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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1306936 - Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 22:35:12 UTC

Here is a question for you. Ever since windows 3.1.1, I have used card file. I have transferred it to win 95, win millenium, win XP. As my p4 with Xp had a hard drive die, Now I must find my backup copy and instal it again. Seeing I have a 32 bit copy of it Can I install it on my windows Vitsa or Win7 64 bit machines? I dont think I can. So if I cant does anyone know of a program that is like cardfile.

Now before you call me a luddite I like card file. It was simple and easy.

Old James
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Message 1307024 - Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 5:52:38 UTC - in response to Message 1306936.  
Last modified: 17 Nov 2012, 6:02:28 UTC

No you're not a luddite. I too found Cardfile excellent for its ease of use.

Try this, as many found it works a charm.: - 64bit Cardfile

Edit: forgot to mention - it's runs great in 32 bit as well.
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Profile Grant Nelson

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Message 1307061 - Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 9:41:10 UTC - in response to Message 1291072.  
Last modified: 17 Nov 2012, 9:53:04 UTC

I'd like to point out that when a Microsoft OS goes out of support, they do not cut off Windows Update access, nor do they pull updates from their servers.

When a Microsoft OS goes out of support, they simply stop writing fixes for it. I have been able to update Windows 2000 machines that I rebuild using the Windows Update service without issue.

I realise that but there are are no NEW updates.

Agreed, that's what I said.

I was merely pointing it out for people suggesting to keep a cache of updates on their computers which isn't necessary.

And, even if the updates were not available at all, at that time you will have worst issues than not being able to update it... Im sure, you will be forced to upgrade the OS due to the lack of drivers, or even lack of compatible apps...

On the other hand, I think that something like Win95 its nowaday more safe than any other MS OS... I doubt there is any hacker out there still looking for security issues on that OS...

I have an Acer and use windows 7, I haven't had a minutes trouble with it in 8 months. :) To me it's perfectly tuned. I'm not changing.

And Uli Pluto is a planet in my book too.
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Profile Ex: "Socialist"
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Message 1307127 - Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 17:21:36 UTC - in response to Message 1306936.  
Last modified: 17 Nov 2012, 17:23:33 UTC

Here is a question for you. Ever since windows 3.1.1, I have used card file. I have transferred it to win 95, win millenium, win XP. As my p4 with Xp had a hard drive die, Now I must find my backup copy and instal it again. Seeing I have a 32 bit copy of it Can I install it on my windows Vitsa or Win7 64 bit machines? I dont think I can. So if I cant does anyone know of a program that is like cardfile.

Now before you call me a luddite I like card file. It was simple and easy.

64 bit Windows versions support 32 bit apps. Heck, half of microsoft's stuff is still 32 bit. Thats why in 64 bit windows you will have 2 "program files" folders, one of which is "(x86)". But I see Sirius found you a 64 bit version anyways.

One issue though I do encounter with older software going through newer OS's, is software meant for pre-XP versions sometimes has .DLL dependencies that have been a real headache.
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1307141 - Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 18:18:41 UTC

Thank you Sirius B and EX. cardfile worked great with my Xp, I was hopimg that somewhere there was 64 bit version around.

I will try out the 64 bit version. If it works like i hope it will, I will use it. And retire that old 3.1.1 version. And yes I have used that same cardfile now on 4 consectutive computers. A P1 Packard Bell. P1 gateway, P1 compact. And the still running P4 gateway.

Thanks guys.

Old James
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Message 1308196 - Posted: 21 Nov 2012, 0:21:55 UTC - in response to Message 1308121.

Isn't Internet Privacy an oxymoron?

I mean, after all, if you release a fish out into the ocean, isn't it ok for someone else to catch it then?

Isn't it unreasonable to believe you can release data out onto the WORLDWIDE WEB and expect it to remain your private data?

I think it's time to admit the internet is like the ocean.

Agreed, it's just like using a public mail system, with similar expectations to lack of privacy. As the government doesn't need a warrant to intercept regular mail, why should it need one for email, etc? Right?
I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that ...

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Message 1308205 - Posted: 21 Nov 2012, 0:57:46 UTC - in response to Message 1274823.  

As mentioned over in N/C by Ex (Good idea Dave - think rather than a new board, use politics as it can be a very hot topic), a thread for O/S & Technology discussion.

NO flaming, baiting or abuse.
No big gun/little gun arguments.
Knock the O/S, Technology, NOT the poster.

We have had several crunchers assist Windows/Linux users on a terrific basis, let's keep it that way.

To start off: -

As already mentioned, I agree with the statement that Win 7 wil become XP's successor as Win 8 is a Royal Pig's dinner. It was stated on MS forums that with Win 8 DP & CP, there were several tips available to have the Desktop available from startup.

So far, I've tried them all & Win 8 continues to boot up into Metro. So it does look like Microsoft has locked those out.

With Linux & the Unity/Gnome 3 debacle, the Linux community has provided alternatives, for example Mint 13, which I'm currently using. This is a good thing, however, the same cannot be said for Microsoft - How long before the Tidal Wave hits Redmond?

yes the dashboard is annoying it does recognize more new equipment and it did install my raid without a floppy which is good because my last 3 builds did not include one. also it seems less breakable then the previous versions.
and let us not forget that bill said that if it works you worked on it to long were is the upgrade in that.
as well as it's not the tidal wave we are waiting for it is bill walking out of Seattle bay with a fatal head wound and answers for all the worlds problems that do not work. check revelations i think it's him!
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Message 1308311 - Posted: 21 Nov 2012, 11:39:28 UTC
Last modified: 21 Nov 2012, 11:39:46 UTC

An interesting idea.....

Plastic Electronics
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1308675 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 7:57:10 UTC

Thank you Sirius B and EX. cardfile worked great with my Xp, I was hopimg that somewhere there was 64 bit version around.

Update, I found my copy of cardfile for win xp. As it was from 2009 I have some updating to do. Also I have downloaded the 64 bit version on my vista machine. It is a lttle differant but still its cardfile. Have a lot of updating on that one.

EX, I tried to copy the 32 bit version to my I7 vista and it was a no go. Gave me a message that I had no idea what it meant. I went no further.

So Thanks guys.

Old James
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Message 1308709 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 9:45:56 UTC - in response to Message 1308675.  

It works great on Win 7 as well.
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Message 1308718 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 10:14:02 UTC

Ain't technology grand......

Why Sat-Nav should be banned in trucks

......then again, how about banning idiots from holding HGV licenses....

....too many idiots fail to use what little brain cells they have & technology can't help there.... :)
ID: 1308718 · Report as offensive
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Message 1308787 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 14:54:11 UTC - in response to Message 1308733.  

Yes the link is rarther obvious! That doesn't mean that all these mishaps are down to foreign drivers.

One of our regular drivers on a Gloucester run (had done this run numerous times before) entered Tufley Lane at one end & rather than return the same way, thought he coud save time by exiting the other end.....

.....unfortunately, one end is 14', the other 10'6" - height of truck 11'6" - nationality of driver = English.

We wound him up for months afterwards, especially as it cost him £1000 for hitting a railway bridge....

...& the best laugh of all was that behind him was a police patrol car!
ID: 1308787 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1308820 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 16:22:07 UTC - in response to Message 1308733.  
Last modified: 22 Nov 2012, 16:22:54 UTC

It's rather obvious isn't it? A Polish Driver in a Polish truck. Can't speak English, cant read English road signs, and probably not the brightest biscuit in the barrel either. We all know why these foreign drivers are employed by companies because they work for low wages.

Unsuitable for HGV means what? What the heck is a HGV? Why would a road be unsuitable for one? At least this English speaker knows what a lorry is, but not a HGV. Now if it said no vehicles more than 15 feet king pin to rear axle, then it would be obvious. If it said unpaved road it would be obvious.

As for sat nav, no issue at all. It is the car database that is the fault. Load a heavy weight vehicle database and there is no problem. Just slap a sticker on, for use in cars only, will give illegal routes for trucks.
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Message 1308823 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 16:31:25 UTC - in response to Message 1308820.  

HGV=Heavy Goods Vehicle, which is split into 2 classes, 1 & 2. Class 2 is for rigid trucks up to 26 tons. Class 1 is for articulated vehicles up to 44 tons.

The main problem here in the UK is that there are numerous little towns & villages where one would just about be able to get a 7½ ton vehicle through them let alone an articulated 40 foot, 44 tonner.

Unfortunately, regardless of nationality, the drivers on the road today just want everything done for them without having to use their brain cells.
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Message 1308824 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 16:35:46 UTC

Oops, Google & map makers in a quandry....

Sandy Island does not exist

Think they should've gone to Spec Savers!
ID: 1308824 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1308846 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 17:47:04 UTC - in response to Message 1308824.  

Oops, Google & map makers in a quandry....

Sandy Island does not exist

Just like the Falklands don't exist only the Malvinas do. Aren't there more examples in the South China Sea?

ID: 1308846 · Report as offensive
Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1308853 - Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 17:53:20 UTC - in response to Message 1308846.  

Oops, Google & map makers in a quandry....

Sandy Island does not exist

Just like the Falklands don't exist only the Malvinas do. Aren't there more examples in the South China Sea?

Looks like someone not reading properly. The Falklands/Malvinas exist...Sandy Island doesn't.
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