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What does loss of net neutrality mean for volunteer computing?
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Libra Send message Joined: 7 Oct 05 Posts: 1 Credit: 10,126,045 RAC: 52 ![]() ![]() |
Affects, happening, are no borders. |
James Send message Joined: 1 Mar 12 Posts: 11 Credit: 952,284 RAC: 0 ![]() |
We need to remind the President, and other agencies, that internet was meant to exist as a world wide web. We need to see it through, as Americans. It wasn't put there for the sake of privacy, it was put there for the sake of real evidence, encrypted communications from anywhere on the planet, and a hide plain sight tool. We don't care about allot, until somebody dies, gets killed, or there's something real that effects someone. It's a tool but, it works just as well for the enemy as it does for us, and if they care about their people, then it works the way it was suppose too. Yea, for America, the UN, NATO, and plenty of the other places. It turned into a trade monster that really helps trade all over the world. The big wigs, want to buy and sell people, people that they don't own and are just customers. Well, in many businesses the customer is always right. A human rights safety net, is not something you can dam up, control, or manipulate without being a country. China, yea, Big Business no. We're not here to allow them to buy us with advertising their chosen ones, and manchurians. We're here shopping, looking for the best man or woman for the job, not the one that keeps somebody's hand up their A$$, and doesn't say anything personally. This is where science, and even NSA, needs to stand up, and tell the world, this works for everybody, not just us. Bowden, is a dufus and the obvious, wasn't obvious enough. Big business, we're customers, not slaves or property, you can't buy or sell us, slavery, under any terms, even if it's the flow of information, cannot be used to enslave us or our opinions, cannot be used to define or deny our entertainment, slavery, is illegal, and we cannot be bought or sold. If you manipulate information, you can manipulate our opinion, and we refuse to be owned bought or sold. We have rights as customers, and you don't have rights to limit the freedom of speech for the sake or control of your customers. You shouldn't have control of information in a manner that could pick or choose the next president by limiting air time, controlling who sees what, nor should you be controlling or limiting air time given to commercials to or for bills to law by either ad campaign or emailed petitions, you have no right to control what people to say to each other or pay to say to everyone, or group together to be heard by everyone. A democratic society, agrees to disagree and wait until the majority decides, not a business, and we need to stand up and deny them the control of the flow information so we have as much access to the quacks as we do the facts. What if you don't share the same political opinion as one of the big companies? Do you really want them biasing the information you rely on to make decisions? Sure, some of these companies are so big, they are as big as countries during WWI and WWII. Are we going to try to guess at which communications company is full of NAZIs? I know that was excessive but, there is a point in it. There's been class wars, and that's bad for the economy. It's like assuming that the college degree should only go to the wealthy families but, in reality, if we want what's best for us all, we level the playing field, and make sure we're seeking out the best man or woman for whatever a higher education would require. We won't learn or grow faster any other way, and social elitizm isn't a solution but a problem. If only the rich could go to the library, how much harder would it be for the literate beggar to become an intellectual, poet, mathematician, discover or explorer. Why would a rich lazy kid, want to explore anything? Wouldn't somebody more interested in just looking be more ideal? I almost laugh because, so many scientists look at gravity and don't know what it is, can figure it out. If you discover, you accept, it is what it is. If label things, you're trying to find a particle that doesn't exist, like the bose higgs particle. One group of people claim, every field has a particle. How does curved space, represent a field? There's Lenz Law, and the higher the concentration of energy, the faster time progresses, and the proof is in radioactive isotopes. The half grow shorter as energy levels go up. It's not allot different carbon 14, or isotope dating. So, I did this, every atom, is a higher concentration of energy than empty space. So, a satellite, is travelling in a straight line in space. Yea, it orbits the Earth but, the satellite is travelling in a straight line in curved space. Let's look at a 3D grid of cubes, and just lines to make boxes. I compress one box, and the lines at the corners of adjacent boxes, stay connect to the corners. If I keep compressing boxes, which are just space, and the amount stored in that space, eventually, I get gravity. It's just a straight line. It does follow the inverse square law, like a field but, it's curved space. If there's a limit to how strong or intense a field can be, maybe that's defined by how curved space can be. So, the energy density level connects allot of things, like entropy and time but, it's literally the rate time is passing from the present to the future and when there's a difference, space is compressed. Where space is compressed, time passes at a higher rate. The satellite is travelling in a straight line through space. Keep compressing more boxes, and keep all adjacent lines links, and you'll wind up with a sphere by compressing them as you would have to, to account for the atoms of a planet. Discover gravity, and you accept it for what it is. Einstein is right, Lenz Law is right and so is the light cone but, those can both be expressed in entropy, and a long list of other equations that are all old school knowledge. The belief in God, is not much different than believing that there's an ALU, Arithmetic Logic Unit, in control of the Table of Elements. Space, in vacuum tubes, has been utilized to Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, and space, does preform mathematical functions. Sure, there's a permeability and permittivity of 1 but, that is a mathematical operator, and has been biased to function when and where we could see it or use in vacuum tube theory. So, what if there's two functions out of place, divide by zero, a matter anti-matter reaction, and pi? Let's do this, build a ticker tape device to print the decimal. The tape keeps getting fed to the machine, and eventually the ball of tape achieves it's own gravity. It keeps drawing in objects from all directions in space, and the ball of matter, keeps getting rounder and smoother, and larger. It could get more perfect and start loosing dimension in this universe. But, then the more matter you throw onto it, instead of getting bigger, it get's smaller, to move into the other unused dimensions of the Universe. How can you tell? There's more going into the pile, and it's not getting farther away, it's appears to get smaller. Ask yourself, who or what is rubber stamping the table of elements? What governs which elements will work in a chemical equation? It's just as complicated and mysterious as gravity. Not when you talk about fission and fusion results but, when you look at how a star explodes. The pressures are not all equal, you can land exactly on this point or that point of a number line for pressure, how can elements be so exactly defined and chemically reliable? Oh, some would say they are not, and explain isotopes and half lives but, that's not a true divergence but, a sign of imbalance and perturbation. Doesn't explain the non fissile elements, nor their quantities. We just accept them as they are and shouldn't think of gravity any other way. We understand the Universe, only if we accept it for what it is. We make more sense of it, accepting it. But, there are many points along the way we could make a great mystery of something simple and impossible to explain, and in reality, the table of elements, fissile and non fissile are just as hard to explain as gravity because, they only land on exact specific values. Observed results, no different than the neuron and neural computing networks. We take our observations and write software to duplicate them, and we write a program that learns. We look at the human brain, and what? Guess at where memories are stored? Well, that's the dendrites. |
![]() Send message Joined: 23 Mar 02 Posts: 1 Credit: 1,188,306 RAC: 0 ![]() |
it's all about the Benjamins |
MIKE Send message Joined: 22 Sep 12 Posts: 1 Credit: 2,060,349 RAC: 3 ![]() |
Unfortunately, it's all about money. If culture, science, philosophy, all those things that make up humanity don't produce "wealth" it does not happen. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Dec 99 Posts: 32 Credit: 25,877,576 RAC: 0 ![]() |
This political message thread appears to be triggering a 'notice' in BOINC every time someone posts to it. Can we get that fixed? Who is the Administrator here? How can this be stopped? Thanks, Jeff |
rob smith ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 03 Posts: 22666 Credit: 416,307,556 RAC: 380 ![]() ![]() |
Make sure you haven't "subscribed" to the thread - at the top of the thread there is a subscribe/unsubscribe button which should say "subscribe" if yo aren't subscribed. Bob Smith Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society) Somewhere in the (un)known Universe? |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Dec 99 Posts: 32 Credit: 25,877,576 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I'm not subscribed to anything on this site. And I've rarely posted anything on this site. The repeated 'notices' are coming up in BOINC when it is attached to the Seti@Home Project. You click on the link in the 'notice', in BOINC, and it takes you to a political post in a forum thread started by a "Eric Korpela". You click on the blog entry link in his initial post and it takes you here. For years, the only notices ever pushed out through BOINC were about service outages and new versions. Now, all of a sudden, a 'notice' is being continually repeated regarding this political discussion. It would be nice if I could get the attention of an administrator or moderator to look into this and get it stopped. Thanks, Jeff |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 26 May 99 Posts: 9958 Credit: 103,452,613 RAC: 328 ![]() ![]() |
If you read Eric Korpela's post in the news section he states there is a bug in the forum software that causes this. This requires intervention by David Anderson. As he is the Project Administrator he is obviously aware of this. I am afraid that only being a moderator Dr Kopela is as high as I can go. If you click on the link in the Boinc Manager it takes you to the News thread entry not this one, so there is something wrong with the software. Obviously just locking the thread has not stopped it. No sure what the next step is. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Dec 99 Posts: 32 Credit: 25,877,576 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully someone will fix this. Jeff |
Rey Mennitto ![]() Send message Joined: 12 Nov 99 Posts: 20 Credit: 32,364,764 RAC: 23 ![]() ![]() |
Net neutrality should be absolute. I think of it as an extension to the human psyche. To deliberately throttle specific input can lead to nothing but absolute prejudice and control. But, correct me if I'm wrong but I suspect that companies like Netflix pay a premium for their access to the Internet so that they can meet their service level agreements and keep their customers satisfied. Isn't the premium they pay for high speed access to the Internet the pound of flesh that the ISP require? How much is enough? Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary proof. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 28 Oct 09 Posts: 34060 Credit: 18,883,157 RAC: 18 ![]() ![]() |
![]() Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 108 Credit: 10,843,395 RAC: 39 ![]() ![]() |
Whilst this does not bode well, especially for those based in the US, it will not survive. The big companies of this planet such as Ebay, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple etc etc, those who know and understand the technology and the implications of such retarted actions will surely have a voice regarding this and as this would seriously impede their business models I cannot see this happening. The loss of revenue to the tax collectors alone would be suffiocient for the Government to stop this I would imagine. However if the retards in US business do succeed I do not think the rest of the world would actually care, many of the big players who host in the US would likely relocate operations outside of the US borders where net neutrality still existed for the rest of the planet and the world would go on regardless of the US. It would do serious and significant damage to the US in terms of finance, credibility (international) and could actually cause serious issues within the US as those now used to freedom of the internet cause serious social unrest in protest. Eric, S@H could always move the servers to the UK where we have Net Neutrality and will always have it..I am sure UCL, Cambridge or Oxford would be happy to host such talent as is currently involved in the project.. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 3 Jun 99 Posts: 4 Credit: 4,503,225 RAC: 6 ![]() |
I second that sentiment. Thank you. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 15 May 99 Posts: 3828 Credit: 1,114,826,392 RAC: 3,319 ![]() ![]() |
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler: This Is How We Will Ensure Net Neutrality The important bit: That is why I am proposing that the FCC use its Title II authority to implement and enforce open internet protections. Yay! :^) ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 24 Nov 06 Posts: 7489 Credit: 91,093,184 RAC: 0 ![]() |
My peanut gallery prediction is that should the US follow through with retitling major ISPs under Title 2, and enforce at least some proportion of the requirements, bringing connectivity at least to the level of Estonia, that a new age for humanity will begin, dwarfing the renaissance and dot-com bubble. "Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 15 May 99 Posts: 3828 Credit: 1,114,826,392 RAC: 3,319 ![]() ![]() |
The peanut gallery is affirmed... F.C.C. Net Neutrality Rules Clear Hurdle and net neutrality is on its way to being enforced by the F.C.C. Senior Republicans conceded on Tuesday that the grueling fight with President Obama over the regulation of Internet service appears over, with the president and an army of Internet activists victorious. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 24 Nov 06 Posts: 7489 Credit: 91,093,184 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Now I wonder if that means US taxpayers will also get the (never rolled out) internet infrastructure upgrades they already paid for since 1996. "Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Dec 00 Posts: 31124 Credit: 53,134,872 RAC: 32 ![]() ![]() |
Now I wonder if that means US taxpayers will also get the (never rolled out) internet infrastructure upgrades they already paid for since 1996. Unfortunately I think that money went to pay bonuses for the CEO's for stealing it from the taxpayer. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 24 Nov 06 Posts: 7489 Credit: 91,093,184 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Now I wonder if that means US taxpayers will also get the (never rolled out) internet infrastructure upgrades they already paid for since 1996. Ah yes, a Bonus-worthy endeavour. "Living by the wisdom of computer science doesn't sound so bad after all. And unlike most advice, it's backed up by proofs." -- Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions. |
kittyman ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 00 Posts: 51507 Credit: 1,018,363,574 RAC: 1,004 ![]() ![]() |
And the FCC has passed the legislation. Now, to await the impending lawsuits about it's legality from the service providers............................. "Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once." ![]() |
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