Storing BOINC files in /usr/boinc, not ~/

Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Storing BOINC files in /usr/boinc, not ~/
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Message 49724 - Posted: 28 Nov 2004, 20:25:09 UTC

After a long struggle getting my TiBook back up to snuff, I've downloaded and installed BOINC 4.13 (yay!). The executable is nicely tucked away in /usr/bin/, instead of ~/.boinc/ as it used to be. .o0(Now that I think of it, lemme mkdir /usr/boinc and move everything there. Ah, better!)

However, I've found that all of the BOINC ancillary files and folders are being stored in ~/! How do I tell BOINC to store its files elsewhere? I'd think that /usr/boinc/ would be better than in a user's directory, no?

For what it's worth, here's the output from BOINC as I ran it:
2004-11-28 15:16:19 [---] Starting BOINC client version 4.13 for powerpc-apple-darwin
2004-11-28 15:16:19 [] Project prefs: using your defaults
2004-11-28 15:16:20 [] Host ID not assigned yet
2004-11-28 15:16:20 [---] No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults
2004-11-28 15:16:20 [---] Running CPU benchmarks
2004-11-28 15:16:20 [---] Suspending computation and network activity - running CPU benchmarks
2004-11-28 15:17:21 [---] Benchmark results:
2004-11-28 15:17:21 [---]    Number of CPUs: 1
2004-11-28 15:17:21 [---]    410 double precision MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
2004-11-28 15:17:21 [---]    1238 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
2004-11-28 15:17:21 [---] Finished CPU benchmarks
2004-11-28 15:17:22 [---] Resuming computation and network activity
2004-11-28 15:17:22 [---] Insufficient work; requesting more
2004-11-28 15:17:22 [---] Insufficient work; requesting more
2004-11-28 15:17:22 [] Requesting 17280 seconds of work
2004-11-28 15:17:22 [] Sending request to scheduler:
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [] Scheduler RPC to succeeded
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [SETI@home] General preferences have been updated
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [---] General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 2004-10-31 12:46:42)
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [---] General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [SETI@home] Project prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [SETI@home] Started download of setiathome_4.02_powerpc-apple-darwin
2004-11-28 15:17:23 [SETI@home] Started download of 10ap04aa.3795.1313.636084.9
2004-11-28 15:17:27 [SETI@home] Finished download of 10ap04aa.3795.1313.636084.9
2004-11-28 15:17:27 [SETI@home] Throughput 83973 bytes/sec
2004-11-28 15:17:30 [SETI@home] Finished download of setiathome_4.02_powerpc-apple-darwin
2004-11-28 15:17:30 [SETI@home] Throughput 134172 bytes/sec
2004-11-28 15:17:30 [SETI@home] Starting result 10ap04aa.3795.1313.636084.9_2 using setiathome version 4.02
ID: 49724 · Report as offensive
Profile Keith J. Schultz

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Message 50389 - Posted: 1 Dec 2004, 10:03:25 UTC

Hi Neo,

First off use /usr/local !!! You do not want boinc getting stomp on by an

Second you have to cd to where boinc is before you start!!!
Here is a script i have used before switching to Seti Control:
cd ~/bin/Seti

Nataurally you have to use the name of the boinc version that you have.

Keith J. Schultz
ID: 50389 · Report as offensive
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Message 50622 - Posted: 2 Dec 2004, 5:50:09 UTC - in response to Message 50389.  

First off use /usr/local !!!
That had ocurred to me about two hours ago .o0(Oops!) I've got a clean system now, so in /usr/local it will be.

I didn't realize that boinc will work from $CWD. I'll try adding alias lines in /etc/bashrc and /etc/csh.login so that all users will be able to work on the same WU.

ID: 50622 · Report as offensive
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Message 51184 - Posted: 4 Dec 2004, 6:39:33 UTC

ID: 51184 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Storing BOINC files in /usr/boinc, not ~/

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