Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects: DENIAL (#2)

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Message 1484292 - Posted: 4 Mar 2014, 3:36:43 UTC - in response to Message 1484170.  
Last modified: 4 Mar 2014, 4:22:20 UTC

Have I just killed a thread? Or has everyone got something better to do? Please don't mind me...I occasionally come over all mischievous. :)

oh...and did we say we like humans too? Well we do :)
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Message 1484304 - Posted: 4 Mar 2014, 5:04:40 UTC - in response to Message 1484292.  

Have I just killed a thread? Or has everyone got something better to do? Please don't mind me...I occasionally come over all mischievous. :)

More likely most of your side of the world is asleep, or close to it. ;-)

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Message 1484310 - Posted: 4 Mar 2014, 5:47:10 UTC - in response to Message 1484304.  

Have I just killed a thread? Or has everyone got something better to do? Please don't mind me...I occasionally come over all mischievous. :)

More likely most of your side of the world is asleep, or close to it. ;-)


People sleep! When they could be here? :)
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Message 1484352 - Posted: 4 Mar 2014, 8:11:26 UTC

Lets hope that there are no virus in the melting permafrost that can cause problems for us.

30,000-year-old giant virus 'comes back to life'
An ancient virus has come back to life after lying dormant for at least 30,000 years, scientists say.

It was found frozen in a deep layer of the Siberian permafrost, but after it thawed it became infectious once again.

The French scientists say the contagion poses no danger to humans or animals, but other viruses could be unleashed as the ground becomes exposed.
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Message 1484625 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 1:10:48 UTC - in response to Message 1484357.  

People sleep! When they could be here? :)

When you've been round here long enough you will see that most of us fall asleep here through sheer boredom :-)

Well do please let me know if I'm ever a contributing factor in that. :)

For your convenience :- copy and paste the following B-O ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ B-]

Afraid I haven't had a chance to find anything for this hot topic today - but did discover a lot of dust whilst assessing my computer crash.
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Message 1484653 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 2:37:17 UTC - in response to Message 1484625.  

People sleep! When they could be here? :)

When you've been round here long enough you will see that most of us fall asleep here through sheer boredom :-)

Well do please let me know if I'm ever a contributing factor in that. :)

For your convenience :- copy and paste the following B-O ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ B-]

Afraid I haven't had a chance to find anything for this hot topic today - but did discover a lot of dust whilst assessing my computer crash.

But now I have :)

Rising energy prices are taking a chunk out of everyone's budget, and the economic effects have pushed "green" technology into the mainstream. To reduce our dependence on expensive, polluting fossil fuels, a lot of new energy sources are being explored. Wind energy, electric cars, hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel, ethanol -- the world of alternative energy can often seem strange and unpredictable. really work on a large scale, an alternate energy source has to meet certain criteria. It has to produce more net energy for less money than current technologies, it must be widely available in large quantities and it should produce minimal pollution.

Alternative fuel sources are critical to humanity's future -- that much should be clear to everyone by now. Scientists seem to be throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks, which may not be such a bad idea.

There are a couple of tangents to go off on there possibly - but you might feel like going off on some of the other things the site offers - like the top ten doomsday prophecies (and they DON'T relate to climate change - because there are REAL nutters out there)

...or the car that’s grown organically and emits pure oxygen and will probably never see the light of day.

And perhaps finish off with this one...

which sort of sums us up really. Environmental changes matter... whatever the cause.

Have fun - and please be nice to each other! (You don't have to be nice to me if you don't want to - we can see how long my signature lasts) :)

oh...and did we say we like humans too? Well we do :)
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Message 1484660 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 2:40:57 UTC - in response to Message 1484352.  

Lets hope that there are no virus in the melting permafrost that can cause problems for us.

30,000-year-old giant virus 'comes back to life'
An ancient virus has come back to life after lying dormant for at least 30,000 years, scientists say.

It was found frozen in a deep layer of the Siberian permafrost, but after it thawed it became infectious once again.

The French scientists say the contagion poses no danger to humans or animals, but other viruses could be unleashed as the ground becomes exposed.

Hi Winterknight - something to chew on. :) Thank you!
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Message 1484777 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 8:44:12 UTC - in response to Message 1484770.  

Well do please let me know if I'm ever a contributing factor in that. :)

Oh we will ;-)) Actually there are so many peeps around here wearing out their drums by banging on them, that I'm thinking up starting up a Percussion Instruments Company, I should make a few bob. I'm gonna call it Seti Overseas Precision Percussion (Yellowstone) Inc. If it ever takes off it should go with a bang :-)

Sorry it's not Yellowstone, it's Stonehenge. Stonehenge is like a sacred 'prehistoric glockenspiel', researchers claim
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Message 1484812 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 12:06:00 UTC

Dire predictions in the Guardian.

Sydney Opera House and Statue of Liberty 'will be lost to sea level rise'

Nearly one-fifth of world cultural heritage sites would be affected by global warming of a further 3C, scientists warn.

Famous global landmarks including the Statue of Liberty, Tower of London and Sydney Opera House will be lost to rising seas caused by climate change, scientists have warned.
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Message 1484814 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 12:16:29 UTC - in response to Message 1484812.  

Dire predictions in the Guardian.

Sydney Opera House and Statue of Liberty 'will be lost to sea level rise'

Nearly one-fifth of world cultural heritage sites would be affected by global warming of a further 3C, scientists warn.

Famous global landmarks including the Statue of Liberty, Tower of London and Sydney Opera House will be lost to rising seas caused by climate change, scientists have warned.

Lady Liberty is over 300 feet high, i'm not convinced a sea level rise of quote: "26-82cm by 2100" is going to do it much harm.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1484919 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 18:27:20 UTC - in response to Message 1484777.  

Well do please let me know if I'm ever a contributing factor in that. :)

Oh we will ;-)) Actually there are so many peeps around here wearing out their drums by banging on them, that I'm thinking up starting up a Percussion Instruments Company, I should make a few bob. I'm gonna call it Seti Overseas Precision Percussion (Yellowstone) Inc. If it ever takes off it should go with a bang :-)

Sorry it's not Yellowstone, it's Stonehenge. Stonehenge is like a sacred 'prehistoric glockenspiel', researchers claim

Been there. Fat chance of getting in the middle to test the acoustics nowadays. But an excellent idea! If the company takes off though, I might well be sorry it's not in Yellowstone :)
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Message 1484931 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 18:42:13 UTC - in response to Message 1484827.  

[url]Dire predictions in the Guardian.[/url]
Of course. It is a dire newspaper, with dire journalists. Only read by muesli eating peeps of the goatee beard, and open toed sandal brigade.

And that is just the women.

:) I eat Rice Krispies.

Meusli is quite tricky to get out of my beard. :%

As for open toed sandals? In this weather?

I DO like to read ALL sides of every story where I can helps me to stay confused... and then I use them to line the cat's litter tray much to the cat's satisfaction :)
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Message 1484998 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 20:20:12 UTC - in response to Message 1484848.  

Washington D.C. was built on a swamp (do I hear laughing & comments), and will be underwater, no matter what, in the future.

HE he he he he. :) Quite a lot of government buildings are... Wonder how long it would take them to notice if they were knee deep in sewage...
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Message 1485015 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 20:31:13 UTC
Last modified: 5 Mar 2014, 20:35:03 UTC


Climate change: How do we know it is caused by humans and really happen ?

the following quote is from NASA

The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat,

with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization.

Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives.

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture,

collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale.

Studying these climate data collected over many years reveal the signals of a changing climate

This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples

contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements,

provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased

since the Industrial Revolution.


Source: NOAA

Certain facts about Earth's climate are not in dispute:
Read more here here

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Message 1485103 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 22:25:59 UTC

contained in ice cores


Didn't Think sO.

' '

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Message 1485109 - Posted: 5 Mar 2014, 22:56:13 UTC - in response to Message 1484931.  

[url]Dire predictions in the Guardian.[/url]
Of course. It is a dire newspaper, with dire journalists. Only read by muesli eating peeps of the goatee beard, and open toed sandal brigade.

And that is just the women.

:) I eat Rice Krispies.

Meusli is quite tricky to get out of my beard. :%

As for open toed sandals? In this weather?

I DO like to read ALL sides of every story where I can helps me to stay confused... and then I use them to line the cat's litter tray much to the cat's satisfaction :)

STILL awaiting the above NASA co2 Graph Superimposed with the Historical Temperature Graph.

Find it rather odd they don't.

Have you tried looking in the Guardian? :) (I can do that for you if you like - save you having to buy sandals :))

Can't temperature rises be quite unpredictable? Like when you're watching a saucepan of milk? Hovers around the level it started out at and then WHOOSH.

Perhaps you could ask them. NASA I mean...they might not know you want it.


oh...and did we say we like humans too? Well we do :)
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Message 1485166 - Posted: 6 Mar 2014, 2:20:25 UTC - in response to Message 1485109.  

[url]Dire predictions in the Guardian.[/url]
Of course. It is a dire newspaper, with dire journalists. Only read by muesli eating peeps of the goatee beard, and open toed sandal brigade.

And that is just the women.

:) I eat Rice Krispies.

Meusli is quite tricky to get out of my beard. :%

As for open toed sandals? In this weather?

I DO like to read ALL sides of every story where I can helps me to stay confused... and then I use them to line the cat's litter tray much to the cat's satisfaction :)

STILL awaiting the above NASA co2 Graph Superimposed with the Historical Temperature Graph.

Find it rather odd they don't.

Have you tried looking in the Guardian? :) (I can do that for you if you like - save you having to buy sandals :))

Can't temperature rises be quite unpredictable? Like when you're watching a saucepan of milk? Hovers around the level it started out at and then WHOOSH.

Perhaps you could ask them. NASA I mean...they might not know you want it.


I think they are hoping for a free lesson on thermodynamics. I charge $50 per hour for tutoring, so if they want to pay up I'll oblige.
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Message 1485188 - Posted: 6 Mar 2014, 4:19:22 UTC - in response to Message 1485182.  

Have you tried looking in the Guardian? :) (I can do that for you if you like - save you having to buy sandals :))

Can't temperature rises be quite unpredictable? Like when you're watching a saucepan of milk? Hovers around the level it started out at and then WHOOSH.

Perhaps you could ask them. NASA I mean...they might not know you want it. :)

Haven't been Bearded/Sandal's guy since the '60's (was fun).

I've heard stiletto's are back. Some quite nice strappy ones...

Funny thing about ALL the temperature graphs: MOST don't show any rapid rise since the 'Little Ice Age'.

Yes... though we apparently haven't seen NASA's yet... we're all waiting for it you see. Whilst we do...I'm thinking that we are a rather large saucepan...

Doesn't seem, to MY eyes, co2 matters. Perhaps its all the 'stuff' I used 45 years ago :)

:) Could that be the source do you think? :)

Wish I'd been there... cos being here... I've found licking an ashtray tastes better than the air outside. :/ Until that changes, or I can find a bucket of sand for my head, I do hope you won't be offended if I bang on about it from time to time :) (reciprocal banging is of course welcome too)

oh...and did we say we like humans too? Well we do :)
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Message 1485194 - Posted: 6 Mar 2014, 5:02:16 UTC - in response to Message 1485166.  

I think they are hoping for a free lesson on thermodynamics. I charge $50 per hour for tutoring, so if they want to pay up I'll oblige.

:) Would you be covering all four laws in the same hour? I'm pretty much ok with the first and the third (even though they're confusingly the Zeroth and the Second) and the first, being as it were, between them, is what I know I'm quite good at from what I can remember... But the fourth third one is quite challenging... Would fifteen minutes be enough do you think? :)

Or instead...I could just throw frustratingly inaccurate stuff around till you start leaking information for free! :)

oh...and did we say we like humans too? Well we do :)
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Message 1485197 - Posted: 6 Mar 2014, 5:21:07 UTC - in response to Message 1485194.  

I think they are hoping for a free lesson on thermodynamics. I charge $50 per hour for tutoring, so if they want to pay up I'll oblige.

:) Would you be covering all four laws in the same hour? I'm pretty much ok with the first and the third (even though they're confusingly the Zeroth and the Second) and the first, being as it were, between them, is what I know I'm quite good at from what I can remember... But the fourth third one is quite challenging... Would fifteen minutes be enough do you think? :)

Or instead...I could just throw frustratingly inaccurate stuff around till you start leaking information for free! :)

It would be a law an hour. A girls got to eat you know.
Reality Internet Personality
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Message boards : Politics : Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects: DENIAL (#2)

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