Windows 10 - Yea or Nay?

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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1735457 - Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 16:48:26 UTC - in response to Message 1735447.  

Just to notify y'all, I have allowed the Win8.1 laptop that was catching dust here to update to Windows 10. Over the next couple of weeks I'll see if I like it or not, can always return to Windows 8.1 through the hidden Lenovo partition.

That because the return option in Windows 10 doesn't sound like it's too heartening: Back-up and return to Windows 7. Yay! :-)

Greetings Jord,

Yeah, the 'roll back' from Window$ 10 to Win7 Pro 64bit screwed things up for Win7. You can read my nightmare in my MD5 error thread. The title starts "Download errors..." or something like that.

I don't believe that Micro$oft truly wants anyone to roll back to their previous Window$. I believe they sabotaged the roll back just so people would get frustrated and stay with Window$ 10. Good thing I have a tenacious nature. ;)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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Profile River Song

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Message 1735735 - Posted: 20 Oct 2015, 21:30:02 UTC

I have a new Win 7 64-bit PC and have followed this long thread due to a concern about Win 10 being pushed on me. In the process I've come across mention of Win upgrades to avoid so as not to get a Win 10 icon in my system tray or to allow Microsoft the 'right' to do what I perceive as possible bad things to my PC.

In checking my "update list," since I've switched OFF automatic updates, I see 2 dozen or so "KB" things MS wants me to allow installation. I've looked thru the list and some of them worry me. OK, so I may be a chicken, rather that than a dead duck. :) All below applies to various Win OS's back to Win 7.

Here is a list of scary KB things, to me, at least. You may want to study them before blindly allowing Microsoft to have its way with you? Do you remember the "Dirty Harry" movie where Clint Eastwood says: "Well, punk. I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or only 5? Well punk, do you feel lucky?" Ignore what follows at your own risk. :)

Here are the KB's that sound "risky" to me:
KB3042058, KB3069114, KB3080446, KB3086255, KB3087039, KB3087918, KB2952664, KB2999226, KB3035583, KB3075249, KB3080149, KB3083710, and KB3092627

Windows Update KB3042058 causing error - "FAILURE (5627): 14005: Run
DISM.exe" during deployment


Microsoft Releases Patch to Fix Windows 8 Update KB3069114 Installation

KB3069114 is one of the security updates that Microsoft released this
month for Windows 8 users, but due to an unknown problem, the patch fails
to install on a lot of computers running this particular OS version and
despite all the workarounds that have been published online since then, it
was pretty much impossible to resolve these issues.


"I was checking what kb3080446 was for and the link in windows update is
broken and a search comes up w/ zip.
Maybe I am just too quick but that is not the only one... "


"KB3086255 - Is this a half-baked solution or am I doing something
wrong?" I have other 'standard' users on this system, so to make my PC secure by installing this update, am I supposed to give them the Admin password so
they can then start a service, play the game, and then hopefully remember
to stop it again once they have finished?

If I set the registry values as mentioned, isn't that more or less the same
as removing the update? I'm sure RTW isn't the only game affected.

Any other workarounds other than remove the update?


"Windows 7 upgrade KB3087039 fails with error 80070005"

"I have run Fix Windows Update Issues and MSFixit but neither helped.
Where can I go from here? I am running as administrator and have had no
problems with earlier updates. I need this update in order to proceed with
Windows 10 upgrade."


"Windows 7 - Update for Windows 7 KB3087918 Critical"

"According to Belarc Advisor, the subject critical update is not installed on
my computer running Windows 7 Professional SP1 that is otherwise fully
updated. A search of Installed Updates confirms that it is missing.
Searching Microsoft Support / Microsoft Answers returns three results
for KB3087918 as an Update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.0
respectively, but nothing for Windows 7."


"Windows 7 patch KB 2952664 fails with error 80242016"


Installation gets stuck on "Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2999226)"

"I've been trying all day to install Visual Studios Community 2015 on my
Windows 7 machine, but I always get stuck at this step. The installer completes the "Acquiring" steps perfectly, but the "Applying" step never progresses and always sticks at "Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2999226)".


How to uninstall KB3035583 – The Windows 10 Downloader for Windows 7
and 8.1

"Users that want to remove the KB3035583 “Windows 10 downloader”
update from their Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 installation can take several
steps to get rid of the update. The “Windows 10 downloader” update is
installed as recommended update KB3035583 and adds a /Windows/System32/GWX folder to the system. The folder contains
GWX.exe which has the description “Get Windows 10”."


KB3075249, KB3080149, and KB3068708: are they really uninstalled?

"After learning today that Microsoft has decided to track Windows 7 & 8
users the way they are tracking Windows 10 users, I decided to uninstall
the 3 updates that are enabling the tracking. I found them in my update
history, clicked on "Installed Updates", found them in that list, right-
clicked on each one and uninstalled it."


Not just 10: Microsoft caught spying on Windows 7 and 8 users too

"Microsoft has been caught installing updates onto Windows 7 and 8
computers that effectively introduce the same diagnostic telemetry
technology used in Windows 10. It indiscriminately uploads data to
Microsoft’s servers, a major privacy concern for many."


Windows 7: Is Windows update (KB3083710) Win 10 or tracking related?


September 2015 update to fix Windows or application freezes after you
install security update 3076895
River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
"Happy I-Phone girl on the GO GO GO"
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Message 1735848 - Posted: 21 Oct 2015, 3:51:36 UTC - in response to Message 1735735.  

Refer to my color-coded list of updates to avoid to ease your concerns.
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Profile River Song

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Message 1735942 - Posted: 21 Oct 2015, 13:38:40 UTC - in response to Message 1735848.  

Wow! THANK YOU kind Sir. :) I was unaware such a wonderful list existed in the universe. It really bothers me that Microsoft wants everyone to fall "in lock step, like lemmings, and march over a cliff."

I had no clue until I did what I did and learned that some KB files were making "corrections" to earlier KB files! OMG.

THANK YOU once again. I will study your post line by line. :)
River Song (aka Linda Latte on planet Earth)
"Happy I-Phone girl on the GO GO GO"
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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1736192 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 12:18:57 UTC

Here's another problem with this latest disaster from M$S

I don't buy computers, I build them!!
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Profile JaundicedEye

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Message 1736201 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 13:19:53 UTC - in response to Message 1736192.  

Here's another problem with this latest disaster from M$S

Wow. Perhaps Micro$oft has finally outsmarted itself.......hello Linux!

"Sour Grapes make a bitter Whine." <(0)>
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Profile Jord
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Message 1736209 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 13:41:57 UTC - in response to Message 1736192.  


Microsoft already has made promises that with the next Windows10 update things will get better. But more and more problems arise. For example if you would upgrade your PC with new hardware, chances are likely your license is revoked. Trying to reactivate or calling Microsoft to make that happen often does not result into your license getting activated again - as 'new hardware' is indicative for a new PC. Meaning you will need to purchase a new license.

Even more frustrating is the fact that when you upgraded to Windows 10 coming from Windows 7 or 8 and then later on update your motherboard BIOS, your new Windows 10 license will render itself inactive. At that point Windows very likely cannot re-activate on-line online, calling Microsoft tech support for a phone re-activation won't help you either as they cannot reactivate your license based on the upgraded Windows 7 or 8 key.

Sounds like something we've discussed before in this thread.
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1736212 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 13:53:03 UTC - in response to Message 1736209.  
Last modified: 22 Oct 2015, 13:54:41 UTC


Microsoft already has made promises that with the next Windows10 update things will get better. But more and more problems arise. For example if you would upgrade your PC with new hardware, chances are likely your license is revoked. Trying to reactivate or calling Microsoft to make that happen often does not result into your license getting activated again - as 'new hardware' is indicative for a new PC. Meaning you will need to purchase a new license.

Even more frustrating is the fact that when you upgraded to Windows 10 coming from Windows 7 or 8 and then later on update your motherboard BIOS, your new Windows 10 license will render itself inactive. At that point Windows very likely cannot re-activate on-line online, calling Microsoft tech support for a phone re-activation won't help you either as they cannot reactivate your license based on the upgraded Windows 7 or 8 key.

Sounds like something we've discussed before in this thread.

The most spicy detail about that that old Win7/8 key is gone too after such "update". Nice move to invalidate older keys, indeed :D

And definitely absolutely nothing tells us that same situation in any way could apply to Win10 Windows transition....
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Profile Jord
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Message 1736218 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 14:11:58 UTC - in response to Message 1736212.  

Nice move to invalidate older keys, indeed :D

Not invalidate them so much, but sneakier, tie it towards your PC hardware signature. I forgot this key quote earlier:
New problems and complicated activation issues are now rising as your license key is tied towards your unique PC hardware signature.

Which may mean that when you add or change a GPU, you need to buy a new license.
When you add RAM, new license.
When you add an audio card, new license.

Now with the added supplement of not being able to go back to Windows 7/8.1 without needing to buy a new license for these as well.

And perhaps that MS is busy with a fix for all this, but it doesn't look like they're trying to get one out too quickly.
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Profile Mike Special Project $75 donor
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Message 1736222 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 14:42:26 UTC - in response to Message 1736218.  

Nice move to invalidate older keys, indeed :D

Not invalidate them so much, but sneakier, tie it towards your PC hardware signature. I forgot this key quote earlier:
New problems and complicated activation issues are now rising as your license key is tied towards your unique PC hardware signature.

Which may mean that when you add or change a GPU, you need to buy a new license.
When you add RAM, new license.
When you add an audio card, new license.

Now with the added supplement of not being able to go back to Windows 7/8.1 without needing to buy a new license for these as well.

And perhaps that MS is busy with a fix for all this, but it doesn't look like they're trying to get one out too quickly.

Exactely this happened to my win 8.1 partition.
I upgraded it to win 10 and you might remember my GPU died 3 weeks ago.
Now i can`t activate win 10 anymore.

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Message 1736224 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 14:47:20 UTC
Last modified: 22 Oct 2015, 14:49:11 UTC

Just released Today, Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf)
My copy is downloading now. When it finishes I'll make a bootable USB drive and give it a spin.
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1736226 - Posted: 22 Oct 2015, 14:47:57 UTC - in response to Message 1736218.  

Nice move to invalidate older keys, indeed :D

Not invalidate them so much, but sneakier, tie it towards your PC hardware signature. I forgot this key quote earlier:
New problems and complicated activation issues are now rising as your license key is tied towards your unique PC hardware signature.

Which may mean that when you add or change a GPU, you need to buy a new license.
When you add RAM, new license.
When you add an audio card, new license.

Now with the added supplement of not being able to go back to Windows 7/8.1 without needing to buy a new license for these as well.

And perhaps that MS is busy with a fix for all this, but it doesn't look like they're trying to get one out too quickly.

Considering that it was possible to re-activate Win7 after similar hardware change I would call it key invalidation still. Staying with prior Windows version one could keep key active but spending that key on Win10 he will lose it much faster and be forced to buy new one. That's key invalidation.
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Profile Jord
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Message 1736370 - Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 12:10:24 UTC

I have an optional KB3095649 update waiting for me that is a bit weird. For when you follow its link - - to the Knowledge Base, you'll find it's an update for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 only.

I have Windows 7 SP1.

So either it's an update also for Windows 7, or it isn't and you're looking at a blue screen of horror at the reboot. I will not install it.
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Message 1736443 - Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 17:58:10 UTC - in response to Message 1736370.  

I have an optional KB3095649 update waiting for me that is a bit weird. For when you follow its link - - to the Knowledge Base, you'll find it's an update for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 only.

I have Windows 7 SP1.

So either it's an update also for Windows 7, or it isn't and you're looking at a blue screen of horror at the reboot. I will not install it.

Did a Google search and found this forum thread about it.

It, but still weird that it is documented as an 8.1 update and does not mention that it is for 7 at all anywhere. But it is also supposed to be an unchecked optional update in 7, supposedly. Most people are choosing to just hide it until MS decides to be at least a little bit more clear about either A) what specifically it does, or B) why win7 systems are getting an 8.1 update.

I find both A and B quite unlikely to ever happen, with A being far more unlikely than B.
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Message 1736571 - Posted: 24 Oct 2015, 0:19:29 UTC - in response to Message 1733587.  
Last modified: 24 Oct 2015, 0:20:23 UTC

wusa /uninstall /kb:3065987 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3083710 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3083711 /quiet /norestart

You're missing KB3065988 in this one.
But then you may not want to uninstall them immediately, as these updates add the group policy addition through which you can instruct your Windows not to upgrade to Windows 10.

True, KB3065987 and -88 install the diagnostic tracker, part of the telemetry. But this one can on its own be deleted, doing from a commandline:
sc stop Diagtrack
sc delete Diagtrack

But it now shows that even with all the updates removed, stuff is still lingering on many systems. Like these:
From the Task Scheduler Library->Microsoft->Windows, remove
Everything under "Application Experience"
Everything under "Autochk"
Everything under "Customer Experience Improvement Program"
Under "Disk Diagnostic" only the "Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector"
Under "Maintenance" "WinSAT"
"Media Center" and click the "status" column, then select all non-disabled entries and disable them.

And, under services.msc:
Set "Remote Registry" to "Disabled" instead of "Manual".
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1736735 - Posted: 24 Oct 2015, 18:01:20 UTC

Just another lie from M$. They said that Win10 Insider installations will contnue to work after Win10 release.
Today my Win10x64 Insider installation refused to boot with message about winloader.exe being expired...

One more obvious reason to trust M$ and believe Win10 will not be blocked at Windows with annual fee release...
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Message 1736750 - Posted: 24 Oct 2015, 19:33:35 UTC - in response to Message 1735091.  
Last modified: 24 Oct 2015, 19:36:37 UTC

Installing Linux Mint is very easy indeed, but beware a hardware upgrade.
Installing new graphic drivers is a pain in the a**.

yes it is .. graphic drivers are an issue .. I've not been able to work my way through that portion as yet

i may be speaking to soon and still have some tweeks to do .. but one Linux box up and running .. working on graphic driver
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Profile Fawkesguy
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Message 1736756 - Posted: 24 Oct 2015, 19:44:14 UTC - in response to Message 1736750.  

Installing Linux Mint is very easy indeed, but beware a hardware upgrade.
Installing new graphic drivers is a pain in the a**.

yes it is .. graphic drivers are an issue .. I've not been able to work my way through that portion as yet

i may be speaking to soon and still have some tweeks to do .. but one Linux box up and running .. working on graphic driver

Take a look at the sgfxi scripts I mentioned earlier in thread. They've worked flawlessly for me. Everything I needed was downloaded and installed in one shot. After installation, future driver updates are handled by a single command.
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1736778 - Posted: 24 Oct 2015, 20:52:03 UTC - in response to Message 1736735.  

Just another lie from M$. They said that Win10 Insider installations will contnue to work after Win10 release.
Today my Win10x64 Insider installation refused to boot with message about winloader.exe being expired...

One more obvious reason to trust M$ and believe Win10 will not be blocked at Windows with annual fee release...

Had you updated to the release build v10.0.1024 or were you still on something older? Prerelease versions have always expired & the dates are normally posted. Here are some of the dates for several of the Windows 10 builds:
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 1736784 - Posted: 24 Oct 2015, 21:19:18 UTC - in response to Message 1736778.  

Just another lie from M$. They said that Win10 Insider installations will contnue to work after Win10 release.
Today my Win10x64 Insider installation refused to boot with message about winloader.exe being expired...

One more obvious reason to trust M$ and believe Win10 will not be blocked at Windows with annual fee release...

Had you updated to the release build v10.0.1024 or were you still on something older? Prerelease versions have always expired & the dates are normally posted. Here are some of the dates for several of the Windows 10 builds:

I tried update before booting into Vista. Then, booting today back I got that message. Cause it appears immediately after Win10 boot selection no way to update it into anything anymore.
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