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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1254189 - Posted: 1 Jul 2012, 15:29:36 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jul 2012, 15:48:12 UTC

This guy's having a laugh isn't he...Thought he was only interested in decimating our armed forces.....

Hague speaks

...in other words, we'll never get a referendum as the debt crisis is gonna take 20 years or more to be finally resolved.

Edit: -

"Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Cameron says that Britain is in danger of getting swamped by EU legislation and bureaucracy which he would like to see scrapped" - Aw man, you gotta be kidding us! Really? Too much red tape & pure B/S?
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Message 1254256 - Posted: 1 Jul 2012, 17:40:34 UTC

Why the euro banking union is doomed to failure

"Despite the concessions from Germany, Merkel also emphasised that she retained the power to block too liberal a use of the bailout funds. Banks could only be recapitalised directly once the new supervisory system was in place "in the medium-term" and she would be able to veto any such decisions.

The decision to waive the preferential treatment for the bailout fund on the Spanish rescue was a one-off that would not be repeated in any further programmes, Merkel said".
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1254296 - Posted: 1 Jul 2012, 18:50:43 UTC

God protect us from liars, thieves & politicians....

...however, in this case, just protect us fron one with all 3 traits......

"Observers say the former Prime Minister appears to be raising his public profile in Britain, and clearing the decks about his financial status, before making a return to a significant political role

There is growing speculation that he wants to become the next European president

. After a low profile, he gave two BBC interviews and was guest editor of the Evening Standard last week. No one from Mr Blair’s office was available for comment last night".

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1254321 - Posted: 1 Jul 2012, 19:54:27 UTC

Gawd, if this idiot gets the position, the eurocrisis will be guaranteed to last 30 years or more......

Who does he think he is.....God?

"However The IoS understands that one job Mr Blair may be offered is director general of the World Trade Organisation, a post that comes up next year. The current holder, Pascal Lamy, is French and has served two four-year terms, and diplomatic sources have hinted that a British candidate would be in a good position to get the job. Even David Cameron is understood not to be opposed to Mr Blair's possible candidature".

Gawd help us! Even Del-boy is unopposed to this - he know something we don't...like Del-boy being guaranteed a high paying position in 2015 when he & his muppets lose the election?

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Message 1254698 - Posted: 2 Jul 2012, 20:49:42 UTC

Looks like Europe is, again, beginning to pull the rest of the world into crisis....

Euro gloom spreads across the water
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Message 1254709 - Posted: 2 Jul 2012, 21:09:52 UTC - in response to Message 1254698.  

Looks like Europe is, again, beginning to pull the rest of the world into crisis....

Euro gloom spreads across the water

No pulling the wool over my eyes here, America will be in recession by the
latest January 2013.

Euro gloom spreads across the Atlantic

The above headline from Sirius's link is misleading, It should have said...
...Euro gloom mirrored across the Atlantic

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Message 1254734 - Posted: 2 Jul 2012, 21:35:29 UTC - in response to Message 1254710.  

Gawd help us! Even Del-boy is unopposed to this

Even David Cameron is understood not to be opposed to Mr Blair's possible candidature".

C'mon Sirius it's a no-brainer. Absolutely no-one from the general public, to both sides of the House of Commons, and the other place (as they call it), wants to see Blair back in to front line UK politics, ever ever again. Shunting him sideways as DG of the WTO effectively gets rid of him.

If he cared more about the UK than of himself why does he not do something
useful like promote our industries abroad. He's made loads of money
gained from his experiences as our once Prime Minister if he's genuine
then he should put something back in it's place....or is he just totally
selfish?? I know the cats got her cream and wont share it with anyone...meeooow!

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1254957 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 9:19:28 UTC - in response to Message 1254734.  

Gawd help us! Even Del-boy is unopposed to this

Even David Cameron is understood not to be opposed to Mr Blair's possible candidature".

C'mon Sirius it's a no-brainer. Absolutely no-one from the general public, to both sides of the House of Commons, and the other place (as they call it), wants to see Blair back in to front line UK politics, ever ever again. Shunting him sideways as DG of the WTO effectively gets rid of him.

If he cared more about the UK than of himself why does he not do something
useful like promote our industries abroad. He's made loads of money
gained from his experiences as our once Prime Minister if he's genuine
then he should put something back in it's place....or is he just totally
selfish?? I know the cats got her cream and wont share it with anyone...meeooow!

Excellent reply!
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Message 1254976 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 10:20:31 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jul 2012, 10:35:55 UTC

Hollande struggles to re-brand austerity

How about "Hollande Sauce" (© Chris S)

C'mon Sirius it's a no-brainer. Absolutely no-one from the general public, to both sides of the House of Commons, and the other place (as they call it), wants to see Blair back in to front line UK politics, ever ever again. Shunting him sideways as DG of the WTO effectively gets rid of him.

nice pay packet though.....

..along with some nice free holidays, worldwide travel, lavish lunches with his "new" cronies........
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Message 1254982 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 10:36:50 UTC - in response to Message 1254980.  

How about "Hollande Sauce"

Oi! you pinched my line! No I haven't it's copyrighted, look again lol
nice pay packet though..... ..along with some nice free holidays, worldwide travel, lavish lunches with his "new" cronies........

Not sure he needs the money as much as having withdrawal symptoms from being Numero Uno and Head Honcho. That means more to his vanity I think.

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Message 1255001 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 11:05:43 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jul 2012, 11:06:05 UTC

With all these summits & meetings, every time there is a photoshoot with one of the Eurozone leaders, there is always the Euro flag as well as the Flag of that leader's nation....

..until it comes to Britain......

What's up Del-Boy? Does the Union Jack insult you?

BTW, like the tie, but as your government is a coalition, shouldn't it have some "Yellow" in it?
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Message 1255025 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 12:24:13 UTC - in response to Message 1255005.  

BTW, like the tie, but as your government is a coalition, shouldn't it have some "Yellow" in it?

Actually no. He is a Conservative Prime Minister who happens to lead a coalition government. Politicians wear the ties of their party, not the government in power. oooh, I "really" didn't know that

As for the picture you chose to post, that was a bit "selective" wasn't it?Tell that to the media - it's in todays papers

Hmmn, after all the turnarounds lately, is he trying to get in front of everyone by being prepared in advance? - today's date is 3rd july 2012, not November 11th

David Cameron teased BBC reporters in an aside during a speech at the EU summit in Brussels.

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Message 1255027 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 12:29:50 UTC

Hmmn, wonder if anyone noticed anything in all the reports regarding this issue?

Del-boy on Peckham's referendum

From all reports to date, it seems that should there be a referendum, it won't be straight forward as many think - It will not be, In Yes or No/Out Yes or No, but the question will be worded according to the politicians views.

Do they really think the electorate is that dumb?
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Message 1255051 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:04:28 UTC

I can't make out his mind-set at the moment, either he's dumb stupid or
he has a sly trick up his sleeve. At the moment he's in the prime position
to be able renegotiate Britain's terms within the ECM. The Euro lot are struggling
and want to keep it all together so their resistance to any UK requests to change
our terms is pretty dam low. He says this isn't the time to renegotiate due
to the Euro currency crisis occupying all ECM members time. Cameron's a descent
chap in'e, very magnanimous of him but do you think this would be the way if
it was, France, Spain or Italy wishing to renegotiate their terms. You know dam'd
right it wouldn't be. They'd be straight in now taking advantage of the
oppositions weakness so enabling them to get more of the changes they wont.
But not Cameron, oh no, he's got to play the true gentleman and apply the rules
of cricket. Slight problem here, David; they don't play cricket over there
and certainly don't apply the rules of fair play when it comes to getting what
they want. Now then, either Cameron has got a trick up his sleeve, which I
can't think what ot could possibly be. Or, we have a Prime Minister with no
bottle because he lacks confidence in himself? Can you think of the last Prime
Minister we had that actually had any bottle, for we sure seem to lack this
in our lot.

The Kite Fliers

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1255053 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:06:28 UTC - in response to Message 1255051.  

Just the two Nick...

Winston Churchill & Maggie Thatcher.
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Message 1255055 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:10:30 UTC - in response to Message 1255053.  

Just the two Nick...

Winston Churchill & Maggie Thatcher.

Correct, Sirius; easy wasn't it, nearly as easy as most of the GCSE exams
questions that get set these days.

The Kite Fliers

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belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1255060 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:15:58 UTC - in response to Message 1255055.  

Just the two Nick...

Winston Churchill & Maggie Thatcher.

Correct, Sirius; easy wasn't it, nearly as easy as most of the GCSE exams
questions that get set these days.

Yeah, laughable isn't it? A couple of years ago, the media did a survey... some answers about winnie....

"Wasn't he a popstar in the 60's?
"Wasn't he a famous journalist?"

I'll have to go for another degree....should pass it wih my eyes closed!
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Message 1255064 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:23:33 UTC - in response to Message 1255062.  
Last modified: 3 Jul 2012, 14:24:21 UTC

Now then, either Cameron has got a trick up his sleeve, which I can't think what ot could possibly be. Or, we have a Prime Minister with no bottle because he lacks confidence in himself? Can you think of the last Prime Minister we had that actually had any bottle, for we sure seem to lack this in our lot.

Winston Churchill & Maggie Thatcher.

Agree 100% with Churchill and Thatcher. Look you two, I am basically on your side as it happens, and I agree with a lot of what you say. But it doesn't help when you both tend to take the red top media viewpoint.

So answer me this: - Just who do we believe?

Edit: These events are occuring are they not? Or are we just dreaming a "Walter Mitty" Scenario?
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Message 1255072 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:51:44 UTC - in response to Message 1255062.  

Now then, either Cameron has got a trick up his sleeve, which I can't think what ot could possibly be. Or, we have a Prime Minister with no bottle because he lacks confidence in himself? Can you think of the last Prime Minister we had that actually had any bottle, for we sure seem to lack this in our lot.

Winston Churchill & Maggie Thatcher.

Agree 100% with Churchill and Thatcher. Look you two, I am basically on your side as it happens, and I agree with a lot of what you say. But it doesn't help when you both tend to take the red top media viewpoint.

Hey Chris, have you thought that it might be the other way around and that their
slowly taking our viewpoint.

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Message 1255074 - Posted: 3 Jul 2012, 14:57:34 UTC

Political Correspondents - There are a few that are in with the "in crowd" and are able to report what people in "power" really think.

Confusion reigns supreme here in the UK because none of us really get
to know what our politicians really think, but quite clear on what they
think across the channel...doesn't seem right somehow...

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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