I have been slimed..

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Message 1655431 - Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 16:32:42 UTC - in response to Message 1647033.  
Last modified: 21 Mar 2015, 16:33:00 UTC

HOW MUCH sugar and food colouring can you drink?!

'Energy drinks' should be banned for under-16s, charity says

... The team surveyed the nutritional labels of 197 drinks found in supermarkets and online. One had up to 10 teaspoons of sugar per 250ml, twice as much as others surveyed. It is thought teenagers get 30% of their sugar from soft drinks...

... "Children are being deceived into drinking large cans of this stuff, thinking they are going to improve their performance at school, during sports, or even on a night out.

"In reality all they are doing is increasing their risk of developing obesity or type 2 diabetes which will have lifelong implications on their health...

And we pathetically allow such unhealthy deception?...

And part of that cost is:

'Half of eight-year-olds have tooth decay'

Nearly half of eight-year-olds and a third of five-year-olds have signs of decay in their milk teeth, a national dental health survey has found...

... But large proportions of young and teenaged children continue to be affected by oral disease across the UK...

... Older children who were affected by oral health problems said they had impacted on their daily lives. One in five 12 and 15-year-olds said they had experienced difficulty eating in the past three months while one in three 12-year-olds said they were embarrassed to smile or laugh because of the condition of teeth.

And parents were not immune to the impact of dental health problems...

... "Tooth decay is a serious, preventable disease and this survey echoes the need to urgently reduce the amount of sugary snacks and drinks in our children's diets. ...

How addictive is sugar?

... His comments came after Labour MP Keith Vaz, who has Type 2 diabetes, reminded him that a third of all primary school leavers are obese or overweight, yet they consume cans of cola that contain up to eight teaspoons of sugar...

... The findings also suggested that sugar increases body weight by promoting overconsumption of energy. In other words, the taste of sugar could lead us to want to eat more of it.

The idea that sugar is bad for our health is not new. ...

... "Sugar covers up the other four, so you can't taste the negative aspects of foods. You can make dog poop taste good with enough sugar."

Lustig goes on to say that table sugar known as sucrose, which is a made of two sugars (glucose and fructose) chemically bound to each other, is identical to high fructose corn syrup - which he describes as a "chronic toxin".

... "We find that highly processed [sugar laden] foods are making up massively more of children's diets...

And we feed that to our children?...

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Message 1655433 - Posted: 21 Mar 2015, 16:35:08 UTC

All something of a Tobacco Industry protection racket?...

New global fund to help countries defend tobacco control

A new global fund is being launched to help developing countries fend off challenges to tobacco control measures by cigarette makers.

The $4m (£2.7m) fund is a joint effort by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

They say tobacco control gains are being put at risk by the industry's use of trade agreements and litigation.

But tobacco companies argue they are protecting investments...

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Message 1656708 - Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 13:38:49 UTC
Last modified: 25 Mar 2015, 13:39:37 UTC

A strange balance of costs and health and Marketing:

NHS approach to obesity inexplicable...

MPs say it is "inexplicable" that the NHS in England spends more on bariatric surgery than well-established measures to prevent obesity.

A report by the Health Select Committee says health workers should use every opportunity to deal with the problem. The MPs also call for urgent steps so people understand the wider health benefits of physical activity.

The government says its Change4Life programme is providing widespread free advice on healthy eating and exercise. But the MPs argue that national and local government and the NHS must do more to prevent people becoming unwell.

That could include regulation of what goes into food, a ban on marketing sugary drinks to children, and much more support for people at risk of obesity and diabetes, so they do not need bariatric surgery.

"The committee regards it as inexplicable and unacceptable that the NHS is now spending more on bariatric surgery for obesity than on a national roll-out of intensive lifestyle intervention programmes that were first shown to cut obesity and prevent diabetes over a decade ago."

... recent research which found that for the most inactive people, walking for 20 minutes a day would have a greater positive impact than not being obese...

"... that is part of the problem. Because we don't see many overweight women exercising in public, other women don't think that exercise is for them."...

All a part of the crazy costs of unfettered no-morals Marketing and poor education?...

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Message 1657964 - Posted: 27 Mar 2015, 21:58:48 UTC - in response to Message 1656722.  

All a part of the crazy costs of unfettered no-morals Marketing and poor education?...

No-Morals Marketing? When has it ever not been?

Poor Education?

No. Many people don't care. It is, of course, Their Right.

You do understand the 'Thinking' and Actions, of those who believe they are Superior because of Education and/or DNA, regarding Controlling Others.

#1 - Educate the 'Inferior People'. When that doesn't work -

#2 - Regulate the 'Inferior Peoples' Actions. When that doesn't work -

#3 - Pass Laws against 'Inferior Peoples' Actions. When that doesn't work -

#4 - Eliminate the 'Inferior People'.

Has always been. Always will be.

Hail The Underdog!
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Message 1659968 - Posted: 31 Mar 2015, 22:24:16 UTC

All hail the dogs of industrially made chemicals and our environment and ourselves be damned for slimy selfish profits?...

Pesticides On Fruits & Vegetables Linked To Poorer Semen Quality

Men who eat more fruits and vegetables with pesticide residue have lower sperm counts and a lower percentage of normal sperm...

... Other studies had tied poorer semen quality to occupational and environmental exposure to pesticide chemicals, and the latest results indicate the same is true for pesticides in the diet.

Given that pesticides are designed to kill and harm pest reproduction, it is not surprising that they are harmful to human reproduction, said Dr. Hagai Levine of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, who coauthored an editorial published with the findings.

Recent evidence indicates that sperm quality is an important measure of general health, and poor semen quality predicts higher risk of death...

... Organic produce carries less pesticide residue, if you can afford it...

E-cigarettes: why are young people vaping?

One in five teenagers has used e-cigarettes, a large-scale study finds. So what makes them so appealing to young people...

... In the UK, the marketing and sale of e-cigarettes has increased substantially in recent years, with an estimated 1.3 million people using them in 2013. A survey in 2013 found that two-thirds of 11-18-year-olds had heard of e-cigarettes, and that 5 per cent of those had tried them.


"They are sold in different colours, patterns and have different flavours which are appealing for young people. There are also vape shops and e-cigarette stores springing up everywhere."...

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Message 1660037 - Posted: 1 Apr 2015, 1:38:28 UTC - in response to Message 1659968.  

So what makes them so appealing to young people...

Fruit of the forbidden tree .........
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Message 1660039 - Posted: 1 Apr 2015, 1:44:15 UTC

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Message 1664672 - Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 20:55:30 UTC - in response to Message 1660084.  
Last modified: 12 Apr 2015, 20:56:21 UTC

... Legislate, or regulate, against that!

... And the result is:

The tobacco giant Philip Morris is suing Uruguay for having some of the best anti-smoking laws in the world, and there’s a good chance it could win, unless we strengthen the fight in court.

It's a scary reality that one company, whose product kills, could overturn laws that protect our public health. But if our community's voices are brought into court by a world class legal team, we could fight back with a force no judge could ignore, showing how this sets an unacceptable precedent for the world.

Let’s tell the court that this doesn’t just affect Uruguay -- if Big Tobacco gets their way it opens the door for challenges everywhere -- companies already have at least 4 other countries in their crosshairs, and many more have anti-smoking laws at risk.

We have to move fast -- the court is already hearing arguments. [Avaaz] Click to protect our public health and our democracies from corporate greed...

Sickening picture not included!

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Message 1667025 - Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 21:57:46 UTC
Last modified: 18 Apr 2015, 21:58:03 UTC

I suspect that this example is one that is ripe to get very intrusive and unsettling:

Health apps and wearables make you nervous, not fit...

The British Medical Journal has staged a debate on the topic “Can healthy people benefit from health apps?”...

... The truth is that these apps and devices are untested and unscientific, and they will open the door of uncertainty. Make no mistake: diagnostic uncertainty ignites extreme anxiety in people. We must reflect on what we might lose here, rather than what we might gain. Will apps simply empower patients to overdiagnosis and anxiety?

Spence is also suspicious of who benefits from apps and wearables, suggesting the winners are “corporate medicine and the drug industry … whose joint commercial imperative is to make us all health neurotics.”...

How far is that data sold onwards that details your every move every day?...

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Message 1668182 - Posted: 21 Apr 2015, 22:48:44 UTC
Last modified: 21 Apr 2015, 22:50:47 UTC

One to click to avoid a double hit on our environment and our own health...

Avaaz: Protect our health, Stop Monsanto

... Monsanto is demanding the World Health Organisation retract their ground-breaking report. And experts say the only way to ensure the science is not silenced is if the public demands action, now.

The regulatory system is renowned for being secretive and captured by the agro-chemical industry...

... So... No surprise that there is now research that shows the commonly used pesticide used in Monsanto's "Roundup" is perhaps not as safe as claimed... And note how Monsanto also pushes Genetically Modified crops that can tolerate an ever higher dosage of "Roundup"... Do we ourselves also need to be GMO-ed by Monsanto to survive eating such stuff?...

To me, that all looks to be very nasty stuff. And there is enough money involved in there to buy a lot of coercion/corruption...

Who here values their own health and the health of our planet over and above the overly healthy corporate profits of Monsanto?...

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Message 1686963 - Posted: 2 Jun 2015, 11:15:37 UTC
Last modified: 2 Jun 2015, 11:16:33 UTC

How many years for death and morals to catch up with some of the fag ash of 'murderous profits and the consumers be damned'?...

Tobacco giants vow to fight Canadian judgment handing C$15bn to smokers

Three tobacco companies are appealing against a “historic” decision by a Canadian court to award smokers C$15.6bn (£8.2bn) in damages.

Quebec superior court justice Brian Riordan said the companies had put profits before the health of their customers...

... called the ruling “historic – not just for the compensation for victims but also for public health and accountability”.

More than a million smokers and former smokers in Quebec were seeking damages, on the grounds that the companies knew they were selling a harmful product but concealed the risks. ...

“The companies earned billions of dollars at the expense of the lungs, the throats and the general well-being of their customers,” he wrote in a 276-page judgment. “If the companies are allowed to walk away unscathed now, what would be the message to other industries that today or tomorrow find themselves in a similar moral conflict?”...

So... There are some morals in business to be upheld? This is about people after all...

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1687036 - Posted: 2 Jun 2015, 15:28:40 UTC - in response to Message 1686963.  

How many years for death and morals to catch up with some of the fag ash of 'murderous profits and the consumers be damned'?...

How many years will they sell moonshine, heroin, meth, etc.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1687339 - Posted: 3 Jun 2015, 15:17:43 UTC - in response to Message 1687315.  

How many years for death and morals to catch up with some of the fag ash of 'murderous profits and the consumers be damned'?...

How many years will they sell moonshine, heroin, meth, etc.


Have to understand , these types have been around since...

They have no true understanding of human nature, and believe they can control people.

Only their targets: 'Demon Rum', Pot, Cigs, etc., change.

Guess we must suffer them.

You forgot CO2!
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Message 1687506 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 0:09:20 UTC - in response to Message 1687036.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2015, 0:10:26 UTC

How many years for death and morals to catch up with some of the fag ash of 'murderous profits and the consumers be damned'?...

How many years will they sell moonshine, heroin, meth, etc.

To my mind, those are well known and there is no attempt to hide their pitfall.

In contrast, what I've seen is how the tobacco industry look to have deliberately and fiendishly pushed lies and deceit and their customers be callously damned.

Why else peddle such glamorous Marketing with bright colours deliberately targeted at children whilst hiding and befuddling any and all medical issues and death?...

Freedom is good and fine. Deadly deceit is something to be killed.

Or just all a game of Marketing for blind profit and the human suffering be damned?...

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Message 1687522 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 0:56:36 UTC - in response to Message 1687520.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2015, 0:56:56 UTC

You are including Fiendish Capitalist's selling Pot. Lying, of course, that it is safe for most. And Pot's 'Second Hand Smoke'. Probably just as dangerous as Cig's, and has a stronger, disgusting smell.

Big, Greedy, Capitalist Pot, is just around the corner.

Or is your obsession only with Cigs, and not Demon Rum, Pot, etc.

What part of:

In contrast, what I've seen is how the tobacco industry look to have deliberately and fiendishly pushed lies and deceit and their customers be callously damned.

Why else peddle such glamorous Marketing with bright colours deliberately targeted at children whilst hiding and befuddling any and all medical issues and death?...

Did you not read or comprehend?

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Message 1687531 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 1:18:14 UTC - in response to Message 1687529.  

... Just wondering about your obsession with just Cigs, and not other, similar products.

So what has the greatest 'slime' impact against most people?

Is there worse that such as the Fossil Fuels industry, Big Tobacco, and the GM-foods peddlers and toxic Big Agribusiness?

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Message 1687590 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 4:59:22 UTC - in response to Message 1687531.  

... Just wondering about your obsession with just Cigs, and not other, similar products.

So what has the greatest 'slime' impact against most people?

Is there worse that such as the Fossil Fuels industry, Big Tobacco, and the GM-foods peddlers and toxic Big Agribusiness?

Speaking of GM, isn't all tobacco GM today?
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Message 1687671 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 11:06:43 UTC

Everything we consume is genetically modified by selective breeding.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1687801 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 17:35:29 UTC - in response to Message 1687671.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2015, 17:35:54 UTC

Everything we consume is genetically modified by selective breeding.

Largely yes.

However, there is a vast difference and a great difference in health and nutrition between natural selection and artificial breeding selection to boost positive natural traits...

As compared to the deliberately toxic artificial stuff and outright market manipulation perpetrated in the name of GM.

So far as I know, there have been no positive examples of GM-food. However, there are repeated examples of the environment and farming being adversely affected by the agribusiness use of GM... "GM superweeds" and environmental destruction are just two examples before we even look at what we then get to eat with the 'added pesticides'...

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Message 1687806 - Posted: 4 Jun 2015, 17:58:13 UTC - in response to Message 1687801.  

Everything we consume is genetically modified by selective breeding.

Largely yes.

However, there is a vast difference and a great difference in health and nutrition between natural selection and artificial breeding selection to boost positive natural traits...

As compared to the deliberately toxic artificial stuff and outright market manipulation perpetrated in the name of GM.

So far as I know, there have been no positive examples of GM-food. However, there are repeated examples of the environment and farming being adversely affected by the agribusiness use of GM... "GM superweeds" and environmental destruction are just two examples before we even look at what we then get to eat with the 'added pesticides'...

Our world is what we make it...

Ah, yes added pesticides. Done to grow enough crops to feed the worlds population. I suppose we should outlaw pesticide food. Then we can have a few famines and get the planet's population under control. So in essence, GM food contributes to global warming.
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