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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1364515 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 19:16:59 UTC - in response to Message 1364512.  

Oy!! Less of the "Old" you young whipper snapper

Quite right too! I iz an opinionated Senior Citizen, Any more of that and I'll whack him around the head with me free bus pass!!

Don't talk to me about bus passes. got that issue sorted on Tuesday only to find that to commence D/D's from the 1st of every month, have to restart from 1st May. Unfortunately, it took 3 days to process with new start 4th.

poor wifey had to get a day pass yesterday!

Ain't technology grand! Getting just as bad as politicians, say one thing, mean another!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1364523 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 19:37:00 UTC

Oh my giddy aunt! Should've stayed at home & bought the waily fail this morning! No good good buying it in London as the weekly TV wouldn't be for my region!

Del-boy pays price for those UKIP slurs

"In 2006 he stupidly claimed the party was made up of ‘fruitcakes and closet racists’. He had no evidence for that gratuitous slur.

As recently as January he dipped again into his book of insults, saying that UKIP contains some ‘pretty odd people’."

Really Del-boy? Can you now explain this to your plebs please.....

Tory MP arrested on rape & assault charges

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Message 1364560 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 20:31:45 UTC - in response to Message 1364539.  

Del-boy pays price for those UKIP slurs

Ah yes, Stephen Glover, the Mail's equivalent of the Grauniad's Polly Toynbee!

Tory MP arrested on rape & assault charges

Bloody hell .....

..thought that one would get your attention!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1364577 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 20:58:15 UTC - in response to Message 1364568.  

Which makes me wonder, & regardless of party, just what do these muppets really think of the electorate?

Sorry Chris, in this instance, that's all they can be called without me receiving an unallocated vacation!
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Message 1364596 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 21:34:24 UTC - in response to Message 1364487.  
Last modified: 4 May 2013, 22:18:34 UTC


Tory 2015 manifesto

Lib Dem 2015 manifesto

Labour 2015 manifesto (estimated)

UKIP 2015 Manifeso ???


Not just mine, suggest you read more, surf more & listen more...then maybe the Lib-dems might just go places.

The last General Election was held on 6th May 2010. I would suggest that being in Government for the last three years, could well be classed as going places. They have 5 Cabinet Ministers and many other Ministers. Can I suggest in turn that you read less (Waily Fail), surf less, and listen more carefully.

Actually we now have 5 social classes. working, middle, upper, Political, bad tempered old gits.

I don't see much substance, if any at all, in your post here. The manifesto's
quoted above will no doubt all read like something out of a history book come
2015. Regarding the "Waily Fail" you seem to assume that a lot of what I write
here is derived from that newspaper. Well it is not but does leave me pondering
is it you who needs to stop reading this paper though?...Listen more carefully,
yes when someone has something 'sensible' to say...I'm still waiting for that
latter event to occur.

I would suggest that being in Government for the last three years, could well be classed as going places.

A bit of a come-down then when you think that at one time the Liberals actually
formed a government in their own I would not class what the Liberals
have achieved today as "going places". It does though seem to me to be more of
a case of, "A trip down memory lane" and that's it....just a short trip.

....anyway, be nice to me for it was my birthday the other day....
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Message 1364604 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 22:10:42 UTC - in response to Message 1364523.  

Tory MP arrested on rape & assault charges

Not another Jeremy scandal in the making???

The Kite Fliers

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1364618 - Posted: 4 May 2013, 23:05:43 UTC

Isn't that strange our speaker of the house of rep's is gay and has been removed for ....... yep pretty much the same thing plus fraud the assult charges have been found to be malass and policicaly motivated and the fraud well that is still ongoing he apparently filled in his cab charge recipts falsely and was putting higher fair than what it should have cost ......blimy so he gave the cabby a tip big deal ......

Sirus it wasn't the lazy so and so you work with was it not checking his load ? How bloody stupid carrying a liquid and not securing it man how do some people get there licences
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Message 1364638 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 0:01:19 UTC

I agree he should not have been stopped. Let him walk the Channel Tunnel then get stopped and prosecuted by the French. A French jail is just as good ...
It's good to be back amongst friends and colleagues

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1364640 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 0:08:28 UTC - in response to Message 1364638.  

John I agree let the frog's deal with it after all he probly came through there country to get in , in the first place
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 1364645 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 0:27:08 UTC

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1364650 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 1:10:24 UTC - in response to Message 1364645.  

jess how can they claim "family " when it seems all they do is get a girl pregnant and then do nothing to support them Crickey deport the SOB's or sack the freaking judges .
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1364714 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 8:59:49 UTC - in response to Message 1364706.  

Chris it's a pitty our own laws are used against us even over here we got problems with this sort of thing and immigration there have been calls to drop the UN charter on immigration sounds like a good idea but I spose it makes us hippocrates
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1364715 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 9:02:16 UTC

If he entered the UK on forged documents, or with no documents, then he should be shipped back to the country from which he came. For many of those who enter on such documents this is France.
It is quite clear in International Law that a person must first seek asylum at their first landfall, not having crossed another "friendly state" to get to the "country of their dreams". For many North Africans the entry points are Spain and France, with some coming into the major container ports (although many who try that route do not make it...)
Bob Smith
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1364725 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 9:29:16 UTC - in response to Message 1364718.  

This business of the latest MP on sex charges is the subject of an ongoing police investigation, therefore it is difficult to make comments without being in danger of prejudicing that. Although every Sunday paper has front pages tearing him to shreds.

There are three deputy Speakers appointed in 2010, Lindsay Hoyle, Dawn Primarolo, and Nigel Evans. It is difficult to see how Evans can continue in his post with this hanging over his head, and Primarolo has already signalled her intention to stand down in 2015. Looks like we might be seeing some new faces in the Chair.

That's what happened to Peter Slipper the speaker of the house of rep's and looks like all a power trip for our d$%khead oppersition leader to force a early election I hope it's nothing like that , I guess gays are easy targets
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Message 1364779 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 14:26:38 UTC
Last modified: 5 May 2013, 14:26:53 UTC

Why didn't you say so? Happy returns for the other day, and I hope you had a good time :-)

...cheers Chris, the nice time starts next Saturday when all the family get
a free meal out on me.....I must be crazy....
The Kite Fliers

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Message 1364786 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 14:41:10 UTC

Now if we want to be really mischievous, just take a flight of fancy, and imagine that in time UKIP carries on in its current popular standing, then amalgamates with the Lib Dems. They could be a third party on equal standing with the other two and could form a majority Government.

The two parties are split over you are being a bit mischievous, but for thought.

I heard a loud scream and then a loud bang some minutes ago. I think Sirius has
blown-up upon hearing on the news that Cameron is now suggesting that a vote
of return of the Conservative party will be taken to mean that the electorate
want him to renegotiate on out terms of European membership. This means to me
that Cameron is not going to offer-up the electorate a referendum on Europe
in 2017....his pay masters hence must be calling the tune here. Well, if the
UKIP supports still mostly vote for the UKIP at the next general election then
it's out with the Cons and in with the Labs + Libs. The newspapers state that
Cameron is the best asset his party has, I don't believe he is an asset for I do
not see this in him.

The Kite Fliers

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belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Message 1364787 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 14:48:29 UTC - in response to Message 1364727.  

Time and time again we have the same scenario, Ministers, MP's, senior Government figures, they all seem to fall into the same trap. Huhne, Mitchell, now Evans, all of them highly regarded in their jobs, but their private lives or demeanour in public lets them down. It all results in shattered families, removal of competent people, and more public disdain for politics. It's a lose/lose situation for everybody.

I'm not too sure that it is a lose/lose situation for everybody here. In time
we should see a better calibre of individual getting involved in politics. Who
will know what is to be and what is not going to be considered as acceptable
behaviour when in high office or holding a high profile position et al.

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Message 1364796 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 15:19:15 UTC

There simply isn’t. Nigel Farage and his party do not offer a solution to the problems the country faces. In fact if UKIP ever got to deliver their policies, unemployment would soar, the rich would get a massive tax cut, and we'd face swingeing cuts to our schools and hospitals.

The above is not the conclusion I draw upon reading around on the UKIP.
One thing though does stand out here and that is yet again we see attacks on the
rich. Are they to be despised for their wealth like they are now for those in the
USA. When all else fails, in politics, and your desperate for public support,
then find a group of people to turn the electorate against hence gain yourself a
greater following.
Hitler did this with the Jews, the socialist parties of the west are doing this
today but against the rich!! If we reduce upon the amount of rich people in the
world does this mean that this automatically reduce the amount who are poor?
Argentina holds the answer to this puzzling question, take a trip there and find

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1364821 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 16:25:13 UTC - in response to Message 1364786.  

The two parties are split over you are being a bit mischievous, but for thought.

I heard a loud scream and then a loud bang some minutes ago. I think Sirius has
blown-up upon hearing on the news that Cameron is now suggesting that a vote
of return of the Conservative party will be taken to mean that the electorate
want him to renegotiate on out terms of European membership. This means to me
that Cameron is not going to offer-up the electorate a referendum on Europe
in 2017....his pay masters hence must be calling the tune here. Well, if the
UKIP supports still mostly vote for the UKIP at the next general election then
it's out with the Cons and in with the Labs + Libs. The newspapers state that
Cameron is the best asset his party has, I don't believe he is an asset for I do
not see this in him.

Nope, still here. Been too busy to take note of soundbites from muppets. Throughout modern political history, there have been leaders that were not liked but they were voted for because their policies were good for the country.

Cameron is not one & never will be & unfortunately with the current mop of politicians, there are none that can or will achieve greatness, either for themselves or the country.....

..and while that continues, the country will suffer! 2 reports that just confirm that.....

Tories won't change course

Cameron under pressure to hold "Mandate referendum"

We don't want a mandate but a clear cut referendum with just 2 questions

1: In
2: Out


Don't know anything further on that incident. Pretty sure though that it was a flatbed. Containers like those are not that easy to secure & my guess is that they weren't roped & covered.

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1364826 - Posted: 5 May 2013, 16:34:50 UTC

Or the UKIP preferential vote version:

Rank in order of preference (1 = most preferred, 3 = least preferred)
Out - Now
Out - Immediately
Out - Today

Bob Smith
Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society)
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