What's happening... (Nov 8, 2014)

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Hjarne Rasmussen

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Message 1602743 - Posted: 19 Nov 2014, 22:52:50 UTC - in response to Message 1598792.  
Last modified: 19 Nov 2014, 23:01:48 UTC

If you ever need an axtra hand guys; just call!
I have nothing better to do atm anyway lol

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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 1602823 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 1:42:31 UTC - in response to Message 1601416.  

Eric said:
Second, because of funding, Astronomy isn't top dog at Arecibo anymore, so Astronomers get a smaller fraction of the observing time.

I thought research in astronomy was the reason Arecibo was built.
I have a question. When the people running Arecibo aren't using it for astronomy, what are they using it for?

The Arecibo telescope's original purpose was to study the ionosphere, which was not very well understood in the 1950s. That it was built so large was a lucky accident. The ionospheric studies originally planned could have been accomplished with a much smaller dish, but there was a mistake in one of the sensitivity calculations. The ionosphere observations are still going on.

Then there are planetary radar observations of Near Earth Objects (NEOs). I guess that qualifies as astronomy, but we can't observe for SETI@home during them.

Looking at the schedules it appears that the decreased astronomy time is a small fraction of the change. The larger change is that fewer projects are using the GALFA receiver. The 327MHz pulsar survey is getting a lot of time as are smaller single beam projects using the L-wide receiver. We don't yet have the ability to record through SERENDIP VI, or we could piggyback on those project, too.
@SETIEric@qoto.org (Mastodon)

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Message 1602851 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 2:27:07 UTC

I am still getting some task for cpu, but nothing for gpu, i read most of the post here, but didnt find any answers, less i over looked it, can someone plz explain it to me plz.
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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 1602869 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 3:04:56 UTC - in response to Message 1602851.  

Are they all VLAR workunits? Those don't go to most GPUs.
@SETIEric@qoto.org (Mastodon)

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Message 1602921 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 6:14:09 UTC - in response to Message 1602869.  

Are they all VLAR workunits? how do i find out?
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1602927 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 6:42:05 UTC

In BOINC Manager's advanced view
Select the "Tasks" tab and look down the "name" column, if the name ends with "vlar_x" then they are vlars - there have been a lot being sent out recently.

(you may have to make the column a bit wider to see the last few characters)
Bob Smith
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Message 1603168 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 16:44:34 UTC - in response to Message 1602683.  

Да уж, пичалька:(,а я только стал SETI считать

Два года после регистрации раскачивался что ли, с 2012? :)
Ничего, скоро дело пойдет!
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Message 1603220 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 18:53:19 UTC - in response to Message 1601782.  
Last modified: 20 Nov 2014, 18:56:53 UTC

Thanks to both tullio and Gary Chapentier for explaining. :)

Foamy is "Lord and Master".
(Oh, + some Classic WUs too.)
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Profile S@NL - Vipertje - D. van Es

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Message 1603231 - Posted: 20 Nov 2014, 19:17:39 UTC

I only get CPU wu's and no GPU wu's. In my queue there are not VLAR's only and I have also installed AP optimized software for the first time and changed setting to get AP's but I received 2 AP's for CPU in the last 24 hours and I didn't get more and nothing on my NVIDIA. I've a Asus G75VW Laptop with a GTX670m GPU unit!

What is going on that I can't get GPU wu's?
I do what I can and I can what I do! :P
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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 1603366 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 0:49:40 UTC - in response to Message 1603231.  
Last modified: 21 Nov 2014, 1:09:55 UTC

Did you recently upgrade your graphics driver? If the answer is yes, that could be the issue. If the answer is no, don't.

[edit] I checked the logs. It's not your driver. Your computer doesn't seem to be combining request for CPU and GPU work. I contacts the server requesting only CPU work and then less than a second later it asks for GPU work, but no CPU work.

When it asks for CPU work it is given everything the server has. So there's nothing available to satisfy the GPU request. I don't know why that is happening.[/edit]
@SETIEric@qoto.org (Mastodon)

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Message 1603378 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 1:43:43 UTC

Thank you Eric for the updates.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

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Message 1603384 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 1:59:26 UTC - in response to Message 1603366.  

Your computer doesn't seem to be combining request for CPU and GPU work.

His BOINC is 6.10.58, that one doesn't know about combining CPU & GPU work requests.
ID: 1603384 · Report as offensive
Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1603399 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 3:15:34 UTC

Eric i have a question which is probbably stupid but any way here goes .

preamble first :

A few years ago while i was at work a computer died that controlled a spectrometer . It was 1.30 am when this happened and we needed it to work to be able to get the cert's made before we sent the product out the gate .
As i was the only 1 that knew anything about computers i was asked to look at it .
The computer was dead .I then looked in a back room and found some older computers that i figured i could use , and set out to rebuild the computer . I did not have copy's of the softwhare for the spectrometer and though that if i just used the old drive i could get it to work .

I did this and the only thing i had to do was load drivers for the new system i had just rebuilt . I got it to work and got some cudos from the bosses for saving them 200 g's in lost production .

So my question to you is this .

If it was the server that stuffed up and you are now replacing it with another system could you not just do what i did load what ever drivers you needed for the new server and just put the old drives in that and just continue on . why do you have to rebuild the data base as , shorly the information would be contained still on the old drive and would just pick up where it left off ?
or was there also a problem with the drives it was using as well as the cpu ?

I have not had much experience with large data bases so i'm not understanding how they work so i apologize if this is a silly question .
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Profile S@NL - Vipertje - D. van Es

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Message 1603450 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 6:15:42 UTC

I Always used 6.10.58 the last 2 years, I also used the 6.10.60 some time, is that version better for combining CPU & GPU?
I do what I can and I can what I do! :P
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Message 1603583 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 12:40:58 UTC
Last modified: 21 Nov 2014, 12:49:48 UTC

Just like "Monakh" I felt the need of making a comment on those "not so very bright" words being said...

Maybe you should bow to the Germans a third time. Just give up and lay down and lick em.

Totally OUT OF LINE! There is no place for comments like this in a thinking persons forum. As a Veteran and staunch supporter of those who serve and have served for the US AND Britain, I find it disgusting that anyone would disparage that courage and determination the British displayed from 1939 to 1945 in the face of tyranny.

I agree with dg6580004 completely!! I just couldn't believe it and some other remarks! I got sad reading that and those other "not so intelligent" outbursts.
As I say when this issue "surfaces" "... If it hadn't been for our British "neighbours" and later on the Americans and not to be forgotten the Russian people, we would have been talking another language here today.." But that was then!! Today I'm proud to be a neighbour to a great peace loving people like the Germans.
A little story. Whenever I've been to Germany on business or vacation I always noticed the great difference there is between Germans and others in the traffic. Whenever I made a mistake in the traffic you would always be "waited for" and helped. When standing in the middle of the road with a broken down car it would only take a short while before help came along! Once, as a very young guy, I lost my creditcard and found myself standing 1000km from home in a little town outside Munich. This was before cellphones and the internet! Just didn't know what to do, completely lost. Then a German gentleman came over to me and asked what the problem was.. Making a long story short, he paid for my gas and then some so that I was able to get home!! I'll never forget it. So if you don't mind, please do not make that kind of repellent remarks.

Thanks for keeping us up to date Mr. Korpela.. As I mentioned once before in another post, if there's anything I can do, just say the word.. Keep up the good work and we'll keep supporting you! And just like "Uli" said "...I will always crunch what is sent to me.."

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David S
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Message 1603634 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 16:06:21 UTC - in response to Message 1603384.  

Your computer doesn't seem to be combining request for CPU and GPU work.

His BOINC is 6.10.58, that one doesn't know about combining CPU & GPU work requests.

I saw mine asking for both all the time when I had 6.10.58.
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Eric Korpela Project Donor
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Message 1603683 - Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 18:45:32 UTC - in response to Message 1603399.  

Eric i have a question which is probbably stupid but any way here goes .


So my question to you is this .

If it was the server that stuffed up and you are now replacing it with another system could you not just do what i did load what ever drivers you needed for the new server and just put the old drives in that and just continue on

Not a silly question. It may not have been obvious from earlier posts that the problem with the server, bruno, was separate from the database issue. We couldn't just do a disk swap on bruno because the new machine has a backplane that connects directly to a different type of disk controller than bruno does. The new server uses software raid where bruno used 3ware hardware raid.

The database problem doesn't involve a hardware swap. The Astropulse signal table really does need to be reorganized in a way that it gets stored differently on disk.
@SETIEric@qoto.org (Mastodon)

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Josef W. Segur
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Message 1603814 - Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 0:21:11 UTC - in response to Message 1603634.  

Your computer doesn't seem to be combining request for CPU and GPU work.

His BOINC is 6.10.58, that one doesn't know about combining CPU & GPU work requests.

I saw mine asking for both all the time when I had 6.10.58.

Yes, the 6.10.58 source code does show one request can ask for both.

Perhaps more to the point, the project is using a 300 second setting for min_sendwork_interval so a 2nd request within one second would be immediately rejected with a "last request too recent" error. 6.10.58 honors the 303 second requested delay, so the only way to get a 2nd request earlier is for the user to click the update button. Doing that within one second seems unlikely. IMO what looked like a 2nd request was merely the BOINC server code doing the GPU part of the request after it had done the CPU part.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1603830 - Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 0:49:12 UTC - in response to Message 1603683.  

Thank you Eric for your answer . I understand now . I will be patient and let you get back to trying to fix it
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Message 1603923 - Posted: 22 Nov 2014, 5:20:39 UTC - in response to Message 1603814.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2014, 5:26:04 UTC

Your computer doesn't seem to be combining request for CPU and GPU work.

His BOINC is 6.10.58, that one doesn't know about combining CPU & GPU work requests.

I saw mine asking for both all the time when I had 6.10.58.

Yes, the 6.10.58 source code does show one request can ask for both.

Perhaps more to the point, the project is using a 300 second setting for min_sendwork_interval so a 2nd request within one second would be immediately rejected with a "last request too recent" error. 6.10.58 honors the 303 second requested delay, so the only way to get a 2nd request earlier is for the user to click the update button. Doing that within one second seems unlikely. IMO what looked like a 2nd request was merely the BOINC server code doing the GPU part of the request after it had done the CPU part.

A couple of years back now and with some new rigs here, I had to upgrade to 6.10.60 from 6:10.58 (because the earlier version download file was corrupted and I saved the latter) and both have always asked for types of work for me and have received both types of work in 1 request.

Plus for me the much shorter back off times plus a better Advanced View GUI of 6.10.58/60 is way much better to use contained in 1 window/frame (I'm sorry, but whoever thought of replacing "Messages" with that useless "Notices" tab should seek help as notices could've been added into Messages in red as well occasionally instead of another stupid window/frame).

Until things change, ya'll have to drag 6.10.60 from my dying hands and I've let 1 backup project go because it wants a later version.

There, I got that off my chest, anyone want a beer? :-D

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