The joke thread Part 4.

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1658626 - Posted: 29 Mar 2015, 7:29:15 UTC

"Two policemen call the station on the radio.
"Hello. Is that the Sarge?"
"We have a case here. A woman has shot her husband for stepping on the floor she had just mopped clean."
"Have you arrested the woman?"
"No sir. The floor is still wet."

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Profile Michael Belanger, W1DGL

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Message 1660462 - Posted: 1 Apr 2015, 21:18:49 UTC

The Best Pubs Are Irish

"As good as this bar is," said the Scotsman, "I still prefer the pubs back home.

In Glasgow, there's a wee place called McTavish's. The landlord goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy four drinks, he'll buy the fifth drink."

"Well, Angus," said the Englishman, "At my local in London , the Red Lion, the barman will buy you your third drink after you buy the first two."

"Ahhh, dat's nothin'," said Patty Sheehan, the Irishman.

"Back home in me favorite pub in Galway, the moment you set foot in the place, they'll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like, actually. Then, when you've had enough drinks, they'll take you upstairs and see dat you get laid, all on the house!"

The Englishman and Scotsman were suspicious of the claims.

"Did this actually happen to you?"

"Not meself, personally, no," admitted the Irishman, "but it did happen to me sister quite a few times."
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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1660632 - Posted: 2 Apr 2015, 6:27:12 UTC

It was a small town and the patrolman was making his evening rounds.
As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon two little old ladies sitting in a used car.
He stopped and asked them why they were sitting there in the car or were they trying to steal it?
'Heavens no, we bought it.'
'Then why don't you drive it away.'
We can't drive.'
Then why did you buy it?'
'We were told that if we bought a used car here
We'd get screwed we're just waiting.

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Message 1660977 - Posted: 3 Apr 2015, 4:46:37 UTC

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1661009 - Posted: 3 Apr 2015, 6:51:19 UTC

After a tiring day, a commuter settled down in his seat and closed his eyes.
As the train rolled out of the station, a woman sitting next to him pulled out her mobile phone.

She started talking in a loud voice: "Hi sweetheart. It's Sue. I'm on the train". "Yes, I know it's the six thirty and not the four thirty, but I had a long meeting. No, honey, not with that Kevin from the accounting office. It was with the boss. No sweetheart, you're the only one in my life. Yes, I'm sure, cross my heart!"

Fifteen minutes later, she was still talking loudly. When the man sitting next to her had enough, he leaned over and said into the phone, "Sue, hang up the phone and come back to bed."

Sue doesn't use her mobile phone in public any longer.

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1661672 - Posted: 5 Apr 2015, 6:10:32 UTC

During my physical examination, my doctor asked me about my physical activity level.
I described a typical day this way:

"Well, yesterday afternoon, I took a five hour walk about 7km through some pretty rough terrain.
I waded along the edge of a lake.
I pushed my way through brambles.
I got sand in my shoes and my eyes.
I avoided standing on a snake.
I climbed several rocky hills.
I took a few 'leaks' behind some big trees.
The mental stress of it all left me shattered.
At the end of it all I drank eight beers" Inspired by the story, the doctor said, "You must be one hell of an outdoors man!"

"No," I replied, "I'm just a rubbish golfer".

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Message 1661852 - Posted: 5 Apr 2015, 22:40:06 UTC - in response to Message 1661672.  

During my physical examination, my doctor asked me about my physical activity level.
I described a typical day this way:

"Well, yesterday afternoon, I took a five hour walk about 7km through some pretty rough terrain.
I waded along the edge of a lake.
I pushed my way through brambles.
I got sand in my shoes and my eyes.
I avoided standing on a snake.
I climbed several rocky hills.
I took a few 'leaks' behind some big trees.
The mental stress of it all left me shattered.
At the end of it all I drank eight beers" Inspired by the story, the doctor said, "You must be one hell of an outdoors man!"

"No," I replied, "I'm just a rubbish golfer".

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1661939 - Posted: 6 Apr 2015, 6:48:57 UTC

At last, confirmation of Murphy’s Law‚ with a wonderful Irish explanation:

Murphy drops some buttered toast on the kitchen floor and it lands butter-side-up.
He looks down in astonishment, for he knows that it's a law of nature of the universe that buttered toast always falls butter-down.
So he rushes round to the presbytery to fetch Father Flanagan.
He tells the priest that a miracle has occurred in his kitchen.
But he won't say what it is, so he asks Fr. Flanagan to come and see it with his own eyes.
He leads Fr. Flanagan into the kitchen and asks him what he sees on the floor.
"Well," says the priest, "it's pretty obvious. Someone has dropped some buttered toast on the floor and then, for some reason, they flipped it over so that the butter was on top."
"No, Father, I dropped it and it landed like that!" exclaimed Murphy
"Oh my Lord," says Fr. Flanagan, "dropped toast never falls
with the butter side up. It's a miracle .
Wait... it's not for me to say it's a miracle. I'll have to report this matter
to the Bishop and he'll have to deal with it.
He'll send some people round; to interview you, take photos, etc."
A thorough investigation is conducted, not only by the archdiocese but by scientists sent over from the Curia in Rome.
No expense is spared. There is great excitement in the town
as everyone knows that a miracle will bring in much need tourism revenue.
Then, after 8 long weeks and with great fanfare, the Bishop announces the final ruling.
"It is certain that some kind of an extraordinary event took place in Murphy's kitchen, quite outside the natural laws of the universe. Yet the Holy See must be very cautious before ruling a miracle. All other explanations must be ruled out.
Unfortunately, in this case, it has been declared 'No Miracle' because they think that Murphy may have buttered the toast on the wrong side!"

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Message 1662038 - Posted: 6 Apr 2015, 18:09:56 UTC - in response to Message 1661939.  

Luigi eh?

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1662205 - Posted: 7 Apr 2015, 6:11:05 UTC

A Geordie and his wife walked past a swanky new restaurant.

"Did you smell that food?" she asked, "It smells absolutely incredible!"

Being a kind-hearted Geordie he thought, "What the heck..., I'll treat her!"

So, they walked past it again...

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1664824 - Posted: 13 Apr 2015, 6:34:38 UTC

A teacher noticed that a little boy at the back of the class was squirming around, scratching his crotch, and not paying attention. She went back to find out what was going on. He was quite embarrassed and whispered that he had just recently been circumcised and he was quite itchy. The teacher told him to go down to the principal's office. He was told to telephone his mother and ask her what he should do about it.

He did and returned to his class. Suddenly, there was a commotion at the back of the room. She went back to investigate only to find him sitting at his desk with his 'private part' hanging out. 'I thought I told you to call your mum!' she said. 'I did,' he said, 'And she told me to stick it out until lunchtime, and then she'd come and pick me up from school.'

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1666707 - Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 5:49:12 UTC

Female Medical Exam

During a lady's medical examination, the British doctor says, "Your heart, lungs, pulse and blood pressure are all fine. Now let me see the part that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble."

The lady starts taking off her undies but is interrupted by the doctor.

"No! No! .... Just stick out your tongue!"

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1667948 - Posted: 21 Apr 2015, 6:13:15 UTC

As the coffin was being lowered into the ground at a Traffic Warden's Funeral, a voice from inside screams

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead. Let me out!"

The Vicar smiles, leans forward sucking air through his teeth and mutters

"Too flipping late pal, I've already done the paperwork"

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Luigi Naruszewicz

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Message 1671851 - Posted: 30 Apr 2015, 5:56:43 UTC

Breaking News: Condoms don't guarantee safe sex anymore. A friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot dead by the woman's husband.

I haven't verified this on Snopes, but it sounds legit… A recent study found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.

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Profile Graham Middleton

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Message 1682647 - Posted: 22 May 2015, 16:25:54 UTC
Last modified: 22 May 2015, 16:26:57 UTC


The daughter asks her Dad, "Dad there is something that my boyfriend said to me, that I didn't understand."

"He said that I have a beautiful chassis, lovely airbags and a fantastic bumper."

Her Dad answered, "You tell your boyfriend that if he opens your bonnet and tries to check your oil with his dipstick I will tighten his nuts so hard that his headlights will pop out and he will start leaking out of his exhaust pipe."
Happy Crunching,


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Profile Uli
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Message 1684306 - Posted: 26 May 2015, 2:09:41 UTC

Graham you just made my day.
Pluto will always be a planet to me.

Seti Ambassador
Not to late to order an Anni Shirt
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Profile Michael Belanger, W1DGL

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Message 1684758 - Posted: 27 May 2015, 14:42:31 UTC

I was checking out at the local Wal-Mart with just a few items and the lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I picked up one of those 'dividers' that they keep by the cash register and placed it between our things so they wouldn't get mixed.
After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the
'divider', looking it all over for the bar code so she could scan it.
Not finding the bar code, she said to me, 'Do you know how much this is?'
I said to her 'I've changed my mind; I don't think I'll buy that today.'
She said 'OK,' and I paid her for the things and left.
She had no clue to what had just happened.

( But the lady behind me had a big smirk on her face as I left)
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Profile Michael Belanger, W1DGL

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Message 1684760 - Posted: 27 May 2015, 14:44:06 UTC

Several years ago, we had an Intern who was none too swift. One day she was typing and turned to a secretary and said, 'I'm almost out of typing paper. What do I do?' 'Just use paper from the photocopier', the secretary told her. With that, the intern took her last remaining blank piece of paper, put it on the photocopier and proceeded to make five 'blank' copies.

Brunette, by the way!!
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Message 1685121 - Posted: 28 May 2015, 14:06:49 UTC

A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a vacant pump.

"Reverend," said the young man, "I'm so sorry about the delay. It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip."

The minister chuckled, "I know what you mean. It's the same in my business."

"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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David S
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Message 1690566 - Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 19:16:19 UTC

A Facebook friend posted:

Greg: "I just saw a transit vehicle with ads for Froot Loops, Cheerios, Rasin Bran, Rice Krispies, Wheaties, Corn Flakes, and Apple Jacks plastered all over it."
Meg: "Sounds like you just saw the universal cereal bus."

Then, in the comments:

Other friend of his: Had a funny conversation with a geeky guy in college who was going on and on about how wonderful eunuchs were. "Oh I just love eunuchs!" Turned out, he was talking about UNIX.

OP: That was my wif'e's response years ago when I told her that I could get a computer to boot to floppy UNIX, but not to the UNIX on the hard drive. (It turned out that the hard drive was bad.) She said, "I thought all eunuchs were floppy."

Friend: She has that twisted sense of humor too, I see. Perhaps you are a Twisted Pair.
Sitting on my butt while others boldly go,
Waiting for a message from a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.

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