Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects and Politics: DENIAL (#4)

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Profile celttooth

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Message 1634791 - Posted: 30 Jan 2015, 1:30:11 UTC

In the long term the earth will be just fine I am sure.
It is humans in our time who must start doing something.


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Message 1634793 - Posted: 30 Jan 2015, 1:33:41 UTC

Feet Wet? Now You Talking Dr. HOHUM's 400 Year Old 'Life'. Been Gettin' 'Wet' fO Over 400 Years and The Sea Lappin' at My 'Feet' 'is' Still Lovely and Laps Against This Lava Rockin' Bod, same As Day I was 'Born'.

White Clouds, Blue Skies, Blue Seas Rockin' Against my DRum DRum. HOHUM


CC DENIED. No Matter How Many 'Blizzards' Blow.

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Message 1637133 - Posted: 4 Feb 2015, 0:49:13 UTC
Last modified: 4 Feb 2015, 0:56:47 UTC

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Message 1637324 - Posted: 4 Feb 2015, 11:34:34 UTC - in response to Message 1637194.  
Last modified: 4 Feb 2015, 11:35:28 UTC

Silly and unimaginative Post regarding this very important issue.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Guess that is too much in accord with how some might think in America?...!

Mmmm... Perhaps we should add Jeremy Clarkson onto the case for supposed 'balance'... (Then again, dare he ever again set foot in the USA?...)

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1637386 - Posted: 4 Feb 2015, 16:41:54 UTC - in response to Message 1637381.  

What we have here is "Faith-Based" Science. The disturbing thing is that it is being practiced by alleged scientists.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1637634 - Posted: 5 Feb 2015, 8:14:45 UTC

The Doomsday Clock’s minute hand has been moved two minutes closer to midnight as experts warn we are closer than ever to a global catastrophe.
In a live international news conference, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) said that the threat of climate change and nuclear war posed a very serious threat to modern society.
Their symbolic clock is now set at three minutes to midnight, but while they say it is not too late to avert disaster ‘the window for action is closing rapidly’.
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Message 1637695 - Posted: 5 Feb 2015, 11:14:23 UTC

Now i have Iron Maiden playing in my head.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1637718 - Posted: 5 Feb 2015, 12:14:16 UTC - in response to Message 1637695.  

Now i have Iron Maiden playing in my head.

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Message 1637733 - Posted: 5 Feb 2015, 13:13:17 UTC

I was thinking this rather than this.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Profile Julie
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Message 1637749 - Posted: 5 Feb 2015, 14:09:29 UTC - in response to Message 1637733.  

I was thinking this rather than this.

Oh, I had the latter in my mind.
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1637984 - Posted: 6 Feb 2015, 1:06:38 UTC - in response to Message 1637749.  

For a good laugh go read Paul Erlich's "Population Bomb" and also the CIA report on oil done about 33 years ago.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1641134 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 7:39:43 UTC
Are global warming skeptics simply ignorant about climate science?

Not so, says a forthcoming paper in the journal Advances in Political Psychology by Yale Professor Dan Kahan. He finds that skeptics score about the same (in fact slightly better) on climate science questions.
On average, skeptics got about 4.5 questions correct, whereas manmade warming believers got about 4 questions right.
Skeptics were also more likely to correctly say that if the North Pole icecap melted, global sea levels would not rise. One can test this with a glass of water and an ice cube – the water level will not change after the ice melts.
Liberals were more likely to correctly answer questions like: “What gas do most scientists believe causes temperatures to rise?”
Climatologists who are skeptical about the extent of man-made global warming say the results don’t surprise them.

“It's easy to believe in the religion of global warming. It takes critical thinking skills to question it,” Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville
Groups that are concerned about global warming say the study results really show that politics is blinding otherwise-reasonable people.
The study’s author, Kahan, also says that the global warming debate has become so politically polarized that people pick their side based on politics rather than what they know about science.

“The position someone adopts on [global warming] conveys who she is – whose side she’s on, in a hate-filled, anxiety-stoked competition for status between opposing cultural groups,” Kahan writes in his paper.

Kahan says that if global warming believers really want to convince people, they should stop demonizing and talking down to their opponents, and instead focus on explaining the science.

“It is really pretty intuitive: who wouldn’t be insulted by someone screaming in her face that she and everyone she identifies with ‘rejects science’?”

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Profile janneseti

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Message 1641152 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 9:19:50 UTC - in response to Message 1641134.
Skeptics were also more likely to correctly say that if the North Pole icecap melted, global sea levels would not rise. One can test this with a glass of water and an ice cube – the water level will not change after the ice melts.

North Pole icecap is nothing compared to Antartic and Greenland icecaps.
The icecap is about 2 km thick.
Put that in the oceans and the sea levels WILL rise.
Antarctica (South Pole) ice volyme is about 25 million cubic kilometers. The rise in sea levels that would be caused if all this ice melted and "lay" at sea may be presented by dividing the ice volume with world ocean's surface area (about 360 million square kilometers). It provides nearly 70 meters. Taking into account that the ice leaves behind a "hole" that is filled with water, and that the bedrock beneath the ice is affected, the answer is almost 60 meters.

The corresponding estimates for the Greenland ice sheets gives 7 meters. The ice in all the other glaciers around the earth is equivalent to just under 0.5 meters of sea level.

Talking about water or lack of it.
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Profile The Simonator

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Message 1641195 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 11:43:07 UTC - in response to Message 1641152.  

North Pole icecap is nothing compared to Antartic and Greenland icecaps.
The icecap is about 2 km thick.
Put that in the oceans and the sea levels WILL rise.
Antarctica (South Pole) ice volyme is about 25 million cubic kilometers. The rise in sea levels that would be caused if all this ice melted and "lay" at sea may be presented by dividing the ice volume with world ocean's surface area (about 360 million square kilometers). It provides nearly 70 meters. Taking into account that the ice leaves behind a "hole" that is filled with water, and that the bedrock beneath the ice is affected, the answer is almost 60 meters.

That's alright then, i live 95 metres above sea level, panic over.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1641206 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 12:58:03 UTC
Last modified: 13 Feb 2015, 13:05:45 UTC

Even smaller sea level rising has bad consequences.
Here is what disappear in the US with different level rises.
Only 5 feet, that scientists are predicting to happen in about 100 to 300 years, is enough to flood New Orleans and Miami Beach.
I think London and many more cities by the sea is also at big risk.
Most of the threatened people are concentrated in three regions in Asia: east, southeast and south Asia. Given 0.5–2 m rise in sea level, a total of 53–125 million people are estimated to be displaced over the century from these three regions alone

At least 600 million people live on less height than 10 meters above sea level today.
Where will all go?
The last time carbon dioxide levels were as high as today, the sea level was between 9-31 meters higher than today. But it takes a long time before the ice has responded to the changing temperature.
This means that even if we limit global warming under the two-degree target we can expect huge changes in sea level over the longer term.
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Message 1641532 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 23:34:56 UTC

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Message 1641548 - Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 23:54:03 UTC - in response to Message 1641232.  

The corresponding estimates for the Greenland ice sheets gives 7 meters. The ice in all the other glaciers around the earth is equivalent to just under 0.5 meters of sea level.

They did melt approximately 1000 years ago. Their present receding is uncovering old forests, which were in Greenland 1000 ago.

This fact confirms 'Vikings' accounts of grazing cattle, on Greenland, 1000 years ago.

What happened to the sea levels then?

What caused THAT receding?

Asking questions, should not result in accusations of Blasphemy and Anti-Science, by this new pseudo-religion.

How much melted a 1,000 years ago.

The highest estimate of the Viking population was about 6,000 people, so they wouldn't have needed much land to be free from ice to survive. So a receding of maybe 0.5% would have been more than enough.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1641649 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 2:14:39 UTC - in response to Message 1641548.  

The corresponding estimates for the Greenland ice sheets gives 7 meters. The ice in all the other glaciers around the earth is equivalent to just under 0.5 meters of sea level.

They did melt approximately 1000 years ago. Their present receding is uncovering old forests, which were in Greenland 1000 ago.

This fact confirms 'Vikings' accounts of grazing cattle, on Greenland, 1000 years ago.

What happened to the sea levels then?

What caused THAT receding?

Asking questions, should not result in accusations of Blasphemy and Anti-Science, by this new pseudo-religion.

How much melted a 1,000 years ago.

The highest estimate of the Viking population was about 6,000 people, so they wouldn't have needed much land to be free from ice to survive. So a receding of maybe 0.5% would have been more than enough.

If you don't know how much melted 1000 years ago then how much hubris do you have using ice cores to claim there is global warming?!
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1641775 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 9:11:37 UTC - in response to Message 1641587.  
Last modified: 14 Feb 2015, 9:28:03 UTC

How much Warming is needed to graze cattle in Greenland?
Want caused that Warming?

+1.5 C was enough.
Vinland was the name given to Newfoundland coastal North America as far as it was explored by the Vikings, presumably including both Newfoundland and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence as far as northeastern New Brunswick.
The Vikings found grapes there, and therefore they called the area for Vinland that can be translated to Wine Land.
I dont think you will find any grapes there now. Maybe in somes decades.

The Medieval Warm Period around 1000 AD was not global.
The Earth may have been slightly cooler (by 0.03 degrees Celsius)

The Medieval Warm Period has known causes which explain both the scale of the warmth and the pattern. It has now become clear to scientists that the Medieval Warm Period occurred during a time which had higher than average solar radiation and less volcanic activity (both resulting in warming). New evidence is also suggesting that changes in ocean circulation patterns played a very important role in bringing warmer seawater into the North Atlantic. This explains much of the extraordinary warmth in that region. These causes of warming contrast significantly with today's warming, which we know cannot be caused by the same mechanisms.
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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1641841 - Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 14:02:09 UTC - in response to Message 1641775.  
Last modified: 14 Feb 2015, 14:03:48 UTC

These causes of warming contrast significantly with today's warming,

What warming ?

Record cold and snowfall in the Northeastern part of the United States.

Oh, That's weather and not climate. Maybe it's climate change--now if only we could figure out which way it is changing and the fact that we can't do anything about it to change the direction.
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