cuda_fermi running on non Fermi GPU

Questions and Answers : GPU applications : cuda_fermi running on non Fermi GPU
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Profile stephenm

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Message 1277931 - Posted: 31 Aug 2012, 5:17:56 UTC

I have a Geforce GTX 680 and GTX 275 installed on my system. Running Windows 7 x64 and BOINC 7.0.28. SETI 6.10 cuda_fermi WUs are assigned to the GTX 275 even though it isn't Fermi compatible hardware. Is this a BOINC or SETI bug? I figure it should assign WUs to the appropriate hardware. Currently have the 275 disabled so I don't make any more computing errors.
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Profile Gatekeeper

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Message 1277946 - Posted: 31 Aug 2012, 5:42:56 UTC - in response to Message 1277931.  
Last modified: 31 Aug 2012, 5:45:09 UTC

I have a Geforce GTX 680 and GTX 275 installed on my system. Running Windows 7 x64 and BOINC 7.0.28. SETI 6.10 cuda_fermi WUs are assigned to the GTX 275 even though it isn't Fermi compatible hardware. Is this a BOINC or SETI bug? I figure it should assign WUs to the appropriate hardware. Currently have the 275 disabled so I don't make any more computing errors.

AFAIK, there is no difference among the stock apps 608, 609 and 610. There are probably a few regulars here who can explain the error messages on the 275 unit, but long story short usually a kepler (the 680) and a pre-fermi (the 275) are a bad combo in the same machine.

I'd recommend you check out the Lunatics optimized app (see thread in Number Crunching forum). That would allow you to do more work faster, and be ablee to run multiple units on the one 680 card.
ID: 1277946 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1278808 - Posted: 1 Sep 2012, 11:39:25 UTC - in response to Message 1277931.  

It seems to me that all 'Error tasks for computer 6426047' are from the GeForce GTX 680


BOINC will Not use by default the GTX 275 (in your mixed system with GeForce GTX 680 - BOINC uses only the most capable GPU) unless you use in cc_config.xml

Are you sure the GTX 275 was in fact used?


- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1278808 · Report as offensive
Profile stephenm

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Message 1285072 - Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 5:28:44 UTC - in response to Message 1278808.  

GTX275 is the one generating the errors. GPUs are numbered and listed in the event log. When this problem occurs, I am using cc_config.xml. 8800GT and GTX 275 worked marvelous together. GTX 275 and 680 not at all. =)
ID: 1285072 · Report as offensive
Profile BilBg
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Message 1285084 - Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 7:00:07 UTC - in response to Message 1285072.  
Last modified: 18 Sep 2012, 7:24:14 UTC

GTX275 is the one generating the errors.

Some of the latest (18 Sep 2012) errors are from GeForce GTX 275

But those from 14 Sep 2012 are from GeForce GTX 680 (as was the case when I checked on 1 Sep 2012, at that time all of them showed GTX 680):

setiathome_CUDA: CUDA Device 1 specified, checking...
Device 1: GeForce GTX 680 is okay
SETI@home using CUDA accelerated device GeForce GTX 680

These 2 are from 28 Aug 2012 and show only GTX 680

Stderr output
Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)
setiathome_CUDA: Found 1 CUDA device(s):
   Device 1 : GeForce GTX 680 
           totalGlobalMem = -2147483648 
           sharedMemPerBlock = 49152 
           regsPerBlock = 65536 
           warpSize = 32 
           memPitch = 2147483647 
           maxThreadsPerBlock = 1024 
           clockRate = 1058500 
           totalConstMem = 65536 
           major = 3 
           minor = 0 
           textureAlignment = 512 
           deviceOverlap = 1 
           multiProcessorCount = 8 
setiathome_CUDA: CUDA Device 1 specified, checking...
   Device 1: GeForce GTX 680 is okay
SETI@home using CUDA accelerated device GeForce GTX 680
setiathome_enhanced 6.09 Visual Studio/Microsoft C++
libboinc: 6.3.22

Work Unit Info:
WU true angle range is :  0.427204
Optimal function choices:
              v_BaseLineSmooth (no other)
            v_GetPowerSpectrum 0.00018 0.00000 
                   v_ChirpData 0.01435 0.00000 
                  v_Transpose4 0.00645 0.00000 
               FPU opt folding 0.00328 0.00000 
CUFFT error in file 'd:/Projects/SETI/seti_boinc/client/cuda/' in line 62.



I don't say that all tasks are errors, you have 'Valid (139)'
I say that your confidence that only "GTX275 is the one generating the errors" is not correct.


- ALF - "Find out what you don't do well ..... then don't do it!" :)
ID: 1285084 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : GPU applications : cuda_fermi running on non Fermi GPU

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