Religion - is one better than another?

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Message 1452809 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 16:55:39 UTC

In the spirit of festivus and this ludicrous piece by Fox News who clearly can't see how stupid they are, lets talk about why one religion is better than another.

So, tell me about your religion and why it is the best one. Be accurate, and display your knowledge of other religions during your comparisons. Atheists, tell me why you're lack of belief makes sense to you and if you'll be celebrating Christmas.

Religious folk, tell me if and why your religion should trump other belief or non beliefs, either in school, work, public spaces or the entire world. Tell me if there are certain times of the year when you should get priority.

Rules of the thread: points will awarded for knowing your religion, and knowing about other people's religions. If the thread goes off topic points will be awarded for the most graceful way the thread is bought back on topic. Points will be awarded for accurate knowledge of different religions (including your own).

Happy Festivus, and may the odds be ever in your favour. I'm going to go work on my festivas beer can totem pole.

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Message 1452844 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:10:35 UTC - in response to Message 1452822.  

unless of course your master plan is to get the usual suspects banned. In which case carry on ;-)

Even better, just ban Xmas!
ID: 1452844 · Report as offensive
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Message 1452850 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:18:53 UTC - in response to Message 1452822.  

Most people in the UK class themselves as C of E when asked, as it is still seen as infra dig not to have a religion and be classed as an atheist or an agnostic. Christmas is meant to stand for "Christ's Mass" i.e. the celebration of the birth of Christ. But unless you are a devout Christian believer, for most people it is simply a time to eat too much, get drunk, and spend too much on presents that no-one really needs. Stroppy snotty nosed little kids have to have the latest electronic gizmo else they show off until Easter, another religious festival whose original meaning has been lost. As an Agnostic I don't "celebrate" Xmas, I just go along with the time of year, because it is easier to than not.

The winter festival has been celebrated around the solstice long before it became a Christian Holiday. The UK has a different attitude to its different religions, mainly because comparative religion is taught in school right from the start. We are happy to celebrate along with our friends Diwali, Hanuka or any other festival that comes along.

As for that blond bimbo from Fox, violinist or not, a previous Miss America is all anyone needs to know really. 47 and trying to pass off as 37 never really works does it?

There is no need to make comments about her appearance or her age when the words coming out of her mouth are so stupid and embarrassing!

Methinks you are being a bit mischievous here Es, this is seti, and you know full well how this thread is going to end up ..... unless of course your master plan is to get the usual suspects banned. In which case carry on ;-)

I don't want to see anyone banned Chris. If people want to post stupid things then let them and let everyone see what they post. Then let them stand up to and justify those things. That's what I believe in. Its a good job I'm not a mod anymore because when I was I never believed in modding anything or banning anyone unless they were making threats or posting endless profanities or adverts. You know that's the truth.

The only thing I want in this thread is to hear people out and make the point that there is nothing special or right about Christianity. If people believe that there is then I want to hear why. If they don't believe that, then I want to hear how everyone plans to celebrate Christmas according to their belief or non-belief.

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Message 1452852 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:19:49 UTC - in response to Message 1452844.  

unless of course your master plan is to get the usual suspects banned. In which case carry on ;-)

Even better, just ban Xmas!

Not a fan of Xmas?
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Message 1452855 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:25:17 UTC

Meh, it seems to me that a pole made of beer cans is just put there to troll Christians. Yeah I get that you don't believe in God, yeah I get that you are not Christian, but do you really need place what amounts to a giant middlefinger to everyone who does next to a scene of Christs birth? I mean if you are really serious about that your alternative to Christmas holiday, you would at least have put it somewhere at a respectful distance. This is just trolling in a rather childish manner.
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Message 1452862 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:28:04 UTC - in response to Message 1452852.  

No and never have. Seen too much false sentiments which stay the same year in year out.

Also seen too many decent families end up in debt because of it. Chris mentioned this fact in other threads and I agree with him - too many parents get trapped by in-your-face advertising.

Just take note of the advertising at the end of January - with close to three months to go, they'll be advertising Easter.
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Message 1452863 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:29:50 UTC - in response to Message 1452855.  

Meh, it seems to me that a pole made of beer cans is just put there to troll Christians. Yeah I get that you don't believe in God, yeah I get that you are not Christian, but do you really need place what amounts to a giant middlefinger to everyone who does next to a scene of Christs birth? I mean if you are really serious about that your alternative to Christmas holiday, you would at least have put it somewhere at a respectful distance. This is just trolling in a rather childish manner.

For a newbie, you're somewhat out of order here.
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Message 1452865 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:30:19 UTC - in response to Message 1452855.  

Meh, it seems to me that a pole made of beer cans is just put there to troll Christians. Yeah I get that you don't believe in God, yeah I get that you are not Christian, but do you really need place what amounts to a giant middlefinger to everyone who does next to a scene of Christs birth? I mean if you are really serious about that your alternative to Christmas holiday, you would at least have put it somewhere at a respectful distance. This is just trolling in a rather childish manner.

I think you are missing the point. Some of us Atheists don't understand why Christianity is privileged in publicly owned spaces. Are other faiths equally recognised in those spaces? Or is it only the nativity at Christmas that is acceptable?

Who are you to judge the symbols that we use to represent our Atheist outlook on life? The beer cans represent the flying spaghetti monster and the promised afterlife of beer volcanoes. Its no more ridiculous than a magic baby.
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ID: 1452865 · Report as offensive
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Message 1452868 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:36:38 UTC - in response to Message 1452862.  

No and never have. Seen too much false sentiments which stay the same year in year out.

Also seen too many decent families end up in debt because of it. Chris mentioned this fact in other threads and I agree with him - too many parents get trapped by in-your-face advertising.

Just take note of the advertising at the end of January - with close to three months to go, they'll be advertising Easter.

I agree with you on this. Christmas has become yet another festival where we indoctrinate our children into becoming good consumers.

We've never gone that crazy at Christmas, we set a reasonable budget for each kid (usually around the $50 mark- or less sometimes if we are strapped for cash) and that's it. If they want a big present then they can ask for money and pool what they get. They are very good at saving up now.

I like the idea of having a time to sit down and have a nice dinner with the family, this year though we can't be bothered and we're going to have a big cooked breakfast for Christmas and then maybe some lasagne for dinner.

I love the decorations and the lights. I shall be putting up my lights soon and making a flying spaghetti monster illuminated display for the window.
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ID: 1452868 · Report as offensive
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Message 1452877 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:42:16 UTC - in response to Message 1452868.  
Last modified: 11 Dec 2013, 18:43:58 UTC

In that respect, have to agree, especially with medium to large families. The opportunity to all get together is great.

In my case though, it gets thoroughly annoying as only hear nothing but Eastbenders/Mummydale/Weatherfield Returns/ and other soap crap scenarios. that's not Xmas to me.

Where's me darned pills?

@Chris have to agree wholeheartly, hurry up the 2nd Jan.
ID: 1452877 · Report as offensive
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Message 1452883 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:47:58 UTC - in response to Message 1452876.  

Its a good job I'm not a mod anymore because when I was I never believed in modding anything or banning anyone unless they were making threats or posting endless profanities or adverts. You know that's the truth.

I didn't particularly agree or disagree with your modding style back then, what I was angry about was the way that your modship ended. But that is firmly in the past and we have all moved on.

I seem to remember I quit. It wasn't graceful or pretty. I told Eric to stick his modding job where the sun don't shine in a email that I am sure he treasures.

then I want to hear how everyone plans to celebrate Christmas according to their belief or non-belief.

I will happily accept that this time of year is the season of goodwill to all men, for whatever reason. But no I wont be going to a carol service or to church. However as a past Round Tabler and Rotarian, it is a good time of year to collect for charity as people are in the festive mood. If I had £1 for every tin I've rattled on street corners I'd be a rich man. If others wish to celebrate Xmas for religious reasons then good luck to them. Roll on New Year I say when it's all over!

That to me is what a Christian Christmas should be about. Charity work and giving to others. Perhaps with this new actual Christian Pope more people who call themselves Christians will remember that.
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ID: 1452883 · Report as offensive
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Message 1452885 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:48:52 UTC - in response to Message 1452877.  

In that respect, have to agree, especially with medium to large families. The opportunity to all get together is great.

In my case though, it gets thoroughly annoying as only hear nothing but Eastbenders/Mummydale/Weatherfield Returns/ and other soap crap scenarios. that's not Xmas to me.

Where's me darned pills?

@Chris have to agree wholeheartly, hurry up the 2nd Jan.

Treat yourself to something nice. Put your feet up, open up the whiskey and listen to the Queeen's Speech.
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Message 1452888 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:50:27 UTC - in response to Message 1452885.  
Last modified: 11 Dec 2013, 18:51:47 UTC

1 out of 3 is not bad, as for the other two, you gotta be joking :)

Edit: I'm a strange Irishman - I love the smell of Whiskey but extremely allergic to it.
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Message 1452896 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 18:58:53 UTC - in response to Message 1452865.  

I think you are missing the point. Some of us Atheists don't understand why Christianity is privileged in publicly owned spaces. Are other faiths equally recognised in those spaces? Or is it only the nativity at Christmas that is acceptable?

Who are you to judge the symbols that we use to represent our Atheist outlook on life? The beer cans represent the flying spaghetti monster and the promised afterlife of beer volcanoes. Its no more ridiculous than a magic baby.

I think you are missing the point here, namely that of respecting other peoples faith. They should respect your lack of it, and you should be able to place beer can poles in public spaces certainly. Just not right next to a nativity scene. Certainly not if all that you are trying to do with it is form a middlefinger to Christians.

Also seriously, as an Atheist you kinda lost the right to say that you genuinely believe that a pole of beer cans represents beer volcanoes in the afterlife you don't believe in. All atheists can do with things like the Flying Spaghetti Monster is mock more established religions by being all ironic or sarcastic about it. Geez, you guys act like religion hipsters.
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Message 1452897 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 19:00:38 UTC - in response to Message 1452883.  

That to me is what a Christian Christmas should be about. Charity work and giving to others. Perhaps with this new actual Christian Pope more people who call themselves Christians will remember that.

Who are you to say how Christians should celebrate their own holiday?
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Message 1452902 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 19:04:07 UTC - in response to Message 1452897.  

That to me is what a Christian Christmas should be about. Charity work and giving to others. Perhaps with this new actual Christian Pope more people who call themselves Christians will remember that.

Who are you to say how Christians should celebrate their own holiday?

Rather than castigate the OP, wouldn't it have been much better to point out her mistakes or even assist in understanding the Christian faith?

Sheesh, some people, and you call the OP a troll?
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Message 1452911 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 19:11:35 UTC - in response to Message 1452902.  
Last modified: 11 Dec 2013, 19:11:53 UTC

Sheesh, some people, and you call the OP a troll?

I didn't call the OP a troll. I said the guys who set up a pole of beer cans as a religious symbol right next to a Christmas nativity scene were obviously doing that to mock/troll Christians.
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Message 1452913 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 19:13:34 UTC - in response to Message 1452911.  

Sheesh, some people, and you call the OP a troll?

I didn't call the OP a troll. I said the guys who set up a pole of beer cans as a religious symbol right next to a Christmas nativity scene were obviously doing that to mock/troll Christians.

you stand corrected.

I mean if you are really serious about that your alternative to Christmas holiday, you would at least have put it somewhere at a respectful distance. This is just trolling in a rather childish manner.

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Message 1452916 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 19:18:20 UTC - in response to Message 1452913.  
Last modified: 11 Dec 2013, 19:19:19 UTC

With 'you' I meant the Atheists who set up the beercan pole which was reported on in the Fox News segment Es linked to and which formed the basis for this topic. I was not referring to the OP when I said you, unless of course he was one of the people who set up the beercan pole.

EDIT: I often use the word 'you' to refer to groups of people in general.
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Message 1452918 - Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 19:20:48 UTC - in response to Message 1452916.  

Understood, but using "troll" and it's derivatives on a net forum is awkward to say the least. Should one do use the word or a derivative, it should be stated clearly.

You did not, hence my replies. Now that you've clarified it, my apologies.
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