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Message 1358038 - Posted: 18 Apr 2013, 12:19:51 UTC

I know it will never happen.

Never say, "never". The impossible happened to the UK when Maggie took the helm.
It will no doubt happen again when all the utilities, health service and such
start to fail us again, someone will come along and stop the rot. We the sensible
ones will appreciate the change, many who may loose out will not hence hate the
one who changed it all. Perhaps in time we will dictate to Europe out terms
of membership. If this were to happen some here will loose out but the majority
will be pleased to see the changes to membership, yes us the sensible ones.

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Message 1358359 - Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 3:46:46 UTC

Hmmm. Thatcher's State Funeral. Curious really, given that the Tories just love to 'privatise' everything (and Thatcher was probably the 'best' at it), that it was not put out to Competitive Tender!

Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1358642 - Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 19:13:53 UTC

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Message 1358701 - Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 22:54:34 UTC

Thank you Stephanie. It really does take a woman to see the obvious, just like Maggie.

Should Britain let go of London?

"By the end, I couldn't help thinking that it's not London that the rest of the country has a problem with - it's the UK's over-centralised system of government.

For generations, officials in Whitehall have taken more and more power away from Britain's cities - and trusted them less and less.

This government isn't the first to say it wants to change that. But you never know, maybe this time it might really mean it."

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Message 1358719 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 0:09:55 UTC - in response to Message 1358468.  

Actually at her own request she had what is called a Ceremonial Funeral, which is the same as a Full State one, the only difference being that the gun carriage is pulled by horses instead of sailors. In a way it was put out to tender in that all the armed services took part and the 8 coffin bearers all came from units that played notable roles in the Falklands war. She also didn't want a flypast as she thought it would be a waste of money. I wonder if we'll ever see another woman PM one day?

A politician 'requesting', 'only' a Ceremonial Funeral? For what? Put out to tender, in a way......? I'm sorry, Chris, but this was the same wretched woman who cut the Defence Budget in 79/80, by 30% when I was serving and p***ed off thousands of serving personnel! Hell, we were almost queueing to get out of the services, as she'd driven morale that low! The cuts that she made, all but invited Argentina to invade the Falklands, in spite of the intel...ergo, she caused the 'Falklands Conflict'! How we love to reward incompetence in this country. As I see it, this was no more than a funeral procession for a former Tory PM/MP instigated by the Tory party and paid for by the taxpayer. Couldn't Ashcroft stretch to paying for that, too?

Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
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Message 1358735 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 1:12:31 UTC

The cuts that she made, all but invited Argentina to invade the Falklands, in spite of the intel...ergo, she caused the 'Falklands Conflict'! How we love to reward incompetence in this country

I just don't see the logic in that statement....

The Kite Fliers

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Message 1358737 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 1:24:35 UTC

Just how many more mistakes have the so-called "educated" economists made?

The student who caught out the profs

Ah, not to worry, we've got our "rock & chips" they say.
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Profile John Clark
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Message 1358740 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 1:32:00 UTC
Last modified: 20 Apr 2013, 1:32:26 UTC

Regarding the cuts to the Armed Forces back in 1980/81. It was John Knott, the Secretary of Sate for Defence, whot did the crime.

I also agree that Thatcher was not to blame for the Falklands conflict, it was General Galtieri who sent their invasion troops in.

That logic is as bad as saying if a burglar gets injured during a visit to your house, then the burglary was the fault of the house owner.

This is just like the NUM blaming Thatcher for destroying the UK's deep mined coal industry, when several trends were happening -

1. The price of deep mined coal was 35% more expensive than the international price of open cast mined coal. So, with this globalisation trend, the coal industry would be shutdown for price and economic reasons.

2. One important factor in the price of our deep mined coal was the lack of investment when it was Government owned. This was equally true of the railways, car industry, etc. Little new innovative equipment was bought in and so the mining productivity was very poor and not cost effective.

3. The 1984 NUM and miner dispute, lead by that economically illiterate President Arthur Scargill, had one intention and that was to break and cause the downfall of a democratically elected Government. That Government, unlike Ted Heath, fought back and was effective with the NUM and later with Union Legislation.
It's good to be back amongst friends and colleagues

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Message 1358747 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 1:57:22 UTC

Point (2) John, an added problem here was that the unions would not accept
investment, in these industries, that bought in modern technology if it was
at the cost of their union members jobs.

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Message 1358761 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 2:34:24 UTC - in response to Message 1358740.  

Regarding the cuts to the Armed Forces back in 1980/81. It was John Knott, the Secretary of Sate for Defence, whot did the crime.

I also agree that Thatcher was not to blame for the Falklands conflict, it was General Galtieri who sent their invasion troops in.

That logic is as bad as saying if a burglar gets injured during a visit to your house, then the burglary was the fault of the house owner.

This is just like the NUM blaming Thatcher for destroying the UK's deep mined coal industry, when several trends were happening -

1. The price of deep mined coal was 35% more expensive than the international price of open cast mined coal. So, with this globalisation trend, the coal industry would be shutdown for price and economic reasons.

2. One important factor in the price of our deep mined coal was the lack of investment when it was Government owned. This was equally true of the railways, car industry, etc. Little new innovative equipment was bought in and so the mining productivity was very poor and not cost effective.

3. The 1984 NUM and miner dispute, lead by that economically illiterate President Arthur Scargill, had one intention and that was to break and cause the downfall of a democratically elected Government. That Government, unlike Ted Heath, fought back and was effective with the NUM and later with Union Legislation.

Defective logic. If there are no doors on the house, then it isn't really burglary, in law, is it? Either way, the 'Police' force were cut down! Were you in the services in those days? If not, then this explains why you've not addressed the issue of morale within the wouldn't have known! Oh yes, those wretched, despised, 'nationalised industries'....those things where the profits went back into The Treasury, helping to pay for just about everything, instead of those same profits lining the pockets of some over-fed merchant banker and CEO. Don't complain about your electricity and gas bills, nor water, or moan about the VAT rate increases, to me. We did indeed see how Thatcher dealt with striking miners...she used a bunch of thugs and crooks in uniform, that she'd 'buttered-up' with nice pay rises to do her dirty work. The same bunch of thugs and crooks in uniform who seem to be pretty damned reluctant to do anything but issue speeding tickets, these days. Indeed, the same thugs, crooks and also liars who blamed innocent people for Hillsborough and for almost 25 years, got away with it! One small point....deep mining has always been more expensive than open cast. How can it be otherwise? You try to compare Cheddar cheese matured in Wookey Hole, with wretched Dairylea!!!

I've also recently heard that Thatcher, thought that privatisation was a "wacky" idea, but changed her mind after being 'persuaded' by John Redwood and others. This being so, she was a lady for turning, in spite of her saying otherwise, so has gone up in my estimation, although doubly marked-down for changing her mind. Lets remind ourselves of some of those nationalised industries...Rolls-Royce, British Airways, British Telecom, British Petroleum, British Gas, British Aerospace, British Steel, British Rail, British Road Services (BRS/NFL) and the list goes on and on. All gone, for a fraction of their real value. A quick quid. As I've stated before, no utility companies should ever be anything but, state owned. You might be happy with anyone owning such utilities, but I am not.

Since I have work to go to, in four hours time, or so, you will have adequate time to lick your wounds! :D

Don't take life too seriously, as you'll never come out of it alive!
ID: 1358761 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 1358764 - Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 2:47:30 UTC

Certain Experts In The Field would conclude with the below statements: You Be Ripe For Radicalization! Choice In Training Camps for those With Means.

Defective logic. If there are no doors on the house, then it isn't really burglary, in law, is it? Either way, the 'Police' force were cut down! Were you in the services in those days? If not, then this explains why you've not addressed the issue of morale within the wouldn't have known! Oh yes, those wretched, despised, 'nationalised industries'....those things where the profits went back into The Treasury, helping to pay for just about everything, instead of those same profits lining the pockets of some over-fed merchant banker and CEO. Don't complain about your electricity and gas bills, nor water, or moan about the VAT rate increases, to me. We did indeed see how Thatcher dealt with striking miners...she used a bunch of thugs and crooks in uniform, that she'd 'buttered-up' with nice pay rises to do her dirty work. The same bunch of thugs and crooks in uniform who seem to be pretty damned reluctant to do anything but issue speeding tickets, these days. Indeed, the same thugs, crooks and also liars who blamed innocent people for Hillsborough and for almost 25 years, got away with it! One small point....deep mining has always been more expensive than open cast. How can it be otherwise? You try to compare Cheddar cheese matured in Wookey Hole, with wretched Dairylea!!!

Gooba Gabba Gooba Gabba Gooba Gabba

Bound For It.

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