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Ancient Aliens - What's the proof?
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OzzFan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Apr 02 Posts: 15691 Credit: 84,761,841 RAC: 28 ![]() ![]() |
Sorry but you need to take into account the amounts of destructive things that have happened on earth, and the destructive things we don't even know about. Not to mention we still have no real "proof" of where we came from. Sure we have evidence, but none that is 100%. Yes we are digging and have been. That doesn't mean we are going to find anything. If you watch a good History Channel series called "Life After People" it explains how our civilization can be wiped out in an instant and how it can disappear, literally off the face of the earth within due time. There would be very little, if any tangible evidence of our existence. That said, we would only find small fragments of a former civilization. Even with all the destruction our planet has survived, I find it very hard to believe that all of this ancient alien technology would be destroyed or never found again. Lack of evidence is evidence of lacking. As I said in the other thread, yes, none of science is 100%, and it never will be. So long as we are not omniscient being, we can only use our deductive reasoning, critical thinking, and skeptical peer-review skills to make sure that we are finding the best answers we can. And we all know that sometimes assumptions are made, and those assumptions are tested all the time. That's called advancement, and that's what we've been doing very well for the past 50 years. Just because we don't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. After all...we are all looking for ET here right? So far we have absolutely no evidence of an existence of ET...but does that mean they don't exist? I both agree and disagree with these statements. I agree that just because we don't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. For millions of years we couldn't see "air", but it was always there, right in front of our faces. The question of E.T. is simply borne out of the question; "Are we alone?" or put another way "Are we unique in the entire universe?". We've always looked to the skies, and more recently we know that those stars are all suns, many with planets orbiting them. Do they have life? The only way to answer the question is by looking. But it's a question of curiosity. The question does not beget wild claims. The question does not make assumptions. People do both. I could make a wild claim that there's a race of mechanitroids on a planet they call Bob. I could believe that these people once visited the Earth because they liked the wildlife. But without any physical reason to believe this; without any proof to back up why I believe these wild claims and assumptions, they simply remain in an unproven state. You can't prove that my assumptions and claims are wrong, because no one has disproven them. But that's not science. Either I'm wrong or I'm right, but I can't be both. That's the realm of religion. Religion makes wild claims and assumptions and dares people to prove them wrong because they never offered any real evidence, or their "evidence" constantly changes. Science makes logical claims and assumptions based upon current understandings and tries to prove itself wrong constantly. None of it is "untouchable". |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 8 Sep 05 Posts: 1386 Credit: 200,389 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Who is to say they had technology more advanced than ours? I never said that would be the case. I simply said intelligent. Intelligent does not necessarily mean they had space ships or the likes or any other massive amounts of technology. And again it boils down to decay etc. We have only thus far discovered evidence of previous civilizations dating back a few thousand years. And bone remains here and there of maybe a few million years at best. Things get buried...deep. Not to mention the countless times asteroids comets or etc have hit earth, creating fire, burying everything under layers and layers of dust, rocks and whatever else you can think of. It would be physically impossible, from continental drift and such, to uncover massive amounts of a civilization from millions upon millions of years ago. So it does not surprise me that we haven't found anything. Your statement still goes back to evidence of ET...there is none. Other planets orbiting other stars and such doesn't mean anything, intelligent or not, lives on those planets. Aside from the possibility of fossilized bacteria from Mars, there still isn't any "evidence" (as you put it) to say life exists anywhere beyond earth therefore "Lack of evidence is evidence of lacking." In terms of religion, which I am regretting getting into the argument of, we can debate the existence of Jesus and et al all day...there is still no proof he existed. In fact, there is still to this day, very little evidence. Sorry if this offends some people, but its the truth. "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible". Hebrews 11.3 |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
A question for OzzFan, Did you watch any of the Ancient Aliens TV show? If you did not see the TV show, this guy has all the episodes on his Youtube channel. ![]() |
Matt Giwer ![]() Send message Joined: 21 May 00 Posts: 841 Credit: 990,879 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Ancient Aliens - What's the proof? Pardon but have you ever asked yourself why the only thing they bothered to "teach" the poor apes was how to pile rocks on top of each other? If they really wanted to do something useful they would have explained the germ theory of disease and taught how to build baths and sewage systems. There are a few other things like this such as Mendel's rules for plant breeding, chimneys, and crop rotation. There are a host of elementary ideas easy to understand and implement which they didn't bother to teach. Today, mainstream science tells us we evolved from the apes and we have no proper 100% proof of Ancient Aliens. So science tells us we evolved! The periodic table leading to a number system. Many more ideas can be found under ideas one how to establish radio communication with other solar systems. For local consumption a heliocentric drawing of the solar system out to Neptune with distances, periods and sizes accurately indicated. All the things the simple things they didn't teach would be a big hint. In fact most anything but big hunks of stone would do nicely. Its difficult, but we can just about explain how they built the pyramids and the other ancient monuments around the world with simple technology. So what would be 100% proof that Ancient Aliens built the pyramids and NOT mankind evolving, becoming clever and building big structures? If they really wanted to confuse us with pyramids they should not have built the huge camps for the workers and gotten their stone from the Rockies instead of from the closest source possible. They also should not have built all those failed pyramids that make it look like trial and error. My suggested proof would be; You have fallen into the mythology. You argue things towards the conclusion of ancient aliens instead of looking for the things they would certainly have taught if they really had been here. One thing they clearly would have explained unless they had a very perverse sense of humor was they they were not gods. They would have clearly spelled out where they came from. The idea that there were people on planets around stars that were other suns is found in 6th c. BC Greece. It is not an idea the locals could not have grasped considering it was something imagined by people. Unvarnished Haaretz Jerusalem Post The origin of the Yahweh Cult |
Matt Giwer ![]() Send message Joined: 21 May 00 Posts: 841 Credit: 990,879 RAC: 0 ![]() |
This could require some open minds. Say we were visited not once but many times. And by different races. As the human geome project homosapian originated in east africa. Eurphrates valley in Iraq was belived to be the Garden of Enden. Not just in the bible but the Koran and chinese and indian cultured have similar stories at the time these races of people had NO contact with each other. But the stories are the same.Strange. A thing I find incredibly amusing is the assertion of people having had no contact when silk has been found in 3rd millennia BC Egypt. It is almost as amusing as the claim the Koran which clearly describes Christians and Jews was written by people who were not in contact with either. Tewatican in peru are very ancient with 600 ton stones pertfectly aligned and so precise a knife blade can be inserted between them.This stone is so hard that only diamonds are tougher. What might this stone be and why is it unknown to science? Pyarimids are found all over the world how did this idea originate amonst people that couldnt possibly interacted. The races of the earth are mostly in 5 distinct races that share the sames genes but bone structure and skin color are different. The genes are the latest method to track how they are related. Point to ponder: There isnt any good explaination of mans races are different but all similar genectically. Could earth been visited many times. Who Knows. That would means alien wolves visited because Old and New world wolves are genetically the same but look different. Different races of alien elephants visited Africa and India and Siberia separately. Would it make a difference if I made the list longer? Unvarnished Haaretz Jerusalem Post The origin of the Yahweh Cult |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Matt, There are over 110 messages posted in this thread so far, you are the only one to suggest the periodic table. Now that's the answer i was looking for Matt! But i did not want to say it or suggest it to anyone. I wanted to see if anyone would think of it themselves. You thought of it Matt, because you think like a scientist! I also think like a scientist! If we found an ancient pyramid with the periodic table of the elements carved into it, now i think that would be 100% proof that Ancient Aliens, or someone with great knowledge came to Egypt and built that pyramid. Think about it, science should be a truly "universal" language, spoken by any intelligent race of people. And most of all, the periodic table of the elements should be truly universal. If I found that, that would be proof, wouldn't it? In the film "Contact" with Jodie Foster, she suggests that the only truly universal language is mathematics!. But she was wrong! There would be only one universal language, thats science. The alphabet of science is the periodic table of the elements. Nobody could have known about the full periodic table of the elements 4 or 5 thousand years ago. They could have guessed about fire, Air, Water and a few of the metals and stuff like that. But they could not know any advanced stuff about the true nature of the periodic table. John. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Oct 06 Posts: 3756 Credit: 1,999,735 RAC: 4 ![]() |
Lets not be too sure. We took much more than 1000 years to know more than the ancient Greeks and Babylonians. |
C Olival Send message Joined: 6 Sep 10 Posts: 209 Credit: 10,675 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Some people to this day think that aliens crashed at Rosewell, but there was just military research going on. Sure aliens have visited Earth, but in Hollwywood. |
RealX1 Send message Joined: 16 Apr 11 Posts: 4 Credit: 610 RAC: 0 ![]() |
When I think of aliens having been here in the past I usually think of beings from a VERY highly advanced civilization. Advanced enough to have possibly placed life here on earth, without leaving traces of ever having been here. Perhaps they are the same ET's that will be our first contact. I personally think that intelligent life in the galaxy is rare. I think the requirements for life evolving this far are pretty steep. I also think that most solar systems in our galaxy have '0' habitable planets, and even when they do, life only evolves so far. Adaptation and the evolution of intelligence require a lot of complexity in an environment. Earth has alot of unique features and environments. How many would an average exoplanet have? If intelligent life in our galaxy is a rarity, a civ that did somehow last, might have chosen very select planets(such as ours) as prime candidates for life. I think if ancient aliens did come here that would have been the only reason - to place life here. I don't think they would have left any trace of being here unless its something we won't notice until we're more advanced. |
OzzFan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Apr 02 Posts: 15691 Credit: 84,761,841 RAC: 28 ![]() ![]() |
When I think of aliens having been here in the past I usually think of beings from a VERY highly advanced civilization. Advanced enough to have possibly placed life here on earth, without leaving traces of ever having been here. It makes no sense why they'd do that. If we ever became advanced enough, would we start putting life on a planet, cover up our existence and just leave them alone? We would call that irresponsible. |
C Olival Send message Joined: 6 Sep 10 Posts: 209 Credit: 10,675 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Too pessimistic, i believe with the right conditions, life will strive; life is not something rare in the universe at all; all life will be carbon based, one of the most common elements in the universe. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
When I think of aliens having been here in the past I usually think of beings from a VERY highly advanced civilization. Advanced enough to have possibly placed life here on earth, without leaving traces of ever having been here. Yes, that's exactly what scientists do in real life! Ever watch animal behaviourists observing animals in nature? David Attenborough and other animal behaviourists will always be seen on TV programs "crouching down" to hide so they can observe the behaviour of animals without the animals seeing them. If you make noise and the animals see you, you have ruined any experimental data your are gathering. So hiding is important. But as everybody knows, we all just love watching Big Brother programs on TV, why would ET be any different if he created us! Ever watch the movie "The Truman show". And you will never see David Attenborough intervening to stop a Tiger killing its prey, he always lets nature take its coarse. But we also see this in the laboratory. Physicists and Chemists will set up experiments as best they can so "outside influence" does not effect the experiment. So scientists are always carrying out experiments and hiding!! Today, if Mars could support life, and NASA put animals up there as a test, you can be dam sure the scientists would have satellites in orbit watching the animals 24 hours a day. But if you want true scientific results, you won't interfere with your experiment, the animals. Or in our case, if aliens created us like the ancient texts suggest, then they would just be watching there experimental creatures, us humans, from a distance hiding just like our scientists do. If your experimental creatures you created are intelligent, and start learning science themselves, and figure out how to make atomic bombs, then you don't want to interfere with the experiment to see if they eventually wipe themselves out. If your experimental intelligent creatures do wipe themselves out with nuclear bombs, then you will have to alter there DNA to make them less intelligent on the next planet where you put those creatures. Its will have been a good scientific experiment and you will have leaned a lot. You won't make your creatures as intelligent in future experiments. Its humanity's own fault if we destroy our planet, drive the animals to extinction and kill ourselves! John. ![]() |
OzzFan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Apr 02 Posts: 15691 Credit: 84,761,841 RAC: 28 ![]() ![]() |
So I'm supposed to believe we're a science experiment? /rolleyes |
Odysseus ![]() Send message Joined: 26 Jul 99 Posts: 1808 Credit: 6,701,347 RAC: 6 ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 25 Oct 06 Posts: 3756 Credit: 1,999,735 RAC: 4 ![]() |
You can find out the truth from the Scientology folks. If you have enough money to go all the way through the steps all will be revealed to you. Also wouldn't you say that the Bible describes an experiment by our own Alien with super powers. So choose your belief and choose the level of your delusions. And I will choose Mother Nature as the experimenter and as my designer and super intelligence. ![]() My Alter Ego, Daddio has uncovered the evidence for the ancient astronaut theory as being true. Also I am sure you can find it in Nostrodamus as well. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Some good Comic's Daddio!! If the bible is Not true, then its the best science-fiction novel ever written. The question is this - Is the bible science-fiction or science-fact? Religious leaders read out the bible in churches and "interpret" the book in a religious way. So is it just a simple matter of reading the bible and interpreting it as a scientist? John. ![]() |
C Olival Send message Joined: 6 Sep 10 Posts: 209 Credit: 10,675 RAC: 0 ![]() |
independec day |
OzzFan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Apr 02 Posts: 15691 Credit: 84,761,841 RAC: 28 ![]() ![]() |
If the bible is Not true, then its the best science-fiction novel ever written. The question is this - Is the bible science-fiction or science-fact? Not only is the Bible science-fiction, it's one of the worst written stories of all time. It's filled with rationalized volience, hatred, incest, murder, bigotry, and the character's are painfully one-dimensional to boot. If such a story were written today, it wouldn't even see the light of publishing. Editorial errors, inconsistencies in story, and a lack of a clearly defined plotline are found all over the place. Religious leaders read out the bible in churches and "interpret" the book in a religious way. So is it just a simple matter of reading the bible and interpreting it as a scientist? The problem is trying to "interpret" the Bible in any way. It's a story, like Moby Dick, and shouldn't be interpreted beyond it's intended entertainment value. It attempts to teach moralistic value but fails miserably. There is no reason to take anything within it as even remotely based in reality, comparable to modern-day movies like Superman or The Matrix (the latter of which I find exceptionally well written, unlike the Bible, despite being based in Theist theology). |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 11 Sep 06 Posts: 3093 Credit: 2,652,287 RAC: 0 ![]() |
The problem is trying to "interpret" the Bible in any way. It's a story, like Moby Dick, and shouldn't be interpreted beyond it's intended entertainment value. It attempts to teach moralistic value but fails miserably. There is no reason to take anything within it as even remotely based in reality, comparable to modern-day movies like Superman or The Matrix (the latter of which I find exceptionally well written, unlike the Bible, despite being based in Theist theology). Here is some interesting feedback from the way i read the bible stories. So as i said, i try to read the bible stories like a scientist instead of how priests read it. So that means i'm trying to think as i read a chapter "Is what they are saying here scientifically possible?". When i read the bible like that it all seems to be written in "analogies". Now the funny thing is, scientists MUST use analogies all the time to explain complex stuff in physics, otherwise you would never understand what they were talking about. Sometimes an analogy is the only way to simplify something in physics. A good example is Albert Einstein's "analogy" using a train ride to explain what happens when you travel at the speed of light. Everyone is familiar with Einsteins example of the train ride to simplify something that's complex. Well it seems to me that many of the books in the bible were written as "scientific analogies" to explain an event that happened. So if you interpret the analogy in a scientific way, its easy to understand the stories. And it fits nicely with the ancient aliens theory. John. ![]() |
OzzFan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Apr 02 Posts: 15691 Credit: 84,761,841 RAC: 28 ![]() ![]() |
So you assume that what the Bible tries to pass off as a deity is in fact an alien or aliens, and you're trying to prove your theory correct instead of letting the data lead you to the conclusion. That's not what scientists do. |
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