Win 8.1 Issues and Questions.

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1509651 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 20:31:14 UTC - in response to Message 1509478. will look something like this.

... now that is a lot better than the block graphics of 30 years ago :-)
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1509657 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 20:39:37 UTC - in response to Message 1509651. will look something like this.

... now that is a lot better than the block graphics of 30 years ago :-)

:-D Yeah, notice that the typical double-wide pane of the Start Menu will include the new "tiles" seen on the Start Screen. I'm OK with this change. My biggest problem with the Start Screen was how intrusive it is while working, and how using up the whole screen to find applications adds nothing to the user experience.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1509891 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 10:31:16 UTC - in response to Message 1509657. will look something like this.

... now that is a lot better than the block graphics of 30 years ago :-)

:-D Yeah, notice that the typical double-wide pane of the Start Menu will include the new "tiles" seen on the Start Screen. I'm OK with this change. My biggest problem with the Start Screen was how intrusive it is while working, and how using up the whole screen to find applications adds nothing to the user experience.

Greetings OzzFan,

Is it my imagination or has Microsoft gone 1 dimensional? I'm kinda partial to the rounded corners and 2/(3) dimensional look of Win 7. And what's with that crappy looking Start Menu button? I believe I'll stick with Win 7 until I am forced to have to upgrade or just move on to Linux altogether. The looks kinda reminds me of what Win 3.1 looked like; flat and 1 dimensional. They should not have changed Windows, they should just have improved Win 7 and come out with a version just for phones, tablets and 'fingers on' PCs. After all, they do have multiple versions of some of their software like Internet Explorer.

Thanks for the look into Win 8.1. I'll have to think long and hard about whether or not to move on to it. :)

Have a great day! :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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Ulrich Metzner
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Message 1509894 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 10:54:59 UTC

If you like the look of Win7 simply install classic shell from
They also have alternative start buttons (like mine) in their forums.
This is how my desktop/start menu looks like:

No need to see the "Modern UI" at anytime.
Aloha, Uli

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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1509907 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 11:44:21 UTC

Classic Shell has lots more settings including a classic look and feel for Internet Explorer. I use a 2 column start menu.

I'm getting timeouts on various websites with this version of IE. I tried putting this site on compatibility mode, but no improvement. Maybe it is my internet connection or something else at my end.
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1509908 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 11:49:43 UTC - in response to Message 1509891.  
Last modified: 29 Apr 2014, 11:49:51 UTC

Is it my imagination or has Microsoft gone 1 dimensional? I'm kinda partial to the rounded corners and 2/(3) dimensional look of Win 7.

Hi Siran,

It seems the entire industry believes that OS themes and icons should change every 10 years. Both Apple's iOS for their iPhone had their icons flattened out, as well as Linux's Ubuntu distribution decided to do something similar to Windows 8's interface. Apparently flat is "in".

You know, going through memory lane, when Windows XP first came out, everyone decried it as the Teletubbie interface due to it's colorfulness, yet everyone talks of Windows XP fondly as a solid OS. Windows Vista and 7 come along with some new fancy effects called Aero, which uses transparency effects of the DirectX 9, and everyone decried that it would bloated and it was going to drag down performance, yet everyone is starting to really like Windows 7.

As far as 8's interface goes: It's growing on me. I'll admit that at first I was upset because I really liked the transparency effects of Vista and 7, and the rounded edges just seemed to give it a polish. But now that I've been using Windows 8.1 for the better part of a year, I can say that the flat interface is forgivable in place of the snappiness of the OS, the ability to load .ISO images as a drive natively, the ability to pause file transfers, and the new Task Manager are all additions that a techie like me enjoys having.

But hey, to each their own, right? I don't blame you for not liking it. I didn't like it either at first. ;-) At least Windows 7 is a new, solid OS, so you can't go wrong there.
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1509910 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 11:51:20 UTC - in response to Message 1509907.  

I'm getting timeouts on various websites with this version of IE. I tried putting this site on compatibility mode, but no improvement. Maybe it is my internet connection or something else at my end.

Is it all websites, random websites, or just a few/one specific website?
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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1509919 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 12:52:58 UTC

I'm getting timeouts on various websites with this version of IE. I tried putting this site on compatibility mode, but no improvement. Maybe it is my internet connection or something else at my end.

Is it all websites, random websites, or just a few/one specific website?

Has happened here, EfMer, and Newegg today. Think there were more. I haven't spent much time elsewhere.
Another Fred
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1510047 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 21:49:09 UTC - in response to Message 1509919.  

I'm getting timeouts on various websites with this version of IE. I tried putting this site on compatibility mode, but no improvement. Maybe it is my internet connection or something else at my end.

Is it all websites, random websites, or just a few/one specific website?

Has happened here, EfMer, and Newegg today. Think there were more. I haven't spent much time elsewhere.

Greetings Fred,

This is starting to sound similar to an issue I am having with my Gmail in Firefox. When loading an e-mail done in HTML an error message will occasionally pop up about a script perhaps hanging and occasionally causing Firefox to crash. I was dealing with a Google support tech and we found that Mozilla said to go into the setup and extend the timeout for scripts. Please have patience, I'm working from my memory here and don't remember the exact specifics. I made the change and it seemed to help just a little. Firefox does not crash quite as much.

Perhaps there is a setting similar in IE that would extend the timeout. That would give web pages a little longer to load.

Have a great day! :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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ID: 1510047 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1510050 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 21:53:05 UTC - in response to Message 1509908.  

Is it my imagination or has Microsoft gone 1 dimensional? I'm kinda partial to the rounded corners and 2/(3) dimensional look of Win 7.

Hi Siran,

It seems the entire industry believes that OS themes and icons should change every 10 years. Both Apple's iOS for their iPhone had their icons flattened out, as well as Linux's Ubuntu distribution decided to do something similar to Windows 8's interface. Apparently flat is "in".

You know, going through memory lane, when Windows XP first came out, everyone decried it as the Teletubbie interface due to it's colorfulness, yet everyone talks of Windows XP fondly as a solid OS. Windows Vista and 7 come along with some new fancy effects called Aero, which uses transparency effects of the DirectX 9, and everyone decried that it would bloated and it was going to drag down performance, yet everyone is starting to really like Windows 7.

As far as 8's interface goes: It's growing on me. I'll admit that at first I was upset because I really liked the transparency effects of Vista and 7, and the rounded edges just seemed to give it a polish. But now that I've been using Windows 8.1 for the better part of a year, I can say that the flat interface is forgivable in place of the snappiness of the OS, the ability to load .ISO images as a drive natively, the ability to pause file transfers, and the new Task Manager are all additions that a techie like me enjoys having.

But hey, to each their own, right? I don't blame you for not liking it. I didn't like it either at first. ;-) At least Windows 7 is a new, solid OS, so you can't go wrong there.

Greetings OzzFan,

I saw an image here of the "Classic Shell" version of the start menu. That may be a way to go about getting into Win8.1. Thanks. I'm glad I wasn't alone in how I thought Win8 looks. :)

Have a great day! :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1510563 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 1:58:53 UTC

This is starting to sound similar to an issue I am having with my Gmail in Firefox. When loading an e-mail done in HTML an error message will occasionally pop up about a script perhaps hanging and occasionally causing Firefox to crash. I was dealing with a Google support tech and we found that Mozilla said to go into the setup and extend the timeout for scripts. Please have patience, I'm working from my memory here and don't remember the exact specifics. I made the change and it seemed to help just a little. Firefox does not crash quite as much.

Perhaps there is a setting similar in IE that would extend the timeout. That would give web pages a little longer to load.

Thanks, Siran, I have been unable to find a comparable setting in IE11. The problem continues, so I test drove Chrome yesterday. Didn't like it and found no easy to change the settings and ran out of patience, so I'm back to IE11.

The adventure continues:
1. Can't install GoodShop or GoodSearch because it thinks I'm using Mozilla, which they don't support. To report the problem, they want me to use Microsoft mail and I've made another blunder and lost the file with my Microsoft password. Will try again to get the password reset, but I've got some other things that are more pressing.

2. After some Windows updates yesterday, Windows blocks File Manager from loading with this message:

"Runtime Error!

Program: C\Windows\File Manager\FileManager.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information." :<)

Have run Windows Update twice a day to see if there's a fix.

3. Had a problem with BoincTasks 1.58 and BOINC 7.2.42x64. I found a counter-intuitive workaround so I don't have to look at BOINC and Fred traced the problem to a change in 7.2.42. He put a fix in the next release.

4.The new computer number at SETI resulted in very high time estimates. The PU v7 tasks are now almost right, but the cpu estimates are still high. All my CPU tasks are running in high priority mode, and I can't get many AP CPU tasks with a 10 day cache setting. Have worked through all but two of the CPU shorties, so when it starts the others they have longer deadlines, so it may drop out of High Priority mode. The AP CPU time estimates are very high so I can't get more of them.

5. Spent a lot of time today getting rid of malware. I think it loaded when I installed 7zip. It downloaded a lot of junk with the installer regardless of my saying no to everything it wanted to download. It switched my default search setting to something called conduit despite my setting in Windows to block programs from changing the search provider. It installed something called search provider which changed the setting back to Conduit when I changed it to Yahoo or Google. I deleted everything I could find and flushed the recycle bin. McAfee didn't find any more but Malware bytes found 18 more under obscure names. Uninstalled 7zip just in case. It was always okay before I had to get the latest version. Will find another zip program tomorrow, then catch up on other chores.
Another Fred
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Profile BilBg
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Message 1510577 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 3:26:31 UTC - in response to Message 1510563.  
Last modified: 1 May 2014, 3:37:47 UTC

5. Spent a lot of time today getting rid of malware. I think it loaded when I installed 7zip

7-Zip itself is a clean program/installer, you just used bad installer.

I have my clean copy since 22.12.2012 and you can get it here (Uploaded by me):

Antivirus scan of my copy of 7z920.exe :

If you use this link you will get absolutely the same file (I checked just now)

Warning: Never get anything from CNET ( !


- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1510579 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 3:37:48 UTC

I have not had any problem with the 7-zip installer either. I always grab it from if I don't have it locally.
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1510681 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 9:10:06 UTC

I think it is a shame that CNET is now bundling ALL their programs with Malware, making people think that good and useful programs like 7-zip are the culprit.

As has already been said here but bares repeating NEVER download anything from CNET don't even bother following the link!!
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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1510709 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 11:17:52 UTC

I think you're right about CNET. I think I took the first search hit from a site name I recognized. Won't do that again and I'm inclined to block that site. Think I commented recently about how disappointed I was when I went to their site. I used to use it a lot but have not used it much in recent years. It has real1y deteriorated. I'll pickup 7-Zip from one of the suggested sites later today.
Another Fred
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1510943 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 21:00:22 UTC - in response to Message 1510709.  

I think you're right about CNET. I think I took the first search hit from a site name I recognized. Won't do that again and I'm inclined to block that site. Think I commented recently about how disappointed I was when I went to their site. I used to use it a lot but have not used it much in recent years. It has real1y deteriorated. I'll pickup 7-Zip from one of the suggested sites later today.

I generally go with the site from the people that make the software or So far old apps has not been doing any weird stuff to download packages & they are good for when you need an older version of something for some reason.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1511190 - Posted: 2 May 2014, 9:38:07 UTC - in response to Message 1510563.  
Last modified: 2 May 2014, 9:48:47 UTC

This is starting to sound similar to an issue I am having with my Gmail in Firefox. When loading an e-mail done in HTML an error message will occasionally pop up about a script perhaps hanging and occasionally causing Firefox to crash. I was dealing with a Google support tech and we found that Mozilla said to go into the setup and extend the timeout for scripts. Please have patience, I'm working from my memory here and don't remember the exact specifics. I made the change and it seemed to help just a little. Firefox does not crash quite as much.

Perhaps there is a setting similar in IE that would extend the timeout. That would give web pages a little longer to load.

Thanks, Siran, I have been unable to find a comparable setting in IE11. The problem continues, so I test drove Chrome yesterday. Didn't like it and found no easy to change the settings and ran out of patience, so I'm back to IE11.

-[ snip ]-

Greetings Fred,

Perhaps "setup" was the wrong term to use. I found the tech email that had a link to Mozilla with the instructions. Now I know that IE is not Firefox, but perhaps Microsoft has built something similar into IE. This is what I did:

1.) Type about:config in the location bar and press enter. This brings up the long configuration page.
2.) Search for dom.max_script_run_time. Remember, this is for Firefox, if IE has the config page the name may be different.
3.) Changer the integer value to 20.

I don't use IE except to make sure my websites work in it; same with other browsers. And Chrome? Yeah, I hate that browser with a passion. ;) I have been using Firefox exclusively since the beginning. Perhaps IE has something similar to what I described above. Other IE users may know more about it.

I would try to find out if Microsoft has something like the above in IE before using the above willy nilly. PLEASE, do not just follow the above in IE first. I hope this sets you onto a path that will fix the problem. :)

[edit]I forgot you were having a timeout on web page loading. look for something related to that in place of the preference name I put in step 2.[/edit]

Have a great day! :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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