Windows XP 365 days support remaining

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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1354679 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 15:15:57 UTC

Win XP finally ready to retire?? Windows XP death watch: 365 days remaining.

I personally upgraded my last two XP boxes at the weekend. It was a good OS but it is 11 years old and I prefer Vista/Win7 anyway.

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Message 1354683 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 15:31:14 UTC
Last modified: 8 Apr 2013, 15:31:56 UTC

I really liked XP. I never had to reformat every 6 months like i had to with ME. I only had to do that once with XP and that was my choice not that I needed to. When the hard drive failed though it was a bear getting all the service packs though. My old P4 is 10 years old now and will be replaced with a new build.

Old James
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Message 1354736 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 17:57:40 UTC

XP is/was a great OS. Yeah there are a lot of improvements since then, but it is a very solid and stable OS for a huge variety of hardware, both new and old.

Of course Win7 is pretty stable and feature-rich, too, but it does need newer hardware to be pretty decent.

I actually have a triple-boot setup on my laptop (Dell Latitude D531), and 7 takes about 2 minutes before it is usable at the desktop. XP takes about 20 seconds. openSuSE 11.1 is about 40 seconds.

I've installed Win7 on a few laptops in the past few months, and most of them seem to handle it pretty well (of course, they did originally come with it, but that doesn't always mean they're fast machines.. usually RAM limited). The eye candy is generally what a machine is lacking the capability for, especially laptops, but most do it pretty well.

The other thing I really like about XP is that if you do a fresh install and install all the drivers, but don't go into applications and updates yet, you're looking at about 800mb-1.5gb of disk usage, oh and the ability to use Symantec Ghost without it being an absolutely huge image (the last mobo/hardware setup for my main cruncher, I had an 1145MB Ghost image for that setup). Win7 doesn't like being Ghosted, and it is like 8-15GB when you do a clean install.

Just saying, XP is tons easier and faster to deploy, but I'm sure everyone will get used to it.

And yeah, I remember the 98SE and ME days.. start over every 30 days just for good measure. 2000 was amazing until games and software started requiring the kernel patches that came with XP SP2.

I'll continue using XP without getting updates though. I still have some software that doesn't work in anything newer, and there's no new/updated versions for the software, either.
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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1354790 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 20:20:51 UTC

Anymore I just throw Windows 7 on a system to get it up and running. Since it will run forever without a key it is good to have on test systems that I reimage or reinstall on a regular basis.
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Message 1354809 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 21:07:57 UTC - in response to Message 1354790.  

The only rig that I have left running XP is my shed jukebox (all the important ones are now Win7) and that 1 can stay running XP until the hardware gives out.

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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1354835 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 23:08:42 UTC

Xp no more !! Dam I guess I will have to redo the system and finally retire my back up op XP and just have vista as the back up which i'm not to happy about .
But before I go that far I will try the laster version of johnny as I believe it will have the updates to 2012 .
Not shore what to do with the lappy tho it not like win 7 last time I tried the sound drivers weren't working

It's been rather handy to have a muliti boot system with XP as the back up if win7 is giving me a problem and i'm in a hurry to do something on the net

It's a pitty that Microsoft can't be made to support there ops for 20yrs as there are still heaps of systems running it

If you buy a car you can still get parts for it 20 yrs later but then I spose they wouldn't be able to make billions oh well shuch is they way of capitalist system (and I am only jokeing ) life to short to be serious all the time

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Message 1354840 - Posted: 8 Apr 2013, 23:32:04 UTC - in response to Message 1354835.  
Last modified: 9 Apr 2013, 0:07:07 UTC

This won't stop anyone from using XP (there are still people out there using older Windows versions) it just won't get any more security updates so it will still be good as just a dedicated cruncher, or jukebox as in my case (it just won't be good idea to use for surfing the web or software that requires a later version).

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Message 1354845 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 0:01:14 UTC - in response to Message 1354840.  

This won't stop anyone from using XP (there are still people out there using older Windows versions) it just won't get any more security updates so it will good still as just a dedicated cruncher, or jukebox as in my case (it just won't be good idea to use for surfing the web or software that requires a later version).


Absolutely right. It doesn't mean when you boot up one day, it will say "you can't use this anymore, get with the times!" It just means Microsoft will no longer release updates for it, as the code monkeys' time is better spent on more modern things.

Personally, I have three installations of XP floating around here that are just SP2 with zero updates applied. They don't Internet, so it's not a problem.

Just for kicks, I installed 98SE in a VM a few weeks ago. I couldn't find anything at all. I was so lost and confused.. Boy how things have changed.
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Profile John Clark
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Message 1354852 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 0:16:32 UTC

When W2K support was retired a few years ago, I had no problems not getting MS patches on the second Tuesday of each month. I recently upgraded one of my XP pro x32 quads to Win 7 x64, and moved the XP 32 bit to the W2K PC. All is running OK, and I use the PCI based machines to crunch slowly.
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1354854 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 0:18:38 UTC - in response to Message 1354845.  

Just for kicks, I installed 98SE in a VM a few weeks ago. I couldn't find anything at all. I was so lost and confused.. Boy how things have changed.

heheheheh yep it takes me a few min's to fire up the brain cells to remember where thing's are on win98se or me or 2000 hell I get confused sometimes with XP and win 7
so many ops confusing
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Profile Dennis Walker

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Message 1354883 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 4:09:38 UTC - in response to Message 1354854.  
Last modified: 9 Apr 2013, 4:13:06 UTC

I'm not ready to get off XP yet. Never really liked Vista that much and XP still seems more usable than, if not as stable, as Win7.

Of course I have not quite quit using my Win95 box yet. Win 95 machine has been running since before upgraded to Win 95. Can still boot to Win3.11 but that is hard to get used to again!

Originally planned to tranfer to a Win98 machine (1st ran BOINC on this) but that got repurposed for the children. An Xp machine was then the target to replace 95. Some progress untill the 98 machine died and the Xp needed new motherboard. Fortunately was able to replace motherboard w/o more than a couple of driver updates. A Vista Laptop was nice for portability but the Xp remained primary with 95 secondary. After no more updates to anything for 95 I got a Win7 laptop. Win7 is OK... Still have a few less vital items on win95 machine that I do not have exact equivalent on any other. still use 95 regularly offline and will miss when 95 machine does finally die.
Takes a while (years?) for me to setup and never like to do it again.

(still more familiar with COBOL programs on a Mainframe - which is discussion for a totally different environment!)
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Darth Beaver Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1354884 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 4:19:41 UTC - in response to Message 1354883.  

Wow Dennis you still got a machine with win 3.1 !!!

I tried to keep my 3.1 I had it on floppy disc's but alas and I set up a vm but through a bad time I hard for a few yrs it got lost and the vm died on the drive I had so I no longer have win 3.1 may it rest in piece.
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1354945 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 8:03:41 UTC

No I was not suggesting XP would vanish, but because it was so popular it currently has 39% of the OS market world wide, it will be well worth it for the code monkeys to target XP from next April unless that number decreases significantly. If you read the article, the most popular OS is Win 7 with 45% so currently XP is the second most popular OS world wide. From next April it will be an easy target.

Just saying!!
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Message 1354946 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 8:05:32 UTC

I shall continue to run XP until for whatever reason it ceases to function.
That should keep me going for at least 10 years or more on the crunch only rigs.
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Message 1354985 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 11:55:54 UTC - in response to Message 1354977.  

The only reason I have moved over to Win 7 is to go to 64 bit computing. I still prefer XP to Win 7 or Win 8. Truth be known, I was even happier with WfWG 3.11 on top of DOS 6.22. I could delve under the bonnet of that and tune it up to the hilt, and I was good at it too.

Ah, :) Quikmenu, Becker Tools etc.....& trying to get MSCDEX to work every time a new CD Rom drive was added...good fun.

Still have several programs that works extremely well under XP, but problematic with Vista/Win 7. Win 7's XP Mode solved that one.
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Message 1354989 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 12:15:22 UTC - in response to Message 1354977.  
Last modified: 9 Apr 2013, 12:21:42 UTC

The only reason I have moved over to Win 7 is to go to 64 bit computing. I still prefer XP to Win 7 or Win 8. Truth be known, I was even happier with WfWG 3.11 on top of DOS 6.22. I could delve under the bonnet of that and tune it up to the hilt, and I was good at it too.

Funnily I'm the opposite.

I use both x86 and 64bit versions of Win7 and find with what I do the stability is so very much better compared to XP x86. Admittedly XP let me do a few things so much easier but in the end Win7 just does things so much faster with more efficient use of hardware and those few things that are not so easy is what makes Win7 a much more secure system than XP.

In my world XP had passed its prime time back in October of 2009 (when my Q6600 was updated using the final release candidate but other hardware at the time connecting to it restricted me to the x86 version) and the people who I've upgraded since from XP to Win7 are just as happy with the change (age being no barrier), especially a few who always seemed to go out of their way just to get infected (and I'm sure they didn't do it just to see me again, well in most cases anyway :-D ).

[Edit]BTW I'm skipping Win8 just like I did with Vista, both being totally useless to me for so very many reasons.[/Edit]

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Profile John Clark
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Message 1355042 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 15:24:07 UTC - in response to Message 1354945.  

No I was not suggesting XP would vanish, but because it was so popular it currently has 39% of the OS market world wide, it will be well worth it for the code monkeys to target XP from next April unless that number decreases significantly. If you read the article, the most popular OS is Win 7 with 45% so currently XP is the second most popular OS world wide. From next April it will be an easy target.

Just saying!!

Hi Bernie

Not sure that XP without the MS patches, when these disappear, will be vulnerable. It depends on the anti-virus suit you run on it as to whether XP is open to hackers. Currently I run ESET Suit 6 and this seems to catch all. As a sweeper I use AGV to check all is clear.
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Message 1355059 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 15:51:08 UTC
Last modified: 9 Apr 2013, 15:51:41 UTC

Looking over a Operating System Share Trend chart. XP doesn't want to go down without a fight. I do expect XP to start dropping more quickly. As companies are starting to work towards replacing the XP station with newer OS's. We are switching from XP to Windows 7 in June. One of our customers, UPS, is in the process of switching over to Windows 8 at the moment.
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Profile RottenMutt

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Message 1355071 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 16:32:03 UTC

I hate upgrading old XP era hardware to Win 7 or Vista because it is hard to find drivers!

I loaded Windows Home Server 2011 on a Intel Core 2 MB, couldn't find drivers for the Intel Integrated Graphics. I was able to install Server 2008 drivers in compatibility mode.

I just wish companies would turn over their archived driver code to MS so they could get working drivers for the latest OS. Four year old hardware should still be supported on a new OS.
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Message 1355081 - Posted: 9 Apr 2013, 20:49:37 UTC - in response to Message 1355071.  
Last modified: 9 Apr 2013, 21:33:20 UTC

I hate upgrading old XP era hardware to Win 7 or Vista because it is hard to find drivers!

I loaded Windows Home Server 2011 on a Intel Core 2 MB, couldn't find drivers for the Intel Integrated Graphics. I was able to install Server 2008 drivers in compatibility mode.

I just wish companies would turn over their archived driver code to MS so they could get working drivers for the latest OS. Four year old hardware should still be supported on a new OS.

I can't say I've had much of an issue loading a newer OS onto older hardware.

The server OS's do tend to lack a lot of the extra drivers that the client OS's include. When I setup a new machine at work for testing I only get the MS Standard Video Driver for Server 2008 or R2, but Vista & 7 will have the correct Intel, ATI, or NVIDIA drivers.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Windows XP 365 days support remaining

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