Ancient Aliens - What's the proof?

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C Olival

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Message 1093519 - Posted: 5 Apr 2011, 3:06:32 UTC - in response to Message 1093429.  

The Epic of Gilgamesh
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Message 1093619 - Posted: 5 Apr 2011, 15:00:43 UTC - in response to Message 1093581.  

think volcanic activity instead of missiles.

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Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1093654 - Posted: 5 Apr 2011, 16:03:17 UTC

Classic cases of people trying to make sense today of what happened yesterday using our limited understanding of things and giving people yesterday too much of the benefit of doubt that they properly described or didn't exaggerate what they saw.

The Bible is filled with amazingly inaccurate information that has been debunked, which is why no scientist actually takes it seriously. The same goes for every other old story. There were just primitive man's lame attempts to understand the world around him and was woefully overwhelmed.

Sorry guys, but based on the questions here in this thread, it's clear that a "leap of faith" is going to be required to read the "evidence" or "facts". Faith and science don't mix.
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C Olival

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Message 1093741 - Posted: 6 Apr 2011, 2:30:43 UTC - in response to Message 1093581.  

The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets in cunieform script. It is about the adventures of the historical King of Uruk (somewhere between 2750 and 2500 BCE).

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Message 1093868 - Posted: 6 Apr 2011, 11:02:59 UTC - in response to Message 1093853.  

The problem is, early/primitive man weren't having difficulty understanding alien technology. They were simply having a problem understanding nature. If a lightning bolt came out of the sky, they thought it was an angry God. If that lightning bolt started a fire, they thought it was a gift from a God. They jumped to conclusions because they didn't understand physics or even basic science.

What you guys are now trying to suggest is that the lightning bolt didn't come from charged ions in the sky-to-ground or vice versa, but from an alien ship. That somehow because they had fevered imaginations, their descriptions must have had some amount of accuracy or truth. This assertion is of course absurd.

We're talking about a time-frame before man was conscientiously aware that there is a voice inside each of our heads! The stories of old are nothing more than a case of the old game "operator". The original story, if there was any truth to it, became so twisted that the end result doesn't even resemble anything close to the truth.
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Message 1094121 - Posted: 6 Apr 2011, 23:05:56 UTC
Last modified: 6 Apr 2011, 23:14:51 UTC

With simple engineering techniques, we can just about explain how they built the pyramids. The theory is not perfect, some say with 2 million stones in the great pyramid, you would need to place one massive stone every 4 or 5 minutes, 24 hours a day for several decades and a lot of slave labor. But the fact remains, even if there are holes in the theory, the theory does work without any alien technology.

But!!!, if in the next year or 2, some science researcher (me!)turns up brand new evidence that the Egyptians and the Mayans used "very advanced science", this would change the whole ball game. If that science researcher turned up science beyond what we know today, science that solved many of todays physics problems, that would really change the ball game. It would then be very very difficult to deny that ancient people had very advanced science. And it could not be explained without an incredibly advanced civilization being involved. If we could not find evidence of that advanced civilization living here on this planet, then you could only conclude they came here from another planet with that learned technology in their heads having learned it in some type of university. Or a civilization that shares their science information openly with everyone, kinda like we do today on the internet.

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Message 1094162 - Posted: 7 Apr 2011, 1:55:27 UTC - in response to Message 1094121.  

working 12 hour shifts over 340 days a year for 20 years gives an average of 24 stones an hour. for 30 years it would be 16 stones an hour. This would be difficult to do on the lower levels because those stones were truly massive. upper level stones could easily be managed by a handful of people. We already know they had a massive non slave workforce mining and building the Great pyramid. They've found the massive city that housed the artisans.

16-24 stones an hour really doesnt seem like much when you really get down to it.

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Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1094170 - Posted: 7 Apr 2011, 2:13:15 UTC - in response to Message 1094121.  

Why would you be asking "how much proof is enough proof" if you had solid evidence? Is it because your "evidence" has as much holes as the next theory, so you're only trying to be as good as the next theory? And you're going to tell us that you've single-handedly figured this all out without ever having been to see the evidence for yourself? Or proffered your evidence for peer review before publishing, as most real scientists do? You've figured this all out using the ideas in your head, then you went to the internet and/or some books and found what you wanted to find to suit your case, and you want to know if, short of actually finding aliens themselves, this will somehow pass as irrefutable evidence of aliens having visited our planet in our past?

I'm going to feel happy, yet so sorry for you when your evidence is released, reviewed, and debunked. Why am I so certain? I think the odds are on my side, and I'm not a believer in luck.
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Message 1094188 - Posted: 7 Apr 2011, 3:40:25 UTC - in response to Message 1094170.  
Last modified: 7 Apr 2011, 4:10:30 UTC

Why would you be asking "how much proof is enough proof" if you had solid evidence? Is it because your "evidence" has as much holes as the next theory, so you're only trying to be as good as the next theory? And you're going to tell us that you've single-handedly figured this all out without ever having been to see the evidence for yourself? Or proffered your evidence for peer review before publishing, as most real scientists do? You've figured this all out using the ideas in your head, then you went to the internet and/or some books and found what you wanted to find to suit your case, and you want to know if, short of actually finding aliens themselves, this will somehow pass as irrefutable evidence of aliens having visited our planet in our past?

I'm going to feel happy, yet so sorry for you when your evidence is released, reviewed, and debunked. Why am I so certain? I think the odds are on my side, and I'm not a believer in luck.

LOL....I understand that its difficult for anyone to simply believe what i suggested in this thread. So that's why i'm NOT asking anyone to believe anything. I have not told anyone YET about the things i have discovered. Also, i never said i had not visited the site i'm investigating. Plane flights are cheap these days, so i have visited the site of my investigation, several times.

For my investigation, the vast majority of my work has been based on one book that was published back in the 1980's. I won't name the book, not yet anyway, not until the time is rite. None of my work so far has been published, so no, its not been peer reviewed. As i said earlier, i have talked to nobody about the the things i have discovered because it would sound like complete sh*t without solid scientific proof. As i said already, i was researching several problems in science for the last number of years, just as a pastime. I never expected to solve any of the problems, i was just curious so i investigated them. Many of the topics i investigate are discussed in messages posted by me in this science forum here at SETI@home. If i started the message before December 29th 2010, then i did NOT have the solution to the problem at that stage. And no, i have not posted any solutions to problems anywere on the internet yet. This message is the first time i have talked to anyone about the things i discovered.

As mentioned already, on December 29th 2010, in one day, i solved all the scientific problems i was researching. I solved all of them at the one time. I took rough notes for what happened in the 10 days that followed into the new year, but to be honest, i was so overwhelmed, some of it is still blurry.

These are just some of the problems i solved that day;
In random order;

1. I found out the true nature of the force we call gravity.
2. I found out what dark energy was.
3. I found out what dark matter was.
4. I found out we did not evolve, just as described in this thread.
5. I found God. And i don't mean in a born-again-Christian kind of way. I mean i actually found who he is.
6. I found where God is.
7. I found ET, Aliens and God, all in one.
8. I solved wave-particle duality in physics.
9. I solved the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
10. I found out how God can hear us when we pray.
11. I found out what frequency ET is broadcasting on.
12. I found out how to build anti-gravity type aircraft.
13. I found out that 3x10^8 m/s is NOT the speed of light.
14. I found out how they built the pyramids, and other monuments around the world.
15. I found out that the big bang never happened
16. I found out both Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were wrong about Gravity.
17. I found out the universe is trillions of years old, its infinatly old. We can never see the "edge", as we think we can today.
18. I found out black holes don't exist.

Look, the list goes on and on and on. So please do forgive me if i turn up here and ask silly questions like;
"What proof would the general public want to hear to conclusively say that aliens did come here to earth in the past and we are their descendants".
I'm not asking anyone to believe me cos i actually don't believe it myself. This is why i'm not ready to publish anything yet. I'm currently trying to write this sh*t down and formulate it properly. Then decide what to do.

Ohhh yea, nearly forgot, i also fully unified religion and science on the same day. Nearly forgot that one, how silly of me!

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Message 1094200 - Posted: 7 Apr 2011, 4:26:46 UTC - in response to Message 1094188.  

proof that we aren't from aliens... recent or much much further back in time.

We have bits of our DNA that are part of most if not all living animals. Some have very little in common with us like the sponges and algae. Gorillas, orangutans and Chimpanzees are very similar in the DNA sense.

THe question of us being brought here would have had to have been billions of years ago. Since we are remotely related to most living animals. Since we don't have any direct evidence that this planet was "seeded" we have to assume the planet developed its own species of plants and animals each evolving according their own environment.

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Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1094207 - Posted: 7 Apr 2011, 4:44:54 UTC
Last modified: 7 Apr 2011, 4:51:05 UTC

If you were going to build a new website, would you write out all the html code from scratch? Or would you use a really nice website software package that someone has already written out all the html code. Then take that software and alter the software's html to make the new website that will look completely different, but the new website will have tonnes of html code that is identical to the original website software. You do it because you know the original website software WORKS!, and works well. Why write it out again when you know it works.

Now apply that theory to intelligent people creating different species of plants and animals. Do gardeners go off and write out the DNA code for a new species of daffodil. No, they mix and match plants to make a new one. Dog breeders do this too! Fast forward a few hundred years, do you think our science will catch up enough to actually create new and unique plants, animals and creatures? Will we write out all the DNA code by hand, or will we just copy bits of the codes we already have in nature and use them to make new creatures. We are already doing this today and calling it "genetic modification". We do this today with wheet and other plants. Within a few years, it will be common place to do this with animals.

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Message 1094276 - Posted: 7 Apr 2011, 12:59:10 UTC - in response to Message 1094207.  

so the theory is that billions of years ago aliens deposited DNA into earths primordial goo. Then through billions of years of evolution and mass extinctions from tectonics and asteroid encounters we evolved.
Nice theory

I saw it on a Star Trek: Next Generation episode

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes Of Sinope
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Message 1098202 - Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 22:10:06 UTC - in response to Message 1094276.  

Who is to say we ourselves are not aliens? It IS entirely possible an intelligent or advanced species of "people" (not necessarily like us) existed millions if not billions of years ago here on earth. As you stated, through the eons and ages, any history of them, their culture and civilization as been wiped out by countless extinction level events and etc. We find dinosaur bones from millions of years ago buried under hundreds of feet or more of rock and soil. Based on that, digging much deeper could yield this evidence if it still exists. My point is: we and our history along with our structures and everything else can be mostly wiped out in an instant. Anything left would decay and and fall apart in due time. If we were hit by a comet or the likes, it would take millions upon millions of years before anything evolved enough to find evidence of our existence. Even then our remains would be buried so deep, it would be unlikely to happen anytime soon. So who is to say it hasn't happened to another civilization already? And what we are is what is left of a species long buried and forgotten...The likelihood of us ever finding evidence of such a species would be slim to none...
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible". Hebrews 11.3

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C Olival

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Message 1098279 - Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 1:48:27 UTC - in response to Message 1098202.  

More likely that advanced civilizations developed around first generation Sun like stars then us being aliens. One thing in common we might have with ET is in the element of carbon. Any life out there in the cosmos, must be ninety nine percent carbon based.
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Message 1098312 - Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 4:09:03 UTC - in response to Message 1098202.  

Sorry, but there's no evidence in the "forgotten advanced civilization" theory. If there were any truth, we'd be finding all sorts of advanced weaponry, such as laser guns, or other advanced machinery buried, waiting to be rediscovered. The evidence would be irrefutable and astounding.

We've been digging, we've been exploring, and we've been researching. We constantly do this, and we constantly re-check our facts. The strongest, most likely theories are that we evolved from single-cell organisms into the complex being we are today because we've found tremendous amounts of evidence that points to that being true.

Until we find otherwise, any other theories are simply unproven, unsubstantial ideals that people want to fancifully believe because they cannot accept that our originations aren't so divine or extraordinary.

UFO theories, past ancient alien civilization theories, ghost stories haven't been largely ignored because no one will believe them. They are ignored because there's no substance and no evidence to them.
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Message 1098457 - Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 16:57:59 UTC - in response to Message 1098312.  
Last modified: 17 Apr 2011, 17:02:35 UTC

Sorry, but there's no evidence in the "forgotten advanced civilization" theory. If there were any truth, we'd be finding all sorts of advanced weaponry, such as laser guns, or other advanced machinery buried, waiting to be rediscovered. The evidence would be irrefutable and astounding.

We've been digging, we've been exploring, and we've been researching. We constantly do this, and we constantly re-check our facts. The strongest, most likely theories are that we evolved from single-cell organisms into the complex being we are today because we've found tremendous amounts of evidence that points to that being true.

Until we find otherwise, any other theories are simply unproven, unsubstantial ideals that people want to fancifully believe because they cannot accept that our originations aren't so divine or extraordinary.

UFO theories, past ancient alien civilization theories, ghost stories haven't been largely ignored because no one will believe them. They are ignored because there's no substance and no evidence to them.

You see OzzFan i would have 100% agreed with everything you said 6 months ago. That's the way i have been all my life. Thats why i started carrying out my current research. I only changed my mind in light of the new evidence i have discovered.

I really wish i could blurt out exactly what i'm researching. I wish i could tell everyone now. Its very hard to know what i know and not tell the whole world. But i can't just yet because i need to compile proper scientific evidence before i go public. Until then, yes, i'm no better than any other fanatic who makes claims and has no evidence to back it up.

LOL.....As James Bond would say; I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you :)

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Message 1098505 - Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 19:29:30 UTC - in response to Message 1098457.  

Sorry, but there's no evidence in the "forgotten advanced civilization" theory. If there were any truth, we'd be finding all sorts of advanced weaponry, such as laser guns, or other advanced machinery buried, waiting to be rediscovered. The evidence would be irrefutable and astounding.

We've been digging, we've been exploring, and we've been researching. We constantly do this, and we constantly re-check our facts. The strongest, most likely theories are that we evolved from single-cell organisms into the complex being we are today because we've found tremendous amounts of evidence that points to that being true.

Until we find otherwise, any other theories are simply unproven, unsubstantial ideals that people want to fancifully believe because they cannot accept that our originations aren't so divine or extraordinary.

UFO theories, past ancient alien civilization theories, ghost stories haven't been largely ignored because no one will believe them. They are ignored because there's no substance and no evidence to them.

You see OzzFan i would have 100% agreed with everything you said 6 months ago. That's the way i have been all my life. Thats why i started carrying out my current research. I only changed my mind in light of the new evidence i have discovered.

I really wish i could blurt out exactly what i'm researching. I wish i could tell everyone now. Its very hard to know what i know and not tell the whole world. But i can't just yet because i need to compile proper scientific evidence before i go public. Until then, yes, i'm no better than any other fanatic who makes claims and has no evidence to back it up.

LOL.....As James Bond would say; I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you :)


And you see John, you sound exactly like I did when I used to tell people I had an out-of-body experience and met God, and this God told me the secrets to the universe and life. You seem to have that same rabid mentality of wanting to change the world, but you're afraid to provide what you have because you want to believe in it so bad that if anyone disproves it, you're going to label them as a non-believer; a skeptic; or simply that they don't understand and they don't get it.

As I said in the other thread, I'm sure the entire scientific community looks forward to reviewing your findings.
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Message 1098558 - Posted: 17 Apr 2011, 23:33:52 UTC - in response to Message 1098505.  
Last modified: 17 Apr 2011, 23:35:42 UTC

And you see John, you sound exactly like I did when I used to tell people I had an out-of-body experience and met God, and this God told me the secrets to the universe and life. You seem to have that same rabid mentality of wanting to change the world, but you're afraid to provide what you have because you want to believe in it so bad that if anyone disproves it, you're going to label them as a non-believer; a skeptic; or simply that they don't understand and they don't get it.

As I said in the other thread, I'm sure the entire scientific community looks forward to reviewing your findings.

The experience you had? Tell me, i will listen to you, i'm curious.

If you don't want to post it in a public message, PM the info to me. If you posted it in a message somewhere else, give me a link and i will read it. Or PM the link to me. I'm open minded enough to at least listen to anyone's story. I'm not going to judge you. But i will give you my opinion if you like.

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Message 1098563 - Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 0:34:55 UTC - in response to Message 1098312.  
Last modified: 18 Apr 2011, 0:45:11 UTC

Sorry, but there's no evidence in the "forgotten advanced civilization" theory. If there were any truth, we'd be finding all sorts of advanced weaponry, such as laser guns, or other advanced machinery buried, waiting to be rediscovered. The evidence would be irrefutable and astounding.

We've been digging, we've been exploring, and we've been researching. We constantly do this, and we constantly re-check our facts. The strongest, most likely theories are that we evolved from single-cell organisms into the complex being we are today because we've found tremendous amounts of evidence that points to that being true.

Until we find otherwise, any other theories are simply unproven, unsubstantial ideals that people want to fancifully believe because they cannot accept that our originations aren't so divine or extraordinary.

UFO theories, past ancient alien civilization theories, ghost stories haven't been largely ignored because no one will believe them. They are ignored because there's no substance and no evidence to them.

Sorry but you need to take into account the amounts of destructive things that have happened on earth, and the destructive things we don't even know about. Not to mention we still have no real "proof" of where we came from. Sure we have evidence, but none that is 100%. Yes we are digging and have been. That doesn't mean we are going to find anything. If you watch a good History Channel series called "Life After People" it explains how our civilization can be wiped out in an instant and how it can disappear, literally off the face of the earth within due time. There would be very little, if any tangible evidence of our existence. That said, we would only find small fragments of a former civilization. Just because we don't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. After all...we are all looking for ET here right? So far we have absolutely no evidence of an existence of ET...but does that mean they don't exist?
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible". Hebrews 11.3

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Message 1098596 - Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 3:16:06 UTC - in response to Message 1098558.  

The experience you had? Tell me, i will listen to you, i'm curious.

If you don't want to post it in a public message, PM the info to me. If you posted it in a message somewhere else, give me a link and i will read it. Or PM the link to me. I'm open minded enough to at least listen to anyone's story. I'm not going to judge you. But i will give you my opinion if you like.


You're missing the point. It never happened, but I wanted to believe it happened because I was very young, very lost, and very high. I've essentially told you everything already, there's nothing more to tell.
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