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Profile shizaru
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Message 1707024 - Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 15:36:52 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jul 2015, 15:38:07 UTC

I bet this has already been mentioned here years ago, but I stumbled across it again and it bears repeating:

The secret of 3% finally revealed

28 September 2012

At a time when the countries of the Eurozone are presenting austerity budgets to ensure that public spending deficits do not exceed the 3% of GDP ceiling required for the single currency, Aujourd’hui en France reveals “the incredible story of the birth” of this limit. The daily has found “the man who, at the request of [former French president] François Mitterrand, hastily came up with the emblematic figure.”

Guy Abeille, age 62, a former senior Budget Ministry official and “the inventor of the concept, endlessly repeated by all governments whether of the right or the left, that the public deficit should not exceed 3% of the national wealth,” told the newspaper –

"We came up with the 3% figure in less than an hour. It was a back of an envelope calculation, without any theoretical reflection. Mitterrand needed an easy rule that he could deploy in his discussions with ministers who kept coming into his office to demand money. We needed something simple. 3%? It was a good number that had stood the test of time, somewhat reminiscent of the Trinity."

The Trinity?

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Message 1707029 - Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 15:58:27 UTC - in response to Message 1707024.  
Last modified: 31 Jul 2015, 16:04:55 UTC

EU Rules are not applied in the EU.
According to the original mandate of the European Community, nations were supposed to ensure that their deficit-to-GDP ratio did not surpass 3 percent and that their debt-to-GDP ratio did not surpass the 60 percent level.
Only 10 out of the 27 nations or 37 percent of the total are within the current 3 percent deficit-to-GDP limit and only 2 have budgets that were in a surplus situation in 2011. These nations are mainly the smaller economies of the EU27 including many former Iron Curtain countries and those in Scandinavia.
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Message 1707093 - Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 20:24:19 UTC - in response to Message 1706844.  

Thanks for pointing out these threads Sirius. Looks like you've done a lot of hard work here over the years. I'll probably binge-read all of 'em someday soon, when I have the chance.

Thanks, however, I only started the ball rolling, the contributions from others is what made these threads.

If you do start on them, start from Episode 1, you'll come across a post from Nick - people often mention hindsight, in this case, no, it was foresight. How was that achieved? Quite easily, look & learn, something those at the top have failed to do for decades.

I'm linking to Nick's post as it is awesome: - 1177196

& I'll quote something highly relevant today from it...

"President Charles de Gaulle used this worry as his reason for blocking the UK's entry into the Common Market back in the 60's. For he felt that if the UK came in then the Americans would gain influence through their close relationship with the UK. de Gaulle was no fool, so he possibly had genuine reasons in fearing American over-influence in a new post war developing Europe. But this fear could also have been a fundamental mistake on his part. For he stated that, upon the Common Market being formed, "We must not let this formation lead us into building a European State for to do this will lead to eventual failure."
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Message 1707157 - Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 22:29:24 UTC - in response to Message 1707093.  

Fantastic post! Nick sure knows his stuff :)

I sure hope he's wrong about the hyperinflation part. It would be ironic too because that's exactly what Germany fears most. It's their worst nightmare. But they DO want a cheap Euro and, coincidently, that's exactly what we have. If there's only 1 reason why Germany is staying in the EZ... well that's it.

My biggest problem these past few weeks is this realization:

But even after two world wars we still give power
hungry, wealthy hungry individuals the freedom to gain positions of influence
far in excess of that which they should be entitled to.

I had no idea. It's embarrassing to admit, but I honestly hadn't a clue. I thought this cliché was reserved for the US and that "Europe" was somehow wiser... Instead it appears to be far, far worse than anything the US has ever been accused of. And boy, do I feel like a fool :( That's what I get for not following politics I suppose.

And that's not even the worst part. It appears the whole continent has forgotten what the word "democratic" means. Hopefully it's just still in denial and will wake up to the fact sooner rather than later. I'm not holding my breath though.

What a mess.
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Message 1707159 - Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 22:50:08 UTC - in response to Message 1707157.  

What a mess.

& it's only going to get much worse :-(
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1707162 - Posted: 31 Jul 2015, 22:59:55 UTC - in response to Message 1707159.  

What a mess.

& it's only going to get much worse :-(

I realize that too more and more every day :(
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Message 1709322 - Posted: 6 Aug 2015, 16:50:38 UTC

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Message 1711412 - Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 13:07:33 UTC

hmm, it seems those renegotiations Del-boy that you want to enable the UK to stay in the EU, so you can slide out of that referendum hole you created, is not going too well.
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Message 1716486 - Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 15:03:42 UTC

Hmmm, for a while there, thought the flames were flickering badly...

End of Open Borders in sight?

... but they're burning brightly :-)
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Profile shizaru
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Message 1717985 - Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 1:23:11 UTC

'Mandate to renegotiate'

Mr Osborne is expected to say: "This government has been given a very clear mandate to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the rest of the EU and to reform the EU so it works for all its citizens.

"We are determined to deliver a new settlement for Europe that works for everyone within it.



Aaaahaha! I truly hope he honestly believes every single word of that.

Mandates go down just swimmingly these days! The more sense the actual mandate makes... the worse it is for said country's future :)

Now we get to see if it's just Greece that's Germany's only whipping boy or if maybe any/every single other EU country can turn into one too :D
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Message 1718093 - Posted: 25 Aug 2015, 9:51:11 UTC - in response to Message 1717985.  

'Mandate to renegotiate'

Mr Osborne is expected to say: "This government has been given a very clear mandate to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the rest of the EU and to reform the EU so it works for all its citizens.

"We are determined to deliver a new settlement for Europe that works for everyone within it.



Aaaahaha! I truly hope he honestly believes every single word of that.

Mandates go down just swimmingly these days! The more sense the actual mandate makes... the worse it is for said country's future :)

Now we get to see if it's just Greece that's Germany's only whipping boy or if maybe any/every single other EU country can turn into one too :D

The UK's plans to renegotiate its relationship with the EU will benefit other nations, Chancellor George Osborne is to tell European leaders.
Mr Osborne is visiting Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen on Monday to build support for the UK's demands:)

Sounds great.
I had an idea that the Nordic countries, Britain, the Baltic states and Ireland should make an "union". The Northern Europe Union. The NEU:)
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Message 1728475 - Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 10:54:53 UTC

Ooooh, tell me that I'm seeing things :-)

Deep divisions within the EU exposed

I believe someone on these threads stated it couldn't happen, & that the OP was talking out the wrong end...hmmm...

"The crisis has also sparked a warning from the European Commission that if it is not addressed properly there could be a surge of right-wing extremism across Europe."

...so I take it that the European Commission are also talking out of the wrong end :-)
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Message 1730742 - Posted: 1 Oct 2015, 19:40:31 UTC

Oh boy, that touch paper will soon be reaching the gunpowder :-)

Evicted from her apartment to make way for a refugee

Well done Angela!
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Message 1730819 - Posted: 1 Oct 2015, 20:59:35 UTC - in response to Message 1650940.  

It's his favourite word of the year Janne, which is why he earned his own Sirius & Nick show.

Unfortunately his partner in crime jumped ship.

No I haven't !! I've been bussy below decks getting all the gunpowder together ready for the Battle of Brussels.
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Message 1730826 - Posted: 1 Oct 2015, 21:05:45 UTC - in response to Message 1730742.  

Oh boy, that touch paper will soon be reaching the gunpowder :-)

Evicted from her apartment to make way for a refugee

Well done Angela!

She's done enough to earn herself a Commissioners job in Brussels when she finally bows out from German politics. I said as much on the Daily Mail news web site but as usual the Daily mail would not post it. As we know Serius the Daily Mail sensors a lot of anti-EU postings on their site and someone somewhere
is paying up for this...any idea???
The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1730836 - Posted: 1 Oct 2015, 21:17:42 UTC - in response to Message 1730826.  

Yeah but I can't post it here for the very same reason :-)
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Profile janneseti

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Message 1730838 - Posted: 1 Oct 2015, 21:19:44 UTC - in response to Message 1730819.  
Last modified: 1 Oct 2015, 21:38:22 UTC

It's his favourite word of the year Janne, which is why he earned his own Sirius & Nick show.

Unfortunately his partner in crime jumped ship.

No I haven't !! I've been bussy below decks getting all the gunpowder together ready for the Battle of Brussels.

Janne? But thats me:)
I'm also below decks getting all the gunpowder together ready for the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.
European National Anthem

In German.
Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was die Mode streng geteilt,
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
eines Freundes Freund zu sein
wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja--wer auch nur eine Seele
sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
weinend sich aus diesem Bund!
Freude heißt die starke Feder
in der ewigen Natur.
Freude, Freude treibt die Räder
in der großen Weltenuhr.
Blumen lockt sie aus den Keimen,
Sonnen aus dem Firmament,
Sphären rollt sie in den Räumen,
die des Sehers Rohr nicht kennt.

I wonder what happened to.
Alle Menschen werden Brüder.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1741641 - Posted: 12 Nov 2015, 23:45:52 UTC

Is that it?

Border checks introduced

The problem when ONE person rules for too long

"One usually loyal German politician told me her decision to open Germany's borders to all refugees from Sudan and Syria was "madness".

Her decision whether to go for another five years as chancellor will almost certainly be dictated by the outcome of this crisis.

How she continues to manage it may also determine how history sees her, and what becomes of the European Union and Europe as a whole."

Merkel has lit the touchpaper & unfortunately it is of a substance that CANNOT be put out.
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Message 1742349 - Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 20:55:04 UTC

Funny thing individual thought. Hmmm, how do they crop up in the mind? Less than 24 hours of posting this: - "How she continues to manage it may also determine how history sees her, and what becomes of the European Union and Europe as a whole.

Merkel has lit the touchpaper & unfortunately it is of a substance that CANNOT be put out.", we get Paris.

Now it seems the EU is showing it's true colours...

Israeli Fury

... "“It is puzzling and even irritating that the EU chooses to apply a double standard concerning Israel, while ignoring that there are over 200 other territorial disputes worldwide, including those occurring within the EU or on its doorstep,” it said."...

...shades of 1933!

Even more insulting was the date of release!
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Message 1742360 - Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 21:39:52 UTC - in response to Message 1742349.  

Funny thing individual thought. Hmmm, how do they crop up in the mind? Less than 24 hours of posting this: - "How she continues to manage it may also determine how history sees her, and what becomes of the European Union and Europe as a whole.

Merkel has lit the touchpaper & unfortunately it is of a substance that CANNOT be put out.", we get Paris.

Now it seems the EU is showing it's true colours...

Israeli Fury

... "“It is puzzling and even irritating that the EU chooses to apply a double standard concerning Israel, while ignoring that there are over 200 other territorial disputes worldwide, including those occurring within the EU or on its doorstep,” it said."...

...shades of 1933!

Even more insulting was the date of release!

As I sit here having to drink "sparkling wine" and not champagne and eat "blue cheese" not Roquefort I don't find this any different than any other European thought process. Divide and hate or is that xenophobia and racism?
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