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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1371751 - Posted: 25 May 2013, 11:40:50 UTC

It does look like that is what those guys aim was to get people to over react and attack mosques start race riots and things . Mite be better to just say no we are not going down that road . Hopefully I a week it will carm down like what happened here a couple of yrs ago in Manly . a few days after everyone forgot about it and just got on with there lives[/url]
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1371835 - Posted: 25 May 2013, 16:24:15 UTC - in response to Message 1371755.  

but they themselves seem unable to control their own extremists

No one is able to control extremists, because extremists don't belong. I think the only effective control is to weld the cell door shut. Used to be we could give them shock treatments and reprogram them, but that is judged too cruel these days.

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Message 1371923 - Posted: 25 May 2013, 20:02:25 UTC - in response to Message 1371838.  

No offence Chris. but to counter your statement.... Victoria Street (Home of Scotland Yard) Horseferry Road (Both the M.O.D. buildings & the court), Heathrow, Downing Street plus many others are ALL PATROLLED BY ARMED POLICE

Of course they are, they are all deemed to be prime terrorist targets. That has nothing to do with arming off duty armed forces personnel.

A busy afternoon, and I have an hours drive back home yet .....

Any chance of you staying down there amongst the rest of the carrot crunchers as you don't seem to understand your own language!

I clearly stated All active personnel What don't you understand about that?
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1371962 - Posted: 25 May 2013, 21:24:36 UTC

The day all active personnel in the armed forces are required to carry a side arm will be the day we take the first step down the road the fanatics are desperately trying to push us. Hopefully we will remain calm, we are mostly not a nation to react without thinking.

The fanatics know that with all serving personal armed there will be mistakes and innocent people will be killed. Which is what they want. What then, an armed policeman mistakenly shoots an armed serviceman who he thought was the bad guy.

A lot has been made of service men and women being Trained Professionals so I assume our police are not, as they have on several occasions shot and killed unarmed suspects, of course our Trained Professionals won't make mistakes. The fact that a lot of soldiers go on to commit very violent crimes probably due to PTSD makes even more sense to have them armed 24/7

Personally I would rather live in a country where only the fanatics are armed than be caught in the crossfire.
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Message 1371983 - Posted: 25 May 2013, 22:29:20 UTC - in response to Message 1371962.  

So no thoughts for the victims then? How nice!
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1372009 - Posted: 25 May 2013, 23:10:43 UTC

So no thoughts for the victims then? How nice!

Sorry not sure what you mean, victims, all of us are potential victims because we live in a free society, I do not want to see police and service personal armed to create more "victims". No one can say that being armed would have made any difference at Woolwich

You know more legally armed personal is the slippery slope the fanatics, and some in government want!

We should step back and look calmly at the situation before making any decision.

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Message 1372158 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 13:02:19 UTC - in response to Message 1372105.  

At present we cover such threats by fast response units of specially trained officers.

Yeah, like Wednesday... 16 minutes!

When we had a Police Force there were more than sufficient boots on the ground!
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Message 1372185 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 15:23:05 UTC

Political correctness gone mad....

...fortunately, it's not us, but the Yanks!

Hey Yanks, get your own broadcasting in order before you complain about another country's!

Discriminate, Discrminate

So that's the type of oddballs you have in your colleges & universities, no wonder the US is at odds with itself!
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Message 1372246 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 20:14:19 UTC

Continuing the discussion here as its detracting from the Europe thread.


Thank God then that you're not serving on the bench!

So you would prefer this type of humour....Wish You was here

What a beautiful display of "Lead by Example"!
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Message 1372254 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 20:27:04 UTC


"The source stressed that Mr Cameron was ‘aware of the importance of avoiding a kneejerk reaction,’ and added: ‘This new group will study the issue in great depth before acting."

For Christ's Sake, just WTF has been going on in government departments since 9/11?

"Study in Depth? Really? Just how many academics with no understanding of what goes on in the "real" world will be involved?

How many quangos will be set up to study this in depth?

Next thing we'll see is Del-boy running the country via smartphone from his holiday hideaway in Bermuda!
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1372264 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 20:42:03 UTC

The er "Mail online" again, just look at the right hand bar to see what they really care about, and it is NOT factual reporting.

Saving the best for last! Hollywood goddess Uma Thurman stuns in classic satin gown on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival closing ceremony

When flip flops just don't cut it! Tulisa gets it ALL wrong at Marbella spray party as she teams tiny white bikini with skyscraper stiletto heels

Now that's va va voom: Nicole Scherzinger stuns in her racy cutaway dress at the Monaco Grand Prix

The Bieber salute! Justin pulls up his top to show off his washboard abs AGAIN... as his garish new leopard print car is revealed

And this

as Britain faced its biggest terror crisis since the 7/7 bombings in 2005.

Biggest, how about "only". I assume the police and security services can operate without the prime minster for week or so? Obviously Ibiza doesn't have any modern communications that mean he could be in touch with however he needs instantly.

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Message 1372266 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 20:48:44 UTC - in response to Message 1372264.  

Only goes to show what your mind focuses on when reading online.
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1372273 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 21:26:09 UTC

Only goes to show what your mind focuses on when reading online.

Oh my what a pathetic response!

A third of the page is given over to the sidebar, it's a bit difficult NOT to notice it.

Your making excuses for the gutter press you use as you main source of "news"

I can see there is no arguing with you.

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1372280 - Posted: 26 May 2013, 22:10:21 UTC - in response to Message 1372273.  

With all the posts I've made that contain links, I think you'll find that its evenly spread out amongst the many that are available. To home in on one like you & Taffy seem to do all the time, seems to be a petty attempt at labelling.

Nothing new then is there?
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1372499 - Posted: 27 May 2013, 16:39:55 UTC - in response to Message 1372381.  

It would be remarkable if I was. That just shows again how little you know about local and National government.
How naïve of you.

Any PM's diary is full up to 18 months ahead with International meetings, foreign trips, PMQ, Cabinet, receptions at No.10, general visits etc which take precedence. Any family breaks have to be slotted in where they can, and will have been planned months in advance. In addition wherever the PM is in the world, he will have 24/7 instant access to other world leaders, the White House, and the Cabinet back home. He will also receive daily briefings on home and world affairs, some holiday. Given his current location he could be back in the UK within 6 hours if necessary. Of course his enemies will sieze this opportunity to denigrate him, and leading it will be the Mail. Personally, weighing up all the odds, I wouldn't have gone, I'd have taken a few days off at Chequers instead, but I am sure he would have taken advice on it.
gotta give you that one

Don't be so naive, if you were to be told that they'd have to shoot you afterwards!
Very melodramatic

We really are giving our working class predjucies and chips on shoulders full rein this weekend aren't we?
how quaintly British that is....

Working class? Try these for size.....

Growing up in racist Britain

Not much has changed then in 50 years, has it!

Wasn't it the English that labelled people & made fortunes on the stage by ridiculing them? Jocks, Taffy's, Paddy's as well as other derogatory labels for other nationalities not suited to be mentioned here?

So labelling me childish seems to be a little premature don't you think Taffy? I believe the English still refer to Welshmen as Taffy's!

You demand to be known as an Englishman so accept that many still see you as a racist nation, until that changes for the better, accept it in good grace like the rest of us that were labelled!

BTW, I was at Argon Road again this morning with the same officers on duty in the area. When they saw the above post they remarked: -

Is that guy for real? Now you gotta keep them laughing by giving a cracking laughable reply to this post so that I can show them it on Wednesday morning!

FYI, both officers were White & English & just before I drove off site, one remarked: - We have to deal with all sorts but guys like him we'd love to take behind the barracks. I didn't stop laughing until I hit the M11.
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Profile Jim_S

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Message 1372593 - Posted: 27 May 2013, 22:34:10 UTC

PLAY NICE FOLKS...Or KEEP IT OFF of the Boards!!!
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1372595 - Posted: 27 May 2013, 22:38:59 UTC

Unless one is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, one has to WORK for a living!

My father worked till he was 65 as a commercial traveler, then with money saved he brought a small shop and worked hard for 15 years till he retired and would be highly insulted to be called "working class"

I spent 22 years working for BT. For the last 12 years I worked as an engineer, I also own the flat I live in and I would also be horrified to be called "working class" as I do not believe in class, so it's a matter of perspective. Means nothing unless you care about a totally worthless system.

I just know I am gonna love the reply, oh by the way I have red x these posts as you should not really mention places on a public forum.
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Message 1372670 - Posted: 28 May 2013, 6:44:10 UTC

Bernie, I suspect we will never be a classless society but one thing that has
changed over the years is the way class is defined today. Up and too quite
recently your level of wealth went a very long way in setting your class level.
Now this has much changed because so many of the upper classes have not got the
level of wealth like they had years ago but find themselves equally matched in
numbers by those of the working class who do have superior wealth to them. Today
it is more of a social connection/education background that's sets your class
classification....but it really does help though if you can talk with a plum in
your mouth and adopt a double-barrel surname. My favourite quote, "Those who
talk with plum in mouth often think with prune in head"©

The Kite Fliers

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belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1372713 - Posted: 28 May 2013, 10:11:55 UTC - in response to Message 1372702.  

That link you gave, classifies me as Established Middle Class, UUUUH, didn't see that one coming.
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Message 1372963 - Posted: 29 May 2013, 6:30:35 UTC
Last modified: 29 May 2013, 6:32:44 UTC

Royalty - Kings, Queens, Princes
Aristocracy - Lords, Ladies, Viscounts
Upper class - Judges, Chairman, MD's, Directors
Middle class - Bank managers, Senior managers
Lower Middle class - white collar workers, junior management
Working class - blue collar & manual workers

but cast your mind back to Bletchley Park in WWII where most of the cleverest minds were almost exclusively recruited from the Cambridge University circuit. Not only did they have fine minds, but they were judged as having the "right" family background and being the "right sort of chap"

At times they do have their uses so long as you put them in the right job.
Thank goodness WW2 did not involve all-out trench war, goodness knows what
carnage this lot would have reaped again.

I baggsie being of Royalty class since I am a Royalist and think our Queen is
really GREAT!!...What say you, Chris??..Well, we have taken control of the
Isle of Wight so that must have moved us a few rungs up the social classes
The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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