Lunatics Windows Installer v0.42 Release Notes

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555012 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 9:45:02 UTC

Lunatics are pleased to announce the availability of the v0.42 installer in the Lunatics main download area and mirror sites.

Please take care you use the right installer (32/64 bit) for your system.

Should you have any questions or problems - ask! Post in this thread or open a new one.

New in this installer:
Updated CPU apps with better optimisation
(* but see note on service mode BOINC installations below)
Updated OpenCL applications for AMD/ATI GPUs
Updated OpenCL application for Astropulse on NVidia GPUs
Support (new) for integrated Intel iGPUs

How to use the installer:
For the CPU applications, you need to know what your CPU supports. Either check the Boinc startup messages or check with CPU-Z downloadable from
Tick or untick CPU AP and MB applications as desired.
Tick ATI (OpenCL) AP or MB if/as desired.
Tick NVidia (OpenCL) AP or CUDA MB if/as desired.
Tick Intel (OpenCL) AP or MB if/as desired.
More details further down.

NB We use default values throughout the app_info.xml. If you have previously installed optimised applications and manually edited app_info.xml (e.g. <count> for multithreading GPUs, <flops>, <cmdline> for ATI) you WILL lose those edits on running the installer and have to redo them. You may wish to make a note of them. You will also lose all other manual edits to app_info.xml such as beta applications.

You are strongly recommended to use a version of BOINC which supports app_config.xml files. These can be used to manage the number of tasks running on each GPU more simply than by editing app_info.xml, and will NOT be removed by re-running this or subsequent installers.

Known issues - general:
The Astropulse applications deployed by this installer are for the current (August 2014) version 6 of Astropulse. They are NOT compatible with the forthcoming version 7 of Astropulse. A new installer will be released as soon as possible after the deployment of AP v7. The replacement installer will still contain apps for processing residual AP v6 tasks during the changeover.

* The updated AP v6 CPU applications cannot run on BOINC 7 installations running in service mode: this restriction will be removed for the new AP v7 release. This installer will identify the conflict, and offer the previous (r1797) AP v6 application as an interim solution. Lunatics apologises for this temporary limitation. BOINC v7 installations are also not able to run any GPU applications, and the installer will now bypass GPU application pages on machines which cannot run GPU applications because of the service mode restrictions.

The installer is supposed to shut down the BOINC client whilst leaving the Manager running - noticable from the red 'disconnected' dot in the tray. After finishing the BOINC client should restart and the red dot vanish when the Manager reconnects. This may take a few minutes. On some systems however this fails to work. Please ensure BOINC has restarted.

Advanced users only: If you know you are going to edit app_info.xml, it may be easier to shutdown and restart BOINC manually, so you can get the changes into app_info.xml before the restart.

CPU MB apps - AKv8c r2549

If you have any doubt at all about what instruction sets your CPU supports, download CPU-Z from We have now incorporated a 3rd party CPU feature detection tool into the installer. Unsupported applications will be greyed out, and the installer will pre-select recommended application versions for your CPU. The updated r2549 application supports a wider range of CPU types.

CPU AP v6 app - r2163

Updated from r1797 (except on BOINC 7 service mode installations)

NVidia GPU (CUDA) app - x41zc

For details please see the separate ReadMe_x41zc.txt.

Rule of thumb selection guide:
Cuda 2.3: PreFermi - NOT to be used on Fermi/Kepler/Maxwell
Cuda 3.2: mixed systems
Cuda 4.2: Fermi
Cuda 5.0: Kepler/Maxwell
If you have run stock and have established APR you can also pick the fastest app from there.

For compatible cards see

Should run on all NVidia CUDA cards with at least 512MiB video RAM. Actual free memory required is in the region of 200-235MB, depending on driver, OS flavour and CUDA variant. The code will scale up if more memory is available. Running on a 256MiB card is just possible, but you will have to free up as much VRAM as possible, e.g. by disabling Aero.

Used video RAM can be checked with GPU-Z downloadable from Watch closely on GPU-Z and in BOINC manager if the application finds enough memory.

Symptoms of insufficient memory are
- in BOINC manager: tasks start up and run a few seconds then go to 'waiting
to run' and the next task tries to start
- on GPU-Z: the sensor for memory shows used VRAM ramping up and almost
immediately dropping again.
Depending on BOINC version your tasks will either error out with 'too many exits' or get stuck in an infinite loop.

If you don't have enough memory, set BOINC to NNT, abort tasks and uninstall the CUDA application by rerunning the installer with CUDA MB UNticked. If in doubt ask for help on NC:

To multithread on Fermi/Kepler cards, find all instances of <count>1</count> in
app_info.xml and decrease to 0.5 or 0.3 to run two or three tasks in parallel. Again, if you are uncertain of how to do this correctly, ask on the above mentioned forum. 'Your mileage may vary' - it depends on your specific system which count will give the highest throughput.

Full release notes and history in separate readme.

NVidia (OpenCL) AP v6 app - updated to r2399

please see separate ReadMe_AstroPulse_OpenCL_NV.txt for details.
Reserving one CPU core per GPU card will improve performance.

Warning - there are indications that the NVidia 340.52 driver (released 29 July 2014) may impair the performance of this application. Lunatics will investigate this situation and advise: keep an eye on the message boards.

ATI (OpenCL) MB app - updated to r2489

Please see separate ReadMe_MultiBeam_OpenCL_ATI.txt for details, especially on driver requirements.
Reserving one CPU core per GPU card will improve performance.

We offer the MB application in two different variants, depending on card:
plain - for most HD4xxx owners and those with HD5xxx, HD6xxx cards and
HD7xxx cards who suffer from driver incompatibilities.
HD5 - for most if not all owners of HD5xxx, HD6xxx and HD7xxx GPUs.

ATI (OpenCL) AP v6 app - r2399
ATI (Brook) AP app - r1890

Please see separate ReadMe_AstroPulse_OpenCL_ATI.txt or ReadMe_AstroPulse_Brook.txt for details, especially on driver requirements.
Reserving one CPU core per GPU card will improve performance.

For cards without OpenCL support (from HD2xxxx on) use the 'hybrid' r1890 Astropulse application. NB this is a combined CPU/GPU application and will only use the GPU for some of the calculations, while doing the rest on a CPU core.
Minimum driver version Catalyst 9.x.

The Hybrid AP application uses about 80% of a CPU core and does only about 20% of the calculations on the GPU. Parameters have been choosen to reflect this usage. However present BOINC can not reserve '0.8' of a CPU core and therefore reserves none. This means your CPUs will be overcommitted and runtimes and DCF (if applicable) will suffer. You do increase the overall output though.

Please note that HD2xxx cards requiring Brook (Hybrid) applications will no longer be supported by Lunatics after the release of Astropulse v7.

Intel (OpenCL) applications for both MB and AP v6

These are offered by Lunatics for the first time. Please note the supported iGPU models, and observe the minimum OpenCL and driver versions, shown on the selection page. Intel CPUs offering plain "HD graphics" are NOT supported by these applications.

You MUST update your Intel driver if BOINC reports the OpenCL version as 1.1
The applications may appear to run without updating the driver, but the results will not be valid and you will have wasted your computing power.

Visit if you require an updated graphics driver for your iGPU. Note that you will require a driver for a 3rd. or 4th. generation Intel 'core' CPU with the appropriately numbered HD or Iris graphics support.

Many people have reported problems getting Intel's automated update and installation tools to work, but their manual installation instructions (requiring the download of the '.zip' driver package) appear to work on systems which reject the automated tools. A copy of Intel's ReadMe file for driver installation will be placed in the Lunatics docs folder for reference if you select either of the iGPU applications.

This time the thanks go to Joe (Josef W. Segur) for the optimised CPU apps, to Raistmer (with additional input from Urs Echternacht) for OpenCL apps and to Jason (jason_gee) for CUDA apps.
Thanks guys. There would be no need for an optimised app installer if there weren't optimised apps in the first place!

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our active alpha testers (in no particular order and apologies to anybody we've forgotten):
Claggy, arkayn and Mike.

The Lunatics Installer team AD MMXIV
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 1555029 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 10:30:05 UTC - in response to Message 1555012.  
Last modified: 11 Aug 2014, 10:31:27 UTC

Should you have any questions or problems - ask! Post in this thread or open a new one.

I'd suggest locking this thread & start another for problems, issues questions. Keep things tidy (as much as is possible anyway).

EDIT- but before this thread is or isn't locked

Thank you Lunatic people for all of your hard work.
Darwin NT
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555032 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 10:36:35 UTC - in response to Message 1555029.  

Having questions and comments (relevant ones only, please) in this thread helps to keep it on the front page for the time being. But I'll keep an eye on it, and if things get out of hand, I'll ask the mods to fork it into a more general discussion thread.
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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1555041 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 11:40:11 UTC

Curiously, I noticed that the name for the merge command has changed from aimerge.cmd to aimergeg.cmd. Is there a significant reason for this? If the name remained the same and someone had to revert back to v0.41, wouldn't the merge command be overwritten? As it stands now, if someone did a regression would the new command file remain, therefore perhaps causing some confusion for someone who is not intimately involved with using Lunatics?

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Message 1555046 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 11:58:50 UTC

Is it better to remove all files from the v41 installer or can we just install v42 the "dirty" way?
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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1555050 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:06:25 UTC - in response to Message 1555046.  

Is it better to remove all files from the v41 installer or can we just install v42 the "dirty" way?

I installed it dirty and so far no apparent problems.

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555051 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:08:55 UTC - in response to Message 1555041.  

From the full version of the release notes deployed by the installer itself:

Some users reported that installer v0.41 failed to assemble a complete app_info.xml file from the aistub files supplied with each application. We have switched to using a 'grep' application (supplied) called from a slightly modified 'aimergeg.cmd' script to help avoid this problem. The original aimerge script is also present for people who are used to using it.

That didn't make it into the version I posted here - apologies.

Curiously, I noticed that the name for the merge command has changed from aimerge.cmd to aimergeg.cmd. Is there a significant reason for this? If the name remained the same and someone had to revert back to v0.41, wouldn't the merge command be overwritten? As it stands now, if someone did a regression would the new command file remain, therefore perhaps causing some confusion for someone who is not intimately involved with using Lunatics?
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555052 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:10:20 UTC - in response to Message 1555050.  

Is it better to remove all files from the v41 installer or can we just install v42 the "dirty" way?

I installed it dirty and so far no apparent problems.

Yes, the installer is designed to clean up its own dirty laundry, while leaving cached work, work in progress, and completed tasks all untouched.
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Message 1555053 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:20:50 UTC

Thx folks, will install on both machines as soon as I'm home from work.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555055 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:33:11 UTC - in response to Message 1555053.  

Thx folks, will install on both machines as soon as I'm home from work.

Remember to heed the warnings. The installer will do its best to preserve work allocated to stock applications, and to earlier versions of the Lunatics apps.

But if anybody has written their own app_info.xml file, or deployed a Beta application for testing, we are not responsible for ensuring that they used standard combinations for <version_num> and <plan_class>.
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Profile FalconFly

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Message 1555056 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:41:15 UTC - in response to Message 1555055.  
Last modified: 11 Aug 2014, 12:44:12 UTC

As I've read from the 0.41 release, it seems you guys can't handle tons of download traffic.

If it's okay for you, I've uploaded them onto my site as well.

Directlinks :

My server can handle quite alot of traffic, so if you like an additional mirror feel free to spread the download links, files will remain there for download.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555059 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 12:50:40 UTC - in response to Message 1555056.  

As I've read from the 0.41 release...

That was a 'temporary' error on account of the size the installer had grown to - now fixed. But I'm sure our hosts at KWSN will appreciate the load-sharing - thank you.

Please note that we will probably have to update the installer again in a few weeks' time, when the Astropulse application is updated to v7. Please be alert for requests to re-sync your mirror with Lunatics, which will always be the primary authoritative source for current installers (provided we can squeeze them in...)
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1555077 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 14:44:22 UTC
Last modified: 11 Aug 2014, 14:46:00 UTC

Is workgroup size of 256+ now a requirement for ATI AP app as well as MB app?

I noticed my HD6370m spits out this error when I try r2399.

Error : Building Program (source, clBuildProgram):main kernels: not OK code -11
"C:\Users\\Temp\", line 1370: error: work group
          size exceeds the maximum default value for the selected device
  __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(256, 1, 1))) 

The GPU does have Max work group size: 128. So maybe it is nearing end of usefulness.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555079 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 14:54:57 UTC - in response to Message 1555077.  
Last modified: 11 Aug 2014, 15:04:05 UTC

I'll have to pass that on to our ATI specialists. Bear with me.

Edit - none seem to be online at the moment, and I know Mike, in particular, is on late shift this week and won't be available until later.

I found this in the ReadMe - you might be able to make some use of it.

-tune N Mx My Mz : to make app more tunable this param allows user to fine tune kernel launch sizes of most important kernels.
	N - kernel ID (see below)
	Mxyz - workgroup size of kernel. For 1D workgroups Mx will be size of first dimension and My=Mz=1 should be 2 other ones.
	N should be one of values from this list:
	For best tuning results its recommended to launch app under profiler to see how particular WG size choice affects particular kernel.
	This option mostly for developers and hardcore optimization enthusiasts wanting absolute max from their setups.
	No big changes in speed expected but if you see big positive change over default please report.
	Usage example: -tune 2 32 1 1  (set workgroup size of 32 for 1D FFA comparison kernel).
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Profile Cliff Harding
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Message 1555084 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 15:08:51 UTC - in response to Message 1555059.  

Please note that we will probably have to update the installer again in a few weeks' time, when the Astropulse application is updated to v7.

Is there an ETA for the update and will this be v0.42a or v0.43?

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Message 1555087 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 15:15:03 UTC

Crunchers Anonymous is now online for downloads as well.

CA Downloads

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555089 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 15:18:15 UTC - in response to Message 1555084.  

Please note that we will probably have to update the installer again in a few weeks' time, when the Astropulse application is updated to v7.

Is there an ETA for the update and will this be v0.42a or v0.43?

It will be 0.43 - I would always increment the version number if there is significant new content. v0.42a (which I hope we don't have to use) would be a maintenance release if we ever have to refresh existing content (OK, fix a bug) without adding new functionality.

As to when - as few sleepless nights as possible after Eric decides AP v7 is ready to transfer to Main. But we're in his hands: v0.43 will not be released before the v7 transfer is made, although preparations are already under way.
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Message 1555114 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 16:19:25 UTC - in response to Message 1555077.  

Is workgroup size of 256+ now a requirement for ATI AP app as well as MB app?

I noticed my HD6370m spits out this error when I try r2399.

Error : Building Program (source, clBuildProgram):main kernels: not OK code -11
"C:\Users\\Temp\", line 1370: error: work group
          size exceeds the maximum default value for the selected device
  __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(256, 1, 1))) 

The GPU does have Max work group size: 128. So maybe it is nearing end of usefulness.

If not solved still try
-oclFFT 64 8 128
in command line.
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Message 1555127 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 16:47:32 UTC
Last modified: 11 Aug 2014, 17:02:33 UTC

Screenshots from the installer:

(For info only, so you know what to expect.
Do NOT use blindly what I checked on these pictures, check what is relevant for your system )

All the screenshots I made from the installer:


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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1555130 - Posted: 11 Aug 2014, 16:58:44 UTC - in response to Message 1555127.  

For the CPU applications (first screen, top left of BilBg's screenshots), we do try to help match the application selection with the capabilities of your machine:

Unsupported applications will be greyed out, and the installer will pre-select recommended application versions for your CPU.

But for GPU applications, you are indeed on your own. After all, you know your own computer better than we do!
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Message boards : Number crunching : Lunatics Windows Installer v0.42 Release Notes

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