China - Is she getting frisky?

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1264484 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 16:35:43 UTC - in response to Message 1264470.  

Yep & I wonder if those that mocked us will have the courage to say sorry......
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1264485 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 16:39:23 UTC - in response to Message 1264470.  

Just wondering how much more of this is occuring?

China - EU Trade War?

With the US slapping on a 31% import tax, what would happen if the EU followed suit?...

...then this "Controlled" depression will become a fully blown and out of control

Might get bad for the US and EU. China will shift towards Africa and South America as a back up.

Old James
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Message 1264495 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 16:52:58 UTC - in response to Message 1264485.  

Might get bad for the US and EU. China will shift towards Africa and South America as a back up.

I'm not too sure here about this, James; for I don't think they will be a big
enough sink hole to plonk Chinese goods in. Time will tell though if your right
or wrong....interesting times to come, what-what!

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Message 1264499 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 17:01:35 UTC - in response to Message 1264484.  

Yep & I wonder if those that mocked us will have the courage to say sorry......

Where finance is concerned, Sirius; then history always shows that it does not
pay to follow the herd. The herd will eventually lead over the edge of a cliff???
"That's funny", that's exactly where they are now!!...falling off the edge of
a cliff....oooops! there goes some-more of them.

The Kite Fliers

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belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1264500 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 17:04:45 UTC - in response to Message 1264495.  

Might get bad for the US and EU. China will shift towards Africa and South America as a back up.

I'm not too sure here about this, James; for I don't think they will be a big
enough sink hole to plonk Chinese goods in. Time will tell though if your right
or wrong....interesting times to come, what-what!

Its not about selling goods at first its getting the raw materials fisrt. And I will say outright watch for China to start buying mineing and a big stake in minerals in both the US and the EU.

They have tasted the big money and the power big money buys. In 10 years you can forget about China being a cheap labor force.

Old James
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Message 1264508 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 17:15:58 UTC - in response to Message 1264500.  

Might get bad for the US and EU. China will shift towards Africa and South America as a back up.

I'm not too sure here about this, James; for I don't think they will be a big
enough sink hole to plonk Chinese goods in. Time will tell though if your right
or wrong....interesting times to come, what-what!

Its not about selling goods at first its getting the raw materials fisrt. And I will say outright watch for China to start buying mineing and a big stake in minerals in both the US and the EU.

They have tasted the big money and the power big money buys. In 10 years you can forget about China being a cheap labor force.

Yes, China has already picked-up vast amounts of mining interest's in both
Australia and Africa. Whether this works in China's favour remains to be seen
as normal market forces should still dictate supply/demand prices. Can China
corner the commodities markets, only if countries keep on importing their goods.
If too many countries decided to ban Chinese imports or placed a very high
tariff on them then this could sink China for it does not have a big enough home
market to support it's economy if it's export markets collapsed.

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Message 1264540 - Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 18:05:52 UTC

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere v2.0

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Message 1281917 - Posted: 9 Sep 2012, 15:07:58 UTC

Hidden inside this report shows China's leadership still have some worrying aspects...

Forbidden Toilets of Beijing

"The controversy made me chuckle and I mentioned to our government minder that I wanted to cover this storm in a toilet bowl.

It was Mr Chen's job to ensure we did not break any reporting rules. He had been a cheerful, relaxed companion throughout our three-week journey, but now his face darkened.

"I do not think that would be a good idea," he said gravely.

I laughed, assuming he was just being a bit conservative.

"No", he emphasised. "I really do not think that is a good idea."

I said it would only take a couple of minutes. Just a bit of fun.

Mr Chen vanished for a few moments. When he returned his manner was forbidding.

"I am sorry Justin but I have to tell you cannot report this story at all."

This was getting serious. Our Chinese fixer was visibly anxious and quietly warned me that if this went any further Mr Chen was likely to close down our production completely.

I was learning an important lesson. China may be undergoing the most incredible economic transformation, but the Chinese Communist Party's instincts have not changed".

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Message 1281926 - Posted: 9 Sep 2012, 15:42:21 UTC - in response to Message 1281917.  

With China now entering a state of recession, I can see why they have expansion goals. Expansion of territory legal or not can be a means of beating back a recession

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
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Message 1281936 - Posted: 9 Sep 2012, 16:07:14 UTC - in response to Message 1281917.  

Forbidden Toilets of Beijing

Very reminiscent of old Victorian England, life for the masses will improve for
it did for the UK back then finally.

The Kite Fliers

Kite fliers: An imaginary club of solo members, those who don't yet
belong to a formal team so "fly their own kites" - as the saying goes.
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Message 1287694 - Posted: 25 Sep 2012, 12:49:50 UTC

Ominious to say the least......

China's 1st carrier enters service

"The vessel will "increase [China's] capacity to defend, develop its capacity to co-operate on the high seas in dealing with non-traditional security threats and will be effective in defending the interests of state sovereignty, security and development", it added"

& just what they might be?
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1287755 - Posted: 25 Sep 2012, 15:48:44 UTC

Thats just a stop gap untill the build a carrier that is equivalent to our Nimitz class. And they will. according to sea classic magazine they bought an old carrier from Austraila and have been studying other carriers form other nations. And they dont have to be nuclear either. Just having them cruise around the yellow sea will be enough. We aint seen nothing yet.

I can see a possible pay back to Japan for what happend im WW2.

Old James
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Message 1287816 - Posted: 25 Sep 2012, 23:23:00 UTC - in response to Message 1287755.  

Yep, & it doesn't look good for Taiwan either.
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1288004 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 12:25:32 UTC

Personally I am more worried by the middle east than the far east.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 1288042 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 13:59:12 UTC - in response to Message 1288018.  

WWIII is more likely to start in the Middle east than anywhere else, and will probably involve Israel somewhere.

That may actually be the case, but it will be a "blind sided" event. As Desert Storm & Desert Freedom has proved, Middle Eastern Armed Forces, although quite large, are not very disciplined or very cohesive as an armed force.

With the dissolution of the Soviet Union leaving Russia vying to remain "a potent force" on the International scene due to their nuclear forces acting as a deterrent, & with Europe in disarray, compared to World War 2, there is no large cohesive disciplined force available to act as a deterrent to prevent a major war from erupting.

One cannot rely on the USA as all they are interested in maintaining is their supply of oil.

Once the US entered the conflict in WWII, it was agreed that the major threat to world peace was Europe & one that had to be resolved 1st before turning their forces on the Far East & with the current issues with the world today, a repeat performance of that agreement will be a major disaster.

With China enlarging their "Blue Water" forces, the US will be blocked from entering the "South China Sea" therby reducing her ability to fight in the Pacific.

Should WWIII erupt, from current events, it looks like the US will continue to attempt to secure the oil...... the time they secure it (if indeed they can), it will be too late - they'll be isolated from the Far East leaving the European & Middle East routes highly vulnerable....

...Add to this the South American countries refusing to assist the US & that'll leave the USA totally isolated.

For those that think this is just a far out scenario & that the US will not let that happen......

...Are You Sure of That?

When the dust settles, there'll be just the one "Superpower" remaining......

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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1288060 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 14:39:05 UTC

I think the middle east is just a side show. Iran is a paper tiger doing what Moscow tells it. Russia is a paper tiger also, So what they have nukes. As soon as you use nukes you lose. Iran knows that also.

If Russia does try to take Europe I think Poland and Germany would put one big hurt on them. Remember Russian equipment didnt fair to well during both gulf wars.

Turkey is the wild card in the middle east. They didnt like Iraq on the border I dont think they like Iran much either.

I do agree China is the threat. There will come a day that she will flex her muscle over Taiwan and those islands up near Japan. What isnt widely known is Japan has been increasing the size of its navy according to Sea Classic magazine.

Dont short change the US Navy. Unless Congress starts gutting the Navy, We have more than enough to handle China.

Old James
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Message 1288061 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 14:46:17 UTC - in response to Message 1288060.  

Nice reply James. However, you're forgetting history. Trueman gave the orders for the bombs to be dropped on Japan due to the unacceptable losses an invasion of Japan would entail.

As with all wars past, present & based on current military assets, future, it will take boots on the ground to end a war.

The US ground forces are not a viable option to take on China. Also, should they get bogged down in a ground war, will the US population accept that - those pictures & videos we saw daily throughout the 60's & early 70's of not just the war in Vietnam, but those of the US homefront.

Now magnify that a 100 fold.

Will America accept that?
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1288077 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 15:12:22 UTC

First off why do we have to invade China with boots on the ground. We do what did to Japan in WW2 cut off the oil and raw materials and they wither and die.

And dont forget the predators we have, A nice force multiplier.

I sure hope we dont have to duke it out with China, The losses on both sides would be terrible.

And I blame the politicians for selling our debt to China. What the hell were they thinking. That is what will be the tipping point. When China says hey by the way were cashing in your bonds.

Old James
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Message 1288083 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 15:23:27 UTC - in response to Message 1288077.  

Good points but you're totally underestimating the Chinese...big mistake.

Oh & those predators? Operated from the US by Satellites? What happens to those when those Sat's are blown away?

Will the Navy venture into the South China Sea with Chinese Nuclear subs in the area?

While the US is securing the oil in the Middle East, what do you do if China expands into the Pacific a la Imperial Japan?

Is China "really" attempting a Moonshot just to enter the "belated" Space Race or have they some ulterior motive? If ulterior motive ends up proven, will the US bring the Shuttles out of mothballs?

You're dealing with the "Middle Kingdom" where they see everyone else on the planet as pawns on a chessboard - & that is a scary proposition!
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Profile James Sotherden

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Message 1288088 - Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 15:43:06 UTC
Last modified: 26 Sep 2012, 15:44:32 UTC

Good point about the satelites. I had forgot they blew one up. I dont underestamate China. Scares the hell out of me. All the world has beat a path to the cheap labour with high tech gadgets. what they cant build they steal. And they arent just copiers either. They can innovate.

your point about the space program is very valid. Here we are leaving space and China is going into space. And my guess its not for the knowledge its for the military advantage.

As far as us trying to secure oil in the middle east while confronting China. I dont buy it. Europe has a lot more to lose in the short term then the US. You wont sit on the sidelines when you get whacked by an oil embargo either.
Thats why we have the strategic reserve, And why every President does not want to release any of it to offset gas prices.
Also dont forget we have reserves of oil ourselves. Granted not enough to keep our outlandish style of living. But enough to keep us in the fight.

Old James
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