Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1746725 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 3:24:15 UTC - in response to Message 1746722.  

Did you found the "Mopier Mode" Setting?
They say it is "enabled by default" so if you do some "Reset to defaults" it will be ON
Also look for "collate" and disable it.

Went back to Printer Properties and saw that my "change" was ignored, or reset to 1 copy

I think this is known from Windows 98 / Word 97 days (at least for me)

You first need to exit all programs that can print! (Word, Adobe, ...) (else they (programs) will return the Printer Settings at the state when the program was started)
Only then look and change "Printer Properties" from Start Menu

THIS is getting WAY out of hand!!! I SHOULDN'T have to go through all of this nonsense!!! In fact I REFUSE!!! I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER!!! I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER GETTING INTO HARDWARE TO GET AWAY FROM PROGRAMMING OR ANYTHING LIKE PROGRAMMING!!! I HATE SOFTWARE!!! I only install it... ;-) :-)

I'm done FRAKKING AROUND with DEFECTIVE MS SOFTWARE AND DRIVERS!!! It SHOULD be up to HP and MS to make sure that the damned driver works!!! NOT ME!!!

I'm NOT adjusting, NOR hunting for anymore settings...

Dad will have to either print one copy from the HP LaserJet 4000TN and take it to the Brother and make X copies, OR set the Brother as Default...






If it weren't for my LIMITED IT hardware skills; the HP Envy Desktop system would still be in it's factory sealed packaging! Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!
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ID: 1746725 · Report as offensive
Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1746728 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 3:43:24 UTC

...AND, I REALLY HOPE someone from MICKESLOTH reads my last post!!! I know I'm NOT alone with these thoughts!!!

If they'd PAY their Q&A people better, I'm sure they'd find and correct these errors BEFORE the OS and Drivers are released!!!

At LEAST Apple Q&A makes sure their hardware works out of the box!!! Their software on the other hand DOES have occasional issues; BUT NOTHING like MICKEYSLOTH!!!

Unfortunately, the last MAC I had extensive knowledge on was my 1996 MAC Clone from Power Computing. (A 604/132 with 96 MB RAM, and a Quantum Atlas F&W SCSI HD 4.3 GB... MAC OS 7.5.2; upgraded over time to 8.6.1, the MAX that the system could get up to...) I NEVER had issues with my MAC like I've seen over the years with MICKEYSLOTH!!!

OH, and I've TRIED and TRIED, and TRIED SOME MORE to understand Linux... SORRY, that's worse than MS DOS with its command line structure WHICH IS REQUIRED TO BE UNDERSTOOD to maintain your system under various Linux flavors.

I've tried Slackware, I've tried Red Hat, I've tried Ubuntu 6.x 7.x 12.04, and FINALLY 14.04... NONE of it is simple enough for the average "Joe" to work with!!! PLUS, without heavy configuration and modification, (to Wine or through 30 Command Lines), NO PC Software will run properly under Linux. If Linux doesn't have it's own version of what your looking for, YOUR SCREWED!!! AND NO PC GAMES run native in Linux!!!

So ML-1 for all your Linux knowledge, (which is plentiful), Linux SUCKS TOO!!!!

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Message 1746731 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 3:59:23 UTC - in response to Message 1746725.  

Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

Well, typewriter is still a Technology despite mechanical ...
I wonder what our grand grandfathers said in the old days ;)
Maybe "Kick that stupid noisy typewriter, it gives me a headache! I will stick to my good ol' pencil"

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1746735 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 4:15:01 UTC

TL, I have that issue with two different HP printers on Win 7. Also it ignores the print double sided. However if I uncheck the "collated" box it mostly seems to behave. IIRC it is checked by default.

I think the error is HP's not M$'s.
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Message 1746736 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 4:15:37 UTC - in response to Message 1746725.  

If it weren't for my LIMITED IT hardware skills; the HP Envy Desktop system would still be in it's factory sealed packaging! Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

The IBM Selectric typewriter has the best keyboard I've ever used.
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Message 1746739 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 4:36:02 UTC

I have a LJ4000N, 8100DN, and DesignJet 600 (E/A0). All three have JetDirect cards. All used from win7, so I can't speak for 10, but.. I have noticed that setting the defaults for the printers can be a bit... grumpy sometimes (taking 2 or 3 tries for changes/settings to actually stick).

I can't decide if you always want 3 copies for everything you print on the 4000TN, or just for some things. If you always want 3 copies.. go to the printer itself and go through the menus on it and change the printer itself to print 3 copies for every sheet. It's not a perfect solution, but that will do the trick.
Linux laptop:
record uptime: 1511d 20h 19m (ended due to the power brick giving-up)
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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1746741 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 4:50:26 UTC

BilBg and Gary,

OK - Went back to the driver, checked for whatever Mopier is, (GOD, is that even in the Oxford English Dictionary???), found it; found it WAS Enabled, Disabled it, went to Advanced, checked Collate, found it was greyed out and unchecked... Hit Apply to save my settings, then hit OK to MAKE SURE that MS Win 10 TRULY understands what I want done, then went back into Word. In Word I typed "Test 3", then went to File --> Print, changed the number of copies to 2, and hit Print. FINALLY, JUSTICE, IT WORKS!!!!! Two copies printed to the HP LaserJet 4000TN.

Going back to MS RANT MODE!!! SHOULDN'T some QA Engineer at MS have known about this??? Shouldn't he/she set Mopier, (I still don't think that's a real word), to Disabled by Default???

Shouldn't HP have tested this in Win 10 Home AND Pro??? Shouldn't they have set Mopier to Disabled for MS...???...

WHY do I have to know these things??? OMG, so tired of having to know these things... I NEVER wanted to have to know these things... I CHOSE to get into MS MCSE NT4 Server and Workstation BECAUSE of how difficult MS is to deal with. I NEVER took the Certification Tests; I just took the classes to get the knowledge to run a Network "Properly"...

Then NT4 fell by the wayside, "Me" emerged, 2000, XP - (which IS still an EXCELLENT OS), Vista, 7, 8.x, and now 10... Of these, XP Pro x64 is my favorite, then Win Vista SP-2 - (DESPITE the negative hype about Vista, I never had problems with my SP-2 Laptop), then 7 Pro and now 10 Pro with O&O Security installed...

I've built MANY PCs in my day, hardware is my joy... It's just lately all the Driver and OS changes drive me BATTY!!!

Thanks everyone for listening/reading... Thanks for the continued support and friendship. No man stands alone, though it may seem so at times.

Just wish things could be easier. :-)

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ID: 1746741 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1746742 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 4:51:53 UTC - in response to Message 1746731.  

Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

Well, typewriter is still a Technology despite mechanical ...

I wonder what our grand grandfathers said in the old days ;)
Maybe "Kick that stupid noisy typewriter, it gives me a headache! I will stick to my good ol' pencil"

And what our grandchildren will say to us in not too distant future ;)

-- Hey, grandpa, you call that big thing on the table "a computer"??

Everyone knows that computer is what you connect directly to your brain.
Mine is implanted in my body since I was born.
But I think I want a new implant, it's very cool...
The new model from B-Soft BrainSwarm™ connects you to the BrainCloud® and you can see and feel and share all you do to 1000's of brains non-stop
It's very cool and it's beyond me why you old people don't want it...

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 1746744 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 4:55:34 UTC - in response to Message 1746736.  

If it weren't for my LIMITED IT hardware skills; the HP Envy Desktop system would still be in it's factory sealed packaging! Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

The IBM Selectric typewriter has the best keyboard I've ever used.


My mom had a Selectric at work, and one at home. I too, used the one at home in High School for reports and such. I agree, that was the BEST typewriter I've EVER used. :-)

I NEVER did, and still don't, type fast. In HS I was maxed out at 24 wpm, and have slowly increased that to currently being at 36 wpm. I get by... (I'll NEVER be an Administrative Assistant at that slow speed, that's for sure!!!)

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Profile tullio
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Message 1746805 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 11:24:55 UTC - in response to Message 1746744.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2015, 11:58:42 UTC

I have printed all UNIX System 3 Manuals on an Olivetti dotmatrix printer with 24 pins which was a prototype. When one of the pins broke, the Olivetti technician who came to repair it said he had not the spare printhead. He then extracted partially the 24 pins and changed the broken one, sweating for the tension. I since have used a Honeywell dotmatrix printer, at least 3 HP Deskjet printers and a Canon PIXMA MX395. My latest HP printer, Envy 4500, is connected via WiFI to a Windows 10 PC and a HP laptop with SuSE Linux 13.2. The Canon is connected to a SUN WS with SuSE Linux 13.1 but I was not able to use it as a scanner, while the HP 4500 works also as a scanner but only on the Linux laptop, the Windows 10 PC does not recognize it as a scanner.
I like to print things, also photos of my grandchildren
The greatest problem of new printers is the lack of documentation. Once, when you bought a printer, you would get a proper manual. Now you get only an installation sheet in many languages. If you want a manual, you have to go and find it out on the Net. But if the printer is not working, you cannot print it. I like printed manuals.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1746809 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 13:20:37 UTC

Timelord your rant was entertaining heheheheehe A lot of people have been saying Don't upgrade to win 10 N.S.A

You can always go back to win 7 mate :-) ops better not that also is a big headache .

I always wait at least 18 moths before I even think of upgrading the op for the very reasons and problems you and others have mentioned

Good you got it sorted then , Now you can relax until , ring ,ring , "son I'm having problems again can you pop over and have a look " :-)
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Message 1746810 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 13:39:50 UTC - in response to Message 1746809.  

I had another Windows 10 update today. Before rebooting I suspend all BOINC projects, while the CERN Challenge 2015 is still running and I will reboot it manually after restart. I am using Windows 10 as a Virtual Box platform, with VBox 5.0.10 and BOINC 7.6.9. All CERN projects and a CPDN task run fine.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1746879 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 18:24:32 UTC - in response to Message 1746736.  

If it weren't for my LIMITED IT hardware skills; the HP Envy Desktop system would still be in it's factory sealed packaging! Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

The IBM Selectric typewriter has the best keyboard I've ever used.

The Selectric keyboard is very nice, but the best I ever used was on a IBM 029 keypunch. Both of them have the great tactile feedback, but the Selectric mechanical driven is just a bit spongy compared to the solenoid action on the 029. (Damn cherry switches suck!)
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1746880 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 18:25:41 UTC - in response to Message 1746742.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2015, 18:26:02 UTC

Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

Well, typewriter is still a Technology despite mechanical ...

I wonder what our grand grandfathers said in the old days ;)
Maybe "Kick that stupid noisy typewriter, it gives me a headache! I will stick to my good ol' pencil"

And what our grandchildren will say to us in not too distant future ;)

-- Hey, grandpa, you call that big thing on the table "a computer"??

Everyone knows that computer is what you connect directly to your brain.
Mine is implanted in my body since I was born.
But I think I want a new implant, it's very cool...
The new model from B-Soft BrainSwarm™ connects you to the BrainCloud® and you can see and feel and share all you do to 1000's of brains non-stop
It's very cool and it's beyond me why you old people don't want it...

Lol, and this will be last semi-sentient human generation on Earth. Cause newly developed neural virus will make them vegetables :)
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1746888 - Posted: 4 Dec 2015, 20:11:59 UTC

I have a nice German manual typewriter I have had since my youth.
I suspect if the world goes down, I shall have to use it.

But, of course, then the mail would go down as well.

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1746999 - Posted: 5 Dec 2015, 5:54:13 UTC - in response to Message 1746888.  

welcome back . meow :-)
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David S
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Message 1747341 - Posted: 7 Dec 2015, 1:14:19 UTC - in response to Message 1746742.  

Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

Well, typewriter is still a Technology despite mechanical ...

I wonder what our grand grandfathers said in the old days ;)
Maybe "Kick that stupid noisy typewriter, it gives me a headache! I will stick to my good ol' pencil"

And what our grandchildren will say to us in not too distant future ;)

-- Hey, grandpa, you call that big thing on the table "a computer"??

Everyone knows that computer is what you connect directly to your brain.
Mine is implanted in my body since I was born.
But I think I want a new implant, it's very cool...
The new model from B-Soft BrainSwarm™ connects you to the BrainCloud® and you can see and feel and share all you do to 1000's of brains non-stop
It's very cool and it's beyond me why you old people don't want it...

We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

There was also an episode of SG-1 where everyone's brains were wired into the central computer. Whenever somebody got uppity (questioning the authority of the computer or whatever information it gave them), it would order somebody to kill that person and then modify the memories of everyone else so that the person had effectively never existed.
Sitting on my butt while others boldly go,
Waiting for a message from a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.

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Profile BilBg
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Message 1747388 - Posted: 7 Dec 2015, 5:18:43 UTC - in response to Message 1747341.  

Dad DOES NOT do hardware; NOR software... He can BARELY use a computer; if he had his way, he'd still have a typewriter!!!

Well, typewriter is still a Technology despite mechanical ...

I wonder what our grand grandfathers said in the old days ;)
Maybe "Kick that stupid noisy typewriter, it gives me a headache! I will stick to my good ol' pencil"

And what our grandchildren will say to us in not too distant future ;)

-- Hey, grandpa, you call that big thing on the table "a computer"??

Everyone knows that computer is what you connect directly to your brain.
Mine is implanted in my body since I was born.
But I think I want a new implant, it's very cool...
The new model from B-Soft BrainSwarm™ connects you to the BrainCloud® and you can see and feel and share all you do to 1000's of brains non-stop
It's very cool and it's beyond me why you old people don't want it...

We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

There was also an episode of SG-1 where everyone's brains were wired into the central computer. Whenever somebody got uppity (questioning the authority of the computer or whatever information it gave them), it would order somebody to kill that person and then modify the memories of everyone else so that the person had effectively never existed.

When I typed that I didn't used any sources - I was thinking of Windows 10, Facebook, Android, the newest mini-micro-flat-portable-touchable things and the way teenagers are eager to make "friends" online ...

I just coined names B-Soft BrainSwarm™ BrainCloud®
But now when you say "an episode of SG-1" have similar plot I asked myself: am I the first to "invent" these ™ and ®

The funny thing is - They Already Exist!

- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Profile Jeff Buck Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1747394 - Posted: 7 Dec 2015, 5:44:41 UTC - in response to Message 1747388.  
Last modified: 7 Dec 2015, 5:46:53 UTC

Gee, when it comes to "brain cloud", I think Joe Versus the Volcano got the jump on everybody, 25 years ago!
Dr. Ellison (Robert Stack) diagnoses an incurable disease called a "brain cloud" which has no symptoms, but will kill Joe within five or six months.

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Message 1747487 - Posted: 7 Dec 2015, 19:14:33 UTC

here it comes, if you want it or not... Microsoft sets stage for massive Windows 10 upgrade strategy

Microsoft has been preparing Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs for a more aggressive Windows 10 upgrade strategy that the company will kick off shortly, according to the developer of a tool that blocks such upgrades.

"Over Thanksgiving weekend I started getting reports that the Windows Update 'AllowOSUpgrade' setting was getting flipped back on on a number of peoples' PCs, and it keeps re-setting itself at least once a day if they switch it back off," said Josh Mayfield, the software engineer who created GWX Control Panel.


There's more to those updates than that, Mayfield argued. "They're telling [the PC's] Windows Update client that this computer can be upgraded to Windows 10," Mayfield said. "[The Windows Update client] is constantly checking settings several times an hour. It's fully aware of the Windows 10 upgrade."


The new push will be a two-step process, with the first kicking in this year, the second in early 2016. First, Microsoft will add the Windows 10 upgrade to the Windows Update list on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems as an "optional" item. That list can be examined by users, letting them choose -- or not -- each optional update.

Sometime next year, Microsoft will shift the Windows 10 upgrade from optional to the "recommended" list. Updates on that list are automatically downloaded and installed on most PCs.

Happy hunting!
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