Boxing... why is it legal?

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Profile Akio

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Message 1172688 - Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 12:48:32 UTC - in response to Message 1169341.  

Yeah, I'm not one for watching two or more people go at it for the sake of money which to *me* is not entertaining. However, add a little drama, acting, and super-human-like (albeit, fake) qualities, and I am highly entertained. Namely: the male soap opera known as World Wrestling Entertainment :D

Vince McMahon is the man!

- samten
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Profile Dr Imaginario

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Message 1172706 - Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 14:17:15 UTC

WWE Rules, is the only sport where the player is it with a chair or a baseball bat in the head by other and does not bleed.

Probably they have a very tick skull, not like boxers where after a few years they can develop parkinson.

Boxing is not my cup of tea, but in many countries it's like a national sport.

Another thing, that for me turns boxing not interesting, is the money Iivolved with all the betting. Money destroys sports and destroys the show. At least with WWE we all know it’s a joke, while with boxing, it’s still a show, but most people still think that it’s a sport. Money had corrupted Boxing long time ago.
ID: 1172706 · Report as offensive
Profile Terry Long
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Message 1172749 - Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 18:01:54 UTC - in response to Message 1172706.  

WWE Rules, is the only sport where the player is it with a chair or a baseball bat in the head by other and does not bleed.

Probably they have a very tick skull, not like boxers where after a few years they can develop parkinson.

Boxing is not my cup of tea, but in many countries it's like a national sport.

Another thing, that for me turns boxing not interesting, is the money Iivolved with all the betting. Money destroys sports and destroys the show. At least with WWE we all know it’s a joke, while with boxing, it’s still a show, but most people still think that it’s a sport. Money had corrupted Boxing long time ago.

Lol based off what you said, Basket Ball, Football, Soccer, every sport on the face of the planet is rigged. All of these 3 sports bring more money per year than Boxing does, especially Soccer. Which btw is by far the most boring sport out there besides maybe Tennis or Golf (gag).

No one plays any sport for free. Not professionally.

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Message boards : Politics : Boxing... why is it legal?

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