Author | Message |
Raistmer Volunteer developer Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 16 Jun 01 Posts: 6325 Credit: 106,370,077 RAC: 121
Though this time APv7 apps passed few months beta testing there are some remaining issues possible of course.
Please post here spotted errors. AP v7 app-related, please. If you just mis-configured anonymous platform or smth similar - please post in other thread for help.
To start (bad starting example cause both issues hardly APv7 app-related but APv7 task was errored in both cases):
Trashes all tasks assigned.
app_version download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_code>-200 (wrong size)</error_code>
Should BOINC has some measures against this?
Also errors all assigned, but now not download but computation error.
too many exit(0)s
And no additional details at all. What could be the reason of such?... Could BOINC client be little more verbose? It seems app has even no chance to print its first line in stderr...
ID: 1584610 ·  |
Raistmer Volunteer developer Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 16 Jun 01 Posts: 6325 Credit: 106,370,077 RAC: 121
Now particular app: AstroPulse v7 v7.04 ( opencl_ati_mac) , but not HD4xxx issue now.
Number of OpenCL platforms: 1
OpenCL Platform Name: Apple
Number of devices: 1
Max compute units: 10
Max work group size: 1024
Max clock frequency: 149Mhz
Max memory allocation: 134217728
Cache type: None
Cache line size: 0
Cache size: 0
Global memory size: 536870912
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 32768
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Name: ATI Radeon HD 6970M
Vendor: AMD
Driver version: 1.0
Version: OpenCL 1.0
Extensions: cl_APPLE_gl_sharing
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
INFO: can't open binary kernel file: /Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/projects/, continue with recompile...
Error : Building Program (source, clBuildProgram):main kernels: not OK code -11
<program source>:49:25: warning: 'work_group_size_hint' attribute ignored
__kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(1, 1, 1)))
So, build error. But no error in log, just warning...
Could it be that Apple OpenCL runtime treats warnigs as errors?
ID: 1584622 ·  |
Raistmer Volunteer developer Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 16 Jun 01 Posts: 6325 Credit: 106,370,077 RAC: 121
4)And already partially discussed HD4xxx on mac issue, full log catched for debugging.
Number of OpenCL platforms: 1
OpenCL Platform Name: Apple
Number of devices: 1
Max compute units: 8
Max work group size: 1024
Max clock frequency: 680Mhz
Max memory allocation: 134217728
Cache type: None
Cache line size: 0
Cache size: 0
Global memory size: 268435456
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 16384
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Name: Radeon HD 4670
Vendor: AMD
Driver version: 1.0
Version: OpenCL 1.0
Extensions: cl_APPLE_SetMemObjectDestructor cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions cl_APPLE_clut cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names cl_APPLE_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Crashed executable name: astropulse_7.04_x86_64-apple-darwin__opencl_ati_mac
Machine type Intel 80486 (64-bit executable)
System version: Macintosh OS 10.9.5 build 13F34
Thu Oct 9 23:02:19 2014
Warning: /usr/bin/atos is moving and will be removed from a future OS X release.
It is now available in the Xcode developer tools to be invoked via: `xcrun atos`
To silence this warning, pass the '-d' command-line flag to this tool.
atos cannot load symbols for the file astropulse_7.04_x86_64-apple-darwin__opencl_ati_mac for architecture x86_64.
0 astropulse_7.04_x86_64-apple-darwin__opencl_ati_mac 0x0000000109ce0171
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
1 astropulse_7.04_x86_64-apple-darwin__opencl_ati_mac 0x0000000109cd1b46
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff932a65aa
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
3 ??? 0x0000000000000001
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
4 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff981f8710
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
5 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff981f838e
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
6 ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver 0x00001234801e0687
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
7 OpenCL 0x00007fff93c72f8a
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
8 OpenCL 0x00007fff93c5fe29
SIGPIPE: write on a pipe with no reader
9 astropulse_7.04_x86_64-apple-darwin__opencl_ati_mac 0x0000000109c80510
Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
rax: 0x0100001f rbx: 0x00000003 rcx: 0x7fff55fadf88 rdx: 0x00000028
rdi: 0x7fff55fadff0 rsi: 0x00000003 rbp: 0x7fff55fadfd0 rsp: 0x7fff55fadf88
r8: 0x00000c0b r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x000003b0 r11: 0x00000206
r12: 0x000003b0 r13: 0x00000028 r14: 0x7fff55fadff0 r15: 0x00000c0b
rip: 0x7fff91388a1a rfl: 0x00000206
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0x7fff997d9000 - 0x7fff997e1fff /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
0x7fff997e2000 - 0x7fff9980afff /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
0x7fff9985f000 - 0x7fff9992afff /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
0x7fff9992b000 - 0x7fff9992cfff /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
0x7fff9992d000 - 0x7fff9992dfff /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
0x7fff9992e000 - 0x7fff99946fff /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting.framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
0x7fff99a72000 - 0x7fff99a7dfff /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
0x7fff99a7e000 - 0x7fff99a8afff /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
0x7fff99a8b000 - 0x7fff99a91fff /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSNotification.framework/Versions/A/AOSNotification
0x7fff99a92000 - 0x7fff99a93fff /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib
ID: 1584628 ·  |
Raistmer Volunteer developer Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 16 Jun 01 Posts: 6325 Credit: 106,370,077 RAC: 121
5) another mac, but with BOINC-related error:
This is transient error, other tasks completed OK on this host.
finish file present too long
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
AstroPulse v7.04
Darwin 10.7+ 64 bit, rel. Rev 2696, OpenCL version by Raistmer, GPU mode
V7, by Raistmer ported to OS X by team.
System: Darwin x86_64 Kernel: 13.4.0
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
GenuineIntel x86, Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Number of OpenCL platforms: 1
OpenCL Platform Name: Apple
Number of devices: 1
Max compute units: 12
Max work group size: 256
Max clock frequency: 680Mhz
Max memory allocation: 268435456
Cache type: None
Cache line size: 0
Cache size: 0
Global memory size: 1073741824
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 32768
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Name: ATI Radeon HD 6970M
Vendor: AMD
Driver version: 1.2 (Aug 17 2014 20:28:00)
Version: OpenCL 1.2
Extensions: cl_APPLE_SetMemObjectDestructor cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions cl_APPLE_clut cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names cl_APPLE_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer cl_khr_depth_images
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
### Restart at 35.14 percent.
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
### Restart at 59.46 percent.
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
### Restart at 73.87 percent.
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
### Restart at 84.68 percent.
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
### Restart at 91.89 percent.
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
single pulses: 4
repetitive pulses: 0
percent blanked: 77.02
Single pulse: peak_power=374 dm=7922 fft_num=3473408 peak_bin=3481600 scale=8
Single pulse: peak_power=218.7 dm=8886 fft_num=3473408 peak_bin=3481728 scale=7
Single pulse: peak_power=61.99 dm=10606 fft_num=3637248 peak_bin=3645024 scale=4
Single pulse: peak_power=61.72 dm=-10783 fft_num=2670592 peak_bin=2671296 scale=4
remove_radar total=7.031E+08 , N=1 , <>=7.031E+08 , min=7.031E+08 , max=7.031E+08
main_loop_L1 total=5.862E+11 , N=8 , <>=7.327E+10 , min=5.759E+10 , max=1.508E+11
FFT_forward total=1.327E+09 , N=10944 , <>=1.213E+05 , min=1.330E+04 , max=1.035E+06
remove_radar_randomize total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
build_chirp_table total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
DataWrite total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
DataWrite_ns total=0.0000E+00, N=0 , <>=0 , min=0 , max=0
oclReadBuf total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
ChirpWrite total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
ChirpWrite_ns total=0.0000E+00, N=0 , <>=0 , min=0 , max=0
dechirp total=2.855E+08 , N=10944 , <>=2.609E+04 , min=1.857E+04 , max=3.161E+06
Dechirp_ns total=0.0000E+00, N=0 , <>=0 , min=0 , max=0
Half_ns total=0.0000E+00, N=0 , <>=0 , min=0 , max=0
PC_single_pulse_kernel_FFA_update total=3.358E+11 , N=10944 , <>=3.068E+07 , min=2.989E+07 , max=9.654E+07
PC_ns total=0.0000E+00, N=0 , <>=0 , min=0 , max=0
oclReadBuf total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
oclWriteBuf total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
FFT_inverse total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
ffa total=1.467E+11 , N=8 , <>=1.834E+10 , min=1.442E+10 , max=4.559E+10
FFA blocks counters:
FFA_fetch total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
FFA_tt_build total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
FFA_compare total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
FFA_coadd total=2.783E+07 , N=4472 , <>=6.222E+03 , min=4.675E+03 , max=1.584E+05
FFA_stride_add total=0.000E+00 , N=0 , <>=0.000E+00 , min=1.845E+19 , max=0.000E+00
GPU_buffer_read_backs total=0.0000E+00, N=0 , <>=0 , min=0 , max=0
rev 2696
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
08:06:28 (35700): called boinc_finish
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 12
Single buffer allocation size: 256MB
Total device global memory: 1024MB
max WG size: 256
local mem type: Real
-unroll default value used: 12
-ffa_block default value used: 3072
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 1536
### Restart at 97.30 percent.
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
ID: 1584633 ·  |
Urs Echternacht Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 15 May 99 Posts: 692 Credit: 135,197,781 RAC: 211
Now particular app: AstroPulse v7 v7.04 (opencl_ati_mac) , but not HD4xxx issue now.
INFO: can't open binary kernel file: /Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/projects/, continue with recompile...
Error : Building Program (source, clBuildProgram):main kernels: not OK code -11
<program source>:49:25: warning: 'work_group_size_hint' attribute ignored
__kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(1, 1, 1)))
So, build error. But no error in log, just warning...
Could it be that Apple OpenCL runtime treats warnigs as errors?
No, but eventually driver issue with first version of ML (10.8. 0)
Updating OS X to 10.8. 5 recommended, not only for GPU driver, but more to reduce security risc of unsolved OS bugs in that version. _\|/_
U r s
ID: 1584692 ·  |
Raistmer Volunteer developer Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 16 Jun 01 Posts: 6325 Credit: 106,370,077 RAC: 121
No, but eventually driver issue with first version of ML (10.8.0) Updating OS X to 10.8.5 recommended, not only for GPU driver, but more to reduce security risc of unsolved OS bugs in that version.
Ok, I'll talk with Eric if we could exclude such hosts from stock distribution.
ID: 1584695 ·  |
Urs Echternacht Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 15 May 99 Posts: 692 Credit: 135,197,781 RAC: 211
No, but eventually driver issue with first version of ML (10.8.0) Updating OS X to 10.8.5 recommended, not only for GPU driver, but more to reduce security risc of unsolved OS bugs in that version.
Ok, I'll talk with Eric if we could exclude such hosts from stock distribution.
Make sure that 11.4.2 is also a valid version and should deliver good results. _\|/_
U r s
ID: 1584711 ·  |
HAL9000 Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 11 Sep 99 Posts: 6534 Credit: 196,805,888 RAC: 57
Now particular app: AstroPulse v7 v7.04 (opencl_ati_mac) , but not HD4xxx issue now.
Number of OpenCL platforms: 1
OpenCL Platform Name: Apple
Number of devices: 1
Max compute units: 10
Max work group size: 1024
Max clock frequency: 149Mhz
Max memory allocation: 134217728
Cache type: None
Cache line size: 0
Cache size: 0
Global memory size: 536870912
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 32768
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Name: ATI Radeon HD 6970M
Vendor: AMD
Driver version: 1.0
Version: OpenCL 1.0
Extensions: cl_APPLE_gl_sharing
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
INFO: can't open binary kernel file: /Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/projects/, continue with recompile...
Error : Building Program (source, clBuildProgram):main kernels: not OK code -11
<program source>:49:25: warning: 'work_group_size_hint' attribute ignored
__kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(1, 1, 1)))
So, build error. But no error in log, just warning...
Could it be that Apple OpenCL runtime treats warnigs as errors?
Looks like same issue present on this host with 5770.
Number of OpenCL platforms: 1
OpenCL Platform Name: Apple
Number of devices: 1
Max compute units: 10
Max work group size: 1024
Max clock frequency: 1195Mhz
Max memory allocation: 134217728
Cache type: None
Cache line size: 0
Cache size: 0
Global memory size: 536870912
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 32768
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Name: ATI Radeon HD 5770
Vendor: AMD
Driver version: 1.0
Version: OpenCL 1.0
Extensions: cl_APPLE_gl_sharing
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
INFO: can't open binary kernel file: /Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/projects/, continue with recompile...
Error : Building Program (source, clBuildProgram):main kernels: not OK code -11
<program source>:49:25: warning: 'work_group_size_hint' attribute ignored
__kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(1, 1, 1)))
]]> SETI@home classic workunits: 93,865 CPU time: 863,447 hours
 Join the [url=] BP6/VP6 User Group[
ID: 1584719 ·  |
Eric Korpela  Volunteer moderator Project administrator Project developer Project scientist

Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 1382 Credit: 54,506,847 RAC: 60
No, but eventually driver issue with first version of ML (10.8.0) Updating OS X to 10.8.5 recommended, not only for GPU driver, but more to reduce security risc of unsolved OS bugs in that version.
Ok, I'll talk with Eric if we could exclude such hosts from stock distribution.
Currently the minimum OS version for MacOS ATI is 10.7.4. Are we suggesting that be increased to 10.8.5, or just that 10.8.0-10.8.4 be excluded? (Mastodon)
ID: 1584742 ·  |
Urs Echternacht Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 15 May 99 Posts: 692 Credit: 135,197,781 RAC: 211
No, but eventually driver issue with first version of ML (10.8.0) Updating OS X to 10.8.5 recommended, not only for GPU driver, but more to reduce security risc of unsolved OS bugs in that version.
Ok, I'll talk with Eric if we could exclude such hosts from stock distribution.
Currently the minimum OS version for MacOS ATI is 10.7.4. Are we suggesting that be increased to 10.8.5, or just that 10.8.0-10.8.4 be excluded?
As 10.8.0-10.8.4 were not in beta, my suggest (without volunteers doing further tests we can't be more precise) is to exclude 10.8.0-10.8.4 _\|/_
U r s
ID: 1584773 ·  |
Dirk Sadowski Volunteer tester
Send message Joined: 6 Apr 07 Posts: 7105 Credit: 147,663,825 RAC: 5
This question was asked already in other thread, but unanswered.
Is here a min. NV driver needed for APv7 NV OpenCL GPU app?
Running stock project.
At SETI Beta my PC with 263.06 driver got the APv7 NV OpenCL app.
Here at SETI Main my PC don't get APv7 NV OpenCL app/WUs:
Requesting new tasks for NVIDIA
Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
Message from server: NVIDIA GPU: Upgrade to the latest driver to process tasks using your computer's GPU
This is a well known message on my system with this old NV driver.
But maybe now with APv7 it's 'true'?
ID: 1584778 ·  |
Raistmer Volunteer developer Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 16 Jun 01 Posts: 6325 Credit: 106,370,077 RAC: 121
Sorry, it's not right thread for asking questions like this. It's technical thread for collecting particular examples of errors, and possible short discussions regarding that errors. Please, stay on topic, there are lot of threads for asking and anyone can start any new.
And no, minimal driver requirements just the same as before. You just can't download tasks because there are no available tasks perhaps. Have patience (or luck).
ID: 1584785 ·  |
Eric Korpela  Volunteer moderator Project administrator Project developer Project scientist

Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 1382 Credit: 54,506,847 RAC: 60
OK, there are now two plan classes, one for 10.7.4 through 10.7.99 and one for 10.8.5 and up.
No, but eventually driver issue with first version of ML (10.8.0) Updating OS X to 10.8.5 recommended, not only for GPU driver, but more to reduce security risc of unsolved OS bugs in that version.
Ok, I'll talk with Eric if we could exclude such hosts from stock distribution.
Currently the minimum OS version for MacOS ATI is 10.7.4. Are we suggesting that be increased to 10.8.5, or just that 10.8.0-10.8.4 be excluded?
As 10.8.0-10.8.4 were not in beta, my suggest (without volunteers doing further tests we can't be more precise) is to exclude 10.8.0-10.8.4 (Mastodon)
ID: 1584979 ·  |
Cliff Harding Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 18 Aug 99 Posts: 1432 Credit: 110,967,840 RAC: 67
Do we have a problem with the following? Intel iGPU is explicitly stated in global preferences as NO.
Invalid OpenCL GPU index: 1
WARNING: boinc_get_opencl_ids failed with code -33
OpenCL platform detected: Intel(R) Corporation
OpenCL platform detected: NVIDIA Corporation
WARNING: BOINC supplied wrong platform!
I don't buy computers, I build them!!
ID: 1585095 ·  |
Zalster  Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 27 May 99 Posts: 5517 Credit: 528,817,460 RAC: 242
Looking at a wingman's computer
and noticed that the first 3 Mac NV v7.05 all errored with similar stderr reports. This one doesn't show all the stop and restarts but thought I'd post this here.
Workunit 1612660313
Created 9 Oct 2014, 23:51:55 UTC
Sent 9 Oct 2014, 23:51:57 UTC
Report deadline 3 Nov 2014, 23:51:57 UTC
Received 11 Oct 2014, 3:32:48 UTC
Server state Over
Outcome Computation error
Client state Compute error
Exit status 197 (0xc5) EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
Computer ID 6869357
Run time 2 hours 21 min 55 sec
CPU time 11 min 8 sec
Validate state Invalid
Credit 0.00
Device peak FLOPS 347.43 GFLOPS
Application version AstroPulse v7 v7.05 (opencl_nvidia_mac)
Stderr output
Maximum elapsed time exceeded
Running on device number: 0
OpenCL platform detected: Apple
Number of OpenCL devices found : 1
BOINC assigns slot on device #0.
Info: BOINC provided OpenCL device ID used
DOUBLE_FP supported.
cl_khr_fp64 supported.
cl_APPLE_fp64_basic_ops supported.
FERMI : true
Used GPU device parameters are:
Number of compute units: 2
Single buffer allocation size: 128MB
Total device global memory: 512MB
max WG size: 1024
local mem type: Real
FERMI path used: yes
-unroll default value used: 2
-ffa_block default value used: 512
-ffa_block_fetch default value used: 256
AstroPulse v7.05
Darwin 10.7+ 64 bit, rel. Rev 2709, OpenCL version by Raistmer, GPU mode
V7, by Raistmer ported to OS X by team.
System: Darwin x86_64 Kernel: 13.3.0
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770S CPU @ 3.10GHz
GenuineIntel x86, Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
Number of OpenCL platforms: 1
OpenCL Platform Name: Apple
Number of devices: 1
Max compute units: 2
Max work group size: 1024
Max clock frequency: 900Mhz
Max memory allocation: 134217728
Cache type: None
Cache line size: 0
Cache size: 0
Global memory size: 536870912
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 9
Local memory type: Scratchpad
Local memory size: 49152
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Name: GeForce GT 650M
Vendor: NVIDIA
Driver version: 8.26.26 310.40.45f01
Version: OpenCL 1.2
Extensions: cl_APPLE_SetMemObjectDestructor cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions cl_APPLE_clut cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names cl_APPLE_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_APPLE_fp64_basic_ops cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_depth_images cl_khr_gl_depth_images cl_khr_gl_msaa_sharing cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer
state.fold_buf_size_short=65536; state.fold_buf_size_long=262144
GPU device sync requested... ...GPU device synched
Termination request detected or computations are finished. GPU device synched, exiting...
I can't prove it yet since my mac hasn't finished it's first AP v7.05 here but I suspect the estimated time to complete of 13 minutes 29 sec that comes with the APs is the reason for the ERROR messages. It's way too short for the computers to finish before the "took too long" error kicks in. Most of those NV APs were close to finishing when they hit that wall. I suspect my current AP will do the same. I'm keeping an eye on it. I may need to adjust that time estimate if it does. Just got to remember how to do it, lol Time to go looking back in the Beta threads.
ID: 1585137 ·  |
Zalster  Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 27 May 99 Posts: 5517 Credit: 528,817,460 RAC: 242
Ok, just had my first AP v7.05 error out due to Exceeded Time Limit. Anyway to correct the estimate that comes with the APs to give them more time so that the APs finish and we can get a correct estimate after 11 validated work units? As it stands now, I don't think anyone will finish.
ID: 1585142 ·  |
woohoo Volunteer tester
Send message Joined: 30 Oct 13 Posts: 973 Credit: 165,671,404 RAC: 5
Is that related to the sticky at the top of this forum?
ID: 1585143 ·  |
TBar Volunteer tester
Send message Joined: 22 May 99 Posts: 5204 Credit: 840,779,836 RAC: 2,768
Ok, just had my first AP v7.05 error out due to Exceeded Time Limit. Anyway to correct the estimate that comes with the APs to give them more time so that the APs finish and we can get a correct estimate after 11 validated work units? As it stands now, I don't think anyone will finish.
Just as before. Suspend the task(s) in the BOINC Manager. Stop BOINC, Open client_state.xml and search for Suspended. Copy the task name and search for the <workunit> entry for that task. Move the decimal point one space to the right in the entries;
Repeat for all required tasks. Save client_state.xml and start BOINC.
Now I'm getting an Error with ap_7.01r2559_sse3_OSX64;
< |
Zalster  Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 27 May 99 Posts: 5517 Credit: 528,817,460 RAC: 242
I was just about to send you a PM about modifying it.
Edit... Much better.. Now estimated times 2 hour 15 minutes. Lets see how they do. Going to run 3 tonight. Meeting all day tomorrow so tomorrow night I'll try some more. I'd take the laptop with me but probably would get funny looks at the meetings, lol...
ID: 1585146 ·  |
arkayn Volunteer tester

Send message Joined: 14 May 99 Posts: 4438 Credit: 55,006,323 RAC: 0
Ok, just had my first AP v7.05 error out due to Exceeded Time Limit. Anyway to correct the estimate that comes with the APs to give them more time so that the APs finish and we can get a correct estimate after 11 validated work units? As it stands now, I don't think anyone will finish.
Just as before. Suspend the task(s) in the BOINC Manager. Stop BOINC, Open client_state.xml and search for Suspended. Copy the task name and search for the <workunit> entry for that task. Move the decimal point one space to the right in the entries;
Repeat for all required tasks. Save client_state.xml and start BOINC.
Now I'm getting an Error with ap_7.01r2559_sse3_OSX64;
< |