Let's see some results!

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Profile William Rothamel

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Message 1464449 - Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 1:19:12 UTC

Othewise I would not see any point with a radio signal because of the improbability of any kind of communication at that speed.

There would be communication but certainly not a dialog as we would now have on Earth.

The purpose would be for someone to say "we are here' and hopefully expect a return message and where to send it. It might be many decades until a reply comes in. The overwhelming desire is to simply know if there is more than one intelligent race anywhere in the Cosmos.
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1464576 - Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 12:57:14 UTC

all we are doing is acting smart n silently listening...hope the aliens are not dumb enough that even they might be silently listening. (SETI PARADOX)

how about making some noise and start transmitting signals all over the world, towards each n every corner of the milky way galaxy...

Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence...then why just Listen to radio signals...why not send probes and explore n search and live up to the name SETI!
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Message 1464623 - Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 15:54:08 UTC - in response to Message 1464578.  
Last modified: 15 Jan 2014, 15:55:30 UTC

to Chris S.

thanks for the technical input, I infact came to know about the Voyager from you...(no kiddin)
don't know why some people are opposed to sending out radio signals...yes I have heard that debate everywhere that it would not be safe to disclose our location, bcoz advanced civilization come, see, conquer, slave blah blah blah...example Spanish americans - red Indians, Europeans - aborigines, etc etc etc...I mean come on guyz get real n lets make some noise yall...
(by the way red indians, aborigines, tribals all of them still exist till date)
and considering they would travel thousands, millions of light years to come to Earth n treat it like a drive thru and eat us all up...well a civilization which will behave like that with us n make such great logical choices would surely be too dumb to exist n probably be extinct by now.
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1464736 - Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 19:42:50 UTC - in response to Message 1464640.  
Last modified: 15 Jan 2014, 19:45:10 UTC

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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1464923 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 7:16:45 UTC - in response to Message 1464804.  

what's the use of sending signals into the dark space...when no one is there.
infact this thread has a great bottom line, lets see some god damn results...
SETI seems to work like a military anarchy, where you can contribute all your resources as you like, but when it comes to results, it is strictly on a need to know basis...now that's thee real WOW!
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1464925 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 7:28:43 UTC

by the way i would like to give away the little credits that i have in my S@H account...anybody know how i can go about doin that...???
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1464926 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 7:37:12 UTC

I read about this project in the planetary report. My intial reaction was wow thats coolAnd Im going to be the one who finds it. I was a set and forget type ffrom 1999 until late 08 when I discoverd the boards.
So I have two reasons to crunch. Im going to find the signal,And meet folks from all over the world who belive the same as I do.

Old James
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1464931 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 8:11:35 UTC

birds of the same feather, flock together...folks around here are simply great.
but crunching...i rather just plug in my analog radio n keep listening to the interference.
and the best part is results, none whatsoever...
good or bad, positive or negative, results are conclusions which surely need to be made public.
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Message 1464962 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 11:06:19 UTC - in response to Message 1464931.  

I don't think Arecibo has the sensitivity to find anything anyway. The new Square Kilometer Array (SKA) the Europeans are building in South Africa and Australia has a better chance, but still the aliens would need to be pointing a similar array in our direction (either accidentally or on purpose). And then we would have to understand that the signal is intelligent rather than noise.

I think it will happen someday, but more probably when we get a giant radio telescope in space; i.e. at a Lagrange point for stability, or the back side of the moon to eliminate interference from the earth. By that time, we will have a large catalog of planets that might harbor life, and some idea of the conditions that would favor the development of intelligent life, so at least there would be some idea of where to point it. But all of that is probably 100 years in the future, so don't expect instant gratification on this one.

Even more to the point, rather than receiving profound secrets of the universe, we would probably overhear their shopping list of raw materials from their nearest asteroid, and the import taxes that need to be paid. It will not be an overly enlightening-event.
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Message 1464964 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 11:17:59 UTC

and considering they would travel thousands, millions of light years to come to Earth n treat it like a drive thru and eat us all up...well a civilization which will behave like that with us n make such great logical choices would surely be too dumb to exist n probably be extinct by now.


The Powerful Ones. The Ones who Don't Care 'bout Others. They will Eat and Survive.

The Moochie Moochies, Help All, will Go Extinct.

This Earthly Experiment with HuWoMans is Sure To Whither and Die.

The Violent and Hungry are The Only Ones Left Standing.

ET is Lookin' and Laughin'. And Preparing for Lunch.

' '

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Profile Julie
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Message 1464969 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 12:04:29 UTC

Stay in politics Dull.
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1465027 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 14:19:21 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jan 2014, 14:46:58 UTC

to Jim1348

exactly what I think, my thoughts are a little different but parallel with you.
wish there was a Keppler Institute of Network Computing and I could help them with crunching their WUs.
I really love SETI, but she's been acting kinda strange lately...all she does is take, but never gives back.
trust me, if it wasn't for the lovely folks all around the various forums of SETI, I would have left long time back.
like I said, birds of the same feather, flock together...
by the way i liked your theory of alien taxation laws...was a funny thought!

to A Tree is Known by its Fruit aka A. Twit, PhD aka Tea Party Lovin" mO fO*

you are entitled to have your personal opinions, so can't say much...
but even if they do come over n consume us it would be a fair enough deal...bcoz since thousands of years we have slaved honeybees for honey, prisoned cows for milk, slaughtered pigs,sheep,chicken and what not for flesh...and even devoured the unborn nearly every morning in the form of scrambled eggs.
just imagine if you are prisoned right since birth, whatever little food u gather everyday u are robbed 75% to make honey...injected with venom and you fall sick, then when antibodies r created in your blood it is sucked out to make anti-venom...the moment you give birth to a newborn it is taken to the frying pan to cook eggs...then while goin thru all this trauma somebody cums up n fiddles n fondles with your privates n squeezez them to extract milk...and if this wasn't enough for you already you are force fed to make u fat n juicy...happy thanksgiving!
so if they treat us the same way I wouldn't be surprised at all...guess we deserve it...time to repent is near ha ha haah...as you may sow, so shall you reap!
by the way, just a thought, guess we should all start eating human excreta...hopefully when the aliens gobble us up their mouths will be full of our crap...then we shall have the last laugh...ha hah haah!

to dear Julie...

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Message 1465037 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 14:42:59 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jan 2014, 14:49:21 UTC

I'll throw my evidence-free speculation on the pile of them accumulating in this thread:

I think the chance of an extraterrestrial species finding us both delicious and nutritious (or vice versa) is about the same as us finding the same from the sludge at the bottom of an crude oil tank.
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Profile Bob DeWoody

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Message 1465128 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 18:46:00 UTC

Again, I have no problem allowing the seti@home project software to use my computer's idle time to crunch data. From the start I never expected to see any positive results. We are so small and the project has been running for such a short time in the overall scheme of things. Claiming that it is a waste of time is very narrow minded. But BOINC has other projects that need outside (us) help to crunch the data so I would recommend for anyone disillusioned with the seti@home project trying one of the other project.
Bob DeWoody

My motto: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow as it may not be required. This no longer applies in light of current events.
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1465203 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 21:37:18 UTC - in response to Message 1465128.  

to Bob DeWoody...

I completely agree with your views...Seti@Home is still in the initial developmental phase, so obviously expecting a positive result right away would be unfair to the project.

But...I believe the creation of this thread is to request the S@H leadership to make the results public, and negative results would be much better than, compared to having no results at all.

Infact I would like to take this Opportunity and Enlighten fellow comrades and crunchers about SETI LIVE, which works on live feed...and instead of computing power it requires human visual assistance in order to track potential signals.

And I am sure nearly everybody has heard about PLANET HUNTERS which works on the principles of differences in illuminance fluxuation levels...and utilizes the Keplar data to identify Planets.

BOINC certainly has some great research projects in line with S@H as well.
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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1465216 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 21:55:02 UTC
Last modified: 16 Jan 2014, 22:00:55 UTC

I personally was amused by the story of thee WOW signal...had heard about SETI before as well.
decided I would join in the quest to search for E.T. Intelligence and immediately started crunchin WUs for seti@home.

only recently I woke up from the trance, paused, and introspected my actions...
I din't have a clue as to what I was doin...and when I spoke to a few others on the forums they din't have a clue about what they were doin either.

the only thing that mattered was to know that we are doin sumthin good...but nobody was bothered whether they were doin it right...blind faith sounds excellent in terms of religion, but is disasterous in the field of science.

and again I would like to specify the importance of results...SETI surely needs to be a little more proactive.

besides now the search for ET has transcended from the United States of America to an international platform,, so to view BOINC just as a software programme entiteled for the use of American Citizens only would be the most narrowest minded approach and it even sounds racist in a way...religion is earthly, but science is universal.

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Profile bodhisatva

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Message 1465236 - Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 23:16:10 UTC - in response to Message 1465221.  

to Guy...

cannot disagree with your point at all...as the eternal truth remains the same, just that truth has variation in aspects and forms.
similarly there has to be a number of ways to do things right...certainly any or all paths would end up at the same destination...so the only thing important to do would be to keep walking through the woods...
I also have to agree that reaching the destination cannot be the only mission, the real fun is in the journey and the path taken...

but to take a break n camp around n remove the map n introspect as to where we are goin wouldn't harm anyone...
besides without any results it seems like a walk thru the woods blind folded which is no fun at all...
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Profile Julie
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Message 1465471 - Posted: 17 Jan 2014, 18:07:56 UTC

it s not our job.

Who's job is it then??
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Message 1465516 - Posted: 17 Jan 2014, 19:41:43 UTC - in response to Message 1465471.  

it s not our job.

Who's job is it then??

How about Seti Institute?
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