Middle East Timebomb

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Profile The Simonator

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Message 1594864 - Posted: 31 Oct 2014, 11:56:40 UTC - in response to Message 1594841.  

Have a safe trip Simon:)


It's the same area i've been to for the last six years, never seen any sign of trouble, even while Egypt's government was imploding (twice!).
Tourism is the only industry they have in Sharm-El-Sheikh, without it the whole area would go bust, so they're not going to risk harming it.
On the upside though, most people don't want to go there as they think they'll be beheaded on the internet, so it's cheap, really cheap! 10 days, 5 star (ish) hotel, all-inclusive food and drink, taxi transfers and flights all in: £248 per person. Beat that!
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1594922 - Posted: 31 Oct 2014, 15:01:25 UTC

The real problem is going to be when the Kurds decide to declare their independence from Iraq and set up an independent Kurdistan. The Turks will definitely not like that.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1594930 - Posted: 31 Oct 2014, 15:24:47 UTC - in response to Message 1594922.  
Last modified: 31 Oct 2014, 15:26:20 UTC

The real problem is going to be when the Kurds decide to declare their independence from Iraq and set up an independent Kurdistan. The Turks will definitely not like that.

Many who fled the fighting in the border town Kobane bled to death while waiting for help in Turkey, says the Swedish-Kurdish doctor Sorgul Güven.
The real problem has already started.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1594985 - Posted: 31 Oct 2014, 17:22:18 UTC - in response to Message 1594958.  

The real problem is going to be when the Kurds decide to declare their independence from Iraq and set up an independent Kurdistan. The Turks will definitely not like that.

Many who fled the fighting in the border town Kobane bled to death while waiting for help in Turkey, says the Swedish-Kurdish doctor Sorgul Güven.
The real problem has already started.

Been going on for many century's.

Yes. Perhaps milleniums.
And people from there now living in Sweden are seeing their childrens going back to fight for IS.
Make no sense to me...
The official figures from SÄPO is that 90 Swedes fighting or have fought with violent Islamist groups in Syria and Iraq. The confirmed number of Swedes who died in battle is 23. However, the actual figures will be much higher.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1595916 - Posted: 2 Nov 2014, 12:53:28 UTC

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Profile The Simonator

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Message 1596377 - Posted: 3 Nov 2014, 10:11:38 UTC

When do we start building that wall?
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1596480 - Posted: 3 Nov 2014, 16:29:39 UTC - in response to Message 1596458.  

Thought the AC130 "Spooky" would be more appropriate than the C47 "Puff".

Propaganda from all sides?

Who is the "Angel of Kobane"?

Turkish PM rejects Kobane criticism
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1596510 - Posted: 3 Nov 2014, 17:18:22 UTC - in response to Message 1596480.  

Propaganda from all sides?
Who is the "Angel of Kobane"?
Turkish PM rejects Kobane criticism

Of course it's propaganda. But is it pro-ISIS or pro-kurdish?
Anyway "Angel of Kobane" or "Rhehana" have not killed 100 soldiers or been beheaded.
Here she is marching with a flag third from left (8 sek from start) about a week ago.
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Profile Jim Franklin

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Message 1597142 - Posted: 5 Nov 2014, 10:25:04 UTC

Why don't we simply build a 10m high 1m thick reinforced concrete wall along the Southern Turkish border with more layers of electrified razor wire (10kV) and trembler sensors along the top.

Every 1m stick a watch tower with cameras and a couple of guards with M104's.

That would solve the problem..ban travel to and from the whole region and then let them sort themselves out..totally sick of this bull that has been going on as a vicious circle for the last 50 years or more...
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Message 1597209 - Posted: 5 Nov 2014, 15:07:07 UTC - in response to Message 1597142.  

Why don't we simply build a 10m high 1m thick reinforced concrete wall ...

Throughout history, that has never worked.

And there is no reason for such fortress silliness to work now.

Better alternatives are education, communication, and trade...

The world is what we make it...
See new freedom: Mageia Linux
Take a look for yourself: Linux Format
The Future is what We all make IT (GPLv3)
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Profile KWSN - MajorKong
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Message 1597228 - Posted: 5 Nov 2014, 16:32:20 UTC - in response to Message 1597209.  

Why don't we simply build a 10m high 1m thick reinforced concrete wall ...

Throughout history, that has never worked.

And there is no reason for such fortress silliness to work now.

Better alternatives are education, communication, and trade...

The world is what we make it...

But THAT is one of the things that has them so pi**ed off at us. Cultural contamination.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1597406 - Posted: 5 Nov 2014, 22:20:13 UTC - in response to Message 1597228.  

Why don't we simply build a 10m high 1m thick reinforced concrete wall ...

Throughout history, that has never worked.

And there is no reason for such fortress silliness to work now.

Better alternatives are education, communication, and trade...

The world is what we make it...

But THAT is one of the things that has them so pi**ed off at us. Cultural contamination.

That is why they want to slaughter us. We don't follow their rules and their rules don't allow any compromise.
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Message 1597635 - Posted: 6 Nov 2014, 11:04:03 UTC - in response to Message 1597228.  

But THAT is one of the things that has them so pi**ed off at us. Cultural contamination.

Oh nonsense. They are not pissed off at us because of supposed cultural contamination. Sure, its one of those things extremists talk about, but its just window dressing. In reality they don't even care about their own culture, let alone ours.

They hate the US because of its backing to a number of brutal dictators and its constant meddling in what they see as their own local affairs. They hate the US because of its unquestioning support for Israel no matter what. They feel the US is insanely hypocritical, talking about freedom and democracy but at the same time denying people in the region freedom and democracy. And honestly, they have a point. As long as the US does not change its foreign policy towards the Middle East, Islamic terrorism will remain an issue.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1597672 - Posted: 6 Nov 2014, 13:11:03 UTC - in response to Message 1597650.  
Last modified: 6 Nov 2014, 13:11:39 UTC

But THAT is one of the things that has them so pi**ed off at us. Cultural contamination.

Oh nonsense. They are not pissed off at us because of supposed cultural contamination. Sure, its one of those things extremists talk about, but its just window dressing. In reality they don't even care about their own culture, let alone ours.

They hate the US because of its backing to a number of brutal dictators and its constant meddling in what they see as their own local affairs. They hate the US because of its unquestioning support for Israel no matter what. They feel the US is insanely hypocritical, talking about freedom and democracy but at the same time denying people in the region freedom and democracy. And honestly, they have a point. As long as the US does not change its foreign policy towards the Middle East, Islamic terrorism will remain an issue.

They Hate Us, and Their Own People - Because They Hate.
They Murder Us, and Their Own People - Because They Murder
They Rape Us, and Their Own People - Because They Rape.
The Excuse changes over the Millennium's.
Human Nature of Groups, as with Individual's, hasn't Changed.
Don't blame The Victim, AKA Non-Them.

The "an Eye for an Eye" principle seems to be old as civilization.

lex talionis or the law of talion, the English word talion means a retaliation authorized by law, in which the punishment corresponds in kind and degree to the injury.
Martin Luther King, Jr. later used this phrase in the context of racial violence: "The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind."
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Message 1598595 - Posted: 8 Nov 2014, 18:13:38 UTC

Why the Middle East issue as it currently is, will never be resolved...

A village under seige

"Among the departing Libyans was Omar Al-Mukhtar, who was not one of the accused soldiers. This week he gave an interview to the BBC portraying the men arrested in connection with the sex assaults in Cambridge as the real victims. ‘They (the Government) didn’t tell us about British law and what’s the difference between right and wrong,’ he said.

Which makes the decision to let him and his compatriots loose on this corner of rural England all the more shocking."
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1598640 - Posted: 8 Nov 2014, 20:00:32 UTC - in response to Message 1598595.  

Why the Middle East issue as it currently is, will never be resolved...

A village under seige

"Among the departing Libyans was Omar Al-Mukhtar, who was not one of the accused soldiers. This week he gave an interview to the BBC portraying the men arrested in connection with the sex assaults in Cambridge as the real victims. ‘They (the Government) didn’t tell us about British law and what’s the difference between right and wrong,’ he said.

Which makes the decision to let him and his compatriots loose on this corner of rural England all the more shocking."

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal as another example how some muslims misinterpret laws. Both religous and common laws.
The Islamic State calls it rape jihad.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1598648 - Posted: 8 Nov 2014, 20:25:17 UTC - in response to Message 1598639.  

Why the Middle East issue as it currently is, will never be resolved...
A village under seige
"Among the departing Libyans was Omar Al-Mukhtar, who was not one of the accused soldiers. This week he gave an interview to the BBC portraying the men arrested in connection with the sex assaults in Cambridge as the real victims. ‘They (the Government) didn’t tell us about British law and what’s the difference between right and wrong,’ he said.
Which makes the decision to let him and his compatriots loose on this corner of rural England all the more shocking."

Just a case of Cultural Differences.
Let's not say that Their Culture is... You will be accused of Bigotry against...

Hmm. I would say that some rules are universal.
Murder, assault, rape and theft are not tolerated in any society AFAIK.
However. The Koran has some loopholes.
Slaves are not protected by any laws.
I think also nonbelievers are treated the same.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1598684 - Posted: 8 Nov 2014, 21:53:05 UTC - in response to Message 1598675.  

Murder, assault, rape and theft are not tolerated in any society AFAIK.

Not true.
Different Culture's definition of rape, murder, etc., are not yours, nor mine
Over the decades, I have travelled, and lived, on all Continents, and many different Cultures.
Don't be mislead that Western European Culture and Thought, is Universal.

Please, name one culture/society at least where atrocities are allowed by law.
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1598762 - Posted: 8 Nov 2014, 23:27:32 UTC - in response to Message 1598725.  

Murder, assault, rape and theft are not tolerated in any society AFAIK.

Not true.
Different Culture's definition of rape, murder, etc., are not yours, nor mine
Over the decades, I have travelled, and lived, on all Continents, and many different Cultures.
Don't be mislead that Western European Culture and Thought, is Universal.

Please, name one culture/society at least where atrocities are allowed by law.

By Written Law? Yes.
Since we are speaking of a Certain Culture, to name one 'Acceptable' Murder:
Execution for Adultery? Yes? Would this be considered Murder in Our Culture? Yes.
Unwritten Law/Culture:
Non-Punishment for One Family Murdering another regarding... Yes, and witnessed this. Would this be accepted in The West?
Non-Punishment for Rape? Yes. This also includes Non-Muslim Cultures (Hindu). Personally present when Police Refused to Arrest, for a obviously brutal rape. There was no 'Out Cry' from those present. It was Accepted, with one comment in English - "The woman deserved it". Also heard, from others who witnessed, similar occurrences in these Region's.
Only three of many, many, many instances where Western Culture, is only accepted inside Western Culture.

"The woman deserved it" sounds very familiary. Even in the western culture.
Then we have "Crime of passion".
Honor killing is also quite common.
It happens even in my country.
But it is allowed to any law?
Sounds more like tradition to me. A very bad tradition!
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Message 1600750 - Posted: 13 Nov 2014, 19:54:59 UTC

Back from the dead?

"The recording calls on IS supporters to "erupt volcanoes of jihad" across the world. He disparages opponents of IS as "Jews, Crusaders, apostates... [and] devils", and says the US and its allies "are terrified, weak and powerless".

Although currently limited to Iraq and Syria, IS has promised to "break the borders" of Jordan and Lebanon and to "free Palestine"."
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