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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1508824 - Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 14:16:44 UTC

Thanks, Ageless.

Here's plan B: I've spent way too much time on this and so has the community, and I have some pressing matters to handle. I think the disk is defective. I also bought Win 7 for another family member's computer. It is unopened and returnable, so I plan to exchange it for another 8.1. If that disk is ok, I'll either work with Microsoft for a replacement/download or buy another next month when I get that computer ready.

Q - If the new disk works, can I install on the second computer and use the license key from this package? That's essentiallly what I'ed do with that ISO file. Have to go to the store anyway - I have another unopened item to return and want to buy that USB flash drive and some blank disks so I can learn more about them.
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Message 1508833 - Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 15:08:11 UTC - in response to Message 1508824.  

As far as I know, the key is not bound to the DVD you have, but can be used on any DVD/downloaded image file. It's not checked against the disc you use it on, but rather against a server at Microsoft.
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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1508892 - Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 18:29:16 UTC

Thanks, Ageless. I have made the exchange and will advise later today how it is going.
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Message 1509022 - Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 23:35:37 UTC
Last modified: 26 Apr 2014, 23:40:32 UTC

Thread Title change.

Installed Win 8.1 on first try, have loaded Classic Shell, Nvidia drivers and BOINC and attached to Seti. Opt apps come next. Then a lot of other apps.

Many thanks to all that helped me. Will probably have some questions with this goofy OS.
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Message 1509032 - Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 23:54:18 UTC - in response to Message 1509022.  

So it was a faulty install disc?

No wonder none of our ideas helped. Sometimes it's the simply things that trip us up.

BTW, Win8 is fine. With Classic Shell it looks the same as XP and Win7.

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Message 1509042 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 0:15:51 UTC

BTW, Win8 is fine. With Classic Shell it looks the same as XP and Win7.

Yep, I have 208 tasks in progress. Love it. I'm on No New tasks to work that down. That was before I merged the two computer numbers, and the count stayed the same.
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Message 1509081 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 3:31:51 UTC - in response to Message 1509022.  

Glad to hear you got it resolved. :-D
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1509154 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 9:38:09 UTC - in response to Message 1509032.  

So it was a faulty install disc?

No wonder none of our ideas helped. Sometimes it's the simply things that trip us up.

BTW, Win8 is fine. With Classic Shell it looks the same as XP and Win7.


Greetings Ian,

NOTICE: A bit off topic... :)

Way back when, when Win8 was still in Beta, we were at a Best Buy looking at it. The tech guy that was telling us about it told us that even though 8 had the "classic shell", it still did not act quite like XP or 7. Also, he said that there was no way in the Universe that MS was going to allow us to boot directly into the "classic shell". :(

This is just my opinion: That screen that 8 boots into is hideous. Because of that and because it did not act quite like it's predecessors nor allowed booting into classic is why I have/had no intentions of upgrading to 8. :(

My question now is: Has MS backed up and allowed booting directly to the classic shell and allowed us to do the things we now do in XP or 7? I seem to remember that in classic shell, only 1 application program could run at a time vs I run no less then 2 applications at a time in 7 now. :)

Thank you and have a great day! :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
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ID: 1509154 · Report as offensive
Profile Fred E.
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Message 1509178 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 13:23:23 UTC
Last modified: 27 Apr 2014, 13:26:41 UTC

NOTICE: A bit off topic... :)

Questions about Win 8.1 are okay - I have a lot of them, and others are welcome to add theirs. I'll change the thread title to reflect that.
My question now is: Has MS backed up and allowed booting directly to the classic shell and allowed us to do the things we now do in XP or 7? I seem to remember that in classic shell, only 1 application program could run at a time vs I run no less then 2 applications at a time in 7 now. :)

I think the current release fixes those issues.
Win 8.1 just booted into classic shell for me. Don't like having to use a password or pin for my id but don't see a way to avoid it. And I'm currently running Internet Explorer, BOINC, BoincTasks, TTrottle, MSI Afterburner, antivirus scan and no telling what Windows is running. And you can have more than one maximized.

I'm still exploring menus and tweaking settings to improve the appearance and usability. and it looks like that will go on for days.
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1509228 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 16:47:12 UTC

The previous refereed to "Classic Shell" is an applications you install not some mode of operation within Windows.
It does things such as return the start button & you can configure how it looks. From Windows 2000 to Windows 7 appearance.
After you log in you are also brought directly to the desktop instead of the Start Screen.
It also has several other features to return previous useful functions.

Several apps that return start button functionality came out after the release of Windows 8 & have been fairly popular.
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1509296 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 20:26:58 UTC - in response to Message 1509154.  

Way back when, when Win8 was still in Beta, we were at a Best Buy looking at it. The tech guy that was telling us about it told us that even though 8 had the "classic shell", it still did not act quite like XP or 7. Also, he said that there was no way in the Universe that MS was going to allow us to boot directly into the "classic shell". :(

Note that you're mixing up two different things here. There is a piece of software called "Classic Shell" which the purpose was to return the missing Start button that was remove in Windows 8; Windows 8 boots into the Start Screen by default, as opposed to booting to the Desktop (which is what you are referring to as "classic shell").

With Windows 8.1, booting to the Desktop is allowed now, and they have returned the Start button to the Desktop taskbar; however pressing the Start button still brings you to the Start Screen. Installing the third-party software called Classic Shell will bring back the old Start Menu (that doesn't take up the full screen).

A future update to Windows 8.1 will bring back the Start Menu.

My question now is: Has MS backed up and allowed booting directly to the classic shell and allowed us to do the things we now do in XP or 7?

Yes, you can boot to the Desktop as long as you are using Windows 8.1.

I seem to remember that in classic shell, only 1 application program could run at a time vs I run no less then 2 applications at a time in 7 now. :)

I'm a bit confused here. There is no application limitation that I'm aware of in either Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Windows has always been a multitasking OS whose purpose is to allow you to run as many applications as you have available resources.
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1509302 - Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 20:51:43 UTC - in response to Message 1509296.  

Way back when, when Win8 was still in Beta, we were at a Best Buy looking at it. The tech guy that was telling us about it told us that even though 8 had the "classic shell", it still did not act quite like XP or 7. Also, he said that there was no way in the Universe that MS was going to allow us to boot directly into the "classic shell". :(

Note that you're mixing up two different things here. There is a piece of software called "Classic Shell" which the purpose was to return the missing Start button that was remove in Windows 8; Windows 8 boots into the Start Screen by default, as opposed to booting to the Desktop (which is what you are referring to as "classic shell").

With Windows 8.1, booting to the Desktop is allowed now, and they have returned the Start button to the Desktop taskbar; however pressing the Start button still brings you to the Start Screen. Installing the third-party software called Classic Shell will bring back the old Start Menu (that doesn't take up the full screen).

A future update to Windows 8.1 will bring back the Start Menu.

My question now is: Has MS backed up and allowed booting directly to the classic shell and allowed us to do the things we now do in XP or 7?

Yes, you can boot to the Desktop as long as you are using Windows 8.1.

I seem to remember that in classic shell, only 1 application program could run at a time vs I run no less then 2 applications at a time in 7 now. :)

I'm a bit confused here. There is no application limitation that I'm aware of in either Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Windows has always been a multitasking OS whose purpose is to allow you to run as many applications as you have available resources.

Windows XP Starter & Windows 7 Starter editions have a limit of 3 apps open at a time, but otherwise I want confused as well.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1509464 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 9:58:52 UTC


This post addresses 3 replies:

@Fred E.
I think the current release fixes those issues.
Win 8.1 just booted into classic shell for me. Don't like having to use a password or pin for my id but don't see a way to avoid it. And I'm currently running Internet Explorer, BOINC, BoincTasks, TTrottle, MSI Afterburner, antivirus scan and no telling what Windows is running. And you can have more than one maximized.

This is good to know, thanks. :) As mentioned I do not like that "picture album" menu that Win8 boots into, I like list menus and most likely will always like them. :) Thanks again! :)

The previous refereed to "Classic Shell" is an applications you install not some mode of operation within Windows.

My bad. :( I did not know that. I assumed .oO(should refrain from doing that) that when switching to the desktop mode it loaded a "classic shell". Thanks for setting me straight. :)

Note that you're mixing up two different things here. There is a piece of software called "Classic Shell" which the purpose was to return the missing Start button that was remove in Windows 8; Windows 8 boots into the Start Screen by default, as opposed to booting to the Desktop (which is what you are referring to as "classic shell").

With Windows 8.1, booting to the Desktop is allowed now, and they have returned the Start button to the Desktop taskbar; however pressing the Start button still brings you to the Start Screen. Installing the third-party software called Classic Shell will bring back the old Start Menu (that doesn't take up the full screen).

A future update to Windows 8.1 will bring back the Start Menu.

Please note my response to Hal about the "classic shell". Looks like perhaps I won't be so put off about upgrading to Win8 when I have to or even want to. So, will Win8.2 bring back the start menu?

Remember the old PacMan table style arcade game? Win8 with that picture album menu would suit that type of computer layout, not a desktop layout as I have right now. I cannot see reaching forward and putting fingerprints all over my monitor just to do stuff with my applications. My Lenovo tablet is as close to that as I am going to get.

I'm a bit confused here. There is no application limitation that I'm aware of in either Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Windows has always been a multitasking OS whose purpose is to allow you to run as many applications as you have available resources.

I'm not sure where I came up with that either. At my age (62) the memory ain't what it used to be. It has been quite some time since we talked with that tech guy at Best Buy; before Win8's release to the wild. I may be confusing 2 or more different things, I don't know. Sorry for the confusion. :(

Have a great day, Gents! :)

Keep on BOINCing...! :)
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ID: 1509464 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1509478 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 11:53:18 UTC - in response to Message 1509464.  

Please note my response to Hal about the "classic shell". Looks like perhaps I won't be so put off about upgrading to Win8 when I have to or even want to.

I've been using Windows 8.1 since shortly after it's release and I have to say that I really like it. I, too, hate the Start Screen, so I've begun placing shortcuts on my Desktop so I can stay out of the Start Screen as much as possible. I agree with you and others that it was a very bad move by Microsoft to force everyone into this new interface that was clearly designed for tablets and phones, even if you weren't running on one. Back when Windows 8 was released and everyone was saying that Microsoft wasn't changing directions, I started seriously looking into Linux. Now that Microsoft has backed off and are changing their stance, I'm rather happy with the changes.

So, will Win8.2 bring back the start menu?

It will either be called Windows 8.2, Windows 8.1 Update 2, or possibly even Windows 9. Whatever the name, yes, they will be bringing back the Start Menu, and it will look something like this.

I'm not sure where I came up with that either. At my age (62) the memory ain't what it used to be. It has been quite some time since we talked with that tech guy at Best Buy; before Win8's release to the wild. I may be confusing 2 or more different things, I don't know. Sorry for the confusion. :(

No worries! ;-)
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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1509496 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 13:26:31 UTC
Last modified: 28 Apr 2014, 13:29:03 UTC

I've been using Windows 8.1 since shortly after it's release and I have to say that I really like it. I, too, hate the Start Screen, so I've begun placing shortcuts on my Desktop so I can stay out of the Start Screen as much as possible. I agree with you and others that it was a very bad move by Microsoft to force everyone into this new interface that was clearly designed for tablets and phones, even if you weren't running on one.

Certainly agree. The packaging bit about how to get started shows the touch screen method first and then the mouse method. I have yet to find out to add something to the start menu or desktop. I need to add MSI Afterburner to startup because I need to start it manually just after start up or my GPU will overheat without my custom fan curve. I can't even create a shortcut and miss the right click method. And I'm getting a lot of Internet Explorer "This page can't be displayed" messages and have to refresh. I just got one when I tried to preview this post and had to do it over again. Had that some with IE 8 but lowering my network speed to 10 MBS fixed that.
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Message 1509550 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 16:39:09 UTC

Okay, I found how to create shortcuts for the desktop and Start menu, but not for startup. Will work on that.
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Message 1509551 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 16:40:45 UTC - in response to Message 1509496.  

I have yet to find out to add something to the start menu or desktop. I need to add MSI Afterburner to startup because I need to start it manually just after start up or my GPU will overheat without my custom fan curve. I can't even create a shortcut and miss the right click method.

Just so we're talking about the same thing, did you add Classic Shell or Start 8 so that you have a Start Menu, or are you talking about adding/pinning things to the Start Screen?

Right-clicking still works on the Desktop.

And I'm getting a lot of Internet Explorer "This page can't be displayed" messages and have to refresh. I just got one when I tried to preview this post and had to do it over again. Had that some with IE 8 but lowering my network speed to 10 MBS fixed that.

Are you using the "Metro" (which Microsoft is officially calling the "Windows 8 New UI") Internet Explorer or the "Desktop" Internet Explorer? Because as if to make matters worse, Microsoft actually has two different versions (discounting the fact that 64bit Windows has both 64bit IE and 32bit IE as well), and a lot of people have issues with the Metro version of IE.

I only use the Desktop version of IE and I haven't had any "Page cannot be displayed" errors. I have had issues displaying graphics in web pages, but I have reason to believe that it is a compatibility issue with IE's GPU rendering and my graphics driver.
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Message 1509563 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 16:51:58 UTC - in response to Message 1509550.  

Okay, I found how to create shortcuts for the desktop and Start menu, but not for startup. Will work on that.

There are a couple ways to add items to startup:

Press the Start button and type "shell:startup" (without the quotes), and as soon as you start typing, the Search feature automatically comes into view in the Start Screen - this is the same Search feature previously found in Windows 7's Start Menu which makes it easy to launch applications simply by typing their name.

Once the Startup folder appears, you can simply right-click and create shortcuts to your startup items just like before.

Alternatively, you can edit the registry to have the startup items only launch for your account, or for all accounts that log into your computer. I'll provide instructions if this sounds like something you're interested in.
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Profile Fred E.
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Message 1509593 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 17:26:01 UTC

Thanks again, OzzFan.
Just so we're talking about the same thing, did you add Classic Shell or Start 8 so that you have a Start Menu, or are you talking about adding/pinning things to the Start Screen?

I'm using Classic shell. It was of the ones I downloaded in advance.

Are you using the "Metro" (which Microsoft is officially calling the "Windows 8 New UI") Internet Explorer or the "Desktop" Internet Explorer? Because as if to make matters worse, Microsoft actually has two different versions (discounting the fact that 64bit Windows has both 64bit IE and 32bit IE as well), and a lot of people have issues with the Metro version of IE.

Think I'm using 64 Bit IE, or at least I will be. I may have been inconsistent before I created the Desktop shortcut. The shortcut I created is for "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe". I'll check file associations.

There are a couple ways to add items to startup:

Press the Start button and type "shell:startup" (without the quotes), and as soon as you start typing, the Search feature automatically comes into view in the Start Screen - this is the same Search feature previously found in Windows 7's Start Menu which makes it easy to launch applications simply by typing their name.

Thanks, it worked and I have added the two items I neeed.
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ID: 1509593 · Report as offensive
OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1509650 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 20:28:08 UTC - in response to Message 1509593.  

Are you using the "Metro" (which Microsoft is officially calling the "Windows 8 New UI") Internet Explorer or the "Desktop" Internet Explorer? Because as if to make matters worse, Microsoft actually has two different versions (discounting the fact that 64bit Windows has both 64bit IE and 32bit IE as well), and a lot of people have issues with the Metro version of IE.

Think I'm using 64 Bit IE, or at least I will be. I may have been inconsistent before I created the Desktop shortcut. The shortcut I created is for "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe". I'll check file associations.

Yes, that's the correct path to 64bit IE. 32bit IE is found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe". So if you're using the desktop version of IE and getting "page cannot be displayed", something else is going on that is messing with your DNS lookups.
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