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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1294168 - Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 12:37:02 UTC

Britain can rise again

A long way to go then, as a ship that is more than 50% flooded will never rise!

Clarke given Trade role

Bang goes our trade then. Useless as a Justice Minister - isn't about time he got given his zimmer frame?

Careful - Danger Ahead!

This is going to open up a real can of worms if the Scots get it & then this isn't allowed here....

Lower Voting Age for EU referendum

Hyprocosy at work!

Hey Butch, if you can do this, you can allocate £500,000 to the Bomber Memorial!

Cleggie upsetting the coalition again

Keep it up Cleggie, you're just ensuring that you lot will be nobodies come 2015!

British Gas raises prices

The biggest con of all time!

"From next year, an average of £4bn will be taken from consumer bills in the form of carbon taxes," Audrey Gallacher said."

The Greens have a lot to answer for!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1294736 - Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 12:23:35 UTC

Viable enough reason for a new airport?

3rd runway = too much pollution?
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Message 1294841 - Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 16:18:09 UTC

Comfirmation that our "glorious leaders" get their ideas on running the country from a BBC political comedy show.....

....Oh well, proves me wrong, the BBC does have its uses.

The Thick of It
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Message 1294937 - Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 19:50:17 UTC


Benefits on Smart Cards Good move. Will prevent a lot of issues caused by alcholism

Salaried MP's Not sure this would be a good move

oooops.... dropping down the league table slightly......

Health tourism to continue says NHS boss He needs to get the sack!

Economy under triple threat Thought you had that under control Ozzie boy? Looks like your gonna miss your target.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1294962 - Posted: 13 Oct 2012, 20:52:38 UTC

Some time ago, I was asked to give a serious answer, which I provided: -

So whom would you rather see lead the Lib Dems then? They are going to be around as the third party whether you like it or not, so gimmee a serious answer please.

My answer was Sir Menzies Campbell or Mike Hancock.

Hey Mike, it's time you vied for the leadership!

Damn you, you snivel serpents, you are the most arrogant & useless muppets this country currently have!

Artic convoy fury

"Portsmouth South MP Mike Hancock branded the decision an 'absolute disgrace' and a 'slur on this country'."

Mr Hancock, should you ever attain the leadership, I guarantee you my vote. Kudos to you Sir.
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Message 1295134 - Posted: 14 Oct 2012, 9:22:27 UTC - in response to Message 1294841.  
Last modified: 14 Oct 2012, 9:42:43 UTC

Comfirmation that our "glorious leaders" get their ideas on running the country from a BBC political comedy show.....

....Oh well, proves me wrong, the BBC does have its uses.

The Thick of It

The barbs must be getting through to the muppets.........or is this another soundbite to throw us off the scent?

"The Thick of It" Warning

"And it calls for beefed-up powers for the prime minister's adviser on minister's interests "so that the prime minister is not able to protect his ministers from appropriate investigation of the conduct of their advisers"."

AND, to cap it off, it seems that the reason why we have a deficit is that there are many who cannot get their figures right....

...poor BBC, neither can they.......

Cruiser hits Sub

"the watch team aboard the San Jacinto saw a periscope rise from the water about 100 to 200 yards (metres)"

100 to 200 yards = 91 to 182 metres approx.
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Message 1295574 - Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 14:20:53 UTC
Last modified: 15 Oct 2012, 14:21:07 UTC

Crikey, they do seem to be getting serious.....

Gove scraps PC curriculum About time!

Not a case of could, it must be "Should"

AND finallly, another simple solution to clearing the deficit....

£12.6 billion on foreign aid
£19.2 billion on EU

£31.8 billion in our pockets if those disappeared - There you go Butch, have a word with Mince Clarke, job done!

Foreign Aid to overtake police budget
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1295639 - Posted: 15 Oct 2012, 16:33:53 UTC

This certainly isn't going to help the government...... be interesting to see what happens after the book is published.....

"Vampire" Osborne

‘Osborne now had a well-placed journalist to whom he could leak stories... as long as he never turned his pen on him. When Meakin did, relations cooled.’

There's an old saying: -

"Keep your enemies close by, but your friends even closer"! Seems the Vampire forgot that!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1296523 - Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 14:24:21 UTC

Butch's energy row deepens

Sorry Butch, only your useless chancellor is allowed to make u-turns! The gap between costs/VAT & customer's bills are widening. So what's your excuse for this? We know what the utility companies excuses are!

Going to give Chris S a mild stroke here....

It's about time that ALL public utilities are nationalised!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1296557 - Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 15:42:44 UTC - in response to Message 1296554.  

Going to give Chris S a mild stroke here....

It's about time that ALL public utilities are nationalised!

Well, I'll go to the foot of our stairs, would you Adam & Eve it? The man has got it at last. Took a while, but better late than never. These NHS supplied pacemakers are jolly good you know.

Nope, always known it, just coudn't locate the info I wanted......

...give muppets a lot of rope & they'll end up hanging themselves! In this case, very nice of them to do so.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1296568 - Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 15:54:53 UTC

Just what the doctor ordered.....

.......Start now & in 40 years, it will be Great Britain again......


BTW, the new look Photobucket is a great improvement.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1296611 - Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 17:25:03 UTC - in response to Message 1296579.  

Rather think not ....


Killjoy! Where do you think I got the idea from?
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Message 1296643 - Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 18:30:53 UTC - in response to Message 1294168.  
Last modified: 18 Oct 2012, 18:36:54 UTC

Cleggie upsetting the coalition again

Keep it up Cleggie, you're just ensuring that you lot will be nobodies come 2015!

I will never understand the mentality behind some of our politicians.
But Mr Clegg - who was reported to have agreed to the move - said wealthier people needed to pay more before benefits were cut.

Why should they, why should they be penalised are they robbers, are they
criminals!! what's your problem here Mr Clegg, are you nothing more than a covert Communist?
These idea of robbing the rich to give to the poor is nothing more then old
Robin Hood dream theory. Robin Hood is dead and his robbing the rich to give to
the poor was only every a fairy tale fantasy. The trouble with you
Mr Clegg is that in actuality you have simply no idea of what is good policy. Well I'll
give you one for free, " Force all business to invest a set minimum of profits
for reinvestment into their business first before a dividend can be set".
Forced efficiency will result and hence stop the financial institutions from
raping our industries of their profits in the way they have been doing for
over 40 years.
Force this policy upon all companies where less than 51% of the shares are
held in the hands of one person. We don't reinvest enough in our businesses
hence why we struggle so much in the world.

I see your quite good at writing pamphlets and pointing out how Britain has
"A misplaced sense of superiority, sustained by delusions of grandeur
and a tenacious obsession with the last war" why do you think this is?
Because back in the old days we were great, we did great things and achieved
so much. But post WW2 this has ceased to happen, and what happened to change
all this....too much government interference and too many socialist policies.
For it's amazing to note that since socialism came about Britain has slowly
declined yet pre-socialism we were at our best....America dam well take note!!

Well, have you got any ideas mate?! well get out and let someone else in
who might!!
The Kite Fliers

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1296645 - Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 18:40:40 UTC - in response to Message 1296643.  

Well, have you got any ideas mate?! well get out and let someone else in
who might!!

nice post...I've got an idea.......

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1296852 - Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 10:53:32 UTC

Oh dearie me. All that trolling about using the daily rag to get points across, yet not once has a reply been posted with regards to the report...

.....well let's see how well this one goes down......

......I stated that before the "silly season" started, what went on before would be brushed under the carpet. Well it seems that the "legal fiddles" by MP's is continuing.....

Claiming & renting

So can the taxpayer lay claim to those properties as it seems that we paid for them?
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Message 1297569 - Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 13:08:19 UTC
Last modified: 21 Oct 2012, 13:42:20 UTC

Couldn't have said it better myself....

"This dog of a coalition"

Does Sir Humphrey care to comment?

Edit: Even better......

Let me see....what do I call them & get castigated.....

nancy boy, del-boy, butch, mincie, muppets, lord snooty's - all reasonably mischievious....yet.....

"In full glorious colour, our educated leaders at work........

Foul-mouthed MP's trade insults

Oh dear"
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Message 1297903 - Posted: 22 Oct 2012, 16:07:22 UTC - in response to Message 1297569.  

Foul-mouthed MP's trade insults

Oh dear"

Nothing more than what either the cabinet or opposition cabinet would use
to describe most of their underlings in Parliament. The writers behind
Yes Minister gave a clear message of this via information passed onto
them, via their inside contacts in Parliament, during the years the Yes Minister
series was running.

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1298418 - Posted: 24 Oct 2012, 21:11:53 UTC

Oh dear, this government is going from bad to worse.....

Retired could work for their pension

The No 1 Lord Gerkin "suggested the government should use the pensions system to "incentivise" retired people."

Just what do you think they were doing all their lives? Playing tiddlywinks in the Commons?

This muppet deserves the name!

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Message 1298425 - Posted: 24 Oct 2012, 22:33:14 UTC

gosh, someone actually saying you have to pay for it
that you can't steal it from your kids
such a crazy old man
doesn't he get Robin Hood?!!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1298617 - Posted: 25 Oct 2012, 12:57:28 UTC - in response to Message 1298425.  

gosh, someone actually saying you have to pay for it
that you can't steal it from your kids
such a crazy old man
doesn't he get Robin Hood?!!

They do pay for it......

N.I. Contributions

Knocks your comment for six then.
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