Win10 IP x64:

WU : PG0009_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 687.071 secs
CPU 683.690 secs
MB8_win_x64_SSE2_VS2010_r3302.exe :
Elapsed 484.336 secs, speedup: 29.51% ratio: 1.42x
CPU 466.500 secs, speedup: 31.77% ratio: 1.47x

MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 761.556 secs, speedup: -10.84% ratio: 0.90x
CPU 755.078 secs, speedup: -10.44% ratio: 0.91x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 147.224 secs, speedup: 78.57% ratio: 4.67x
CPU 45.188 secs, speedup: 93.39% ratio: 15.13x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 151.326 secs, speedup: 77.98% ratio: 4.54x
CPU 41.641 secs, speedup: 93.91% ratio: 16.42x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 525.207 secs, speedup: 23.56% ratio: 1.31x
CPU 521.188 secs, speedup: 23.77% ratio: 1.31x

WU : PG0395_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 808.595 secs
CPU 805.168 secs
MB8_win_x64_SSE2_VS2010_r3302.exe :
Elapsed 439.886 secs, speedup: 45.60% ratio: 1.84x
CPU 436.438 secs, speedup: 45.80% ratio: 1.84x

MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 640.751 secs, speedup: 20.76% ratio: 1.26x
CPU 611.703 secs, speedup: 24.03% ratio: 1.32x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 79.455 secs, speedup: 90.17% ratio: 10.18x
CPU 39.422 secs, speedup: 95.10% ratio: 20.42x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 79.240 secs, speedup: 90.20% ratio: 10.20x
CPU 35.859 secs, speedup: 95.55% ratio: 22.45x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 520.948 secs, speedup: 35.57% ratio: 1.55x
CPU 518.422 secs, speedup: 35.61% ratio: 1.55x

WU : PG0444_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 738.052 secs
CPU 734.640 secs
MB8_win_x64_SSE2_VS2010_r3302.exe :
Elapsed 408.319 secs, speedup: 44.68% ratio: 1.81x
CPU 406.000 secs, speedup: 44.73% ratio: 1.81x

MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 564.329 secs, speedup: 23.54% ratio: 1.31x
CPU 561.969 secs, speedup: 23.50% ratio: 1.31x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 75.226 secs, speedup: 89.81% ratio: 9.81x
CPU 39.094 secs, speedup: 94.68% ratio: 18.79x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 74.949 secs, speedup: 89.85% ratio: 9.85x
CPU 34.938 secs, speedup: 95.24% ratio: 21.03x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 500.662 secs, speedup: 32.16% ratio: 1.47x
CPU 498.406 secs, speedup: 32.16% ratio: 1.47x

WU : PG1327_v7.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 499.871 secs
CPU 496.567 secs
MB8_win_x64_SSE2_VS2010_r3302.exe :
Elapsed 373.246 secs, speedup: 25.33% ratio: 1.34x
CPU 370.875 secs, speedup: 25.31% ratio: 1.34x

MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 572.835 secs, speedup: -14.60% ratio: 0.87x
CPU 570.516 secs, speedup: -14.89% ratio: 0.87x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 81.746 secs, speedup: 83.65% ratio: 6.11x
CPU 40.344 secs, speedup: 91.88% ratio: 12.31x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 82.825 secs, speedup: 83.43% ratio: 6.04x
CPU 34.250 secs, speedup: 93.10% ratio: 14.50x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 436.555 secs, speedup: 12.67% ratio: 1.15x
CPU 434.172 secs, speedup: 12.57% ratio: 1.14x

WU : reference_work_unit_v8_r3215.wu
setiathome_8.00_windows_intelx86.exe -verb -nog :
Elapsed 3892.964 secs
CPU 3889.292 secs
MB8_win_x64_SSE2_VS2010_r3302.exe :
Elapsed 2198.840 secs, speedup: 43.52% ratio: 1.77x
CPU 2195.906 secs, speedup: 43.54% ratio: 1.77x
MB8_win_x86_SSE_VS2008_r3280.exe :
Elapsed 3169.230 secs, speedup: 18.59% ratio: 1.23x
CPU 3165.984 secs, speedup: 18.60% ratio: 1.23x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3256.exe :
Elapsed 347.884 secs, speedup: 91.06% ratio: 11.19x
CPU 142.000 secs, speedup: 96.35% ratio: 27.39x
MB8_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATi_HD5_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 344.795 secs, speedup: 91.14% ratio: 11.29x
CPU 119.984 secs, speedup: 96.92% ratio: 32.42x
MB8_win_x86_SSE3_VS2008_r3299.exe :
Elapsed 2603.311 secs, speedup: 33.13% ratio: 1.50x
CPU 2600.406 secs, speedup: 33.14% ratio: 1.50x

Actually it's the first time I see so bright slowdown switching from x86 to x64 OS on capable hardware.... :(

And slowdown even greater considering not CPU but GPU part... I need x64 OS for this host cause 8GB memory installed now, but such slowdown definitely requires something else than Win10 x64 for good crunching, pity :/
(and to make it absolute clear - both listed tests were run with IDENTICAL hardware configuration, AFTER memory update. Update itself showed little speedup under Vista).

EDIT: both these run were done on "idle" CPU (Q9450). It's artifical config for this host though used routinely in benchmarking. Real production crunching done on fully loaded CPU of course. So I'll load remaining 3 cores with BOINC and repeat under real life conditions. Actually don't really hope that result will be different though :/
ID: 1752843 · Report as offensive

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Message 1753024 - Posted: 2 Jan 2016, 1:50:56 UTC - in response to Message 1752584.  

Not too sure what you mean. If you mean, can you still get the MS 'sticks, the answer is, no, not new ones, that is...they only seem to pander to X-Box users for controllers. One can of course still get 'sticks, but they'd have to be a USB connection for anything after Win XP. Maybe you're wondering if you can use a USB/gameport adapter? Oddly enough, many 'sticks will work in a fashion using one, except the Sidewinder! Even the favoured Rockfire unit can't get those working. Personally, I'm having to 'bite the bullet' and look at the Saitek X55 or the Thrustmaster Warthog and 'sticks are becoming more popular due to games like EVE, Elite Dangerous and, of course, Star Citizen.
Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
ID: 1753024 · Report as offensive
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Message 1754362 - Posted: 6 Jan 2016, 15:52:37 UTC
Last modified: 6 Jan 2016, 15:53:01 UTC

I'm getting really, really annoyed by the stupid W10 ad which pops up every single time I boot up one of my computers. It should be obvious that I do not want W10 after clicking away this stupid ad numerous times. But it still keeps popping up:-(
I will soon send an email to MS about this but right now I want to do something to stop this nonsense.
So pls advise me, what exactly do I have to do so I never see this damn ad again? Is it enough to deinstall some upgrades? Registry maybe? No third party programs pls. Oh, BTW, 2 of my computers run W8.1, my cruncher runs W7. (Home, all three)
ID: 1754362 · Report as offensive
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Message 1754366 - Posted: 6 Jan 2016, 16:06:06 UTC

gwx control panel?
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Message 1754369 - Posted: 6 Jan 2016, 16:10:30 UTC - in response to Message 1754362.  

I'm getting really, really annoyed by the stupid W10 ad which pops up every single time I boot up one of my computers. It should be obvious that I do not want W10 after clicking away this stupid ad numerous times. But it still keeps popping up:-(
I will soon send an email to MS about this but right now I want to do something to stop this nonsense.
So pls advise me, what exactly do I have to do so I never see this damn ad again? Is it enough to deinstall some upgrades? Registry maybe? No third party programs pls. Oh, BTW, 2 of my computers run W8.1, my cruncher runs W7. (Home, all three)

Disable updates.
Thats what i did years ago.

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Message 1754380 - Posted: 6 Jan 2016, 16:59:49 UTC - in response to Message 1754362.  

I'm getting really, really annoyed by the stupid W10 ad which pops up every single time I boot up one of my computers. It should be obvious that I do not want W10 after clicking away this stupid ad numerous times. But it still keeps popping up:-(
I will soon send an email to MS about this but right now I want to do something to stop this nonsense.
So pls advise me, what exactly do I have to do so I never see this damn ad again? Is it enough to deinstall some upgrades? Registry maybe? No third party programs pls. Oh, BTW, 2 of my computers run W8.1, my cruncher runs W7. (Home, all three)

Remove all of these updates. There are two methods:
1) manually by finding them in "installed updates"
2) open an administrative command prompt and do
wusa /uninstall /kb:[number] /norestart
for each one. There is a '/quiet' option, but it makes it more difficult to know if it is actually doing anything or even if it is done. Once done, you can restart the computer.

From this point, there are two options:
1) Turn updates off
2) Continue to allow updates, but you'll need to change the settings over to "let me choose what to download and install" and look at the list of available updates and see if any of the above KB numbers are there. If there are any, right-click > Hide update. You'll have to do that a bunch the first few times after removing all of those updates. But you'll have to keep an eye out for them from now on. I research every new update that is presented to me to decide if I want it or not, but most people don't have the time or desire to do so.
Linux laptop:
record uptime: 1511d 20h 19m (ended due to the power brick giving-up)
ID: 1754380 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1754396 - Posted: 6 Jan 2016, 18:05:10 UTC

Remembering that some of the updates are rather reluctant to be hidden, taking two or three attempts before they finally submit :-(
Bob Smith
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ID: 1754396 · Report as offensive
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