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musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Buh! Enough!?!? |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
854509824303633803193300705318403036509901591304021058343269258282290064782167635856200500014457645861 481315295253223674... In my recent postings here... Sorry about that. Will test it out tomorrow. Thanks for keeping it for me. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 | As mentioned, scroll a bit before getting to it. This is nice music. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Many years ago a typical American couple found themselves exposed to what may have been radiation of sorts. Perhaps they became "accidental victims"? So, who? They were in the 40's or 50's when it becomes a question about age. Anyway, only the told story is of matter or interest here. Can anyone please suggest a link for me regarding this story. The last name or surname may have been M..., but at least Stanley Miller was able to create life by means of laboratory radiation. So, the couple in question happens to be someone else. Thanks for helping me out here! |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Sorry, happened to be screwing up some results which was meant for PrimeGrid. Again, so sorry! |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
What's wrong? I give you an hour to think. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Apparently I am back again. But "so"? Peter Gabriel? Working on it. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Look out - its a crazy world outside But, it could happen to you - eventually. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 28 Oct 09 Posts: 34060 Credit: 18,883,157 RAC: 18 ![]() ![]() |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
M13 is a globular cluster and M31 is a spiral galaxy on its own. Except from that, each of these two objects really are celestial marvels and worth observing using a telescope. It is a fascinating thought that both of these objects are some twice the age our own sun. In the same way as solar systems (stars) become born by means of acccumulation of dust and gas by means of ordinary gravity, galaxies are being formed in the same way. Really, the Big Bang created all this dust and gas in order for the possibility of the creation of stars, cluster of stars, including globular clusters and of course galaxies. Old galaxies, called elliptical galaxies, contain almost no dust or gas at all. They are almost globular clusters on their own. Both dwarf elliptical galaxies like M32, NGC 205 (sometimes labeled Messier 110), which are the companions of the Andromeda galaxy M31, as well as M49, which is a giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster are known to exist. The most luminous stars of such objects are type KII and MII red stars. One such star in our own neighboorhood is the star pi Aurigae which is located just above beta Aurigae (Menkalinan). These stars are more luminous than Arcturus, but can not beat Antares or Betelgeuze which are red supergiants. One of the most fascinating things here is the possible existence of yellow supergiants which may be 200,000 times more luminous than our sun. One such possible star is close to the star cluster NGC 457 in Cassiopeia. The small book which I picked up labels this star as phi Cassiopeia. If being at the same distance as the cluster, this star is some 275,000 times more luminous than our own sun. Astronomers are however a little uncertain as to whether this star is really belonging to this star cluster. Although fascinating objects, the possibility for the existence of life near such objects are slim. They are just to big and hot and the radiation level is tremendous. There should however be no doubt that taking the leisure time observing such objects in the night sometimes gives a great pleasure, especially when it comes to the colors which may be visible at times. These colors which are neither red, green, or blue, but more readily visible as a faintish glow, hue or tint may be visible as a delicate mixture when observing conditions are most favorable. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
To be honest, I am not keeping up track of what is currently going on in space when it comes to manned missions. All I know is that we do have an International Space Station and that the United States space shuttle fleet is currently put on the ground with no more launches being planned for the near future. So without any more reflections about this fact, in which way is this now being carried out? The only thing that comes to my mind is that astronauts are brought to the International Space Station by means of space launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome which is located in Kasakhstan. Using Google Maps, there is really not that much to see there, at least by means of just a quick glance. Also, I happen to know that there is a launch facility in California, United States, called Vandenberg Air Force Base. This facility is being used for launching unmanned rockets into space. So how does this compare with all the speculation that is around when it comes to possible bases on the moon and possibly even on Mars? Does anyone have a logical explanation for these claims and is there any reality when it comes to all of this? If so, we may be seeing a clandestine space program which is not available to the general public. There may be possible reasons for why this may be happening, but again, it all becomes just pure fiction and there are no real facts being available. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Better say keeping a track, not keeping up track. The latter is the same as "shut up", which was not what I meant to say. Too late to edit. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
So, is it then perhaps possible to bend time as well and not just space? Implying gravity for the possibility of such a thing. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Clusters of stars... A call for help from outer space. We should not trust every web-page that may be found on the net. But there is rumour that Nasa was able to pick up a signal from space which when translated showed up to be a distress signal coming from a civilization probably much like to our own when it comes to development and technology. Depending on the exact translation, either this civilization, possibly some 80,000 light years away either became the victim of a cosmic disaster, or there is the possibility that they chose to turn the weapons they were having on themselves. The latter possibility is a fascinating idea and by no means just something out of the air. Also here on earth we have been living in the shadow of the possibility of a nuclear war for decades. Apparently calm has settled down right now, but we may never know who will be the next dictator of the world until we wake up tomorrow for the usual cup of coffee and a breakfast meal. All of this is part of the world we are living in. We have become used to the way things are supposed to be. If there may be times you are thinking we are fools or part of a bigger game, the main reason may be because there are other intelligent civilizations out there, of which someone may be quite equal to what we are supposed to be ourselves. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 May 99 Posts: 10436 Credit: 110,373,059 RAC: 54 ![]() ![]() |
sos Did you forget how to make a link? Its is so much nicer when all you have to do is click on it. edit-I do belive that is a hoax. Plus that was back in 1998. The thing is, it stated that it was a 80,000 year old SOS. And the location was beyond the Andromeda galaxy. Well Andromeda is 2.5 million light years a away. ![]() Old James |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Yes, James. We should be able to agree when it comes to this story which came up which almost is science fiction. I came across this YouTube video today. If this message is supposed to have been received back in 1988, assumedly by Nasa, it would probably be known to at least some people, including those of us who are doing this regularly. If I am not wrong, I first read about this story either yesterday or maybe two days ago. Also, an intelligent signal probably is able to travel a distance of 1500 light years at most through space before becoming to faint to be detected by means of dispersion of the signal. If they happened to be similar to us when it comes to social and technical development, this should be even more true. Except for that, the video is a quite good one and raises some important questions and thoughts. Such a scenario definitely is not an impossible one, but in order for us to be able to know about it at all, it probably would need to happen a little closer in space. Theoretically such a destiny could very well come our way as well. We happen to know our recent history when it comes to politics and wars, but we are unable to know what will possibly be happening in a week or a year or more from now. If such a thing in fact should happen in the future, who would eventually be there in order to possibly save us. Such a question only becomes a pure guess, of course and hopefully it may never happen. |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
Have a look at this famous short film. Quite old this one, it does not bring us to the end of the Universe, but it still contains quite a bit of interesting stuff for us to enjoy. Also you would probably like watching this YouTube video: Good night! |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 16 May 99 Posts: 10436 Credit: 110,373,059 RAC: 54 ![]() ![]() |
Have a look at this famous short film. I liked both of them. They show how small we really are. ![]() Old James |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
So, if you do not mind. A question about so-called "flat" graphics. If you look at the .avi videos provided for the Wow signal, you may notice that the background graphics went almost flat because of the strength of this signal. If such a signal is assumed to be a transmission, it may not necessarily be a gaussian on its own, but theoretically, if it is consisting of spikes, pulses and possibly triplets, a gaussian curve may be derived from the best such gaussian being computed by the work unit and therefore becomes the result of such a task. I have seen such things a couple of times in the past, but at that time I assumed it to be as a result of possible spikes, of which I did not get in my logs most of the time. Is there a possible correspondence between the graphics (bottom part) that is visible and the numbers that are being obtained? Can something be deduced by just looking at the visible graphics alone? |
musicplayer Send message Joined: 17 May 10 Posts: 2442 Credit: 926,046 RAC: 0 |
I happen to run the Yafu number factorization software at times while also doing tasks for Seti@home and PrimeGrid. As you may know, Yafu is now part of BOINC and CPU only, but for this I am using the DOS-based stand alone package which is both 32-bits and 64-bits. When running as part of BOINC, it uses all cores of the processor. So right now I am also running two stand alone Yafu tasks using 64-bits Windows which takes a lot of processing time. I do notice a simultaneous slow down of my Seti@home CUDA tasks. These tasks also are using the resources of the CPU as well. Also my PrimeGrid CPU tasks are having a break (CPU busy, assumedly waiting to run). I do not have any Seti@home CPU tasks right now, only GPU tasks. Should I blame the two Yafu tasks running for slowing down everything, or should I still trust the ability of Windows to switch properly between the different applications that are currently running? Anyway, one task failed after 15 minutes, 56 seconds. Another task is 67 % complete after 1 hours 20 minutes (which is quite much). No gaussians in this task. I think better say good night. |
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